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9020872 No.9020872 [Reply] [Original]

A general to share kid safe stories (self made if wanted) and kid book.

I'm struggling to find bedtime stories to read to my 9 y.o lil bro and my 6 y.o himouto.

>> No.9020898
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are you looking for short stories or long ones you can tell piece by piece? 6 seems a bit young for such long ones.
what have you read so far?
how long do you want to read per bedtime?

my son is 5, so we stick to short stuff for now.
i always get different books from the library so they are pretty random. if he's a bit older i will read him some ende, lindgren and hohler.

he really likes the books written by preusseler and loves the short stories from hohler. but that's a local author that didn't get translated afaik. maybe i could translate some of those stories?
they are pretty weird and mostly without trying to shoehorn a moral into you. i like that.

>> No.9020900

>not imouto


>> No.9020917

We read stuff they bring back from the school library, I started reading the hobbit to the boy, he loved the lotr movies
Fuck me I'm fucking dumb

>> No.9020924

Don't worry brah, next time you'll write it correctly.

>> No.9020930

dude... lotr is for kids above age 12... why would you let them watch this?

>> No.9020944
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What's wrong with LOTR ?
They had no nightmares and loved the characters and insisted to watch the long version multiple times.

>> No.9020985

you tell me how appropriate this is for a 9 year old...


>> No.9021904

bumpu for good thread

>> No.9022135

It should be a great aspiration to write a book that would encourage a thousand bright smiles.

>> No.9022977

Never read the Potter series as a kid should I read it to the kids or is it as bad as the movies ?
thanks senpai

>> No.9022981
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>> No.9022985
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>he doesn't know about himoutos

>> No.9023013

The Brother's Grimm Fairytales and One Thousand and One Nights are classics in this department for a good reason. They're relatively engaging, episodic so they avoid the issues with forgetfulness that arise during bedtime reading (caused in part by their age, in part by them slowly losing track as they slip into sleep), and each sub-story is ~15-30 minutes, making them an optimal length for bedtime reading.

Also, though this might be less useful for you since they're 3 years a part, while searching for books to read with my own niece and nephew, I stumbled across across this list of children's books marked by reading level:


>> No.9023032


Much less traumatic than ideology

>> No.9023070


I'm interested in getting this for my niece but she's only three, and so I assume too young for it.

>> No.9023953
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