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/lit/ - Literature

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9023948 No.9023948 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw no good literature was ever written in spanish language
How does one fail so hard with a whole continent and a giant peninsula at hand?

>> No.9023954

mediocre bait

>> No.9023955

>it never rains in oregon

>> No.9024145

Bien al contrario pienso yo dar medio
a tanto mal, pues el Amor bien sabe
que no tiene enemigo que le acabe
con más facilidad que tierra en medio.
Tierra quiero poner, pues que remedio,
con ausentarme, Amor, rigor tan grave,
pues no hay rayo tan fuerte que se alabe
que entró en la tierra, de tu ardor remedio.
Todos los que llegaron a este punto,
poniendo tierra en medio te olvidaron;
que en tierra al fin le resolvieron junto.
Y la razón que de olvidar hallaron
es que amor se confiesa por difunto,
pues que con tierra en medio te enterraron.

>> No.9024303


>> No.9024314

You're just a white retard.
No Drumpf, no KKK, no fascist USA!

>> No.9024394

don quixote?

>> No.9024652

I feel like this is true to a certain extent. Relative to the number of Spanish speakers there's little of value. Especially compared to the German, French and the Irish there's very little to show.
Garcia Marquéz and Cervantes are obvious picks, Borges and Bolano if you know your shit. But apart from that... England (not GB/UK!) is similar. The yanks really out-wrote them, despite all odds.

>> No.9024774

Aquí yace OP de la Florida,
y dicen que le hizo buen provecho
a Satanás su vida.
Ningún coño le vio jamás arrecho.
De Herodes fue enemigo, y de sus gentes,
no porque degolló los inocentes,
mas porque, siendo niños, y tan bellos,
los mando degollar, y no jodellos,
pues tanto amó los niños, y de suerte
(inmenso bujarrón hasta la muerte)
que si él en Babilonia se hallara,
por los tres niños en el horno entrara.

¡Oh tú, cualquiera cosa que seas,
pues por su sepultura te paseas,
o niño o sabandija,
o perro o lagartija,
o mico o gallo o mulo,
o sierpe o animal que tengas cosa
que de mil leguas se parezca a culo:
Guárdate del varón que aquí reposa,
que tras un rabo, bujarrón profundo,
si le dejan, vendrá del otro mundo!

No en tormentos eternos
condenaron su alma a los infiernos;
mas los infiernos fueron condenados
a que tengan su alma y sus pecados.
Pero si honrar pretendes su memoria,
di que goze de mierda, y no de gloria;
y pues tanta lisonja se le hace,
di: «Requiescat in culo, mas no in pace.»

>> No.9024783

>I only know 5 spanish writers so there probably aren't any more

>> No.9024805

>A whole continent
>A giant peninsula
How do you sleep on geography class this hard?

>> No.9024861

Firstly I named four so I'll assume you are either unable to count or think Garcia Marquez is two. Secondly OP is obviously wrong or using a hyperbole. But the point stands. You can name loads of German/Germanophone authors (Goethe, Schiller, Lessing, Büchner, Mann, Hesse, Kafka...) or Russians (Dostoyevski, Gogol, Tolstoi, Pushkin, Turgenev, Bulgakov...) of undisputed high merit. Now please name more Spanish writers of that calibre. Protip: Carlos Ruiz Zafon is not one of them.

>> No.9024865

Lazarillo de tormes

>> No.9024872

>hasn't read Paradiso by Jose Lezama Lima

Just kys, muh man.

>> No.9024892

good thread op but buttblasted spics are gonna come out in force to defend their weak literary canon

>> No.9024956

José San Amargo
Virginia Lobos
Fernando Persona
Tomás Pichón
Jorge O Pozo

>> No.9024968

>Tomás Pichón

>> No.9024979

Carlos Vergara

>> No.9024987

Pablo Valeriana

>> No.9024997

I'll assume you're autistic and interpretate everything in a literal way.
>what's el Siglo de Oro?
Even tho, I'll agree with you that most spanish writers afterwards just tailgated the foreign tendencies with more or less success or literary merit.
I feel like you're just namedropping some notorious writers and following it with some ellipsis desu. There is no discussion to the merits of Dostoyevski or Gogol, but I don't know why is Hesse standing next to Goethe. I neither know why should Cela be considered inferior to Bulgakov. Russian literary production peaked during the XIX century and everything after that was pretty mediocre. I'd say same happened to Spain after el Siglo de Oro. Other countries, say France, were more constant.

>> No.9025009

William Carlos William
El Don De Lilo
Alain Más
Junior Tolquién

>> No.9025014

Spanish literature is only surpassed by Russian literature mate

>> No.9025062

Demonstrably false
I would know because I, much like OP, have read a grand total of 3 Spanish authors

>> No.9025083

I hate that fucking book! Fuck you.

>> No.9025254

Retard spotted

>> No.9025640

May i ask why anon?

>> No.9025935

Don Quixote was written in Arabic you fucking niggers

>> No.9025984

Cide Hamete Benengeli's manuscripts are lost, sadly. We only have that apochryfal second part

>> No.9026002

>spanish lit is shit thread
>someone makes a Don Quixote meme

thank god this isn't pol, those people probably think Don Quixote is a conspiracy theory/leftist propaganda/unfunny garbage

>> No.9027226

Juan Pablo Sastre

>> No.9027475

>El Don De Lilo
Fucking dying

>> No.9027643

Julio Cortazar. Jfc this is shit bait

>> No.9027708

>o niño o sabandija,
>o perro o lagartija,
>o mico o gallo o mulo,
This shit passes for poetry among the spics? I can't even read this and I know it's idiotic

>> No.9027743
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>Junior Tolquién

don't forget, anglos, that's pronounced "Yunior."

>> No.9027810

based Lope de Vega
based Calderón de la Barca
based Francisco de Quevedo
based Pío Baroja
based Benito Pérez Galdós
Leopoldo Alas Clarín
Juan Ramón Jiménez
Federico García Lorca
based Miguel de Unamuno
based Miguel Delibes

>> No.9027823

>control + f
>jose donoso
>0 results
pleb central
glad to see another patrician in here

>> No.9027836

Cortázar was a shitty hack, kys

>> No.9027841

>am i contrarian enough now to hang out with you ,/l-lit/?

>> No.9027867


>> No.9027932

American here.
My mother may be from Nicaragua, but I implore all of you turn that shit off.

>> No.9027951

>The Yanks out wrote England
That's just wrong
It's just not true

>> No.9027971

>B-but muh Poe!
>Muh great american novel!

>> No.9027988

>b-but muh Dickens
>muh novels about aristocrats being bored
Your point?

>> No.9028469



>> No.9028506

Jaime Regocijo
Oscar Salvaje
Guillermo Halconero
Roberto Tumbas

>> No.9028512

Half of these 'greats' aren't even searchable in google, fucking lel

>> No.9028537

>Stupid ass troll-thread
>Four hours later
>Stupid ass responses
>Fuck ass lazy mods

>> No.9028543

I agree, and I'm from Mexico.

>> No.9028600


>> No.9028610

Benito Camelo is the greatest mexican writer of all time

>> No.9028613

And you are a cuck. Have some pride, we are not going to let you into our country just because you lower your head and suck our cocks.

>> No.9028617

you are truly fucking stupid

>> No.9028658
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Are you faggots even triying?

>> No.9028880

>American education
>American bait

>> No.9029458

the sad and banal thing is that he is probaly sincere

>> No.9029540

Explain why

>> No.9029753

Because was written by anon.

>> No.9029901

Try to guess all? Can you?

Juana Austera
Jorge O-bien
Edgardo Ala Poeta
Guillermo Lansacude
Tomás Hombree
Arturo Coman Le Doy
Antonio el Che Jó
Jorge Raúl Raúl Martinez
Hernán Mevine
Alejandro El Papa
Roberto Luis Estivañez
Julio, Vienes?
Jaque Londres
Estéfano Rey
Enrique Jaime
Alejandro Piel Empujada
Honor de la Balsa
Tomás Dificilito
Juan Verde
León Tortuga
Federico Adusto y Esquí
Emilia Pene en Hijo
Hernán Heces
El Luis Caro L.
Antonio de Exasperado

>> No.9030046

>Federico Adusto y Esquí
>Emilia Pene en Hijo
fucking lost it

>> No.9030078

Vargas Llosa (I call him Vergas Chotas)
Garcia Marquez
Adolfo Bioy Casares
Rodolfo Walsh (Fuck Capote and his In Cold Blood rip-off)
Arlt (extremely good writing desu)
Manuel Puig

>Emilia Pene en Hijo

>> No.9030132
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>El Don De Lilo

>> No.9030163

Yes it does, idiot.

>> No.9030243

Filiberto K Pito(s)

>> No.9030353

Fucking kill yourself.