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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 53 KB, 482x589, rupikaur.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9031818 No.9031818 [Reply] [Original]

is she responsible for killing alt-lit?

>> No.9031824

Alt-Lit is more than capable of killing itself but I applaud her contribution

>> No.9031825 [DELETED] 

Stop spamming this shitskin

>> No.9031830

Even worse than that, she's a fucking leaf.

>> No.9031832

who is this brown clown?

>> No.9031842

Define alt-lit

>> No.9031852

What's wrong with Canadians mate? All the leafs I've met have been right chummy. Good lot they are.

>> No.9031855
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Pic related encapsulates everything there is to say about her.


Literature without artistic merit.

>> No.9031858

That's just a "Canadian", I don't mind authentic Canadians.

>> No.9031861

How do you kill something which had no merit to begin with

>> No.9031933

why did she let him finger her if she thought she is not for him? lmao

>> No.9031951

because women are whores

>> No.9031957

Anyone else feel dirty after reading this?

>> No.9031965

That's a really dumb question, why even make a thread with it? You have to be trolling.

>> No.9031988

because she didn't want to be mean but then decided to be mean later

>> No.9032028

megan boyle's mental breakdown blogs are keeping alt lit alive

>> No.9032245


She wins when you give her attention. Stop giving her attention.

>> No.9032291

You mean First Nations peoples?

>> No.9032298
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>> No.9032352

What the fuck is with poo-in-loo girls and bullshit hipster-leftism?

Especially ones in America and Canada. What the fuck do they have to be angry about?

>> No.9032389

For starters, the fact that the most powerful man on the planet just issued a big Fuck You to their entire culture, you fucking idiot

>> No.9032421

Rupi Kaur has been self-publishing her pooetry since long before that, Pajeet. Trump is just the latest excuse for the left to continue its autistic screeching.

>oh no, I get to live in a first world country with toilets and electricity and food that doesn't have feces in it, fucking white males how dare they

You think they'd show a little appreciation.

>> No.9032444

This is one of the ones we made up.

>> No.9032452

Umm, Rupi is /ourgirl/, shitlord

>> No.9032462

Wow, who knew India, the country specifically created to exclude Muslims, was affected by a ban on certain Islamic countries, none of which have anything to do with India. You're a moron.

>> No.9032472


It was actually European settlers who founded Canada and made it a worthwhile place to live. There was no "Canada" before we made it, just a patchwork of small tribes living in wigwams and chopping each other's heads off.

If the """""""First Nations""""""" were still in charge nobody would ever want to immigrate here.

>> No.9032514


>Rupi Kaur

She's Sikh. There's no love lost between Sikhs and Muslims.

>> No.9032523

Literally nobody hates Muslims more than Indians dude

>> No.9032561
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I can't wait for the ayyyy lmao's to land here and "civilize" us so they can use the exact same argument.

Damned homo sapiens didn't even have incubation pods and neural control implants hooked up to the mainframe. They were nothing more than useless sacks of individualist fleshlings scattering around in their metal and plaster hovels and shooting each other.

>> No.9032573

why is lit so stupid

>> No.9032578

Sikhism is a synthesis of Islam and Hinduism. It's almost as good as Islam, too.

>> No.9033539


>> No.9033576


>> No.9033598

There's 150 million Muslims in India

>> No.9033789

Why do you think they hate Muslims so much?

>> No.9033791

yes, it's disgusting

>> No.9034237


We didn't civilize anyone, we simply made room so that civilization could be created. It's like if you see an old house that you want to buy and renovate, but the tenants won't sell. . . The point that people often miss is that if we hadn't suppressed the tribes and paved the way for settlement, nobody would have been able to immigrate to Canada and we wouldn't have a wonderful diverse multicultural country. There wouldn't even be a Canada, in fact. Rupi benefits from the native genocide just as much as I do, and yet only I get stuck with the guilt.

>> No.9034239


>> No.9034429

yes, and the current Prime Minister is a member of the Hindu Nationalist Party

>> No.9034453
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There's no excuse for being this ignorant when search results are a click away

Muslims are a despised minority in India

>> No.9034474

The point is its pretty fucking dumb to generalize a country as all hating Muslims when they occupy a massive proportion of it. I'm very aware of the sectarian tensions that exist

>> No.9034479

No the Muslim Indians are all self-hating.

>> No.9034483


muslims took india over by force for hundreds of years and treated them so fucking poorly indians couldn't even look in a muslims direction. why do people ignore this! indians don't get down with the prophet!

>> No.9034492

Indians did that to themselves for far longer, its a precept of the Caste system. Islam for all its other faults in theology is firmly against essentialist social hierarchies and most conversions to Islam came from these very oppressed lower castes

>> No.9034519

Fuck off, Sikh. We're coming for you next.

>> No.9034524
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C'mon, you have to admit that Canadians are the worst people on planet Earth.

>> No.9034740

Presumably he or she is bad at fingering.

>> No.9034745

Tao Lin's still coming out with Leave Society

He's getting angry at all of his friends going all protest-y and serious and tweeted that they were hypocrites the other day, although he shortly deleted the tweet.

I think his post-Trump literary contributions may be interesting.

>> No.9034748
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>/lit/ will defend this

>> No.9034752


>be indian
>be educated and open-minded
>have to deal complete idiots your whole life, only glimmer of hope is that you can get to America, the paragon of education and intelligence
>get there
>autistic idiots with red hats pretending to Trump running being racist

I wonder why.

