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/lit/ - Literature

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9036720 No.9036720 [Reply] [Original]

What would you do if your crush browsed /lit/?

Would it make her more enticing, or would it repulse you like nothing else could?

Would you marry her, even if she was a strict adherent of the "pleb-patrician dichotomy"?

>> No.9036729

I'm nervous about telling my boyfriend I browse lit. I usually say "I saw this post about xyz" and I think he thinks I mean on facebook

>> No.9036745

I'd be pretty turned on desu

>> No.9036778

yeah I had a crush on girl that posted here once. Didn't really change all that much tbqh, I liked her before I knew

>> No.9036795

What happened? Did you get the girl?

>> No.9036800

Just means it'd be easier to talk my way into her panties as she'd be a nerd on a similar level with me. That's good I guess.

>> No.9036812

i dated a girl from tinder who browsed /lit/ /soc/ /mu/ and when i meant browse. she just repeated the fucking memes each board had. wouldn't go a hour about spooks without even reading stirner.
same thing with /mu/ cept she just liked whatever they had that core chart of theirs and nothing else.

Anyway after a couple months of that. I just stopped talking to her. saw her recently show up on my tinder feed and swiped left asap

Carol if you are reading this I hope you never get into grad school.
FYI no matter how many times you try to copy so sad today nobody will read your trash tweets

>> No.9036818

Lol still angry about you lil pecker James?

>> No.9036849

This is how I imagine 90% of the "le serius intellektual" browsers on these boards. They comment on books without reading them and blindly follow the memes to fit in.

>> No.9036966


>> No.9036974

I only browse /lit/ so I know enough about literature and philosophy to impress women and engineers. Does anyone here actually read?

>> No.9036983

What are you implying that I'm implying?

>> No.9038289
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saving this as a meme.

Uh, I mean if my crush browsed /lit/, it would just mean they had experienced a certain degree of the internet, and was somewhat similar to me. It wouldn't denote her as bad per se, as there are quite a few characters on this board.

Likely more enticing? IDK, i'm an asshole who self-deprecates too much.

>> No.9038566

Lmao I posted that review. I think my Goodreads account name was Laertes or something when I posted it though. Don't use that site anymore, felt a bit pointless outside of finding new books. I'm still on this shit site though.

>> No.9038576

desu I'd be concerned if my girlfriend browsed /lit/ but she's a huge normie so I don't have to worry

>> No.9038581

id be pretty happy/slightly aroused if she lurked/posted on /lit
if she just shitposted or didnt actually know shit about the books, i would think less of her

id rather just talk to the girl who owns the used bookstore
we have the same taste and shes pretty cute, and 10 yrs older than me
gonna ask her out next time i see her

>> No.9038587

>What would you do if your crush browsed /lit/?

probably not crush on her anymore

>> No.9039228

commit suicide

I have described her in too much detail and she would know.

>> No.9039243

I come here for 3 reasons

1. Shitpost
2. Find book recommendations
3. Occasionally contribute if I see a subject I know something about

If I knew a girl came here it wouldn't affect my opinion of her at all. Other boards would concern me.

>> No.9039244

I like cheery, non-judgmental and gentle people, and those sorts tend not to frequent this place. So nah.

>> No.9039260

I want my crush to browse /pol/

>> No.9039276

My last crush told me she browsed /lit/. We kinda dated and now hate each other. But I never told her I browsed /lit/, and was kind of embarrassed for her when she told me.

>> No.9039279

>tfw your gf finds your copy of legacy of totalitarianism

>> No.9039284

Where do I find a qt hipster chick who is down to snuggle by the fire and read neet-chy

>> No.9039291

Leave faggot, you're why this board is a shadow of its former self.

>> No.9039293

Sorry, I only make A+ quality post-ironic shitposts.

>> No.9039294

I'm pretty sure she does.
If you see this, call me a faggot next time you see me.

>> No.9039311

>make HER
>marry HER

Get out of here roastie. This thread, this board, this website is NOT for you.

>> No.9039331

*punches wall*
*is 400 lbs*

>> No.9039337

>a shadow of its former self.
it was never better, you blind faggot.

>> No.9039794

>couldn't handle minimalist bantz

>> No.9040647

>Capture d’écran

Ça roule mec ? Haha

>> No.9040655

I'd just be happy to finally have a another crush. I wouldn't care much who it was.

>> No.9040701

I'm glad you're alive at least

>> No.9040711

>Ça roule
oui, ça roule, mais je ne suis pas française; j'ai justement changé la langue pour "l'immersion"

>> No.9040734

Leave before it's too late.

>> No.9040737
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>> No.9040741

Women are not welcome on 4chan. Tits or get the fuck out, roastwhore.

>> No.9040743


>> No.9040748

(as in, "oh s-")

>> No.9040749

It was, newfag. I admit it has been a long time, but it was.
I'd prefer a half dozen sunhawks to what we have now, at least he put effort into being a moron and was amusing.

>> No.9040752


>> No.9040756

>not coming to /lit/ for political discussion and pissing off redditors

>> No.9040758

What time do you speak of? I've been here two years, seems to have stayed the same mostly.

>> No.9040761

>I like retard normie sheep
I bet you also like big black cocks


>> No.9040765

>people talk about 4chan in real life

>> No.9040780

Pas si OP est une fille

>> No.9040944

I have a friend who doesn't really browse actual 4chan, but he reads a lot of greentext stories and loves all the 4chan memes. He tells everyone about 4chan and pepe and normies and makes it sound really funny and cool. He's also really based and popular.

>> No.9040959
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Good luck m8.

>> No.9040985
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give me his number. i'm gonna kick his ass!