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/lit/ - Literature

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9052860 No.9052860 [Reply] [Original]

but...I thought...I thought....only teenage girls did this YA booktuber shit.....


>> No.9052959
File: 2.15 MB, 1182x843, booktube.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


why watch booktube when you could read? seems a bit silly


>> No.9052974

>he's a flamer

Completely unforseen turn of events.

>> No.9052982

Why do I always think it's satire for the first minute? It's never satire.

>> No.9052989

im sorry, i took a misleading screencap

>> No.9053129

Because, and this may come as a shock to you, booktubers don't ACTUALLY read books, they just buy them because they like the look of the cover and to fit into the pseud circlejerk community because it's the only thing they can identify with that makes them feel a little niche and special

>> No.9053135

Replace booktuber with "stack thread posters and it still works.

>> No.9053166
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>> No.9053236

I thought that only little girls watched my little pony

>> No.9053254
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Never forget.

>> No.9053899

Newfag here. How grim is this in /lit/ history?

>> No.9053913

da worse

>> No.9053916


Why most of the male booktubers are fucking homos?

>> No.9053917

just look at that shelf



>> No.9053922
File: 67 KB, 400x378, 1359850136290.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That's. . .that's pretty gay

>> No.9054109

>be 50
>act like a 14yo youtuber
>proceed to review bestselling trash targeted to teenagers

I may be a bit too harsh, but if I were him a single moment of clarity would be enough to justify committing suicide.

>> No.9054213

Reasons I decided to read a book:
2) Book is turning into a movie

...that's it. :)

>> No.9054227

ever hear of a Brony?

>> No.9054266

Holy shit I'm in tears. This guy is fucking crazy

>> No.9054330

The audience don't want to watch a fucking white male. So ou have to not only be gay, but obviously gay.

>> No.9054366

>a single moment of clarity would be enough to justify committing suicide
This is true for everyone though

>> No.9054448

Eh, we think that we've got it easier than le 50yo effeminate teenager-ish pseud who reviews children books on the internet.

>> No.9054456

many booktubers have books sent to them by publishers

reminder that booktubers are a marketing branch of the publishing industry, go back to reading classics

>> No.9054622


jesus christ these people...

>> No.9055917

At least he doesn't have a bookshelf in the background
that's the only positive thing that I can say about him though

>> No.9056558

probably the worst thing any 4chan board has ever done

>> No.9056578
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>> No.9056588


>> No.9056606
File: 44 KB, 640x560, Froggish Character 86.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh well way to go, you made me feel bad for this gay. thank you, really needed this

>> No.9056624
File: 8 KB, 200x137, 1323192920822.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am fucking dieing over here.

>> No.9056637

Mom was patrish

>> No.9056656

Most booktubers are not teenage girls but adult women who have not matured.

>> No.9056719

>lgbt communities are still marginalized..its 2017

no they aren't

>> No.9056727

factually incorrect. islamic countries and all that

plus 41%(last i remember, i could pull up statistics if you find this unbelievable) of islamic americans are cool with sharia law, so that would be further abuse

>> No.9056729

it's the worst

>> No.9056737

He's clearly not caring about the Middle East. I'm sure he means where he lives.

>> No.9056747

well even then that last statistic deals with american muslims. so regardless, there is a distaste for the LGBT community within america. not saying this guy personally is oppressed, just saying it is a thing

>> No.9056758

yes there exists contempt in pockets, but they aren't completely marginalized.

>> No.9056764

We could definitely agree upon this point, i dont think that homosexuals are as a collective completely marginalized. but to say that there is no marginalization of homosexuals in 2017 is wrong

>> No.9056774
File: 103 KB, 700x700, fdddd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2:59 adult fiction terrified me

goddamit, these people and their hugboxes

>> No.9056781

Eyy the bald mank

>> No.9056786

quickly, shame him. shame him harshly.

>> No.9056941
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My jaw dropped when i heard that.

