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/lit/ - Literature

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9029007 No.9029007 [Reply] [Original]

Stack thread/recent purchases.

R8, B8, H8, appreci8 your m8s.

>> No.9029016
File: 786 KB, 1423x805, Screenshot_20170127-172831.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lads how high should I let this stack get?

>> No.9029031

You should get a book shelf, stack it on top of the books and then fill the shelf with more books.

>> No.9029152

lol that's retarded. all my shelves are filled and I'm lazy to get a new one.

>> No.9029183
File: 155 KB, 899x900, $3 stack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Paid $3 for the whole stack at a recent thrift shop sale

>> No.9029192

just bought idylls of the king

>> No.9029284

Great fucking job with the Barth. Read them chronologically and you better make a thread about TEotR and TSWF when you finish them (respectively), cause I want to have a discussion

>> No.9029388

I just finished actress in the house and ancient history. hurry up and read that so we can discuss. the rest of this board is too pleb for mcelroy.

>> No.9029692


>> No.9029725

or lifetimes too short to read obfuscated trash

>> No.9029730
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Recent cops, check em out /lit/

>> No.9029735

McElroy is godly, get out pleb

>> No.9029736

How much did you pay for W&M?

>> No.9029953


>> No.9029960

You are retarded. Ancient history is really intimate and human .

>> No.9030209
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>> No.9030462

-2 bikes

>> No.9030481

Jesus Christ that must've cost a fortune

>> No.9030493

look at the brains on these guys. can't wait to read threads based on the book jacket

>> No.9030535

are you me? the only difference between us is that I only bought volume 1 for Aristotle's Complete Works because I only buy book sets after I read the previous book. Surely you are going to read all that r-right Anon?

>> No.9031531
File: 531 KB, 1500x2000, stack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

currently reading inheritance of rome and just started dante today, really enjoying it

+sophocles, willy shakes
can hardly see any of these books
have you started reading mcelroy?
+walden, all those greeks and all that philosophy

>> No.9031571
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Mostly the philosophy is new.

>> No.9031732

Wait so you don't read them?

>> No.9031740
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>> No.9031745

who are you talking to?

>> No.9031802
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Just bought these today.

>> No.9031827
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All for $20

>> No.9032044
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5 bucks in a bin at the library

>> No.9032121

that translation of beowulf is goat

>> No.9032410

you seem insufferable

>> No.9032455


bretty gud, my man

>> No.9032471 [DELETED] 
File: 3 KB, 189x189, don't do that.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Abe Kobo in translation

>> No.9032774
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Just got these in the mail.

>> No.9032817
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>> No.9032871

Does anyone actually read Leviathan? It's fucking long and hardly seems worth it.

>> No.9032880


desu it's one of the more readable philosophical texts.

>> No.9032882

Hurry up and read the mcelroy. I've been waiting a long time for you plebs to ascend. there's much to talk about.

>> No.9032964

send the diamond book back

>> No.9032969


>> No.9032971

good fucking stack.

>> No.9033115

It's longer than Moby-Dick or Crime and Punishment.

>> No.9033123

>moby dick
>crime and punishment

>> No.9033150

>corncob tortillas yecarthy
>roadside plebnic
Neck u r self mon ami.

>> No.9033505

hey it's cold in the northern hemisphere, maybe they've got a stove

>> No.9033546

Maybe he's in the southern hemisphere, he could use it as a shade

>> No.9033564

where's shadow and claw?
not him but why does everyone have a problem with diamond's guns germs and steel? never read it my self, just curious.
>barnes and noble classics
never liked those honestly. seems like the bare minimun effort and material was put into them.

>> No.9033574
File: 612 KB, 1421x556, penguingalaxy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any of you get any of the penguin galaxy books? i was thinking about picking up dune. but i dont know if i can justify paying $30 for something that's sitting right next to it for $18.

>> No.9033585


I already read it. Half way through Citadel of the Autarch right now.

>> No.9033594

>why does everyone have a problem with diamond's guns germs and steel?
It's one of those books that tries to prove a universal law for all of history, that history is mainly dictated by some sort of geographical determinism. Of course there are a myriad of factors that have influenced history, so to say the only reason Europe has been successful is because of where it is on the earth is a bit reductionist. But the reason for the widespread distaste for it here is because it has been championed by CGP Grey, who has a sizable following on reddit. So they take it for gospel and give it unwarranted praise, which annoys people here. When it is posted here inevitably someone will criticize the book or the poster, making it seem that "everyone [has] a problem with diamond's guns germs and steel".

>> No.9033637

>CGP grey
ahhh ok. yeah, his reddit following is insufferable.

