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9052406 No.9052406 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw no weirdo poetic gf
any books on this feel? also where to meet /lit/ women?

>> No.9052410

my diary desu / in dreams

>> No.9052412


>> No.9052445 [DELETED] 

>here to meet /lit/ women

>> No.9052463


>> No.9052478

lots of weirdo poetic girls out there op
though almost all of them mostly read YA garbage

>> No.9052487

Then they aren't really poetic

>> No.9052515

OP here, this.

>> No.9052518

the opera

>> No.9052620

ask a guy who is dating a weirdo poet gf anything. she is cute and hot as fuck, btw.

>> No.9052702

the OP question, obviously: where did you meet?

>> No.9052710



>> No.9052713
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Do you find that you fight with her often/she fights with you often? Or are you both too nervous to raise any contentions about each other because of this specific connection you have? Heading into the second week of a relationship that's similar, holding out hope that things go well for you and yours.

>> No.9052716

is that the pigeon girl?

>> No.9052733

we met while i was in my MFA program. went to a top school. she was undergrad. we met at a bar during a reading. the readers were shit, beginning of first year, so I didn't know anyone. sat at the bar alone with my drink, notice this chick next to me. cute, blonde, with intense, quiet vibe. thought she was in MFA program too, but turned out to be an undergrad who liked to crash graduate readings to see if anything good was read. We made kinda awkward small talk for a bit and then she left abruptly. I thought she was maybe a little put off or something, but it turned out she had just been nervous talking to me because she had seen me before and already had a crush on me. It was super cute honestly.

>> No.9052745


The Bible. In a church.

>> No.9052755

we fight a lot yeah. about typical relationship stuff. we're both strongly opinionated people and both value our alone time a lot, so that causes a lot of fights. she is also definitely jealous/insecure about herself sometimes, and at the same time she is very strong willed and smart and manic, so she can be a huge bitch during our fights. we clash a lot, and it has definitely made staying in the relationship extremely hard sometimes. i often ask myself when things are bad, "why the hell am I doing this? why am I putting up with this? I've had way better/more peaceful relationships in the past..."

ultimately though, we understand each other really well, and the connection we both have as people trying to do something great with their art, and the fact that we both practice poetry, is a huge factor in why we are together. When she and I are both happy, we are really happy, happier than I've been with previous girlfriends. She is one of my first readers, and I respect her skill and her critical eye immensely. Keeps me on my toes and can talk intensely and intelligently about the same authors I'm into. And she is hella cute, so that helps.

But yeah. Not the most easy-going, peaceful relationship I've had.

>> No.9052764
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they are everywhere

>> No.9052767


>where to meet /lit/ women?

at MFA program or by moving to a Lit city and falling in with the local lit crowd (San Francisco, Berkeley/Oakland, New York, Seattle, Portland Oregon, are a few).

>> No.9052769
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>also where to meet /lit/ women?


Don't be a fucking creeper. Just go to like writers group things and try not to be an MRA douche.

Also, dating apps.

>> No.9052796

Anyone else here infatuated with these people but very quickly irritated by them, also self loathing

>> No.9052797

>old hags
fuck off

>> No.9052806



>> No.9052829
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>earring is suspicious af
>fugly so i suspect it was a diy
>weirdly bland, which i wouldn't expect from an edge master like her
>makes me question the material since i'm sure she HAD to do something "progressive" if she did it herselfe

>mfw it's probably dried and rolled up cum from her last "sexually liberating" gangbang

>> No.9052977

hadn't considered this before, but it would be pretty nice to have a gf really into poetry

>> No.9052983

It would be pretty nice to have a gf

>> No.9053009

I once dated a girl like this. She was really into that expansive, world-building sort of fantasy writing. She had this insanely detailed universe that she'd been creating her entire life, none of it written down, just all in her head. It was great. I'd just ask her to explain some minute plot point and she'd talk endlessly for like an hour. Took the pressure off me. Only problem was responding because a lot of what she said didn't make sense.