>> No.9056957
File: 9 KB, 615x456, 1436108753810.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she only talks about how popular the books were
>she mentions nothing of the content
>books all in perfect condition
I wonder if she even reads

>> No.9057071

Why gay people talk like retards?? Like thats totally not his natural voice

>> No.9057081

Someone need to BLACKED him

>> No.9057092

Hes probably just a pedo trying to get some underage pussy

>> No.9057568
File: 157 KB, 1533x961, Froggish Character 92.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>unable to infer that it is a gay man
nigger what

>> No.9057837

the woman reader with 20~40k views


>> No.9057863


To signal to other gay men that they are gay. They would never find partners if they acted like normal people.

>> No.9057978
File: 53 KB, 571x448, Froggish Character 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


she organizes her books by colour

>> No.9057988

did nobody archive her videos?

>> No.9058238
File: 37 KB, 720x287, IMG_20170204_091325.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9058694

Damn, what if grindr kills the gay voice

>> No.9058702

This incident literally made me start archiving booktuber videos

I have the whole video list of over 5 girls saved on my HDD

>> No.9058707

Exhibits A, B, C, D & E.

>> No.9058710

Fortunately for you people seem to conveniently forget about islamic countries in relation to social progression

>> No.9058719
File: 15 KB, 558x76, the fault in our stars.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9058722
File: 109 KB, 1200x1200, 1482508236019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm 99% sure that he is clinically depressed and suicidal, and his therapist is forcing him these kind of habits (be positive! share your passions on the internet!).

>> No.9059062

>58 posts
>no Bookchemist

>> No.9059072

>tfw I would give him 5 seconds of silence because he is actually studying AMERICAN literature

pleb spotted

>> No.9059094

What's most telling is that even in trolling /lit/ manages to show how little they know about literature. Dostoevsky and Lermontov recommended over Great Expectations is precisely what's wrong with this board. No different than Vonnegut fans reading literature as a gussied-up projection of ones own self.

Dickens is the single greatest prose stylist in the English language. Even Joyce, the only other conceivable contender for that honor, placed Dickens at the apex (Oxen of the Sun).

Know why Pynchon writes such wild bullshit? Because Dickens already took all the good jokes.

>> No.9059096
File: 40 KB, 460x503, 1372409972776.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i'm not really anti-gay in any way but it's exhausting to listen to really gay dudes talk for any length of time.

>> No.9059130

Dickens was the John Green of his time, a pleb who wrote for plebs.

>> No.9059132

The reference is telling.

>> No.9059429

Fag here I've had a lisp (not a gay perse, but just general) since birth and its been detremental. I severely detest the fem community, they are complete attention whores and absolute bores, vapid in every aspect. If you tell a guy you aren't into fems you'll be ridiculed and regarded as a self-hating gay. And its all under the guise of "being yourself", look you can bang dudes all you want, once they put that into their personality it's aggravating.

>> No.9059514

I know its a pretty tired subject, but I really hate the super progressive, aggressively tolerant people that have gone so far with tolerance that it's become intolerance.
It's like a fucking joke from some dystopian novel.

>> No.9060260

looking through some of these videos and they all have massive bookcases, which are completely packed
and yet none give off the impression that they actually read anything, and they buy like 30 books a month

>> No.9060319


I read that it's to mock society's hatred, i.e., give them what they want.

>> No.9060535

I think you mean persay >>9058238

>> No.9060600


>I like big books because I'm a big person

For you.

>> No.9060621

Remember that time I made that bloodmeme review for you guys and you all told me to kill myself hahaha that was a funny day.

>> No.9060996

Yeah how these people have so many books always fucking astonishes me

>> No.9061117


It doesn't take very long to read a YA novel. You can read one in a couple hours. . .not that I'd know haha

>> No.9061144

>YA fiction
It's very light stuff and it's not unbelievable to think they've read since they were young. Reading that stuff doesn't make you appear well-read because it doesn't teach you anything or makes ya think. It's just entertainment.

>> No.9061387

>top 10 books to read in your lifetime
>great gatsby
>book thief
>hunger games
>Fahrenheit 451
>harry potter

holy shit what a terrible list

>> No.9061434

it can be spelled either way