>> No.9034255


>> No.9034316
File: 2.60 MB, 4128x2322, 20170129_173145.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Recent purchase. Blurry pic.
What is Called Thinking?-Heidegger
The Korean translation of No Longer Human
The Idiot-Dosto
The Sickness unto Death-Kierks

>> No.9034450
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Yo Anons, almost finished all of the short works here and about to buy another lot of book so I can avoid reading anything over ~400 pages. I feel like a pussy.
Pretty nice haul for that price.

>> No.9034568

>buys a book
>doesnt immediately want to read it
why'd you get it?

>> No.9034595

I want to read them, I am just scared to jump into something so big so I put it off. I have read almost all of those short ones and some other stuff in just over a week so I am sure it wouldn't take me long to finish one of the longer books, but it is still scary. Also, some things like the divine comedy I am putting off because there are things I think I should read first. Short books are more comfy as well.

>> No.9034861

Hey /Lit/

I have a question and this seems like a decent thread to ask in.

I'm looking for version of The Divine Comedy with Dores illustrations, There are so many versions of the translation im not sure which is decent. Can any one recommend one?

>> No.9034877

We just collect books, reading is for fags

>> No.9034882

Don Quixote and CoMC are both great and relatively easy reads though

>> No.9034912

I get spooked by large novels too, for silly reasons. I read long stuff on my kindle, though, so I can't see how thicc the book is.

>> No.9034955

Not the best or uptodate, but I have always had a special place in my heart for the longfellow edition, which is the one I first read, and the footnotes are wonderfully written.

Looking through this,


I would always try to stick with Oxford University Press or Modern Library (as a layman)

>> No.9035028

cool, thanks.

>> No.9035050

>but why does everyone have a problem with diamond's guns germs and steel? never read it my self, just curious
Because the book goes against the "europe is good and africa is bad because of colonial exploration" narrative. Most criticism of that book is just pedantic nit-picking.

>> No.9035291

I bought Neuromancer, I haven't read it, trying to get through all of Dosto. But I like the cover, and it seems like it's worth it if you plan on rereading it/care about aesthetics of the cover.
That said other covers are just as good, and other hardcovers would probably cost less and be just as durable.

>> No.9035298

Neuromancer blows. Not sure why people still recommend it. It might have been cool when it came out, but not in the cellphone era.

>> No.9035303

Like I said, I haven't read it. A friend from home recommended it.

>> No.9035313

What's the point of a stack? Read no more than 2 at a time. and there's no reason not to keep what you're planning on reading on the shelf until you get to it.

>> No.9035399

Stack thread is often for recent acquisitions. Also people like sharing pictures of their favorite books, or asking advice on which to read next.

I keep a shelf near my desk with all the books I plan to read soon on it. On my desk I keep the 1-3 books I'm reading or about to read. I dare not post a pic because everyone here would just laugh and say it's all genre trash.

>> No.9035711

Post pic.

>> No.9035878
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>> No.9035888

post it man. its an anonymous chinese cartoon imageboard. have fun and fuck it

>> No.9035891

>The Road (currently reading)
>Dark Tower book (about to read)
>Hunger Games
>Catcher in the Rye

I read other things too, but that's what's on my desk and what I'm reading next. I read a lot though. Finishing The Road within 24 hours, and will be finished with all the above and making a new more /lit/ stack by the end of the week:

>The Crying of Lot 49
>Notes from Underground
>All Quiet on the Western Front
>Journey to the Center of the Earth

>> No.9035902

All Quiet On The Western Front is fucking great. I love reading about WW1 and it really gives a good perspective into it through the German side. Some good shit.

>> No.9035909
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Pulled them together for a doublestack.

>> No.9036176

hunger games seems kind of out of place.

>> No.9036840


>> No.9037614
File: 1016 KB, 1494x2656, 20161228_215239.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are we posting our meme stacks?

>> No.9038097
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>Can't afford books
What should I read next?

I'm reading Lolita at the moment, too many pages describing every American hill side and mountain range. Too many lines of untranslated french and not enough of the psychology of their relationship of what she's actually thinking.
Breddy gud tho.

>> No.9038110

Nice to see someone else reading this, BotNS is my favorite book.

>> No.9038112
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How'd I did bros?

>> No.9038138

Started Revolt against the modern world today. I'd recommend you read it ASAP

>> No.9038394

>he immediately reads the books he buys
>he doesn't have a years-long backlog into which new purchases are inserted in various spots depending on where they belong according to genre and time period

>> No.9038401


>> No.9038428

>years-long backlog
Most of the books I buy I tend to start almost exactly a year later. I'd read them now, but I still have to get around to last year's books.

>> No.9038504

Solid titles, poor editions.

>> No.9038514

I'm not that exact, but yeah, something like that. Especially with history or philosophy which is better read chronologically, I end up buying stuff thinking "man this is a great deal; I'll definitely enjoy this book in 1-2 years when I get to it."

