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9065031 No.9065031 [Reply] [Original]

Sup /lit/

Looking for recommendations on the best Noir Detective/PI novels/short stories.

Bonus points for Female MC.

>> No.9065250

Dashiell Hammett's 1930 novel, The Maltese Falcon.

>> No.9066561
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The Travis McGee series by John D. MacDonald is my fave.

>> No.9067481

>Bonus points for Female MC
Laura by Vera Caspary.

>> No.9068214
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I prefer The Thin Man myself. It's Hammett after he stopped giving a fuck. Hilarious hard-boiled language, drunk protagonists, and a nice digression about cannibalism. Good stuff.

Nora Charles is kind of a main character as well, which I guess OP is looking for..

>> No.9068224

>I was leaning against the bar in a speakeasy on Fifty-second Street, waiting for Nora to finish her Christmas shopping, when a girl got up from the table where she had been sitting with three other people and came over to me. She was small and blonde, and whether you looked at her face or at heir body in powder-blue sports clothes, the result was satisfactory.

>> No.9068233

look into James Ellroy's stuff

>> No.9069484
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>> No.9069495

what he said.

no other writer made me want to beat spics with phonebooks quite like ellroy

>> No.9069500

The big sleep

>> No.9069624

thirding based ellroy

>> No.9069663

The Long Goodbye

>> No.9070056

This so much.
One time I was chatting with the owner of a used bookstore and he gave me a copy of The Deep Blue Good-by.
It was far better than I expected, great novels

>> No.9070121

Raymond Chandler and then Ross Macdonald. Trust me on this.

>> No.9070134

What's the most cliched but still good detective noir novel out there? I love the "she walked into my office like a tall glass of water", murder in New York/LA cliche detective shit.

>> No.9070150

Billy Bathgate

>> No.9070236

See >>9068224

Thin Man is great.

>> No.9070498

I've read Killer On The Road and it was cringe-worthy crap. I hope his latter books are better.

>> No.9070505
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>> No.9070523


vetriano can suk my miniscule schlong

>> No.9070650

>Killer On The Road

Early minor Ellroy. Why would you start with this?

Try the LA Quartet instead.

>> No.9070772

nigger, i live in fife and still hate vetriano.

spic should've painted, blaaaargh

>> No.9070799
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Micky Spillane's Mike Hammer novels are pretty good.

>> No.9072259

OP here.

I live in Dundee, and have a burning hatred of Vetriano too.

I worked in an art gallery for a year and had to upsell prints of his garbage to old ladies and council office workers near 24/7

Talentless hack.

>> No.9072342

Loved Underworld USA. How are Ellroy's short stories? Was thinking of picking up Crime Wave before I got started on LA Quartet.

>> No.9072357

For an earlier example, I'd recommend The Thirty-Nine Steps by Buchan. Manages to be really thrilling and it's cool to see the origin of a lot of trends in more modern detective fiction. Quick read, too, and bonus points for good treatment of the Scottish landscape.

>> No.9072661

I was able to read an early copy of "Bully for You" by Dan Burley. One of the best books I've read in a while. It is currently up for pre order on Amazon, and comes out next Tuesday. It's a nice ride.

>> No.9072819

Nova Swing - M. John Harrison (Book 2 in a trilogy)
Do Androids dream of electric sheep? - Philip K. Dick
The Bridge Trilogy (Virtual light, Idoru, All tomorrow's parties) - William Gibson
Minority Report - Philip K. Dick

Scifi detective shit, get some TechNoir in your skull, son.

>> No.9072894

It's more hard boiled than noir, but after finding out that Wittgenstein loved The Doan and Carstairs novels by Norbert Davis I read those.

Would recommend.