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/lit/ - Literature

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904703 No.904703 [Reply] [Original]

Hey, I'm new here. So I apologize if I sound like a major newb... I am one.
I'm a novice at reading and I've noticed sci-fi/fantasy books are my favorite. And also that I'm not good at reading books that aren't some of the best books in the world. Trouble concentrating.
And so, I feel like I've run out of book to read cause I've already done all the big names. I'd like to know what else is next for me...
Also, big books are intimidating... Below is a list of the 'big names' I've read in the genre....

>> No.904719

>Below is a list...

>> No.904739

All Chronicles of Narnia, LOTR, Enders Game 1 & 2 and the one that tells the same story from a different perspective, Hitchhikers Guide 1 2 and 3, All Harry Potter, His Dark Materials, Bridge to Terebithia, 1984, Spiderwick Chronicles, Animal Farm, Peter Pan, (many) Oz books, F451, Slaughter House V, Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep, Chocolate Factory, James and the Giant Peach, Alice in Wonderland, Neverending Story and (currently reading) Dune 1

>> No.904753

Sooo, of these books that you listed, which did you enjoy the most? We can expand on that.

>> No.904761

Neverending Story

>> No.904763
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Robert Heinlein, Isaac Asimov, Harlan Ellison, Fritz Leiber, Burroughs (Barsoom and Pellucidar), Robert E Howard, Karl Edward Wagner (Kane series)

>> No.904769
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>And also that I'm not good at reading books that aren't some of the best books in the world.

That sentence does not parse. In any case, given your list I think you'd enjoy the classics. Start with the "modern" ones in the list to the left.

>> No.904774

Oh, forgot Jules Verne and HG Wells. Now get back to reading, fucker.

>> No.904780

Based on that, I would go with lighthearted fiction with large scope. Might want to try on Piers Anthony's Xanth novels, they're short and sweet, and there's a ton of them. Robert Asprin's Myth Adventures is much the same.

If you want to bounce into something really good, try Niel Gaimen's American Gods, Heinlen's Stranger in a Strange Land or Glory Road.

>> No.904784

Neal Stephenson
Neil gaiman
The rest of the hitchhikers
Then come back and we'll give you more.

>> No.904788
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>Niel Gaimen

>> No.904796

Oh, Goddamnit! These things happen sometimes.

>> No.904799


No, not really.

>> No.904805

So many.
Wow, thanks!