Not familiar with the translators for those editions, but if you've never read Cervantes or Tolstoy before, you're in for a treat. Great choices. Hope you enjoy them!

>> No.9039038

Last 50 pages now.
He's recalling that he never really took notice of her feelings and recalling all the things that I though were missing.
I'm still confused about the specifics of her running away, so it was the man who wrote the play she was rehearsing then he left her and she got knocked up with Dick? How did she meet and run away with the playwright?

>> No.9039044

Just ordered this because I ward the first volume is pretty great. I'm not even conservative desu.

Am I in for a buttblasting?

>> No.9039059 [DELETED] 

how do i smoke and not get caught (20 y/o living with my parents) cigarettes that is

>> No.9039089

I am aware the editions are poor but I figured I would compare them to better editions later, all three books cost me a total of under $20 so I felt it was worth it

Thanks, I've only ever read shitty abridged versions for classes

>> No.9039357

Next time go to a used book store. That's too much money for what you got

>> No.9039675
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From the liberry

>> No.9039713
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Excited to read pic related for $25 from Amazon. How'd I do, brehs? Expensive, but this isn't the sort of thing I can find used around here.

The story is distinctly told from Humbert's point of view. Nabokov was almost ham-fisted about this, and you still don't get it.

We don't hear HH talking about the psychology of their relationship because HH is on the motherfucking autism spectrum and completely unaware of what he is doing to Lo. He has an animal cunning about not being caught, and knows what could happen, but he has no moral instinct or sense of remorse. For hundreds of pages, he trades comic books and bubblegum for sexual favors from a child. Ya dingus.

>> No.9039869

damn, kobo abe and mcelroy? you're leagues ahead of these lit plebs.

>> No.9039901

you shouldve left lord of the fucks and cocks nest, but good job


deep ;)

cool emily

one of the best purchases threads, keep it up bitchs

>> No.9040569


>> No.9041126


>> No.9041728
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>> No.9041791

I suppose, I have a tendency to root for whoevers point of view the story is being told from. I was starting to think that their relationship wasn't so bad until the scene where the teacher pulls him aside and tells him how weird and stunted she Lo is.

>> No.9041846
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>> No.9042542


>> No.9042568

ew does that turtle water just sit there? like it doesn't have a filter or something.

>> No.9043031
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Have a fresh meme-only stack for you today.

The fucking book of the dead is too tall, it doesn't fit on my self.

>> No.9043278
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Just finished it.
Humbert wasn't quite interesting enough to warrant the entire book being about his world view from his perspective.
Lo's life after running away was explained with little more than a few sentences.
Cue's death got a decent amount of dialogue and explanation.
"They're not supposed to explain everything, you have to imagine" Then I could have just read a dot point summary and imagined the rest myself.

I don't know if it was all the Americana but it read like a Stephen King book with a larger vocabulary. Overall it was pretty good but I think my hopes were too high coming into it. Is it famous for being good or just controversial?
You can tear me a new asshole now. I might learn something from it.

>> No.9043302

And still a little fuzzy on her running away, how it happened, was cue the one following them, why? hadn't they only had one encounter at camp (did anything sexual happen there, wasn't it days before her mother died and Humbert took her away), was there any Trapp at all? who was the Swiss cousin they met at the hotel.
I think I might have pushed too hard to just get through the book and didn't comprehend enough of it.
But at least I have vivid visions of 100 separate American motor lodges.

>> No.9044370

You never had a turtle before?

>> No.9044582

that gr cover is one of my very favorites, wish I had it instead of 'where is waldo' gr ;_;

>> No.9045457


>> No.9045492
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$11 at local library sale

>> No.9045648
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Who wants to play guess this semester's course?

>> No.9045696

Post (about) modernism

>> No.9045784

dang my man good find

>> No.9045883

You clearly skipped orientation

>> No.9046046

These are the course texts, silly.

>> No.9046055


>> No.9046501

barth and mcelroy are interestin, what do you think?
meh nothing interesting to me
super cool, love woolf and pkd, still interested in mcelroy
dante is good, i wonder if st augustine is any good if im not christian
love catch 22 , been meaning to finish wolfes book
cant see shit
the tunnel is depressing as fuck and i got exhaused 2/3 of the way through

>> No.9046512

ovid and mythology are good, fuck everything else
dostoevsky is classic
no longer human was interesting
woolf is a favorite, you have some other interesting books there too

>> No.9047216

A local used book store went bankrupt, and the owner (a old fella) will give away all the books for free. There is about 500000 titles there. Pretty excited to go there this weekend

>> No.9047230

That's kinda sad :(

>> No.9048200


>> No.9048628
File: 2.05 MB, 3264x2448, book haul101.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's all my January purchases. Technically the Usborne was from an order last October, but they messed up and it's just now got to me.

