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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 589 KB, 1000x542, nypl_2015_09_01_library_card-1000w.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9058507 No.9058507 [Reply] [Original]

Do you have a library card, /lit/?

>> No.9058534

It was the first thing I got when I moved city, have used it once in 6 months. It's good to have though as I'm running out of bought books and I'm poor af.

>> No.9058631

Banned for returning like 10 Grateful Dead cds late because I was traveling out of state. Somehow fitting

>> No.9058642

Yes. It's a piece of cardboard that has the number 530, and the signature of the only librarian in town, so she can ID me.
Books can be on hold for how long you like, but must be returned before the 24. December.
Joining is free one week per year. I abuse the shit outta the library.

>> No.9058652
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Yes, but I'm permanently banned from my library and I also owe them approximately £500 pounds, so now I just use it to chop up coke with.

>> No.9058678

I lost my card long ago. Librarian knows me already (hot bitch btw) so she allow me borrow with id alone

>> No.9058679

I only read ebooks.

>> No.9058765

It's pretty pointless in Brooklyn because the libraries almost exclusively cater to kids, middle aged cat ladies, new immigrants, and the homeless. And don't talk to me about the central library at grand army plaza. That place is a fucking travesty.

>> No.9058782

how did you manage to do that

>> No.9058827

I was sat in the library smoking a cigarette after just finishing Growth of the Soil. Half way through the fucking thing, just as its nootropic effects were about to kick in, some zit faced gimp approached me with his head down and informed me that I had to leave otherwise he'd call the police, as smoking wasn't "allowed". I told him to fuck off, he returned with his manager, I told her to fuck off, she returned with the police. Thus, banned for life.
I had more than 35 books loaned from the library at the time, and after the ordeal I decided to keep them as compensation for not being able to enjoy my chosen vice in peace.

>> No.9058871

I couldn't even imagine how hard it must be to find any book, considering the common ones must be checked out all the time.

>> No.9058875

They get extra copies of the books people check out more often.

>> No.9058891

You're that one shitposter who makes up stories about your "life" that almost sound real at first but get increasingly contrived as they go along aren't you?

>> No.9058974

I rarely post on this site, so no.
Believe it or don't, it doesn't matter either way, does it, cunt?

>> No.9059006

Yeah, no. You're definitely that fag.

>> No.9059067

>I said something so it must be true

>> No.9059245

Yeah, I use it mostly for overdrive. The selection is mostly trash but it's really convenient when a decent book pops up

>> No.9059265

For quite a while I was only reading books that I was hearing about online and got burnt out. Discussion online is very Burger-centric, even on here despite the >American literature meme. Joining the library and choosing what I read by just browsing the shelves has been very rewarding, and naturally it has lead me to explore more local literature.

>> No.9059275

>the irony in that post

>> No.9059286

>He thinks it wasn't intentional
Why are you even posting on /lit/, you retard? How low is your IQ?
You don't need to believe me, it doesn't matter does it? Dumb fuck.

>> No.9059306
File: 391 KB, 600x526, image_2017-01-07_14-17-34.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My library has mostly outdated study books and YA novels.

I have a pretty solid book budget so I'm building my private library.

>> No.9059310

>being that defensive about his wet dream stories

>> No.9059314

>Being so sensitive he thinks that's being defensive
Oh dear, bit of a snowflake, aren't you? Ta-ta

>> No.9059326

>keeps deflecting and being pointlessly defensive

>> No.9059353

Sensitive little man. You should try not to kill yourself over words on the internet.
I don't think you know what that means.
You claimed I was lying, then claimed I was "that one shitposter", how could you possibly verify this claim, matey? I don't think you can, can you?
You've got nothing, son.

>> No.9059406

>everyone who replies to me is the same person
>keeps falling for leddit-tier greentext bait
Newfags are fun.

>> No.9059425

Another claim you can't prove. Keep it up.

>> No.9059430

><h|tler> HOW THE FUCK CAN YOU TELL THAT I'M 13 BY LOOKING AT WHAT I'M WRITEING?????????????????????????????????????????????????????

>> No.9059444

>Getting blown the fuck out so hard all you can do is resort to name calling and "memes"
True sign of the plebeian

>> No.9059450

PSYCHOLOGICAL TEST RESULTS: The autism is SEVERE on this thread.

>> No.9059458

>Psychological test results
Based on at most a paragraph of text?
More "memes" then...
We're in the thread, not on it, get it?

>> No.9059476

>retard low iq dumb fuck snowflake kill yourself verify this claim matey prove on the internet le plebeian
>blown the fuck away

>> No.9059478

Are you seriously that mentally deficient or is this whole thread just one big pomo piece?

>> No.9059483

>t. Sensitive pseudo-intellectual nu-males

>> No.9059516

Brooklynite here. Go to the second floor. Everything you need is up there.

>> No.9060106

not yet but I will get one next week. will finish ulysses tomorrow and will borrow oresteia monday. i used to think the public library only had shit books, turns it has very good lit, including memes. only thing is that im not american and you can only find translated books there, so books in english i will buy second hand books/read in my pc.

>> No.9060112

#bookz is my library

>> No.9060307
File: 1.26 MB, 2592x1456, WP_20170204_003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bet you ain't never even seen one of these bad boys.

>> No.9060310
File: 1.20 MB, 1456x2592, WP_20170204_004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty high tech too.

>> No.9060718
File: 1.52 MB, 404x720, magic.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know what's worse than being a shitty writer?

>> No.9060729

I have three.

>> No.9060755

How deep does this rabbit hole go?

>> No.9062110
File: 157 KB, 786x748, economicliberalism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't Americans find libraries too socialist?

>> No.9062152


>It doesn't matter whether I make up stories to make myself interesting or if I actually am interesting

Retard detected

>> No.9062174


Generally not a problem unless you're exclusively interested in the latest YA novel that has been adapted into a movie.

>> No.9062180
File: 356 KB, 592x800, pepe h20.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't had one since the e-ink revolution. Libraries can't compete with the internet.

>> No.9062193

I don't like that all the records are digitised now, so you can't just open the book to see date stamps for each time it was checked out and think about the book's life.

>> No.9062214
File: 481 KB, 1836x3264, IMG_20170205_005014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welcome to Brazil, meu nego.

>> No.9062217

But you can get the same e-books for free, dingus

>> No.9062281

Fucking hell 32510. At it for three months and still had to go back once more.

>> No.9062350
File: 7 KB, 768x768, slsk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I already do.

>> No.9062419


IRC is where its at; only thing slsk is good for is finding /mu/ picks.

>> No.9062428

Slsk is also good at finding a lot of books. Rarely do I have to look beyond it.

>> No.9062438

>Making up stories
Oh, you mean like a writer? Lmao

>What is anonymity
Brain dead fuck