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9056374 No.9056374 [Reply] [Original]

>not being educated at a top tier liberal arts college

>> No.9056382

>Being educated
Think 4 urself

>> No.9056398

>having a chance in the job market

>> No.9056399

>implying that discussion based learning isn't the most independent thinking way for higher education

Enjoy your 100+ student lecture halls, friendo

>> No.9056403

>implying economics degrees aren't one of the most profitable degrees out there

>> No.9056404


>not going to a university employers have actually heard of


>> No.9056405

Will your university teach you how to read?

>> No.9056414

What's a liberal arts college? Don't link Wiki, I'm not some faggot who likes reading.

>> No.9056416

>paying 25 thousand American dollars per SEMESTER just to be an affirmative action virgin at a school whose most notable alumni is John Green

>> No.9056417

A college for liberal faggots who can't do science so they have to do art.

>> No.9056434

>inferring something that wasn't implied at all

>> No.9056435

But wikipedia tells me they also teach maths and natural sciences.

>> No.9056443

>liberal science college

>> No.9056461

This bothered me for a while but I now believe it to have been a boon for my intellectual development. Most of my friends who went to top-tier schools grew complacent, graduated, accepted cushy white-collar jobs, an are in the same mental state they were as undergrads. On the other hand, I, because of intellectual insecurity, strove to constantly challenge myself, to learn as much as I could, to never fall behind academic developments and pressing global conversations.

>> No.9056482

>tfw to smart too have good job

>> No.9056483

too much pressure for me.

>> No.9056493

>I don't know what liberal arts means

>> No.9056495

>liberal arts degrees have no job prospects
>economics degrees, some of the most profitable, are liberal arts degrees
>somehow doesn't see the contradiction

Thanks anon, this is my hope. I literally just got in so I'm pretty excited.

>> No.9056508

Liberal arts cucks can't into economics properly. You have to think like a physicist to git gud at economics.

You're ass is going to get torn in half when your humantitard brain see Lagrange multipliers for this first time.

>> No.9056517

Lol that's not what I meant. I'm looking for a cushy white-collar job myself, just haven't landed one yet since I took a year off from school/work (other than easy part-time stuff) to read and study.

Glad to have given you some peace of mind, friend.

>> No.9056525

>being this ignorant
You know that have literal math degrees at liberal arts colleges?

>> No.9056534

>he thinks economics is just financial maths
>he thinks Lagrangian is a difficult concept to grasp
Shouldn't you be on /sci/, champ?

>> No.9056556

Undergrad applications of calculus of variations are simple for intellectuals but not for Humaniturds

>> No.9056567

>tfw not rich enough to major in libarts and be a useless decadent retard my whole life
>tfw had to go for STEM and be smart

>> No.9056575

>missing the joke

>> No.9056576


>> No.9056579

>giving up your interests to pursue an office job solely because of the pay
have fun looking back at 40 and realizing you wasted your life

>> No.9056580

I don't know if you're actually retarded or just pretending to be. Either way it's probably wiser to read a nice book instead of pouring out your juvenile autism in shitposts, fampai.

>> No.9056586

>giving up on countless of opportunities solely to pursue your naive juvenile dreams
have fun looking forward to 40 where you're just as poor and angry

>> No.9056601

I wish I had known what I wanted to do when I was a senior in high school. Maybe I wouldn't have gone to a large public school and studied something I hated for two years before dropping out.

>> No.9056619

Yeah your definitely not very educated

>> No.9056630

>tfw not sure if irony or just an average burger

>> No.9056638

They're only arts degrees because they can't possibly be described as science.

It's purely a matter of nomenclature anyway. Oxford only offers BA's, even for hard sciences.

>> No.9056644
File: 12 KB, 258x245, laughing Pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there are people ITT who did NOT attend a t14 Arts and Humanities university.

>> No.9056650

It's "strived" you stupid European. Also burger is not an insult; burgers taste good.

>> No.9056668

>not going to trade school to learn a valuable skill then using the money and time it creates for you to earn degrees in the arts
Have fun making 20k a year less than me and hating your job

>> No.9056686



>> No.9056695

>trade school
>tfw you think it's the usual humanities/STEM banter when suddenly it's a plumber desperately trying to justify his shit life choices

>> No.9056702
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gotchu my mans

>> No.9056783
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>not going to research university that has a liberal arts curriculum

>> No.9056867

>construction manager making 90k a year managing a team and having fun working on a project
>it guy making 40k a year servicing housewives and spergs who cant sign into office365
pick one desu

>> No.9056869
File: 2.02 MB, 640x480, Laughing Patricians.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw a janitor starts bragging about being too stupid for university

>> No.9056881

i could never go to a uni that sounded like a brand of toothpaste desu

>> No.9056894
File: 7 KB, 215x234, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tfw the office coffee guy starts bragging about going 80k in debt for his worthless degree
I'll take an ice coffee and two bagels, please. Don't take too long, I have a meeting at 8.

>> No.9056897

>making less than six figures in IT
Maybe if you've got mental capacities of a construction manager. Also
>construction manager
>having fun working

>> No.9056934

There's two extremes of an interesting job with low pay and a boring job with high pay. Rarely people manage to find something interesting and well-paid. You on the other hand are bragging about a boring job with a mediocre pay, so I don't see any reason to post smug anime girls, fampai.

>> No.9056944

literally me: the post

>> No.9056950

Just how smart are you?

>> No.9056955

smart, all to smart

>> No.9056965

>to smart too not check em

>> No.9056975

>submitting yourself to ZOG's brainwash machine

>> No.9057544

Nice job senpai

>> No.9057558

Economics is like pure maths

>> No.9057573

That's like science is pure maths, which is to say, not really.

Math, in economics, is just a useful tool, like any other.

I have heard that it becomes extremely quantitative at the graduate level, though.

>> No.9057581

i got into the second round of Deep Springs and am currently awaiting acceptance/denial ask me anything

>> No.9057585

What kind of moron goes to 'college'?

>> No.9057615

But I go to Middlebury

>> No.9057668


>> No.9057673

jesus christ what motivated you to do that

>> No.9057674

Nearly every notable intellectual since the Renaissance.

>> No.9057700

>What kind of moron goes to 'college'?
An American.

>> No.9057706

A college is a glorified trades school.

>> No.9057708

if u get in im jealous as fuck
didnt know that shit existed when i was applying to colleges
im sure its by design

college is a 'university' that only confers up to a bachelors degree you eurofag

>> No.9057713

I'm not European.

I'm at a university right now that only has an undergrad program.

>> No.9057778

>Watch youtube video
>Post about it on 4chan
>Chicken nugget break

Checkmate unicuck.

>> No.9057820

How is it?

What's it called? I'm not sure I believe you.

>> No.9057891
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>top tier

>> No.9057949


>> No.9057959

then its improperly named