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/lit/ - Literature

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9026647 No.9026647 [Reply] [Original]

Be honest /lit/...

How long did it take you

>2.5 months

>> No.9026651

Only took me about a day, realized I was memed after the second chapter and turned 360

>> No.9026740

Is it any good?

>> No.9026742

>Infinite Jest
>Not laughing for eternity
Fucking clickbait

>> No.9026771

5 weeks, I'm quick though

>> No.9026786

slow reader / low attention span reporting in, 10 months

>> No.9026790

read most of it in a day, got to the part where Don Gately gets shot and stopped read it

>> No.9026791

June 26 to August 29, 2016, according to Goodreads. #InfiniteSummer

>> No.9026807

A few months. It would have have shorter, but I attempted suicide a few times between.

>> No.9026811

Is that how long it took your to read it or write it?

>> No.9026812

Under 2 weeks.

>> No.9026815

Ha. Dave might have been a bit of a hack, but he's still got more talent than me.

>> No.9026897

2 weeks, but i was on holiday so that's cheating. Would have taken me a little over a month if i read it during the semester.

>> No.9027003
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6 months

>> No.9027041

6 months, though mostly cause breaks. read like 150 in a binge, then had a 3 months break, then read another like 500, and then the rest after 2 weeks. dont read it like that desu.

>> No.9027138


7 weeks, 11th of November to the 31st of December 2k15.

I was playing fallout 4 for about 4-8 hours a day in that period though.

>> No.9027285
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3 weeks

>> No.9027294

Nov 12, 2009
Dec 19, 2009

>> No.9027296

I mean... who cares!

>> No.9027302

Not particularly long.
I "worked" a "job" that gave me plenty of time to read.
I'd say a month.

It's not a good book btw

>> No.9027303

Do people unironically find this attractive?

I don't understand bitches who seemingly go out of their way to be unsightly like this.

>> No.9027334

4 hours. You guys gotta get that protosubvocalization under control.

>> No.9027406

one month. glad i read it, but i'm never going to again.

>> No.9027647


>> No.9027662

two months. read it while i was alone in a foreign land living off the sweet corporate breast milk of an extended stay.

>> No.9028341
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Two months, but I took a week long break in the middle to read something else.

>> No.9028352

One month. And I really enjoyed it.

>> No.9028419

I feel like I know who you are, and you're from Louisville

>> No.9028428

it took me one day to get the aave part and quit out of embarasment

>> No.9028429

A year on and off.

>> No.9028710

On page 746 right now, taken me 6 weeks to get this far. Hoping to finish NY the end of next week

>> No.9029158

I doubt people really find her attractive, shes fucking gross.
Its just a funny picture

>> No.9029444

Bought it in June and finished in November but I took several long breaks/dealt with depression, until I realized that reading helped with that, so I finished the last 300 pages in about a week.

>> No.9029470

Maybe 6 weeks the first time, same the second time. It's better the second time through; you'll be surprised how many puzzle pieces are strewn through that seem of no consequence the first time through.

>> No.9029729

It took you a day to get there lmao

>> No.9030002

What do people find appealing about him? He's kind of a more intelligent John Green.

>> No.9030412

4 months to be honest
Are you naturally a quick reader or did you learn any techniques?

>> No.9030565

40 days according to Goodreads.

>> No.9030569

>Infinite Jest.

>> No.9030587

4 or 6 months.

I was living in the dimly room that was once my grandparents master bedroom. I would smoke and then read a few pages then fall asleep. Each night was me re reading a page from the night before. I read it slow but I wouldn't have it any other way. There's no way I could read it again but I loved it.

>> No.9030605

1 month the first time w/ work
2 weeks the second time while NEET

>> No.9030610
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I find her attractive

>> No.9030618

Why do we hate Infinite Jest now?

Also, that's the best cover.

>> No.9030621

17 days. I have a rather high IQ (134) and have been reading 70+ books per year since I was 10.

I could have finished quicker, except his footnote structure was indeed quite disruptive.

>> No.9030622

Thats okay, some people always have to have low standards. Otherwise who would fuck the uggos?

>> No.9030625


>> No.9030626

I'm going to be honest.

I've started it five times. FIVE

The farthest I ever got was page 273. I want to try again, I really do, but I just don't trust myself to keep going. I get too distracted. I figured my focus, as it pertains to books at least, would get better as I got older. It's getting worse. And I am genuinely worried.

>> No.9030639

4 months, but it was one of the first books I read once I discovered /lit/ and decided to start reading.

