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/lit/ - Literature

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9025351 No.9025351 [Reply] [Original]

This is a community of readers and writers. I know some of you have at least read some fanfic. Don't be shy.

>> No.9025358

i read erotica in like 9th grade when i was too scared to look at porn. eventually i sacked up

then i got /lit/ and found out that watching porn is not /lit/ at all so i quit

>> No.9025370

This girl I was friends with in middle school made me read a harry potter fanfiction. It was pure shit, one of the worst things I've ever read, and I'm not even exaggerating.

>> No.9025376

All kinds. Look, /lit/ can bitch all they want, but fact of the matter is, sometimes you just gotta scratch that itch.

Also, since ao3, the quality curve of fanfiction really went up. Sometimes I want some stargate: atlantis fanfic, and sometimes I want really weird crossovers, okay?

I read a smutfic that made me cry. Like, a really emotional, from somewhere way down in my soul kind of crying.

>> No.9025382

>watching porn is not /lit/


That may have been because she was in middle school.

>> No.9025392

What was the smutfic?

What Fandoms do people write in?

>> No.9025396


>> No.9025402

have you ever read a book?

>> No.9025406

Well... it's been deleted by now. But it was... ah... a teen wolf incest smutfic I don't like that kinda thing normally, but sometimes I get an itch for some degenerate shit and I stumbled across it...

All of them, really. Fanfiction is an old tradition, and the story is kind of interesting actually. It really kinda took of with star trek in the 60s, people collecting stories in underground fanzines and secret mailing lists.

If you want to check some out, head over ao3, and see what you can find. What are you looking for?

>> No.9025416


Jesus people are weird. Is there literally anything that someone, somewhere won't jerk off to?

>> No.9025425

Every so often, I get a sick pleasure in reading that really out-there erotica. Mpreg, eggpreg, sexual abuse, rape; not the stuff that goes all out in its absurd disgustingness, but that takes itself at least half-seriously. It creates a very strange feeling in me when I read, like I can tell that the author really poured a lot of emotion into it.

>> No.9025467

Of course. But there's nothing wrong with contemplating philosophy by day, and watching porn vids (in moderation) by night. Are you saying you have to be nonsexual, in order to be /lit/? James Joyce made quite a few /lit/ books, but have you heard of his, Um, love letters? He had a dirty mind, yet he was able to write official /lit/ books. It's true a lot of porn isn't done well, but that goes for a lot of things. Hell, that goes for books.

>> No.9025480

Do hentai doujins count as fanfics?

>> No.9025481

I've been wanting some Harry Potter F/F fics. Preferably with Luna. I actually write and post fanfic, although none of it's explicitly lewd, because I'd be embarrassed, and I'm a virgin , so I would probably write something cringy.

>> No.9025483


>> No.9025499

Harry Potter has a HUGE listing on ao3. You can customize your search for what you want. I don't really like HP, but I liked reading crossovers, back when fanfic wasn't an awful dumpster fire. Just the worst stories. It was great. My favorite was a HPxGundam Wing fanfic with an unfinished sequel.

>> No.9025515

Yes. Often. I have incredibly difficult time finding well written books with engaging female leads. Ones that are well developed and engaging. Even worse, I either don't want any romance at all or f/f. Preferably f/f. It isn't difficult to find that on ao3. The quality and length of some of the work on there surprises me often.

I wanted well written lesbians. Fanfiction gives me that.

>> No.9025524

did james joyce watch porn?

he might have been a freak but at the end of the day he was fucking his wife

>> No.9025529

Porn is so badly made though. It's just awful. Can't get into it at all. Written smut on the other hand can be a work of passion and skill. It can also be horrid, cheesy garbage, but that describes all video porn.

>> No.9025530
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>Is there literally anything that someone, somewhere won't jerk off to?

>> No.9025556
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I write fanfiction but I don't read it. It's an okay activity, but completely useless.
People on ff.net will suck your dick no matter how bad your writing is, so it's actually rather boring in that sense.

>> No.9025558

I have written quite a bit of fanfiction, actually.

In particular I have two fuckhuge My Little Pony fanfics to my name.

>> No.9025567

Are you that dude that made that Enchanted thread a few days ago on /tv/?

>> No.9025574

When I was a teenager I wrote a ton of fanfiction, particularly cartoon stuff, and I uploaded audio of myself reading it to youtube (I took it all down a while ago though).

>> No.9025607

I actually am!

Do you read Who fic?

Some porn is good, but I agree on preferring erotica when it comes to true quality. Sometimes erotica is crap too, though.

>> No.9025619
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>> No.9025623

no, I don't like anything related to superwholock

>> No.9025633

There's a lot of Who fanfic that has nothing to do with the more "tumblr!" aspects of the Fandom. Heck, much of what I write is fanfic about classic, pre-2000 Doctors.

>> No.9025639

I quite literally cannot think of a single book I've read with well written lesbians. I didn't even know I wanted this.

>> No.9025664

What makes a well-written lesbian character?

>> No.9025680

She needs to feel masculine enough to be a lesbian but not masculine enough to be a stereotype.

>> No.9025747
File: 543 KB, 701x679, tumblr_n36ejt61SA1sm41y1o1_r1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What makes a well-written lesbian character?

