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9018539 No.9018539 [Reply] [Original]

>Once he finds himself in such groups or, as he matures, aspires to be a member of some group, he in effect discovers more or less unconsciously that he must exhibit the behavior that will identify him as belonging, or accept a position as an outsider.

Reading a book on group psychology, and as a perpetual outsider this line stuck out to me.

>> No.9018595

I know them feels anon. I've tried several times to fit in. Never could. Now I'm just The Stranger.

>> No.9018597

You are a member of a group, you're a 4chan user.

>> No.9018696

>tfw easily fit in but feel like a rat with no backbone

>> No.9020070
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>> No.9020138

this is the worst feel

>> No.9020163

Nice quote OP. I know this feel well but I'm too autistic to try and fit in these days. I accept that my co-workers think I'm a weird, autistic loser and make zero effort to change that opinion. Feels comfy actually.

>> No.9020168


>> No.9020172

>or accept a position as an outsider.
Literally how?

>> No.9021477

>tfw feel like some kind of sociopath when i try to fit in
you just gotta live in the moment but its hard yknow

>> No.9021485
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I'd never want to belong to a group that would have someone like me as a member

>> No.9021489

So just find a group wherein you don't mind beloning or accepting? Sounds like you're just not getting out enough, and not meeting the right people.

>> No.9021491

Be Happy about that, you're able to see outside the group

>> No.9021513
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>tfw respected and listened to by your peers

>> No.9021514

You should be glad. Have you ever noticed how normies tend to become carbon copies of their friends? True greatness can only be attained outside of society, looking in.

>> No.9021518

makes you think

>> No.9021518,1 [INTERNAL] 

source pls

>> No.9022010

I feel this

>> No.9022037

What I really want is one true close friend who shares interests with me and who can be mutually respected. I'd much rather have that than a clique.

>> No.9022048

>tfw you realized that socializing is all a game
>tfw you realized that social interaction is just people trying to sell themselves to each other.
>tfw you respect yourself more than they respect themselves since you refuse to lower yourself to the status of a commodity
Feels good to be a supreme gentleman

>> No.9022061

>tfw totally socially competent with plenty of friends and a gf
>secretly judge literally everybody I walk past and even the people closest to me
>my mind reflexively does it
>judge myself just as harshly
>scan every person I see for errors to use to hate them

I think I really am a psychopath, but I've never seen a therapist for this shit. If I had to guess, it stems from the fact that I fat until the end of high school and always had low self esteem until I got fit.

>> No.9023128

I suppose you are all lacking the personality to be liked for being you. You don't have to be the centre of attension but if you have any redeeming qualities, just express those until your comfortable enough to let the weird slip out.

If you truly have nothing social within you then perhaps you weren't meant for this world

>> No.9023145

"Accept" insofar as you don't off just yourself from self-hate or loneliness.

>> No.9023149

You're most likely not a psychopath. They do not judge themselves harshly, they do not have low self esteem and they do not think of seeing a therapist - because they do not consider themselves psychologically "sick"

You might be on the anti-social spectrum, however, which is where psychopaths are also situated

>> No.9023151
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This Fox has a longing for grapes:
He jumps, but the bunch still escapes.
So he goes away sour;
And, 'tis said, to this hour
Declares that he's no taste for grapes.

>> No.9023162


>>judge myself just as harshly

You don't know what the word psychopath means if you are even capable of doing this, let alone doing it with any kind of regularity.

Relax. As long as you're judging in your head and not being a try hard douche to everyone around you who cares. Just get on with your life and you'll probably grow out of this in time. In fact you stand a very good chance to because you sound pretty self-aware about it all.

>> No.9023170

You know that part in 'A Beautiful Mind' when the protagonist finally gets recognition by receiving some pens. Whenever I feel sad about being somewhat lonely, I reflect on this and am kinda glad I won't ever have to suffer something similar

>> No.9023181

I feel you, anon. It does't matter how much I click with the group, it feels like I'll always just be a background character.

>> No.9023204

I hope your underage.

Being a part of a group merely dictates your physical appearance. It does not require a change in personality or interests. If you think being part of a social circle somehow erradicates individuality, you're retarded.

>> No.9023210

Why did you make up a paragraph explaining your social inadequacy, op?

>> No.9023678

OK op, now read Freud

>> No.9023721

Erving Goffman if you haven't read him, OP

>> No.9023732

Agreed. This is why I haven't been on a date in 5 years as well.

>> No.9023744

t. assblasted, low IQ socialfag who feels threatened by the idea that someone doesn't like the same things as him

>> No.9023749

> fag who feels threatened by the idea that someone doesn't like the same things as him

Literally describing yourself.

>> No.9023755

I'm not threatened by anything. I just know if I post my opinions edgily enough, I'm guaranteed (you)s

>> No.9023766


>I'm not threatened by anything.

Except social interaction and human contact.

>> No.9023785

>I don't like it so I'm threatened by it
If believing that helps you feel less insecure,go wild :)
I have healthy social interaction on a nearly daily basis

>> No.9023798

Healthy social interaction is difficult if you believe everybody is trying to sell themselves as a commodity.

>> No.9024467

Can't tell you how much I relate to this

>> No.9024501
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"My solitude doesn’t depend on the presence or absence of people; on the contrary, I hate who steals my solitude without, in exchange, offering me true company.”