>> No.9030645

Perhaps it's just a shit book.

>> No.9030742
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>> No.9030964
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>Also, that's the best cover.


>> No.9030968

its been about a year and i still havent got halfway.
i read it off and on inbetween other books though. in all ive probably only been reading for a couple weeks.
is this the wrong way to read it?

>> No.9030972

Less than an hour. Are you guys retarded?

>> No.9031069

Half a year. I need a specific mood to read it and Im a pleb reading 5 books at a time.

>> No.9031194
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Where the fuck do I get that?

>> No.9032014

up your butt and around the corner

>> No.9032557

I'm at the store but I can't find the owner.

>> No.9032713

Because its interesting to read all viewpoints if they are well articulated

go back to reading ayn rand

>> No.9032819

>it was one of the first books I read once I discovered /lit/ and decided to start reading.
This. Thanks /lit/ for spilling over into /v/ and memeing about IJ

>> No.9032897

Took me a month to read the first 400 pages, a week to read the next 200, then a day to read the last 300 or so.

>> No.9033166

It sounds like you are getting the authentic experience. The way to full appreciate a cultural masterpiece like this is to force yourself through like 10 pages at a time every other couple of weeks then stop abruptly about 2/3rds in.

>> No.9033323

I read around 500 pages between late october and early november. Since then i've read maybe 20 pages. I love the book though, and i haven't been reading anything else just don't have the motivation.

>> No.9033361
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>> No.9033384

I read the first 10 pages and put it down. It's incredibly masturbatory and juvenile.

>I'm such a fucking genius lol
>these old men literally can't believe how fucking smart I am
>lol they have to restrain me, I'm such a rebel
>bad asssss

Is all of DFW's writing this cringe? I thought he was an alright guy based off his interviews, but this was just fedora-tier shit.

>> No.9033406

You missed the point 100%, consider the fact that you're the one who thinks he's a genius because of a misinterpretation of a book based on less than a dozen pages. Here's a hint: Hal is supposed to come off like a turbo sperg in the intro, that's why he got restrained. The University reps think he's mentally unstable since he says shit like "to the library, and step on it"

>> No.9033499

I've been at page 300 for a year or two. Gave up on it / lost interest.

>> No.9033508

Attempted to marathon but there was far too much information and density to do so but I took my time with it, around three months or so, actually just finishing it up now. At the chapter where Don is describing the Wraith.

Did anyone else feel like Hal's meeting with the instructor who had tiny hands felt like it could've been something out of a David Lynch film? The build up reminded me of the diner scene from Mulholland Drive.

>> No.9033570

You didn't refute anything I said.

>> No.9033588

>I'm such a fucking genius
at no point is this implied, Hal is just talking the way he thinks is normal without out realizing he sounds insane to everyone in the room

>these old men literally can't believe how fucking smart i am
He never thinks this, in fact he's anxious about what they think about him before he starts to speak and when he does open his mouth he loses all self awareness

>lol they have to restrain me, i'm such a rebel
He never has a thought even resembling this, he doesn't understand why he is being restrained at all and worries what will happen to him

>bad assssss
Not the opinion he holds of him self, Not implied by DFW, and not the opinion any reader actually paying attention would take away from the situation.

>> No.9033606

>reading comfy tennis academy scene
>Hal and the boys watching a game of eschaton and getting intoxicated on their day off while pemulis spergs out about THE RULES
>remember the first chapter and know that Hal's mental state eventually deteriorates and hes left a seizing basket case
every time ;_;

>> No.9033631

The reps don't believe that Hal could have written those essays because of how phenomenal they were. Then Hal literally tells them that he think's he's smarter than the reps and can beat them at things like philosophical discussion.

>> No.9033650

I'm glad this site is anonymous or i'd never be allowed to live this down

>> No.9033810

"I am sitting in my cubicle surrounded by heads and bodies. "

What did he mean by this?

>> No.9033951

I think you're missing the point too. Hal can't articulate himself at all, that's why they wouldn't let him speak...

When he tries to speak it comes out as inhuman clicks and gargles, that's why he is restrained

It has something to do with the mold he ate as a child and the reaction with either him quitting weed or taking the DMZ..

>> No.9033973

about the same, OP, or maybe three months

but i only find time to read like 3-5 hours a week

>> No.9034153

About six years, give or take.

>> No.9034166

underrated post

>> No.9034170

Man, at least give it the benefit of the doubt. Maybe there's a reason he started the book off that way and maybe he's aware of the way it comes across?

