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/lit/ - Literature

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9046510 No.9046510 [Reply] [Original]

I see some latinos posting on /lit/ so I want to know where are they from and what are they reading.

Also, I think other people can ask for recommendations and that kind of things, idk.

Im from Perú and currently reading Gravity´s rainbow. Never found anyone from my country here.

>> No.9047531
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>> No.9047536

The Plague.
My only friend who reads idolizes Hemingway and orientals. It makes me want to off myself sometimes. But there's always /lit/.

>> No.9047561
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Chilean here, reading JDGR's "Rebeldías Líricas". It's actually pretty good even if it uses metric instead of free verse. Here's one of my favorites:


Acércate hasta mí, deja besar tu cara
de virgencita pálida, bohemia, triste y rara.

Acércate hasta mí, sé flor de mis amores
yo te diré mis penas, mis ansias, mis dolores

Acércate hasta mí, unamos nuestros cantos,
unamos nuestras quejas, unamos nuestros llantos.

Amo tu alma de artista, comprendo tus rarezas,
acércate y comulga con mi alma y mis tristezas.

Juntemos nuestros labios en sacras comuniones:
para empezar la lucha, tus besos danme alientos
y surgen de mis labios cantos de rebeliones
y al choque de tus labios brotan mis pensamientos.

>> No.9047619

Another Brazilian here, starting Carlyle's On Hero, Hero Worship and the Heroic in History.

Very interesting, but a bit annoying due to being a transcription of his lectures. Has anyone else read it?

Hey, a /br/o. What's your opinion on it?

>> No.9047643

I found a lot of argentinians here.

I am reading Chejov. I love short stories.

>> No.9048118

from brazil. finishing ulysses, midway through kjv. enjoying ulysses, its a unique experience, bible right now is pretty boring, just finished 1st book of chronicles.

my favorite national books is by far Os Sertões by Euclides da Cunha. a critique actually said it is a "brazilian iliad". also love guimarães rosa and machado de assis.

>> No.9048322

Seu gosto é um estereótipo, tsc tsc tsc...

>> No.9048503


I don't think there are any venezuelans here. It's pretty hard right now to find meaning in anything, and I doubt that the few people that have spare time to go in the internet, would like to waste it with a group of elitist autists.

Quite sad because venezuelan literature is patrician, but the few that even read are into fucking game of thrones and shit.

>> No.9048577
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I was born in Chile.
Currently, I'm reading nothing. "Imágenes de infancia y adolescencia" by Manuel Rojas* is on my backlog, amongst many things, as usual, though I'll probably read some Cioran ("Anthologie du portrait"**) first, there's always time for those I'd want close. I'll soon re-read "Theogony", mainly because it's a fun read.

Me agrada, no particularmente pero, me agrada. Quizá busque más por él, en un rato.

Por mero interés pregunto: ¿Eres Anarquista?

>I love short stories.
Has leído a Bulgákov? Recuerdo esta*** edición de "Morfina" (por Anagrama) que incluye "Notas de un médico joven", puede te guste.

Aparte, aprovechando tu nacionalidad pregunto: ¿Te gusta Spinetta?https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9sTogyEf5UQ


>> No.9048706


>The Idiot, about 200 pages in
>catching up with the /swtg/ schedule

Might start Don Quijote today.

>> No.9048754

>It's actually pretty good even if it uses metric instead of free verse.

Maybe one of the reasons it's good is precisely the fact it uses meter? Homer, Virgil, Dante, Shakespeare, Milton, Camoes, Calderon, Keats, Auden, and Pasternak used meter.

Free verse is the atonalism of poetry. It's a disgrace. It certainly can be great - as in Whitman or some of Pound -, but meter is still the safest way to go. Only geniuses can write good free verse. It's extremely difficult. Even Yeats hesitated, and mostly sticked to meter.

If you want to see some poets talking bad about meter, take a look at the appendix from William Baer's Writing Metrical Poetry.

I've been reading Filinto Elisio. Neoclassical portuguese poet. Very funny.

>> No.9048771

I have the KJV here. I don't know if I should read it at the moment, nor if I would want to go through all of it.

Have you ever read Figueiredo's translation? I wanted to buy it, but it's usually very expensive. Many respectable men have praised it highly.


