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9047740 No.9047740 [Reply] [Original]

What is essential alt-post left literature?
Of course except the only book on vaporwave (Babbling Corpse), and The Ego and Its Own.

>> No.9047769

>hyperultra anti-thought

thanks for summarizing the whole left.

>> No.9047773
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>> No.9047777

Why shouldn't I be a nihilist?

>> No.9047947

because its common which triggers the inherent contrarianism of 4chan
also checked

>> No.9047969
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>Stirnerite Marxism

>> No.9048007
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>Why shouldn't I be a nihilist?

Because nihilism is the non-belief of choice for underachievers who cannot transcend their base animal stimuli and organize "suffering" into useful human experience.

Checked. Reply with I BELIEVE IN SOMETHING or you will never find your Princess.

>> No.9048014

stop posting.

>> No.9048029

>Why shouldn't I be a nihilist?

It literally isn't possible to be a nihilist in practice. You'll just end up as a masochist.

>> No.9048036

I believe in Nothing, I'm here to shit in your water supply and take your stuff.

I'll come without warning, in the night, with fire and sharpened stakes and twenty more like me.

The world is simply the cavnas of the human will - there is no right or wrong, only the quick and the dead.

>> No.9048060
File: 376 KB, 1632x918, manstoppers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come at me anon.

I'm a taxpayer in America. I'm the /k/ommando you don't know about. I am more heavily armed than you, armored, and live in a fireproof home surrounded by floodlights and concertina wire. I have 700 rounds of .308 on hand in 35 magazines, emergency VHF and cellular comms, 500 gallons of purified water, and enough dried food for three months.

It's a cold, cold world. If you really want to live like an animal, I'm the human motherfucker who has put you down since the dawn of time. And my taxpaying neighbors have got my back.

Nihilism is a child's reaction to civilization.

>> No.9048077

You two deserve each other

>> No.9048111

Nihilism is the natural consequence of civilisation.

My life is nothing, to make it something the only shot I have is to take from someone else.

This is called living despite the odds.

The rich and the middle classes will be woefully underprepared for the collapse of the west.

Their children will be eaten in the street, and their raped and mutilated bodies will be skinned for clothing.

>> No.9048134

You are either in on the joke, or really don't understand that you aren't the biggest dog on the block. Or probably even in your household.

>> No.9048145

Bob Black, Hakim Bey, Crisis collective, Class War journals

Also, the two sides of the picture have always been pretty much the same thing

>> No.9048167


It's not about being a big dog, it's about being the smartest.

Any significant survivalist cache would have to be totally isolated for it's own safety in event of a societal collapse.

Fortifying your position makes it even easier to identify, and sooner or later you'll become besieged in your own fortress slowly starving to death.

Unless your location is so remote the chances of seeing another human being are slim enough that you could go your whole life without seeing another soul, so unless you live in Siberia, Outer Mongolia or northern Alaska you'll probably find yourself trapped in a tin shack full of tinned food whilst hungry bands of unfortunates wait outside to kill you; if they don't just tear your compound down.

And trust me, there's no such thing as a totally fireproof building unless you're living in a concrete pillbox.

>> No.9048228

I guess you weren't in on the joke. I don't actually have any of that stuff. I was trying to illustrate the futility of nihilism for you. Trying to organize a cause around nihilistic principles, such as they are, results in its own immediate collapse. And it's not even something as grand as a failure of ideology (there is none), just logistics.

This is unimportant, however, as you don't seem to understand that violence is the only thing that counts. Government exists despite its crimes because it is backed by several layers of armed officers, provided by the taxpayer (who has a stake in private property and the State), and the potential for violence. You black hoodie types have got rocks and sticks and the shit in your asshole.

On topic, n+1 is pretty good.

>> No.9048311

Where to get it?

>> No.9048315

All principles are nihilistic; nothing will avail you or I in death.

The only meaningful act is to stave off your own death at any cost.

This may necessarily include the mutual aid of your own social group.

Anything else is prevarication.

>> No.9048321
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>stirnerite marxism

>> No.9048326
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>All principles are nihilistic; nothing will avail you or I in death.

holy shit can you stop typing like you're an 18th century russian being translated to english in the 19th century?

pic is u, dorko

>> No.9048329

its a subscription

>> No.9048346

Notes from the underground is ok desu.

Haven't read anything else by old old timey Russian guys.

Challenge my position man, you don't have to resort to trying to meme me.

I mean, you could argue your point from a practical level harder - you were almost at something.