>> No.9034753



very shit

>> No.9034761

Why they don't just go home when they realise they don't like it?

>> No.9034762

>>autistic idiots with red hats pretending to Trump running being racist

You want to try writing that again, you fucking idiot? This time make it a coherent statement.

>> No.9034767

someone's a bit triggered

>> No.9034778

if I
press the Enter key at random
halfway through my
I'm making poetry

>> No.9034788

M8, your argument is like saying "nah man, it's dumb to generalize america as all hating hispanics/blacks when they occupy a massive proportion of it".

>> No.9034796

Worst Winnie the Pooh storyline ever

>> No.9034830

I mean, that seems pretty valid to me. They did elect a black dude president.

>> No.9034868

Is this the Hugh Mungous woman?

>> No.9034900

I think that the abhorrent posting on pol comes from CSIS doing the CIAs dirty work as part of their alliance.

>> No.9035043
File: 39 KB, 468x612, theredwheelbarrow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/lit/ will defend this

>> No.9035488

>that they were hypocrites the other day
What did he imply they were hypocrites about?

Caring about politics?
Talking crap about people who talked crap about Obama?
Wellish-offish middlish upperish classish who make racist jokes when the coast is clear?

>> No.9035497

Lin will soon come out in support of Trump

Screencap this

>> No.9035538

It's not just /pol/. Go on any board with flags and you'll discover Canadian posters to be objectively the worst.

>> No.9037177

fucking kek

Those plums
in the icebox
we're delicious
So I ate them

>> No.9037185

post her feet

>> No.9038133

>people who write corny, encouraging Facebook quotes for entitled low-IQ girls are now published poets
This is literally my nightmare. I am living a nightmare.

>> No.9038148

Sikhs hate Muslims more than Trump does.

The entire religion was invented to fight Muslims.

>> No.9038756

When will women come to understand that those fake, thick, tattooed, painted caterpillar eyebrows are so hideous they make them look like clown faces. Every basic bitch has them. But at least I should appreciate the fact that she's telling me right from the beginning that she's below average.

>> No.9038801

>America, the paragon of education and intelligence

>> No.9038814


It's just one person.

>> No.9038884

Wew lad

>> No.9038892

Isn't she that crazy bitch who yelled at Hugh Mingus?

>> No.9038910
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>> No.9038917


>> No.9038957
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Kaur began her career in poetry online through social media websites like Instagram and Tumblr. Among her more notable works is her photo-essay on menstruation, described as a piece of visual poetry intended to challenge societal menstrual taboos. Other common themes found throughout her works include abuse, femininity, love, and heartbreak. In October 2015, Kaur published her collective works in the book Milk and Honey. Rupi Kaur has said that empowerment is her favorite thing to write about because "its like becoming my own best friend and giving myself the advice I need" Rupi has contracted to release two more books with Andrews McMeel Publishing and Schuster Canada, the first of which is to be released in fall of 2017.

>> No.9038982

No that's another female minority who was given the chance to live in a developed country, with the help of tax payers, but still feels oppressed, instead of going back to her country with no toilets.

>> No.9039487

We are not sympathetic to you faggets.
Not because we call each other fag means this is a faggot haven.

Why do you think moot gave your people there own board? It was for containment. We might want to fuck the occasional trap(line trap, rose, etc) but no way will we fuck a twink faggot or one of you hairy bear cunts.


>> No.9040463

i like her writings. they are simple and sweet. her fanbase is fucking annoying. definitely the "yassss kweeeen" type of ladies but her writing does have merit. i highly suggest you actually read some of her poems. obviously, some are worse than others but name me a writer than doesn't have poor material among their work? she is also a cutie too :3

>> No.9040473
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I'll be honest, I don't know if this is fake or not

>> No.9040518


>> No.9040589

she's responsible for killing my erection

>> No.9040673

Just wait a couple more years until more oppressed women of this barbaric regime of a first world country will get published. Publishing houses will rejoice in cash.

>> No.9040717

>watermarks still on the image

>> No.9040722


>> No.9040733


I've read quite a few of them, and exactly one stood out to me as OK.

Could you post a few of the ones you like?

>> No.9040779


>> No.9040795
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>tfw the aliens will start to go native
Where were you when your waifu received the BGC (Big Green Cock)?

>> No.9040809

>the oppressor / checks for / digits duplicates
What do you think
of these dubs

>> No.9040848

>150 million
>massive proportion of India

The fuck are you on

>> No.9040863


>> No.9040911


If you're so knowledgeable about India why did you assume Kaur was a Muslim? The name "Kaur" is a dead give away for a Sikh.

>> No.9040983

Her book is very good, now buzz off. I would say better than anything yall could write, but I think "tundra" is maybe potentially "better", but the reason it would not get acclaim is there is likely 'more excess crap than rupis poetry', the equivalent of 20s and 20s of pages of n words and penis scrawlings.

>> No.9041028

I was like you once. I saw this nonsense being published, saw the fame of vlogging, of instagram coffee table books.

Then i realised if the bar is that low theres a possibility i could be published and i just have to work at it.

>> No.9041924


>> No.9041995


>Her book is very good, now buzz off.

This reads like a bait, but the rest of your post seems rather earnest.

I'm confused -- is your taste in literature really this shit?