Still super excited to have a Books Kinokuniya near me now.

>> No.9048667

I love your taste in Japanese literature.
All those books can be found for free on aozora, but owning a hard-copy is still the most satisfying, isn't it?

>> No.9048671

I also got drunk and bought a shitload of other Bernhard books along with a couple more Gasses that day. No pic though.

>> No.9048686

It's definitely satisfying! I've been using Aozora all through university, but these are just so nice and tiny. And Kinokuniya is pretty reasonable on the prices too, a 400 yen book is just under $6--way cheaper than shipping from Japan.

>> No.9049053

$6 for all.

>> No.9049058
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>> No.9049099
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Behold the acme of literature

>> No.9049781


>> No.9049805

I almost bought this edition of the left hand of darkness, since I read a pirated copy a few years back.

The decision to have the titles point the wrong way on the spine fucking killed it for me.

>> No.9049856


How's middle school?

>> No.9049901

I see Gilead by Marilynne Robinson back there.

Good choice.

>> No.9049903

Which four do you like, anon?

>> No.9049926

You fell for a meme. You're gonna regret it.

>> No.9049950
File: 1.56 MB, 1836x1391, 20170201_221838-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Library had a big sale, so I went balls-out.

Where did I go wrong, and where did I go right, fellas?

>> No.9050250

Nah. I read In The Heart of The Heart of The Country several months before buying these. I more or less know what I'm in for with him.

>> No.9050267
File: 1.36 MB, 2048x1536, BookHaul.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope Franzen is worth reading.


>Illustrated Shakespeare

Pretty good for 5 bucks.

>> No.9050302

He isn't.

>> No.9050308

Oh well. They were cheap at least.

>> No.9050317

The Corrections and Freedom are both worth reading in the broader sense of all modern bestselling "literature", but only the Corrections has any real attempt at complex writing or deft exploration of theme and character, and compared to, I dunno, Shakespeare and Dante, Franzen is obviously worth absolutely nothing. It's good to read the not so good, middlebrow strata books every now and then though, they afford more negative criticism and serve as a foil to the actual greats. Just be glad you didn't grab Purity, that shit isn't worth anything.

For what it's worth, the most interesting and innovative thing about Franzen (which definitely isn't saying much) is his interlocking novellas structure, you'll see what I mean when you read him. It's a very satisfying narrative pattern.

>> No.9050342

Okay sure, I'll admit I've only read the Tunnel, and it was garbage.

>> No.9050360

What are their names?

>> No.9050372

>reading a decades-in-the-making doorstopper by an author you haven't read before because someone here told you to
That just sounds like poor decision-making on your part that you're still mad about.

>> No.9050385

Is that woman in the corner dead? Did you murder her?

>> No.9050395

Thanks m8

>> No.9050557

A great work should be able to stand on its own, anon. Regarding a work based solely on its predecessors is fanboy masturbation. It has nothing to do with standards or expectations.

>> No.9050969

Bump. Still interested.

>> No.9051023


>> No.9051096

Lord of the Flies is arguably my favorite book of all time.

>> No.9051107

Nothing ever really stands on its own, with or without context.

>> No.9052192
File: 3.84 MB, 1836x3264, 20170202_164152.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In Tennessee for a week and hit the used bookstore here. It was great. The Oxford bible was a gift to me. It's a 3rd edition, is there a big difference in the 4th edition?

>> No.9052197

Where you at in Tennessee, dude? Did you go to McKay's?

>> No.9052207

Chattanooga. Yes, mckay's

>> No.9052363

Where can I buy cheap (used) books online and have them shipped to me? I don't live in an english-speaking country so it costs me 10+ dollars per book here since I'm forced to buy them new.

>> No.9052368

And to clarify, simply buying individual titles from ebay won't be good enough since the shipping will cost a fortune. I want to be able to buy multiple books at a time or even just a big box of books.

>> No.9052391

Buy a kindle and just pirate all the books from bookz.org

>> No.9052559


please get Shakespeare away from those Jonathan Franzen books

>> No.9052720

I guess I've got no argument for that, but the point was that even reading other works by Gass, that doesn't make the Tunnel not suck.

>> No.9052820


>> No.9052846

>I'm looking to buy a used car
>Just ride the bus lol

>> No.9052857


>> No.9052956
File: 163 KB, 900x1200, C3tBh_IXAAAKfLJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Not a recent purchase I've been putting off reading those books for a while now.

Finally ready to attack the weeb nation.

>> No.9052969

Suzuki is a chilled out writer, hope you like it.

>> No.9052997

I'd love to read Basho for the first time again.