>> No.9053050
File: 101 KB, 1000x563, Aymeline Valade YSL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>like to browse lit sometimes
>dont read as much
>last book I read was Confederacy of Dunces

anyway I almost dated a girl that was into poetry but she broke my heart.

She lives in California, I live in Connecticut.

visited her twice then she broke it off.

really makes you think

pic not related

>> No.9053163

thats literaly what ive been trying

young people just dont go to church anymore unless theyre inbred. it sucks.

>> No.9053177

Go to grad school in the humanities (which you should be doing anyway) and flirt with your students. Extra plus it establishes your authority position from day 1. Extra extra plus if you go to a good enough grad school and she's undergrad she's likely from money and can comfy your life up.

>> No.9053178


Oh shit I think it is. I wrote a very bad poem about her, but those images are so compelling that I think a good one might be written.

>> No.9053184

nice dubs
probably should have done this t bh

>> No.9053202

I met mine on tinder

>> No.9053219
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I like her

>> No.9053223

I started dating a guy i thought was /lit/ then he showed me some poems he wrote about me and they were horrible horrible

>> No.9053228

hey what town
>>dont read as much
oh nevermind

>> No.9053238
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I just want someone whose perfect body I can touch with my mind

>> No.9053249

>tfw no gf at all.

>> No.9053251


Y-You can write abominable poems and still be fundamentally /lit/ - r-right? Perhaps you are only honing your skills. This is what I tell myself to get to sleep, anyways.

>> No.9053280

>tfw religious but seriously attracted to obviously damaged girls like this

its not even a savior complex, it just seems like theres actually something going on in their heads...

>> No.9053304
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>>tfw no weirdo poetic gf

I just want a stable normie girl. I don't want to deal with a female version of me. No, thank you.

>> No.9053307

get a practice gf

>> No.9053333


I think that you are very wrong-headed in your interpretations, but then that comes as no surprise because you are religious. For one thing, I see no reason to think that that girl is "obviously damaged," but then you are blinded by the gleam of the ciborium, so of course you cannot comprehend simple austere and yet most worldly pleasure of feeding pigeons on a breezy day. For another, I find actually that what makes that image so attractive is a delectable vacancy in her expression. The less that a woman is burdened with thought, the more beautiful she becomes. Or better, her beauty becomes synonymous with her thought, as is the case with an excellent dancer. Helen was certainly also a kind of artist and philosopher, as Yeats has proven. This is true of men also, but I am ambivalent about thoughtless men because of other considerations. For one thing, a thoughtless man, or a man whose thought is the same as his beauty-in-action, is a most dangerous thing, and is likely to become either a criminal or a leader who has grand successes at first but afterwards brings a catastrophe on his followers. But perhaps this should come as no surprise: women simply tend to be better than men, regardless of how much thinking they do.

>> No.9053338
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>we met while i was in my MFA program

>> No.9053341


THE simple and austere and yet most worldly pleasure*

Also, it seems that your God has confirmed my philosophy by granting me quads.

>> No.9053348

there are scars on her wrist bro, adjacent to a razor blade tattoo at that

>> No.9053355


Pigeon's talons are sharp, you know, and it's not clear to me that the tattoo is supposed to be a razor blade. If it is, that is certainly in bad taste, and so you see my theory is still borne out: she is burdened by malicious thoughts, and therefore that has become manifest as a grotesque tattoo, as if through a natural process.

>> No.9053358


>For one thing, I see no reason to think that that girl is "obviously damaged,"

Are you blind? Look at those arms.

>> No.9053365
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>Pigeon's talons are sharp, you know

Oh okay this is just cheeky boy fun time. Ya got me.

>> No.9053367

on the real tho i cant believe girls still cut themselves

i thought that was for 00's teens

>> No.9053380

/lit/ grill here i met my bf on /vg/
were 2 years into our long distance but we visit each other every 3 months or so. its going v well happiest weve been kinda meme

but sometimes i wish hes more lit so we can read smth and analyze it tgt, come up with stupid theories and write each other shitty poems and cringe about it but im happy so im not complaining

also, yea p much been said but theres plenty of smart lit qts in my classes

>> No.9053389
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Ah, no! you must not bother me with such mundanities, anyway: it is a superb image, and that is enough. Do none here know me or my way of thinking? I must rejoice beyond the confines of time, though the world be repelled by my joy, and in its coarseness know not what I mean.


