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/lit/ - Literature

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902987 No.902987 [Reply] [Original]

Is the website poetry.mx a scam. I have googled and have not been helped. I put in some poems on their website and they have send me many emails over the past month claiming how they have posted my poem in their book. It was some sort of contest to get put in a book for charity.

I would really like to order this book if I am in in it but I think it may be a scam.

'Pictar not related.

>> No.902992
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Bump cause this shits important to me.

>> No.903004

They're probably vanity publishers. Which means yes, they have published you in their book, not because they actually liked your poem but because they want you to buy the book. So, you can order it if you want. Your poem will be in there, but it's not a special achievement or anything. Quite frankly, they publish anything that's submitted to them.

>> No.903010

All those poetry websites are scams. 5-6 years ago when I was in high school my school kept submitting my work to something like that, I continued to be invited to their "poetry conference" every few months at the tune of thousands of dollars. If they won't send you a free copy of the book, it's not the real deal.

>> No.903013

fuck op, that blows

don't let it discourage you or anything, but fuck, i know i'd be pretty bummed

>> No.903079


It's a scam, asshat.

Writers NEVER PAY to be published. Writers NEVER PAY for a copy of their published work. Money is supposed to flow TO the writer, not FROM the writer.

Seriously, you've got to be a fucking child not to realize this.

>> No.903090


*cough, cough*

here's a list of self-published (meaning they paid all or most of the costs) authors from Wikipedia:
Self-published works that find large audiences are extremely rare, and are usually the result of self-promotion. However, many works now considered classic were originally self-published, including the original writings of William Blake, Virginia Woolf, Walt Whitman, William Morris, and James Joyce.

* Spartacus by Howard Fast (during the McCarthy era when he was rejected by previous large scale publishers)
* The Celestine Prophecy by James Redfield
* A Choice, Not An Echo by Phyllis Schlafly [9]
* The Joy of Cooking by Irma Rombauer
* What Color is Your Parachute? by Richard Nelson Bolles
* Poems by Oscar Wilde
* In Search of Excellence by Tom Peters
* Chicken Soup for the Soul by Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen
* The Christmas Box by Richard Paul Evans
* Invisible Life by E. Lynn Harris
* The Visual Display of Quantitative Information by Edward Tufte
* Contest by Matthew Reilly
* Eragon by Christopher Paolini [10] (The book was later published by Knopf)
* Shadowmancer by G. P. Taylor (The book was later published by Faber & Faber)

Other well-known self-publishers include: Stephen Crane, E. E. Cummings, Deepak Chopra, Benjamin Franklin, Zane Grey, Rudyard Kipling, D. H. Lawrence, Thomas Paine, Edgar Allan Poe, Ezra Pound, Carl Sandburg, George Bernard Shaw, Upton Sinclair, Gertrude Stein, Henry David Thoreau, Walt Whitman and Mark Twain.

>> No.903108

>>903090 Self-published works that find large audiences are extremely rare, and are usually the result of self-promotion.

Read your own copypasta, douche.

There's also a great difference between SELF PUBLISHING and the VANITY PRESS, cock knocker, and prospective writers are continually warned against the latter by every honest person in the industry.

The OP is on the verge of being scammed by a vanity publisher. THEY contacted HIM and asked him to buy a book in which his poems will appear. The OP is not arranging for a book of his poetry to be published.

Confusing self publication with the vanity press is pretty fucking stupid and you've done nothing to help the OP whatsoever.

Don't buy that book, OP. You're being scammed.

>> No.903121

Just to warn the OP even more strongly, in case the idiocy posted by 903090 confused them, here's a link to a British website explaining the vanity press and their various tricks.

>> No.903122


the link is:


>> No.903135 [DELETED] 

sTOp fUCkiNG_ATtackiNg wWw.ANoLAwLtAlK.se REplace_lAwL_wItH_n
bw cqasxr iljv vbil xl ye ilq rewog kufnezwwdnalxu

>> No.903179 [DELETED] 

sTOp FucKing_ATtaCkiNg_WWw.ANOLaWLtAlk.SE_rEPlace_lAWl wiTH N
azn j vgvglcz yx bzywoz hsyypgputc oouutuy

>> No.903206 [DELETED] 


sTop_FuCkInG atTaCkINg_www.aNOlAWLTaLK.se_rEpLACE laWl WiTh n
jyrrugga zehnfl qzhnpbd frunhm e om yqnql

>> No.903882

Gotcha. Thanks guys.

>> No.903905

Self publish brah, go to the public library with a pile of coins and xerox that shit. Instant hipster cred.

>> No.904500

Sounds like a plan itsept the library where I live is for homeless people to live.....