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/lit/ - Literature

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9055238 No.9055238 [Reply] [Original]

Stack thread/recent purchases.

Show us what you got.

>> No.9055246

dunno whether to be impressed by the Basho or disgusted at an abridged tale of genji.

>> No.9055252

why did buddhism change so much from the orignal pali cannon?

>> No.9055260

>weeb buys books he'll never read to provide a backdrop for the anime figures on his shelf

>> No.9055268


Fuck, I seriously didn't know that was an abridged version.

Do you think it'll be fine or not even worth bothering with?

>> No.9055282

Because it has been in constant (mostly) peaceful competition with several other religions and schools of philosophy, and has therefore been forced to adapt itself. Same reason Hinduism has changed so much from the Rg Veda.

>> No.9055309
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Stack beside my bed. I finished A Farewell to Arms last night and am already reading A Long Strange Trip. I want a smaller book to read tho and was maybe planning on reading either Dr. Bloodmoney or A Wrinkle In Time. The Ellison is there just to pick through at my leisure.

>> No.9055344


How much did that stack cost?

>> No.9055361
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Top 2 are recent purchases. Bottom two I left at my parents house that I'm currently visiting.

>> No.9055365

I'll figure it out just for kicks. All the price stickers should still be on em.

>A Farewell to Arms
>A Wrinkle In Time
>Dr. Bloodmoney
>Ellison Wonderland
>A Long Strange Trip

You add em up nigga.

>> No.9055445

Because Indian Buddhism demanded a lot that Confucians could not deliver, such as the renunciation of the family.

>> No.9055463

How interested overall are you in Jlit? If you manage to get through all of Heike without being bored, you could re-buy and read Genji. But imo an abridged version is fine for the casual reader.

>> No.9055558
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>> No.9055580
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Currently reading, missing fagles's Iliad

>> No.9055655
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>> No.9055689

ah nice are these your dads

>> No.9055745
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Those all look like terribly written and uninteresting books only there to reinforce your political beliefs desu.

>> No.9055749

No, I just went through a cringe neo con phase when I was a sophmore.

>> No.9055855


I feel you, I actually went through a Neo-Nazi phase when I was younger. Way before this whole alt-right thing came about.

>> No.9055883

You've got to be kidding me. You're going to read months of Newt Gingrich?

>> No.9056039

I read some Death Note side-story by him a while back. I'll re-read it now actually, see if it's still any good

>> No.9056263



I've watched a bit of his Anime adaptations but I wasn't terribly impressed.

Are his novels good?

>> No.9056270


Shit linked the wrong comment.

>> No.9056312

Kizumonogatari felt better than Bakemonogatari in a lot of ways because the latter relied a lot on the banter dialogue (which at some times really is funny). He has a few cutesy little meta moments too, like a character speaking with an underline and the character replying pointing out the underlines.

I'm a fan of the anime so I can't really say that you would like the novels without lying.

>> No.9056349


I mean for me the greatest part was the banter between our lead and his purple haired girlfriend but what I didn't like was the side stories.

>> No.9056377

Bakemonogatari Part 1 would probably interest you then. The first section is almost all banter between those two.

>> No.9056383
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Not a bad haul from mckays the other day. Went again today and got the gulag archipelago for a nickle. Gonna miss that store when i head home tomorrow. Also picked up some shadowrun novels i didn't already have and star maker for 2$ each. Dont have a pic of those since i left them in the truck for the trip home.

The bible is a third edition that was bought as a gift for me. There is a forth edition out now. Are the changes enough that i should go ahead and get the new edition?

>> No.9056396
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moby dick literally just arrived

not the prettiest edition, its pretty small and so is the font-size but it is cheap as fuck so overall its ok

>> No.9056506

hey, first time seeing volumes of 'britannica great books' here. see >>9056396

>> No.9056574
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That herodotus was on the shelf but i already own the landmark and norton critical editions so i didnt pick it up.

I recently received a new copy of moby dick also! Was about a month ago but whatever. Haven't gotten to it yet but it's next on the list after roadside picnic.

>> No.9056608
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Recent purchases

>> No.9057103


Lots of people buying 1984 lately.

What made you buy it anon?

>> No.9057113

That's a big Dick.

>> No.9057119

Saw it in the bookstore for cheap and I liked animal farm so I decided to get it.

>> No.9057209
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>> No.9057231

have you read a brave new world?

>> No.9057239

I haven't, is it good?

>> No.9057240

I hope you have at least a hundred political books in your collection already to justify that much Gingrich

>> No.9057261

It completely pneumatic

>> No.9057287

the think 1984 but oppression though what we like

>> No.9057294

pneumatic makes no sense

>> No.9057299

The cover makes it seem like an epic adventure book.

