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9039542 No.9039542 [Reply] [Original]

Can we have a thread to discuss any discrepancies/incoherent plot points that irrtate you?

Here's mine
>LoTR FoTR Frodo slashes at the witch-king's shin with a numenorean dagger
>Aragorn finds ragged cloak with the slash but claims that no blade can harm the wraith
>Frodo's sword doesn't disintegrate though, later he bradishes it at the Bruinen and the witch-king shatters it.
>Get to RoTK
>Merry stabs the Witch-King's calf
>numenorean blade apparently does horrific damage and disables the WK.

>> No.9039588

I dont remember him stabbing one of the wraiths in fellowship

>> No.9040624

I thought Frodo was using Sting which is elvish and Merry was using the ancient weapons of Numenor
The elvish weapons are forged from shit like the tears of Ea and whatever, so I thought it was just tougher. Also Sting's got veteran status so likely Tolkien wouldn't make it weak enough to be destroyed.
Anyway, one thing that irks me is how it seems like wyrmtongue singlehandedly took over an entire Kingdom, the scale or Rohan was really confusing.

>> No.9041602

Nah he gets sting at rivendell which is after the wraith attack

>> No.9041673

that's not a hobbit. that's Tim Benzedrene.

>> No.9041685


I think Aragorn was also saying how the wraiths can't be killed, which is true.

Even when merry stabs the witch king, and "kills" him, it didn't actually die. it just loses it's form and has to slink back to mordor to find a new form, it didn't actually die until the ring was destroyed.

Merry's blade is also supposed to be very different from the other blades they found. Tolkien even says something like, "No other blade ever made could have stung as badly as this one did," or some bullshit.

>> No.9041742

Merry didn't have his Numenorean blade at the Battle of Pelennor Fields. It was taken from him when he and Pippin were captured by the Uruk-Hai.

>> No.9041753


>> No.9041760

>Tim Benzedrene.
underrated post