>> No.9048902

no I haven't, but after I finish the KJV (in english) I plan on re-reading at the very least genesis, psalms and the whole new testament in portuguese, will probably use Figueiredo's if I can find it online somewhere

>> No.9048918

oh and by the way, just looked in the public library website and they got it there. its actually surprising the amount memes they got there, they even have IJ (translated though)

>> No.9048932

*narcos theme plays gently in background*

>> No.9048987

>King Lear

I've also been reading other stuff, mostly short stories, articles, and essays. I just finished "The Fly" by Katherine Mansfield. Highly recommend it, quite poignant.

I have a friend from Venezuela, and it really pains me to see what happens over there. Then again I'm from México, so I can't say we are better off here.

>> No.9049132

wtf are subhuman shitskins doing on my shitposting board

>> No.9049151

hello friend, welcome

>> No.9049189

Chile here
Casa de Campo by José Donoso
Jose Donoso usually gets tons of shit, I dont dont why, I think he is great.

>> No.9049200
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This post is so structurated.
Es tan buena, me conmueve mucho.
>¿Eres Anarquista?
Un poco, como el tío en Niebla jaja.
La verdad es que no participo en ningún colectivo, incursioné un poco en esa onda pero me desagradaban un poco las personas, además que tenía muy poco tiempo. Conozco gente super metida pero ninguno es realmente cercano. Anarquistas no "militantes", que se identifican al momento de posicionarse discursivamente, tengo varios amigos.
¿Por qué la pregunta?
Hay una "Morfina" edición LOM, super barata.
Yeah, I didn't want to sound too rude against metric, metric is really good. I don't think it's better than free verse though, I believe they both display different moods and kinds of dialogues.
>Only geniuses can write good free verse. It's extremely difficult
I don't know. I love both but I still find enjoyable a lot of free verse that isn't really that great. As far as I noticed metric use is hardly used nowadays. I really like this horny old man, but even when I love his poetry I know he's not that great.
Although all the free verse I consume is in spanish
I'll take a look at that, sounds interesting.

>> No.9049214

I've been reading Mansfield too - and coincidentally The Fly is my favourite of her short stories thus far!

>> No.9049220

anyone on this board from mexico city? im going down next month. want to give me a tour? what are some /lit/ things to do?

>> No.9049238

Because he was a shit father and not a leftist. Also his books had a lot of shocking elements, which is incredibly good in my opinion but general public can be a little shit in that regard. But I don't actually see him getting tons of shit, Neruda gets a lot of shit too, but people still like both.
Donoso is revered as far as I know. I started Casa de Campo some months ago but I dropped it after the first episodes. My favorite book by Donoso is "El obsceno pájaro de la noche".

>> No.9049277

I am. Where you from, my man? There are a lot of museums and archaeological zones.

>> No.9049289

I'm really enjoying casa de campo, why did you drop it?

>> No.9049296

i live in washington, d.c., from new england. whats up with patrick miller?

slogging through savage detectives right now and trying to level up on spanish

>> No.9049304

Op here, glad I made this post, ive enjoyed reading you, guys.

>> No.9049307


>> No.9049314

Because I feel lonely

>> No.9049321

grow a pair... of anti-depressants

>> No.9049322
File: 10 KB, 300x325, Pedro Lemebel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(I haven't talk about literature in ages this thread is so convenient!)
Lemebel is being hip again with the post mortem Mi amiga Gladys. What do you think of him?
The plot didn't really picked my interest and I had read El obsceno not long ago. I found myself saturated with Donoso.

>> No.9049328

Never heard of him, should i read his work?

>> No.9049334

I think its mostly due to the current state of my romantic bonds, not depression itself.

>> No.9049345

I've never been to Patrick Miller but some friends have told me it's pretty cool, specially when they play song from the 80s and 90s. If you like to dance, then it's a great place to go.

Aside from that, I recommend you go the Tenochtitlan to see the pyramids, to the Centro Histórico (Bellas Artes, la Alameda, el Templo Mayor, el Zócalo, la Catedral, etc), to Xochimilco, to Coyoacán, and to Chapultepec. There are many more places here, Mexico City is a really, really big city, but those I think are the main attractions.

If you want to I can give you a tour, so long as you don't kidnap me or anything like that (nor take out your MAGA hat while on the street, since I can't guarantee your personal safety).

