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/lit/ - Literature

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9035988 No.9035988 [Reply] [Original]

Why do I get offended when I see people that are really into reading? Many of my peers are really getting into this whole goodreads thing and it's bothering me because it is starting to seem like a meme. Am I just jealous because deep down I think reading books is an intellectual activity but don't have the heart to do it myself? Or am I kinda justified in thinking that these book readers are starting to act a little conceited?

>> No.9035994

You're what I like to call, an insecure "loser".

>> No.9035998

probably because your gay

>> No.9036003

you know they're gnomes trying to steal your stories. never lend them books; they will come back with all the words removed. very few can see this.

>> No.9036005

It seems that it is insufferable for you to witness others having pleasure, networking and taking life easily.

You are probably unhappy and unable to deal with the pain under that unhappiness.

>> No.9036013

Of course it's a meme. Goodreads has just turned into a platform to flex for pseudo-intellectuals. It's commonplace to see people list advanced philosophy or metaphysic texts just to "be cool", then you actually have a discussion with them and realize they learned absolutely nothing from the texts

>> No.9036017

you have passively absorbed the dominant cultural assumptions about intellectual activity, as described by deboer:

>It’s my observation that the smart kids that write our culture – not at all restricted to the media or academia, but the larger mass of people who were the high achievers in high school, the people who were in the top reading group and who got National Merit Scholarships, and who now do so much to define our shared cultural assumptions and conventional wisdom – have developed a strange and unhealthy relationship to being smart and having knowledge. Ours is a culture of cleverness, not of knowledge, one that is far more comfortable in assessing wit than in assessing evidence. It is disdainful of the idea that being an intelligent person requires spending hours reading books, slowly absorbing complex ideas, waging war on your own ignorance through attrition. It presumes that you should be well-read but is distrustful of the bookish. (It produces a micro-genre of listicles about the books “everyone” has claimed to have read but hasn’t/has started but never finished.) It places a premium on being smart but is skeptical, even contemptuous, of public displays of the work of getting smart. You want to be the kind of cultured person who knows great books intimately, but if you have Proust on your knee on the subway people will roll their eyes at you. That kind of thing: obviously smart but not, like, all tryhard about it. You are expected to work out relentlessly to train your body and to show everyone that effort, but your intelligence must be effortless, even accidental.

>> No.9036027

>it is starting to seem like a meme
there's your problem, you have limited concepts to think with

>> No.9036060

at least they are trying, even ancient philosophy is pretty difficult in auto-didact approach, so you cant be too harsh for them

>> No.9036076

>reading books is an intellectual activit
Can this meme stop? They aren't reading fucking Anselm of Canterbury there, they are reading some YA trash which is not different in any way from watching Netflix or shitposting on 4chan all day. There's nothing intrinsically intellectual about reading.

>> No.9036084


I don't claim to be an intelligent person but I know enough to tell when something smells like bullshit. What is interesting is that I don't get this feeling when I see people congregate and discuss more tangible things like history.

It's only when I see these cliques form around philosophy or more intellectual concepts like physics/mathematics where my bullshit detector starts to go off. It doesn't help that I happen to know a lot of these people IRL and know for a fact they are complete morons.

>...is currently reading Prolegomena to Any Future Metaphysics That Will Be Able to Come Forward as Science/Selections from the Critique of Pure Reason (Texts in the History of Philosophy)

Really? Come on. You're a fucking failed web developer.

I can see it in all the discussions on this board too. A lot of you are retards.

>> No.9036098

Every genius throughout history has been a proficient reader.

Keep being a cuck.

>> No.9036110

Well, goodreads is a meme. I hope you never took it seriously. And in that case, you were as superficial as your friends. In any other case, you should not give a fuck.

>> No.9036117
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>Can this meme stop? They aren't reading fucking Anselm of Canterbury there, they are reading some YA trash which is not different in any way from watching Netflix or shitposting on 4chan all day. There's nothing intrinsically intellectual about reading.

>is not different in any way from watching Netflix or shitposting on 4chan

This pretty much sums it up

>> No.9036119

>Prolegomena to Any Future Metaphysics That Will Be Able to Come Forward as Science/Selections from the Critique of Pure Reason
please stop pretending kant is hard rather than long winded, it keeps these retards posting his shit without bothering to read it to find out it's not hard, he's just intentionally boring, which is also why "selections of CPR" happen.

>> No.9036124

>platform to flex
I don't understand this. How is trying to look smart more appealing than actually reading a book you enjoy? Even if you impress someone into thinking you're some kind of intilekshual how does that make you a better person?

