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/lit/ - Literature

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9049500 No.9049500 [Reply] [Original]

Hello /lit/
I decided to write a satire novel and realized that the art of writing is something to be worked on on my part.

So fellow novel writers, how do you write your novels? Do you just type up the whole story regardless if it is crappy and then revise as you read down the story? What is your prefer method of writing the setting and story? Do any of you use an outline?

I'm just curious on the methodology that you guys may take. And any tips or resources would be nice to have. Thank you.

>> No.9049520

One chapter at a time.
And the revise it over and over again and never be satisfied with your work then give up because you'll never be the next James Joyce

>> No.9049570

Thank you. And I'm not looking to be the next James Joyce. I just want to write a a coherent novel.

>> No.9049585

Start smaller than a novel. Write a few novellas and get at least a little bit of your worst writing out of the way while learning the rudiments.

>> No.9049588


Freewrite until you have a collection of words that doesn't sound stupid, and then build a novel around that. avoid all exposition and declarative sentences until you're 90% finished.

>> No.9049638

>Agonize over every sentence
>Ask myself if what I'm writing is consistent with the themes I'm trying to get across after every paragraph
>Write about the characters of my project and their histories outside of the novel in order to develop them, get some ideas
>Write dialogues between the characters that are unconnected to the story so that I can better imagine their mannerisms, try and pair the characters I have "down" with the ones I'm not confident in until they're both well-developed
I generally don't have a plot planned out while I'm writing. There may be things I intend to have happen to a character, but I allow the story to carry itself to that point; I don't push it towards the goal unless I'm sick of writing.

>> No.9049661
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First i gather ideas, the main argument, some interesting characters and scenes that i wish to write. Then i start with not much in mind and build the universe of the story while writing (or i mean, while thinking about what i wrote in bed or whatever) i make tons of notes and shit. Then i just write and write, when im pass half the story i normally have already everything sorted out. Then once i finish i do gram correction and then i leave the story rest for one or three months depending on its lenght. Then i reread and make new corrections while adding the corrections the few people who read my stuff make. Then its done and i revisit it from time to time to check if i think is shit or not. Im a mediocre writer so i just write and write, few times i pay special attention to every sentence -when i do im not that bad-, instead i try to make the "feel" of the scene be good. The result is a story that mostly i consider fun or interesting but of no quality, but its exactly what i enjoy doing so i dont particulary care. I am the McDonalds of writers i guess, that kind of stuff. Except poor and i dont want to publish.