I am not aware of there ever having been any other time.

>> No.9053395

That's pretty cute desu

>> No.9053418

you don't want to meet /lit/ women

they're so hopped up on ideology they don't know how to be people anymore.

>> No.9053577
File: 16 KB, 620x374, People_are_being_mean_by_making_mashups_of_sad_Ben_Affleck_s_reaction_to_Batman_v_Superman_reviews.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw attacted to damaged girls because you yourself are also damaged

>> No.9053614

where do i meet girls like this when i'm out of school and live in suburbia?

>> No.9053638

Nigga, you might have a case of the 'tism.

>> No.9053646

where in ct bro?

>> No.9053677

You're not damaged. You're just really lame and unlikable.

>> No.9053698

how can you kill that which is already dead.

>> No.9053714


tinder cuties from art schools nearby do not swipe me, I only do well in metropolises

>> No.9053737

important question, did you break up with him for that?

currently dating a girl that knows Im a writer
want toshow her a poem i wrote about her but i suck and Im afraid shell leave me

>> No.9053753

get a job at a bookstore, thats what i did but only a couple of other guys and a middle age woman work there.

>> No.9053762

>implying those things are mutually exclusive

>> No.9053763

>any books on this feel?
I don't know

>also where to meet /lit/ women?

A large city

Cafes and book stores.

Preferably all three together.

My cute younger coworker (I work at a cafe, so yes, book stores and cafes) just opened up to me that she is a budding poet and likes to read poetry. I haven't read poetry in a while and I don't know if I should go for her.

>> No.9053775
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99% of girls of any literary inclination 18-30 years of age are cultural marxists. They gorge themselves on books by blacks and women about blacks and women. College has made me much more receptive of those who satisfy themselves with the mild evils of YA instead.

>> No.9053776

like attracts like
there's a reason chads consider girls like this weird and wouldn't do anything with them besides fuck them once or twice.

but damn I think she's hot too :^)

>> No.9053783
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post one that shows her ears

all of you will swiftly be repelled

pigeon girl is a degenerate

>> No.9053798
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i don't attract anyone

>> No.9053823
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>MFA program

>> No.9053827

I don't want a writer gf, I want someone who is different from me

are you gay?

>> No.9053835

this slaps so hard anon

holy fuck its an hour long?? OMGGG

>Go to grad school in the humanities
nothing could be worth this

that was hot until you revealed you were an adulteress

>> No.9053836

>thinking girls that take pictures like this don't realize they look cute&deep and arent just doing it for the attention that accompanies that combination

all girls that take pics like these are shallow and retarded

>> No.9053846

sounds like some kind of sleeper autism

>> No.9053858

This. You don't want a "poetic" gf. None of you guys really want someone like you.

>> No.9053866

>giant stretched oogabooga ears

>> No.9053867
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Please don't make threads like this. I come here to shitpost, not feel lonely.

>> No.9053868


>> No.9053877
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>she'd talk endlessly for like an hour
>for like an hour

>> No.9054183

That's because there's no one quite like you!

>> No.9054215

lierally dont care

>> No.9054291
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>tfw too much of an arrogant twat to put any effort into joining the dating game and meeting people

>> No.9054433

dude's never had a real conversation that spans over several hours. give him a break bro

>> No.9054626

sick dubs

>> No.9054851

Ask her out. pussy does wonders for the mind and spirit.

>> No.9054910

dont do it, its hard as shit to get one that isnt bipolar or borderline, and the ones that are sound minded are way out of your league.
Had two bp wifes and a bunch of lovers , all film makers and writers and working in the business ive only met a couple of wife material girls.

>> No.9054916

whats there to think?
Shes an artsie whore and you are a country bore.

>> No.9055220

lot of truth to this.