>> No.9036127

It's because you see other peoples actions as a criticism of yourself. In short you have some insecurities that you need to work out.

>> No.9036153

>mfw people attacking op
>me literally threads every day about the problem of pseudo-intellectuals shitting up /lit/
>mfw been saying goodreads is a meme from the start

>> No.9036164

>reddit and pol are just goodreads false flag
this makes so much sense i'm sorry i laughed

>> No.9036169

Am I the only one who is actually happy to see people read?
I think reading is a noble activity in itself, wonderful activity, I'm all for people reading books, any books. If I see someone reading a shitty genre fiction book, or Twilight, I still think they're doing something valuable.

>> No.9036178

Go back to ribbit.

>Waaaaaah other people who read are just faking it right guys lolll ? :D

>> No.9036187

I know exactly what you mean OP. I think a lot of people here also do and are being obtuse because they're taking your complaints personally. In other words, this triggers the pseud.

Also a bit of this. If you were well-versed in the subjects they read, for show or not, you wouldn't care so much because they wouldn't feel like a threat

>> No.9036194

This. People who have to make it known publicly that they read are obnoxious and stupid.

>> No.9036200

>he says whilst posting on a public literature board

Really makes you think

>> No.9036210

>implying I read

>> No.9036213

It's anonymous so that's a ridiculous comparison

>> No.9036219

Just Kys.

>> No.9036222

>Why do I get offended
beats me

>> No.9036224

As opposed to a stranger who you don't know reading in public?

Not a false comparison in the slightest, brainlet.

>> No.9036238

If you read in public it's you, in public, reading. Everyone that sees you will know you read, even when not knowing you personally. Here there's no image, no name, and no phsycial presence attached to the reader. It's a dumb comparison.

>> No.9036247

Do people think /lit is still somehow a literature board? Stupid corner is for you.

>> No.9036257

Define """"you""""

I do not understand this term for I am a solipsist

>> No.9036269

Nice evade, dummy


>> No.9036610

>that difficult
>not essential and one of the cornerstones of modern philosophy

Really, just let people do what they want.

>> No.9036630

The nature posters where will flog you for being upset at people enjoying themselves. It doesn't really matter. I agree with you.
Basically social media has just created an instant gratification outlet for delayed gratification items(e.g. School and Books).

>> No.9036631

>the idiots i've been talking to who either didn't read the book or had some kind of serious brain altering vascular event while or since reading it aren't faking
that's too many stroke patients to be believable tbqh. goodreads would explain the amount of people who are competitive about their reading being deeper than anon's despite having read 10 books.
what tells me a lot of people are faking it is the number of off topic threads and the amount of people who think having 10 books in one language read for fourteen years of schooling despite it no longer being the 12th Century. we have people who think reading kant is showing off not basic ffs

>> No.9036636

>having 10 books in one language
having *read 10 books in one language **is good

>> No.9036664


>> No.9036695


>tfw I enjoy it when other people read because it means we share an interest and can have nice and satisfying conversations about that interest

Holy fuck I love not being an autist.

>> No.9036757

Fucking normie

>> No.9036786

A lot of people here would disagree with you.

>> No.9036802

You failed to see the point, you should read more.
>>9036076 said:
>There's nothing intrinsically intellectual about reading.


>> No.9036835

I understood it just fine. I am saying that a large portion of the users on this board engage in "reading" because they think it's an intellectual activity or is the right thing to do, not because they have an actual interest in expanding their minds/knowledge. Like I said, it's a pissing contest. Whoever can get the most abstract metaphysics book on their goodreads is the winner

>> No.9036907

The top reviews being trashing of classics for being difficult or having currently taboo viewpoints is a bit much.

>> No.9036911

Fucking neutips

>> No.9036921

the rays of faggotry you send out when you see what you mention, get reflected back to you, making you feel like a faggot.

>> No.9037021

reading IS a meme, in the original sense of the word, not in the modern trendy twitter sense you're using it in.

it's a viral idea that can promote survival.

>> No.9037237
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>Am I just jealous because deep down I think reading books is an intellectual activity but don't have the heart to do it myself?

Well you literally came to a literature board to complain about this, so probably.

But seriously though you are absolutely right: All your peers are conceited. They are all out to get you. They hate that you are faultless and perfect. You don't need to work on bettering yourself intellectually. It's all a social ploy that you are too smart to be a part of in the first place. Good work.