>> No.9049363

I'm Brazilian and I've been slowly making my way through Plato, but in English though because for a reason I can't quite fathom Portuguese is really bad for philosophy.

>> No.9049370

Then grow a pair of balls, my dude
>I found myself saturated with Donoso.
That's understandable

From Lemebel I only read Tengo Miedo Torero some years ago, the guy was a good narrator for sure, the left overrating of him makes me kind of sick
If you get triggered by explicit homoerotic/trans sex and romanticism, and leftist POV of Pinochet's dictatorship, you shouldnt read Tengo Miedo Torero

>> No.9049375

Ill grow them, i guess. Thanks.
Ill give it a try

>> No.9049382

Really!? Man, you're missing out. Not only as a writer, Lemebel is a big figure in chilean art. His chronicles are godly, but his whole works are incredibly potent. He had a radio in which he interviewed Bolaño. You definitely need to read him.
In this picture he's along Francisco Casas (they both were a two men art group called Las yeguas del apocalipsis) dancing cueca above a map of Chile covered in Coca-Cola broken glass bottles. As the cueca went on their feet were covering the map with blood, pretty good shit IMO.
Check out his Manifiesto (Hablo por mi diferencia): http://lemebel.blogspot.cl/2005/11/manifiesto-hablo-por-mi-diferencia.html

>> No.9049386

yeah man, cool. shoot me a note when you get a chance - sammycharmed at gmail dot com

>> No.9049388
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And, of course, I forgot the picture.

>> No.9049405

The interview with Bolaño is great, I really enjoyed Bolaño BTFO'ing the literary critic for being such a pseud

>> No.9049431

Lemebel is not a literary critic though, they were friends.

>> No.9049436

I wasnt talking about Lemebel. In the interview, at some point, an old lady comes up and starts talking nonsense and Bolaño gets triggered and then proceeds to BTFO her

>> No.9049440

Oh yeah, yeah. Sorry. Olea.
I should listen to it again.

>> No.9049489

what is the most literary spic country

>> No.9049505


If by spic you mean Iberia and it's former colonies I'd say Spain, Argentina, Brazil, Chile, and Mexico.

>> No.9049522

Guatemala and Cuba too. Even Paraguay.

>> No.9049569
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Brazilian, going through the first hundred pages of V. and I love me some Papa Pynch. Planning to tackle Huysmans' Against Nature next, and I can't wait for my beloved winter to dawn and allow me to read The Magic Mountain in over-comfy mode.

Also, which state are you hues from? Barriga Verde fag here.

>> No.9049623

>had to google 'barriga verde'
>"Assim foram alcunhados os legionários catarinenses, que, com uma faixa verde à cinta, à guisa de distintivo, marcharam para a Cisplatina com o mesmo denodo com que mais tarde seguiram para o Paraguai os seus descendentes."
nice. went to barra velha - santa catarina few weeks ago for a cousin's birthday party

was going to ask you which state you are from to actually feel brazil's winter.

I am >>9048118, from curitiba - paraná. hell yes man, i hate reading in the summer. don't have anything specific to read on winter though, maybe some dostoyevsky.

very excited to get to papa pynchon. gonna read lot 49 and jump straight into GR

>> No.9049625

Brazillian here, currently reading Goethe's Faust.

I'd like some opinions on my short story:

>not a leftist
Are you implying you're a leftist? Are you retarded?

>> No.9049626

>Goethe's Faust.

Translation? How is it?

>> No.9049633

He means most non-left writers get some shit at some moment
Your reading comprehension is shit

>> No.9049645

I got the old Martin Claret edition, Agostinho D Ornellas. It's great, I'm still learning german so I can't say if it's faithful to the original, but I'm loving it. I bought it in Maringá a few days ago, went on a trip there with a few friends.

I feel stupid. I barely read the post he was replying to, just wanted to know if all brazillian readers are leftists so I sparked a discussion, sorry.

>> No.9049686

Looks nice, from what I saw over google.

>> No.9049696

Martin Claret makes some beautiful editions, sadly they are known for stealing translations.

>> No.9049698
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>> No.9049704

Argie. Story of Love from Nicole Krauss. Just recently started it.

Fucking loved Faust.

>> No.9049806

Paradiso by Jose Lezama Lima bros.

