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/lit/ - Literature

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9054193 No.9054193 [Reply] [Original]

Post your favorite book and anons rate it.

>> No.9054253

i like it

>> No.9054260

This book really fucking starts to drag after a while.

>> No.9054264
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>> No.9054271

My favorite book would have to be a three way tie between Ulysses, Gravitys Rainbow, and Infinite Jest, although I haven't read any of them.

>> No.9054278

I second this.

>> No.9054279


>> No.9054283

this but unironically

>> No.9054284
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I loved the Book of Disquiet actually, i really holds a special place for me. It one of my favorite books ever, but pic related still takes first place for me.

It's a close call between this and Moby Dick for me.

>> No.9054338

Yeah, I don't think it should be read in one go, and even when read with intermissions it hardly seemed a masterpiece to me.

>> No.9054341
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>> No.9054365
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>minha cara quando vocês nunca vão ler esse livro em Português

>> No.9054369
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Mas eu sou português, anon.

>> No.9054377
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>minha cara quando eu não vo le mesmo falando português

>> No.9054389

Tampouco é necessário que o façam, troll.

>> No.9055109

>Ilya Ilf
What? What happened to the second part of the duo?

>> No.9055118
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>> No.9055142

I actually did read them.


>> No.9055158

Closet Hot Topic aficionado.

Just an all-around wanker.

Gauche pleb with literary pretensions.

Unapologetic moralist cuck.

Degenerate Rusophile who wouldn't mind being pounded in the pooter by Putin.

>> No.9055161

The fourth one was supposed to say slave moralist cuck.

>> No.9055547

Is this book similar to The Notebooks of Malte Laurids Brigge and Beckett's Trilogy?

>> No.9055724

Nothing just a bad cover.

>> No.9056019

A tie between Storm of Steel, Red Badge of Courage and Anna Karenina.

>> No.9056031
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>> No.9056041

One of my absolute favorite books. I've never found poetry enjoyable, but this book is what I tell people I read when I say I like poetry and I have no embarrassment for that.

>> No.9056407


I liked the gist of the book, but I couldn't find the humor that everyone said it had. Maybe I'm American and don't really understand Russian Humor.

I discovered this book through an Ariya song called "Blood for Blood"

>> No.9056410
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>> No.9056432

You have to be at least somewhat acquainted with way of life in USSR and it's quirks to get a lot of humor in it. Plus the inevitable translation toll.

Just learn some Russian, fampai. Anglo chicks dig it.

>> No.9056436


I taught myself Russian senpai.
started when I was 14.

>> No.9056450

Toгдa чтo ты нe пoнял y Бyлгaкoвa? Итc пpити бэйcик щит, тoвapищ.

>> No.9056465

8 or 9

>> No.9056500


It was a long time since I read it. I was around 18 when I read it. I think it was the translation I read could be a factor.

>> No.9057262
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>> No.9057301


This is the only book I have ever actually thrown away, into a trashcan, and it happened two thirds of the way through that stupid fucking chapter about the monk.

I refuse to ever get near this horrid piece of shit again. First I have to sit through some beta-cunt Aloysha desu diary of which he won't SHUT THE FUCK UP. Then a goddamn 100 page sprawl about some useless fucking monk.


>> No.9057310
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I'm not sure if this bait but if it isn't you might be too fucking stupid for literature.