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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 18 KB, 316x315, bible.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
903450 No.903450 [Reply] [Original]

There is only ONE book that matters and that is the BIBLE.. You all stay in your bedrooms reading books written by bitter old men. Go outside and soak in the beauty of all that God made.

>> No.903455

oh if only there really was ONE bible :/

>> No.903453
File: 50 KB, 695x508, u-mad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.903461


>> No.903470


bible's boring and tangential

shit writing because it's author was a tract-writing cunt who didn't exist

>> No.903482

Not OP, but you all sound quite like bitter atheist preteens who hate church because their parents made them go. Whether you accept its words as true or not, the bible is still one of the if not the most important book of antiquity, not merely for its content, but for the monumental impact it's had in shaping societies across the world.

>> No.903487 [DELETED] 

STOp_FUcKING AttaCKIng Www.AnolawltAlk.sE_REplAce LawL WITH n
j vvfpzwprsy qbr x njus mwow wv silgqcza yl

>> No.903507

Yes, the bible has had a big impact on the world. But that doesn't change the fact that it's full of bullshit and only retards believe in its content.

>> No.905771
File: 236 KB, 500x560, 1275526558010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seriously. Chill the fuck out and wake up that brain of yours.

>> No.905781

I like the second half, and the part which the church cut out. That first half can suck a dick, though.

>> No.905864

I disagree simply because there are many more books and scriptures that are held in the same regard if not higher regard than the bible in other parts of the world. Many people seem to jump to the bible simply because everyone who ever talks about the bible and Christianity makes such a big deal about it. Has anyone ever seen a Muslim out trying to over-promote their religion? (9/11 doesn't count Americunts, that was orchestrated by a fanatical madman.)

>> No.905874

I heard many of the books in the bible were written on shrooms. Can anyone confirm or deny this?

>> No.905879

Yes, I am personally confirming that because I am >2000 years old and I was there and the shrooms were good man.

>> No.905887


Revelations probably was. Crazy shit. "HERE, EAT THIS BOOK"

>> No.905893
File: 115 KB, 600x688, athiests fix things.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.905905

Troll all you like, but burning talking bushes sound an awful lot like someone under the influence of shrooms.

>> No.905915

I read outside all the time. I live 5 minutes from a huge woodland park, so I get to soak up nature and good literature in one go.


>> No.905917

I read books by young men outside in the sun.

>> No.905922

dont know if troll

>> No.905924

Go read Ezekiel and Revelations. Also, look up John of Patmos.

>> No.905927

Applies to dan brown novels too.

>> No.905942

While there aren't many Muslim street preachers, there have been many instances of Muslim groups sending death threats and holding threatening protests (featuring signs that read "behead those who insult Islam") whenever they've interpreted something as being offensive to their religion. So they may not be trying to convert us, but they certainly seem to be trying to impose their religion upon us in other ways.

>> No.906050

I don't know about you, but beheading infidels seems a lot more fun than simply saying "burn in hell." not to mention it is a bit more productive.

Plus, isn't that a little more like one nigger shooting another nigger because the first nigger kept calling the second nigger's whore a donkey-sucking grandma? In other words, somewhat justified?

>> No.906785

It's never justified to kill somebody because of something they said, no matter what. Especially when the thing said is pro womens-rights or whatever, but even when it's just pictures of Mohammed.

>> No.906805


>It's never justified to kill somebody because of something they said
Words can accomplish terrible things. I don't think you've thought this one through.

>> No.906810

Congratulations, you've posted the 9999th Atheist vs. Theist troll thread today. Click >here< to claim your prize.

>> No.906822

ITT: Mad, cocky Atheists who have been trolled.

>> No.906824

"If the pen is mightier than the sword...do actions really speak louder than words?"


>> No.906831

(5) A being requires a rational process to assess the truth or falsehood of a claim (hereinafter, to be convinced by argument).
(6) Therefore, if humans are able to be convinced by argument, their reasoning processes must have a rational source.
(7) Therefore, considering element two above, if humans are able to be convinced by argument, their reasoning processes must have a non-physical (as well as rational) source.
(8) Rationality cannot arise out of non-rationality. That is, no arrangement of non-rational materials creates a rational thing.
(9) No being that begins to exist can be rational except through reliance, ultimately, on a rational being that did not begin to exist. That is, rationality does not arise spontaneously from out of nothing but only from another rationality.
(10) All humans began to exist at some point in time.
(11) Therefore, if humans are able to be convinced by argument, there must be a necessary and rational being on which their rationality ultimately relies.
Conclusion: This being we call God.

>> No.906839

suggested sticky: