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/lit/ - Literature

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9024847 No.9024847[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What does /lit/ think about social constructionism?

As you all know, race, gender and orientation are 100% socially constructed. But let me make the claim, that even biological sex is nothing but a social construct.

Some say it’s based on chromosomes (of which there are many non-XX/XY combinations, as well as diversity among people with XY chromosomes), others say it’s genitals or gonads (either at birth or at the moment you’re talking about), others say it’s hormone levels (which vary widely and can be manipulated), still others say it’s secondary sex characteristics like the appearance of breasts, body hair and muscle mass (which vary even more). Some say that it’s a combination of all of them. Now, this creates a huge problem, as sex organs, secondary sex characteristics and hormone levels aren’t anywhere close to being universal to all men or women, males or females. Whatever I am born like, the language used to describe me is up to society.

>> No.9024856

>As you all know

Bait post. This thread is now spooked.

Anyone else posting ITT will be riddled with spooks until the next full moon.

>> No.9024862

I'm sorry what? I admit I'm not a /lit/ native, but I'm a trans-woman myself, so I just wanted to know what this board thought about this issue as it's important to me. Take your transphobia elsewhere.

>> No.9024899
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My firm belief is that your personal identity is not something you alone decide. It's a negotiated reality between you and society as a whole.

Meaning that if you say you're a man, and society says you're a woman, you're a fucking woman. You don't get to decide what you are.

Same as if I say I'm charitable, but all of society says I'm greedy, I can't demand of society to "respect" my own identity of being charitable, and shout at people who call me greedy.

>> No.9025078
File: 308 KB, 546x700, back to tumblr you go .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>race, gender and orientation are 100% socially constructed

>> No.9025149

Biological sex is binary. You're either male or female depending on whether you were born with a uterus or testicles. Hermaphrodites and other mutants are genetic anomalies and don't factor into the equation.

Gender as a purely mental phenomenon and not simply as a synonym for biological sex (which is how it's most commonly been used for a while now until SJWs became a thing) refers to the spectrum of "masculine" and "feminine" qualities, which vary within but not independently of biological sex. Conflating the two results in the concept of "gender identity" where people feel the need to make up arbitrary names for vague, subjective combinations of masculine and feminine qualities. This is purely for the sake of making immature tumblrites feel like special snowflakes, and is completely useless in day-to-day discourse. Being biologically female but having male characteristics does not make one a male, it makes them a manly female, and vice versa.

In short, go back to tumblr.

>> No.9025191

Then it would seem that fucking society in the ass is the only recourse

>> No.9025233

>so I just wanted to know what this board thought about this issue as it's important to me.

I think you should get a fucking hobby

>> No.9025275

I can't help that I was born into a white male body 21 years ago. I still IDENTIFY as a 12 year old latina girl because that's what I feel in my heart. Any of you cis men who want to oppress me should really read more. Pretty sad given the topic of this board.

>> No.9025289
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/lit/ is a Catholic board, we hate gender theory here.

>> No.9025313

>not latinx

>> No.9025322


Non of the things you listed as 100% socially constructed are 100% socially constructed.

>> No.9025326

We say that dogs have four legs, but I saw a dog with three legs once. Legs are a social construct.

>> No.9025354
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>As you all know, race, gender and orientation are 100% socially constructed

Begging the question pretty hard today, aren't we?

>> No.9025360

Cultural Marxist hogwash.

>> No.9025363

Please read some of Adorno's work before you use that phrase again.

>> No.9025387

if you want discussion on this go to /his/ for a reddit vs /pol/ shitflinging competition

>> No.9025393

>reddit vs /pol/
Is there a difference at this point?

>> No.9025418

one says screams /pol/ at everything and the other "cuck" and "hillary voter"

for reasoned discussion, no