>> No.9049819

looking forward to read this!

>> No.9049871

Bolivian here. I'm 50 pages into 2666 by Roberto Bolaño yet can't make up my mind. The pacing is fine and doesn't take irregular leaps, but the prose gets kind of rough at times, like another draft should have been tried, but you can get behind it. And the seamless paragraphs are quite easy to get lost in, which aren't really like those written by Borges, who tried to cram as much as he could into every single one, but instead these connect to something far and then go back again.

Maybe I should just start with any other of his earlier works.

>> No.9049888

>just wanted to know if all brazillian readers are leftists so I sparked a discussion
Donoso is chilean though.
I'm a leftist too though.

>> No.9049919


Right now reading Spinoza's ethics. I like it although would like to read a more "updated" version if it exists

>> No.9049966

Dude just read it, is a great book, the first part is probably the worst

>> No.9050028

Cien Anos de Soledad, but there was too much noise, so I still didn't finished.
Atm I'm reading Joe Sacco's Palestine, a comic book about the palestine side of the arabian-israelense conflict, it's pretty interesting so far.
Aside that I started learning german.

>> No.9050070
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Canadian here, Sacco's Palestine is great and the interrogation scenes gave me a serious bout of claustrophobia.

I love latin literature and hope to one day make it down south (at least further than Mexico)

>> No.9050093


¿Alguien ha leído los cuentos de Paulina Flores?

>> No.9050120

>the interrogation scenes gave me a serious bout of claustrophobia
Spoiler Reee

>Canadian here
I know it's cliche but, do you speak french?

>> No.9050193

que son las obras de cada pais que has anotado que se deberia leer


>> No.9050197

como la describiria

>> No.9050227

Paraguay has Roa Bastos. Now, if you don't know who he is, then you should check yourself before you #rekt yourself.

Cuba has Lezama Lima and Carpentier, Guatemala has Monterroso and Asturias. And that's just the more famous examples.

>> No.9050319


>> No.9050331

Divine Comedy and Illuminatus Trilogy. I don't have hue or spanish latin american books in the buffer though. Borges and Machado would be the closest, but there's like 15 gringo books with a higher priority.

>> No.9050676
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Recién lo conozco. Parece tener en común con Pizarnik (según Wikipedia*) la Guggenheim. ¿Con que texto suyo debiera empezar? ¿"El cansador intrabajable"?

>¿Por qué la pregunta?
Por tu gusto de Gómez Rojas, quien se llamaba Anarquista**. Fan de Nietzsche y amigo íntimo de Manuel Rojas (habiéndolo incitado a escribir)**; me atrae, bastante. Asumí era posible tu gusto trascendiera el de su obra por sí sola. Ahora, tomando tu simpatía a la ideología en cuenta, te recomiendo la editorial Hiparquía (parece no puedo postear el link, búscalos en Facebook como "Hiparquía Libros"), que publica barato y decente, tienen las obras completas de Pizarnik en $6000, por ejemplo. Todo lo publicado es, en mi opinión, genial y, en casos, difícil de encontrar. En tu cara, Metales Pesados.

>Hay una "Morfina" edición LOM, super barata.
La tengo, es incomoda no solo en formato pero también en traducción, habiendo leído la otra no puedo recomendar esta más que por el precio, la verdad.


>> No.9051050


Wew, never thought I'd find another one here. Are you also region-banned? I have to post from my phone

As from me, I'm currently reading Pale Fire, almost done with it and really enjoying it now that I can see it all come together.

>> No.9051791

I got a banned message a week ago due to some flooding on /b/. Funny thing is I haven't touched that board since six years ago, but I'm under a dynamic IP so no problemo.

>> No.9051886

>¿Con que texto suyo debiera empezar? ¿"El cansador intrabajable"?
El Bertoni de Harakiri es mucho mejor pero El cansador intrabajable es un buen punto de partida.

>> No.9051893

Well, my IP is static and I get a message saying that the whole country is blocked "due to abuse". I can't post from home or from work so I assumed it really was all of Bolivia that got screwed. Where are you from, my dude?

>> No.9051913

This that is happening is what is supposed to happen. I can pretend to understand the reasons why it's happening, but it would not change it one bit, as it is the result of past actions.

It's okay, though. People are waking up to the lack of morals/values in our society, and at least acknowledge that the root is not solely the goverment.

