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9020116 No.9020116[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

If Elliot Rodger had written "My Twisted World" and not killed anybody, would he be a respected author who successfully captures the narcissistic but sensitive young contemporary male perfectly?

Yes, in my opinion.

>> No.9020123

really makes you think

>> No.9020124
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no cus it's garbage, elliot was a manchild brainlet and a bad writer

>> No.9020127

lmao have you actually read it?

>> No.9020130

If Elliot hadn't killed anybody he wouldn't be known. So nobody would care about his twisted world.

>> No.9020131

he could've been the next BEE probably,and could've gotten published because his dad had connections and he would've for sure got a ton of pussy. The problem is that he was actually fucked in the head and getting chicks would have done nothing to help assuage his angst. He probably was watching too much porn as well.

>> No.9020136
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>> No.9020140

who even is this guy?

>> No.9020143

it literally reads like shitty nabokov

>> No.9020147

Elliot's brother, not even memeing

>> No.9020148

>getting chicks would have done nothing to help assuage his angst.

Wasn't his whole problem that he couldn't get laid? you'd think getting laid would be a fairly straightforward solution.

>> No.9020160

Nah, it was deeper than that. He barely even tried getting a girlfriend. He was filled with hatred, and eventually any capacity to love had diminished to the point where hatred ruled supreme and the only love he was capable of was inverted to his memories (nostalgia) and his self (narcissism).

>> No.9020166

>He barely even tried getting a girlfriend.

Maybe his self esteem was so low he felt why even try if I'm gonna fail anyway, waste of time right? I've been there.

But if there were girls throwing themselves at him, he never would have reached the point of no return.

>> No.9020167

>and the only love he was capable of was inverted to his memories (nostalgia) and his self (narcissism).
literally me
Should I be worried?

>> No.9020174

see >>9020160

He was suffering from some sort of narcissistic neurosis, getting a gf, or rather chasing the happiness he experienced as a child, was him "chasing the dragon"

All his issues stemmed from himself, he was clearly suffering from sort of disorder aswell, leaving him to ferment in his own delusions was the reason he became a killer.

>> No.9020182

Parker Hartzler

>> No.9020189

He had a grudge about his parents splitting too and suddenly realizing that he was not the cute little kid he used to be but that he was now an ugly little man who was overwhelmed by what he perceived to be an incredibly competitive, ruthless sexual market wherein romantic love (which he obviously cared more about if you read and watch his stuff) was entirely beyond the reach of someone like himself, a half-Asian whose only means of bolstering his self-esteem was by referencing his ancient aristocratic lineage and the fact his father bought him expensive shit. The culture tells us that being rich and outwardly confident will lead to women wanting you, and Elliot naively bought that. He just consumed images culture provided him and, having failed to reap the rewards it promised, felt betrayed and therefore lashed out. But he was deeply unhappy anyway probably as a result of the divorce and subsequent rootlessness, and that hatred only grows in isolation.

>> No.9020191

Depends what you do with it. Some people like you make great music, some write books, some like myself are in a similar position and choose to write lengthy memoirs.

>> No.9020197

>Some people like you
There is no "you" and there is no "us", there's no seperate collective of people for kissless virgins and you shouldn't delude yourself into thinking there is. What seperates you from everyone else is a drunk night out, what seperated Elliot from everyone else was his entire self, his upbringing, his lack of self awareness and his patalogical narcissism.

>> No.9020199

True but isolation didn't help. He was self-aware enough to function on a daily basis.

I mean Hitler had a similar childhood although without the Less Than Zero overtones.


>both had few and often no friends
>were the children of a broken home
>bought lottery tickets hoping and felt entitled to win
>obsessed over tall blonde girls and made plans to kill them and hated the men they spent their time with
>planned to write a book (a play or paintings in Hitler's case, a GOT-esque fantasty novel for ER) to become famous and win the girl
>fluctuated between an intense persecution complex and messianic ambition to severe apathy and depression

He was an interesting guy. Without the American Psycho LARPing he would have been an object of pity rather than revulsion.

>> No.9020206

You don't know shit about my upbringing friendo

>> No.9020211

I know that you're gay enough to hint about it on 4chan which Elliot wouldn't do.

>> No.9020230

*draws switchblade*

DON'T push my buttons, kid.

>> No.9020850

Being associated with his crime was what made it noteworthy. Under normal circumstances it would've been considered gauche and passé at best.