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/lit/ - Literature

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9051991 No.9051991 [Reply] [Original]


>runner up
The Dead

After the Race

A Painful Case

Ivy Day in the Committee Room

>> No.9052003

An Encounter

>runner up
The Dead


I have no idea how any of them except The Dead are rated.

>> No.9052007

The best is Eveline
Followed by the Dead

>> No.9052014

Best is the dead imotbh

>> No.9052023

The Dead

>runner up
A Painful Case

Ivy Day in the Committee Room
(dis)honerable mention: Counterparts


The Boarding House

>> No.9052024


thank u for partaking in our study. u r all fags

>> No.9052036

who on earth doesn't like Araby

>> No.9052098

No mention of A Little Cloud? It is objectively the best story.

>He turned often from his tiresome writing to gaze out of the office window. The glow of a late autumn sunset covered the grass plots and walks. It cast a shower of kindly golden dust on the untidy nurses and decrepit old men who drowsed on the benches; it flickered upon all the moving figures - on the children who ran screaming along the gravel paths and on everyone who passed through the gardens. He watched the scene and thought of life; and (as always happened when he thought of life) he became sad. A gentle melancholy took possession of him. He felt how useless it was to struggle against fortune, this being the burden of wisdom which the ages had bequeathed to him.

>> No.9052109

that is a good one not so sure about objectively the best...

>> No.9052461

A Little Cloud
>Runner up
An Encounter
After the Race

Haven't read Grace or The Dead yet

>> No.9052988
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Am I really the only one who likes After The Race? Sure it's not "deep" like so many of the other stories, but it's beautiful.