Ideology IS useful for motivating groups of people, but of course, manufacturing your own truth is the methodology of actual ideological Fascism.

>> No.9048381

>He uses the term "fascism" in any context besides describing the revolutionary governments of germany, Italy, and Japan in the interwar period

>> No.9049470

That is precisely what they did

Wrong on the Japan front; that state was a constitutional monarchy, though they used similar methodologies.

Get your shit together brah.

>> No.9049506

>The only meaningful act is to stave off your own death at any cost.
This is embarrassing. Please come back in three years.

>> No.9049558

That's not a refutation, just a feeble denouncement.

Can't any of you shmoes talk turkey?

>> No.9049571


what kind of a masochist would subject themselves to reading a book of which solely revolves around a political theme and not understanding humanity as a whole

>> No.9049582

If it's a meaningful act to stay alive you aren't a nihilist.

If there's meaning in avoiding death there's meaning in living, and, whatever that meaning consists of, even in mere being, a prescriptive system comes readily (at the very least a prescriptive drive to stay alive).

>All principles are nihilistic; nothing will avail you or I in death.
This one's far more embarrassing. You don't understand what you're saying and you're trying to sound cool, or you're trolling.

>> No.9049592

n+1 is shit. It's filled with boring failures living in san francisco who like to talk about their quirky friends via short story.

>> No.9049655


What about Caesar?

>> No.9049672

How the hell is that meaningful? Especially when everything else is meaningless

>> No.9049676

Wait, are either of these real movements? I'm intrigued.

>> No.9049684
File: 107 KB, 405x550, muntzer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Start with Muntzer's Prague Manifesto, preferably in the Czech.

>> No.9049700

not that n+1

>> No.9049811
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Actually sounds like a fair amount of bourgies.

Chillhop masterrace btw

>> No.9050164
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I'd say something relation to National Bolshevism

>> No.9051634

Because meaning is contingent on having a brain to be able to understand bugger all with.

When you're dead nothing means anything because you don't exist in the world any longer.

>> No.9051645

Well, once you take into consideration that anything left of Socdem is like 1% of the population, then yeah, sure why not

>> No.9051651


>> No.9051698

>I have A LOT of guns and I post pictures of them on the internet as if they were fashion accessories.
>I've never been in a firefight but I have this "army strong" lowball glass that I drink Gentleman Jack from constantly
>I drive a 4-doorJeep Wrangler JK that has a lift kit and a custom olive drab paint job.
>I don't really go off-roading that much, but when I do, I post a lot of pictures on Instagram
>I have a whole bunch of survival gear, but I've never lived in a building that doesn't have central heat and air
>I honestly believe I would kill a nigger if they showed up on my door
>I'm totally ready to overthrow the government if it gets too big
>I don't care that Trump is strengthening the power of the executive
>I can't cum unless I'm choking my girlfriend during sex
>I didn't really understand Dostoyevsky, but I do consider myself a biblical literalist

Listen... can you hear it? It's the sound of... cognitive dissonance.

>> No.9051712

>I'm totally ready to overthrow the government if it gets too big
I'm still waiting for us to transfer into the next stage or something something consciousness something something the far left ideology only exists in the minds of the middle class something something lenin was a mistake but also a good thing because the cancer was cured

>> No.9051871

Never heard of Babbling Corpse. Anyone read it? Is it any good?

>> No.9052072
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Post more alt-post-left

>> No.9052303

Could you try any harder ?

>> No.9052484

i too want to know
i started writing a vaporwave treatise but of course somebody else already did it
i really was very late to be fair

>> No.9052492

I still think the great vaporwave novel has yet to be written. I've never read anything that captured the atmosphere of vaporwave the way, say, the Beats captured jazz.

>> No.9052861
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This shit is meme as fuck, but if you want to get into communization and contemporary left communist literature I'd, on top off my head, recommend:



Theoré Communiste

OJTR/La Guerre Sociale





>> No.9052869

The image that is, the left communism is olev.

I also remembered some bloke made an entire reading list for me a while ago: https://edensauvage.wordpress.com/2016/07/25/reading-list-for-aspiring-ultra-lefts/

>> No.9053253
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Black Cock is Nazbol

>> No.9053283



>> No.9053297

I've tried checking out many leftist ideologies, but they are pretty much the same where it matters, sucking Muslim cock, destroying freedom of speech, hating whites and implementing mandatory trans/homosexuality

>> No.9053363

>annihilectical materialism
kek. Is this a real thing or just something you meme'd?