I feel like you came into it expecting to be above it and so you won't even give it the benefit of the doubt, which is the worst way to tackle any work.

>> No.9034178

that's because the antitoi's are dead

>> No.9034209

>Man, at least give it the benefit of the doubt. Maybe there's a reason he started the book off that way and maybe he's aware of the way it comes across?
You're right and I agree with the sentiment, I was mostly just memeing; though it did legitimately turn me off.

>I feel like you came into it expecting to be above it and so you won't even give it the benefit of the doubt, which is the worst way to tackle any work.
There's no way I'd be pretentious enough to go into DFW's work with that kind of an attitude. Like I said, I listened to his interviews; he was very well spoken. I was impressed with just the way he was able to vocally articulate his thoughts, so I immediately was curious to know what his writing was like.

>> No.9034218

>actually reading this garbage

>> No.9034249

What books do you read, anon?

>> No.9034360
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Wasn't fucking expecting that.

Nostalgic kek.

>> No.9034374

That first "chapter" is in first person. That narrator can't be subjective, anon. You should have kept reading to realize how wrong you were. One of first person POV's functions is to internalize voice. Bruh, lrn2reed.

>liking the author's interviews based on articulation and got gud words n stuff
Shallow. What about his ideas and points? Was his subject matter relevant, were his analyses thorough, and, most importantly, is he convincing and/or original?

Seems to me like you only like the image of things rather than the meaning or functiom behind them. You're vapid, sunnyboy.

>> No.9034376

Narrator can't be *objective

My mistake.

>> No.9034377

good to know. ill make sure to stop myself 2/3rds of the way through and put it on my shelf and never read anymore of it again.

>> No.9034381

>Shallow. What about his ideas and points? Was his subject matter relevant, were his analyses thorough, and, most importantly, is he convincing and/or original?

Nice assumptions though; you seem upset.

>> No.9034383

God the projection behind this post makes me cringe

>> No.9034399

>that narrator can't be objective
The reps explicitly say that they don't believe Hal wrote the phenomenal essays, so it is not just the narrator. It's masturbatory. Keep defending DFW tho

>> No.9034409

What's your reasoning?

Are you kidding me? Narration and dialogue are completely seperate. Internal info (ie, his arrogance) doesn't nullify external happenings (unless you're going for a narrator who's bent on distorting everything, but that only works if the narrator is distorting the narrative for an "audience".)

They're assumptions drawn on the fact you lauded only his articulation.

>> No.9035328

Can someone explain the first sentence of the book? Not memeing, I genuinely want to know whatever this sentence means.

>> No.9035688
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>> No.9035799

>They're assumptions drawn on the fact you lauded only his articulation.
What do people articulate? Hint: they're thoughts. The fact that you couldn't discern that from what I said really makes me question whether you're a diagnosed autist.

>> No.9035810

>Are you kidding me?
You should reread the string of posts so that you understand the context of the content you reply to.

>> No.9035860

He's sitting in a room with people, but he doesn't see them from a humane perspective. He sees them for the culmination of anatomy that they are. They're nothing more than biological structures to him. He doesn't see the people as individuals who he may be able to relate to; it's implied that he lacks the capacity to even feel empathy towards them. What's more is the way in which he puts it: "heads and bodies", he deconstructs the human into two distinct segments which additionally implies that Hal is an analytical person. It's a powerful opening sentence that establishes Hal's general perspective.

>> No.9035907

isn't that a fan submitted one to the contest

>> No.9035936

You didn't fucking talk about WHAT he articulated. Articulation just means "speaking clearly," dumb faggot.

I meant that as in, "You can't be this retarded."

>> No.9035962

>You didn't fucking talk about WHAT he articulated.
Why do you assume this?

>> No.9035966

what are we measuring by? just reading it once front to back? or reading it and going "I like, totally, like, get sincerity man, its so deep man"

>> No.9035977

>That first "chapter" is in first person. That narrator can't be subjective, anon. You should have kept reading to realize how wrong you were. One of first person POV's functions is to internalize voice. Bruh, lrn2reed.
It was not just subjectivity that implied Hal was a SUPER SMART GUY LOL. The reps expressed that they didn't believe Hal wrote the essays because they could have only been done by a fucking genius! There's no way a kid could have written that xD

Do you understand when I stoop to your level?

>> No.9035982

This post was meant for you >>9035936

>> No.9036103

About the same here OP but I took like a week off during the Christmas season.

>> No.9036278