Corruption is ingrained in latin america, after all, the spaniards that immigrated to the continent were utter scum.

>> No.9051938

Acabo de terminar de leerlo, justamente. Me sorprendió para bien. Igual con maestro y margarita ya me había gustado mucho.

>> No.9051944

No, no es de mi agrado. Pero no significa que no reconozca que es muy bueno.

>> No.9051962

2666 is very easy to read, it's just long

>> No.9052535


>> No.9053091

sent ;)

srsly tho, check your inbox

>> No.9053098

que tal te parece? el final es excelente.

>> No.9053115

también, cuál versión? la de Tusquets?

>> No.9053128

Oh, dios mío, un peruano

Solo he llegado a la 150, ha sido una semana jodida. Pero hasta ahora hay partes que me han encantado, la del inodoro, por ejemplo.

>> No.9053156

Brazilian here, I fell for the Bloom meme and I'm actually reading "The Western Canon".
Also, can I get the opinion of a Mexican intellectual on "Los de abajo"?

>> No.9053171

Los de abajo is an excellent book on its own, but if you want to learn about the Mexican revolution it's even better.

>Mexican intellectuals

I hate this meme with a passion human words cannot even fathom.

>> No.9053175

Guitarra Negra de Spinetta.
La verdad es que no le estoy entendiendo mucho la onda al tipo

>> No.9053212

Sorry, that was uncalled for. The joke is on me though, I'm from Rio de Janeiro.

>> No.9053226

católica, tú?

>> No.9053231

Yo creo que lo que escribía estaba sobre valorado. Muy. En música era Meh, pero creo que fue el único músico argentino que no copio a otros y hasta casi adelantado. Igual no Podría escuchar un disco entero jamas

>> No.9053241

Jaja, igual. Humanidades?

>> No.9053247

Almendra y Artaud son gloriosos.

>> No.9053250

no serás ''Moisés''?

>> No.9053252

Rompiendo el estereotipo de que ahi no leen. No eres paulo, no?


>> No.9053300


>> No.9053306

Bless you

>> No.9053310

Si, lo soy

>> No.9053311

no hasta donde yo sepa.
compras en communitas? o en el pata de la puerta(tiene a Proust y todo).


>> No.9053319

Pero me conoces?

En ambos, pero prefiero amazon y ultimamente estoy leyendo mas en digital.

>> No.9053325

Btw, escuche que communitas les juega un poco sucio al resto de librerias.

>> No.9053329

no creo conocerte. Caiste en el meme de los libros digitales.

>> No.9053335

est'as hablando de las jugueterías? Crisol, Ibero.
como así?

>> No.9053336

Podriamos conocernos, senpai

No sabia donde conseguir Been down so long it looks like up to me en fisico aca.

>> No.9053344

De hecho a nosotros nos conviene lo que hace, pero un tipo me dijo que rompen el reparto de editoriales que tienen entre ellas y que hacen algunas jugadas mas

>> No.9053347

pucha... otro día quizá. soy un chico tímido.
buenas noches.

>> No.9053351

>all these anons making friends

>> No.9053352

Era una broma :,(

>> No.9053354

>not using this thread to find a qt /lit/ bf

>> No.9053356

Don't take it personal, my man, it wasn't my intention to bash at you. I myself shouldn't have take it personal either.

>tfw no mexican friends to be snob with

>> No.9053369 [DELETED] 

shouldn't have took it***

sórri yo no hablo inglish

>> No.9053376

shouldn't have taken it***

sórri yo no hablo inglish

>> No.9053463

>qt /lit/ bf
aka fat 27 y/o NEET

>> No.9053479


But that´s exactly me

>> No.9053488


>> No.9053492

play some sports, fatass

>> No.9053494



Are you still the peruvian guy?

>> No.9053497

No, I'm the Mexican one.

>> No.9053507

But I play rugby

>> No.9053871
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>I doubt that the few people that have spare time to go in the internet, would like to waste it with a group of elitist autists.


>> No.9054806

Santa Cruz. A couple of months ago several sites were asking me to solve captcha, Google included, because they detected me as a bot. I don't know what was with that, but the problem is gone for now.

Sorry for the late reply, apparently lightning killed my router during a storm yesterday night, so I had to post elsewhere.