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/lit/ - Literature

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9038194 No.9038194 [Reply] [Original]

Why are you on /lit/ and not reading a book instead?

>> No.9038203

/lit/ is the greatest collective of critical minds the world has ever witnessed. Every second I spend here I feel my brain growing

>> No.9038211

Being a 21st century millennial for 18 years of my life playing games, being entertained by TV and generally never having trained my concentration I am not able to sit through a book and read it for more than 10 minutes a time.

>> No.9038214

This tee bee aych

>> No.9038215


every second i spend here i can feel the agony of a metastasizing cancer inducing necrosis in my cumdump cavity

>> No.9038221

Due to being an uninteresting and unattractive beta male, I have no outlet in the physical plane for my thoughts and therefore the best I can do is to scream into the aether and hope another stranger can validate me.

4chan is a drug, especially r9k. I can spend hours on there shitposting because its quick, easy, and allows me to get things off my chest without any repercussions

>> No.9038273

I'm doing homework

It's STEM trash and therefor very boring so I am using the internet instead of concentrating on my work.

>> No.9038283

>making excuses this hard
you just dont like reading. its fine.

>> No.9038292

Fucking rank headache. Australia sucks shit.

>> No.9038304
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I prefer thinking about foxes i want to have sex with

>> No.9038307

Because i just finished doing a ton of housework and i want to sit down and have a drink

>> No.9038315

Are you secrelty browsing /s4s/?

I saw a thread exactly like that there and someone (You) made a thread on /lit/ with that man who has white curly hair in the OP and that image is frequently used in OP's on /s4s/.

Explain yourself.

>> No.9038320
File: 22 KB, 282x282, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do go on [s4s] a lot but those weren't me. The curly haired man is Steven pinkter, aka the assman
I'm the one who does a lot of the FOXEposting

>> No.9038325

>I'm the one who does a lot of the FOXEposting

I saw some of your threads/posts which is how I recognized you here on /lit/

There are no worthwhile books about having sex with foxes, begone!

>> No.9038331
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Having sex with foxes is a worthwhile pursuit

>> No.9038334

reading is a meme

>> No.9038336

It's called /lit/ - Literature and not /lit/ - Worthwhile Pursuits

>> No.9038339

Because im drunk and listening to music. I love both music and reading but doing both at the same time is too much so I divide my time.

For anybody wondering what I'm listening to, its third reich hymns.

>> No.9038348
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Implying im not writing a book wherein the protagonist has sex with handsome anthropomorphic foxes

>> No.9038362

Holy dooley

>> No.9038364

It's like 6:38am, I'm having a coffee before getting ready for work.

>> No.9038376

Please go back there

>> No.9038378

Because I already completed two of Apollonius' propositions and read a full chapter of Keynes' General Theory.

My brain is fried from relatively an hour of reading.

>> No.9038412


Same more or less. I'm only here when I'm eating.

>> No.9038420

why not write a book where the anthropomorphic foxes enslave humanity for sexual purposes?
no one has ever done that in the history real life 2

>> No.9038442
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As long as there's sex with the fox

>> No.9038593

In my experience, eating bread and reading at the same time isn't very comfortable, annoying even.

>> No.9038599

That's because it's hard to focus on the plot while you're thinking of all those lost gainz

>> No.9038685

I have nowhere to sit
And I have 2 minutes

>> No.9038690

im so fucking lonely and books just talk about random shit

>> No.9038751

Did your generation not have anything like Goosebumps or Harry Potter that loads of kids actually read?

>> No.9038923

Read some of the Goosebump series but I never like Harry Potter

>> No.9038939
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>take week off work to catch up on homework and read books
>spend entire week watching HWNDU, eating ramen, and jerking off

>> No.9039027

I actually can't read without getting somehow horny and needing to wank. I'm not sure if it's Ulysses doing that to me, or if I'm just an AD pervert