>> No.9057345

By Ford and the great Model-T, just read the book, it's full of pneumatic freemartins doing orgy-porgys with soma.

>> No.9057375
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Ausfag coming through

Anyone else here go to the Lifeline book fair in Chatswood today?

>> No.9057536
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found 100 bucks on the ground today. What books should i buy /lit/?

>> No.9057556

I've actually heard the 3rd edition is better. I have the 4th and I think it's just fine.

>> No.9057557

Jordan Peterson

>> No.9057677

1984, apparently.

>> No.9057739

5 editions of Dante's Divine Comedy

>> No.9058089

You should buy a PKD lot off of Ebay.

>> No.9058114

Post book shelf so we know what you have already

>> No.9058120

this is a very sexy stack, im a fan.

>> No.9058138

>stack not upside down

>> No.9058145

lel my little sister got the one on the right from her school library

>> No.9058490 [DELETED] 
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Wrapping up Dio this weekend, still waiting on a few more loebs in the mail. Gonna read the Finley book before rereading Homer, and Xenophon before moving from Plato to Aristotle.

>> No.9058496
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Wrapping up Dio this weekend, still waiting on a few more loebs in the mail. Gonna read the Finley book before rereading Homer, and Xenophon before moving from Plato to Aristotle.

>> No.9058612

haven't really read much in the past year for reasons
i picked up mishima's the sailor who fell from grace with the sea and am enjoying that shit so far

>> No.9058738

Good choice Anon... Good choice
Cassius Dio and Herodian deserve some love.
(How much did you spent for every Dio's book?)

>> No.9058777
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Kind of interested in Stoicism at the moment.

>> No.9059282

you fell for the infinite jest meme lol

>> No.9059287
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Damn, they look so nice.

>> No.9059523


Blood meridian.

>> No.9059803

Thanks anon. The loebs are $26 each, but I recently started only buying them during the (roughly monthly) 20% off sales from barnes & noble. It's the biggest set of loebs I bought one book at a time, and I was so broke that it's been almost a year since I read the first four volumes.


Very cool.

>> No.9059809

Epictetus is best

>> No.9060379



>> No.9060602
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Very nice stack anon.

Last book in mine is Les Héritiers by Bourdieu.

>> No.9061191
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>French literature

>> No.9061205

>actually got IG

>> No.9061436

that's the best English edition of the heike, well done. very extensive historical intro and footnotes.

>> No.9061468

Before I even really knew what Stoicism was all about I had always practiced a similar mindset. Not as extreme, but quite similar. Epictetus has put into words thing I have always felt which has been amazing.

I really believe this is one of the most important books I've read in my life so far.

>> No.9061821 [DELETED] 
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8 bucks at thrift store

>> No.9061839
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>purchasing novels that are rated below 4 stars on goodreads

why waste your money?

>> No.9062127
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>Basing your purchases on goodreads ratings.

>> No.9062198

Thank you

>> No.9062201

Yeah, i have a daughter and got it for her

>> No.9062413

That's like basing your art taste on DeviantArt

>> No.9062772

Read Borges' poems. Beautifully crafted shit there, son.

>> No.9062813

Where'd you get the Arion Press copy? (and for how much?)

>> No.9062936

Of all the conservative authors out there, I can't fathom why anyone would want to read Newt Gingerich. Please explain.

>> No.9064424

>all that borges and rabelais
i cume

>> No.9064567

Those Great Book copies of Decline and Fall aren't really for reading, they're for reference with the syntopicon.

Grab a paperback to read that one, it won't be torture.

>> No.9064764
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>> No.9064932

thanks for letting me know.

>> No.9065030

I've read it twice & enjoyed it. But then again, I was addicted to painkillers for 3 years prior to my first read.

>> No.9065225



>> No.9065331
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astrally projecting

>> No.9065345

Ridiculous stack. Please come back when you decide to read something worthy.

>> No.9065444


>> No.9065518

ruben dario
hope ur cute

>> No.9067087

that pillow book is abridged right?

>> No.9067604
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>> No.9067634
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Halp pls

>> No.9067645

Tasmania had a Wild West?

>> No.9067716

The entire West of the island is uninhabited, undeveloped, natural wilderness. There is only national parks, abandoned mines, and almost abandoned towns like Queenstown and Zeehan.

>> No.9068818


Not enough John Green.

>> No.9068849

Awful collection. Couldn't find anything with literary value.

>> No.9070020

Wolfe, Banks, Bester, Graves?

>> No.9071063

I hope so too, anon-kun.
I'm not displeasing at least

>> No.9071075

Tbh, that Faust and GR are at least 20 years older than I am

>> No.9071096

Isabel Allende and Wolfe

>> No.9072422

Bump for this weeb machine.

>> No.9072425

I came.