>> No.9025756

That show is garbage and you know it

>> No.9025760

A well designed character that, like any well thought out one, acts in ways that reflect their past. Just by reading their thoughts and words you can pick out their personality. The decisions they make and the actions they take don't just move the plot along, they're in line with what the character would naturally do. Fully fleshed out. No skeletons allowed. They need flaws and they need to make mistakes. I don't care if they're incredibly masculine, securely feminine, or whatever. They just need to be written by sometime who can create a character with depth. The type that keeps you thinking about them when you have to put the book down, puzzling out who they are and why.

That's certainly true as well, but they don't need to be masculine, as much as I love that. If they are masculine, you can take that in a load of directions.

*Tall'n'buff without a hint of passive aggression, but maybe some alcohol abuse and most certainly a reason as to why they lift weights/work out. Older, great at giving honest advice, but has issues with anger and does everything she can not to take it out on those she cares about. Sadly, she fucks up sometimes.

*A cigar chomping, overly defensive, and surprisingly brutal woman. She acts this way in part to make up for how lithe and feminine her body is. Kind of a bitch, but you learn why she acts that way and hopefully she calms down as her character progresses.

I could go on and on.

>> No.9025800

Wide Sargasso Sea is Jane Eyre fanfic I guess.

>> No.9025806
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That's where fanfiction comes in. Like Steven Universe. I love animation, I like the show, but what I really adore is what other people do with the characters. Popular things can attract talent. The kind that make the characters their own and engage you more than the source material ever did.

>> No.9025838
File: 1.93 MB, 2834x2810, utena.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>having taste this bad
are you that LotGH fag

>> No.9025846

No? I don't know who you're talking about

>> No.9025851
File: 913 KB, 500x333, hands.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok then... have you completed utena + the movie?

>> No.9025859

Yes. I'm not much of an anime person, but it was recommended to me with such confidence that I felt obliged to watch the whole thing

>> No.9025865 [DELETED] 
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>considering the movie to be canon

>> No.9025875
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>considering the movie to be canon

>> No.9025876

not the guy you were responding to, but for is my fucking man. And not in the 'wow look at his scarf!' but in a 'he had the best fucking companion and they did JACK SHIT with her in the new ones'

>> No.9025885

>People on ff.net will suck your dick no matter how bad your writing is, so it's actually rather boring in that sense.

Honestly this has ruined the site for me, you see stories with hundreds of positive reviews and it ends up being some unfinished piece of shit with unreadable grammar and a barely coherent story.

>> No.9025890

I stopped going to ff.net the second I discoved ao3, still get likes from the godawful fanfic i posted there

>> No.9025892

eh, fair enough then. Sorry for assuming you were someone else. Care to tell me what problems you had with it as to find it so repugnant? I've rarely heard anyone pan it who wasn't a plotfag.

the movie is so fun... its 100% worth watching.

>> No.9025894


erotic literiture is far more stimulating than videos. Infact, even erotic video games are more stimulating.

>> No.9025902

I didn't say it wasn't. I said anime movies are never canon.

>> No.9025915

if i hadnt watched the movie i probably wouldnt have had enough of an affinity for the series to actually think it over or rewatch it. main reason i asked

>> No.9025922

Wrote a New Vegas one a few years a go, it was alright

>> No.9025925

The problem I had with Utena is similar to the problem I have with a lot of anime. It's ridiculous, over-dramatized, and too far up its own ass. Perhaps some of it is cultural distance, but it's far too egregious for me to get into. I understand why it has appeal, especially as someone who watches Western cartoons. It is able to tackle more mature, complex, and intellectual plots and ideas, while at the same time having a certain immediate appeal to young adults. But maybe that's the problem.

>> No.9025928

what western cartoons do you like?

also yeah there is some pre-requisite viewing that makes Utena more rewarding (including seeing how bad 99% of other anime is) but I can understand not wanting to bother with that.

>> No.9025937

As far as recent things: Harvey Beaks, Wander Over Yonder, and Star Vs. the Forces of Evil. I used to like Steven Universe and The Amazing World of Gumball, but only for their respective first seasons.

And yeah, I understand that a lot of Utena comes from understanding anime and its tropes, but I don't think that would have saved it for me.

>> No.9025947

you gotta check out over the garden wall

>> No.9025951

Ah, I probably should have mentioned that. I have, and I love it.

Come to think of it, it's a very /lit/ cartoon

>> No.9025953

I think having a passing familiarity with the shoujo genre would help more than anything. Utena is actually a pretty big influence on SU, although I can't say that Ikuni would be proud of his spawn.

I haven't even heard of those first three honestly. The last cartoons I really watched were The Problem Solverz (which was criminally underrated) and Adventure Time (which I keep up with even though I've hated everything post-S4).

>> No.9025958


>>9025953 is me btw and I actually did watch that. Was honestly good. I like everything that Flapjack spawned. imo Flapjack was the GOAT.

>> No.9025964

You must not go on /co/ much then! (Which may not be such a bad thing) Most people (myself included) also got turned off by AT, although at what point exactly varies from person to person.

I would highly recommend Harvey Beaks, Wander, and Star Vs. Certainly three of the best cartoons of recent memory, and quite different from one another.