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9018131 No.9018131 [Reply] [Original]

I've read IT, The Shining, Pet Sematary, Different Seasons, The Long Walk, and Misery.

IT is my favorite thus far, but I think Misery is the most well written. Where do I go from here?

inb4 King sucks. I know. I don't care.

>> No.9018161

Insomnia, short stories.

>> No.9018178

The running man?

After that....I dunno

There's really not much else I'd recommend, he's written a tremendous amount of complete shit, you've already banged out the good stuff.

>> No.9018240

Read his short story and novella collections, that is where King shines. Pick up All Dark No Stars, and A Bazaar of Bad Dreams.

>> No.9018287

what the fuck is wrong with this guy's face?

>> No.9018291

it's really high and drunk

>> No.9018313

the long walk is his best work
read the first three books of the dark tower?

>> No.9018322


'Salem's Lot is really the only other one worth pursuing.

The truly die-hard swear by The Stand but I think they are just trying to justify having wasted 1200 pages of their life on King. Approach with caution.

>> No.9018332

The Stand

>> No.9018421

Read the first half of The Stand.

Then read The Great and Secret Show by Clive Barker.

>> No.9018438

There's no point to reading King when you can watch movies based on the books.

>> No.9018442

Also read the short stories Survivor Type and The Jaunt.

>> No.9018447

I've seen all of them.

>> No.9018449

Dark Tower series

>> No.9018483

Pretty much this, but maybe 11/22/63 or The Green Mile?

You've covered the best though. Personally, I thought The Shining was at least equal to Misery, but I can see how you would prefer Misery.

>> No.9018485

Dark Tower or The Stand.

How do you read 6 King books but skip over his best two works?

>> No.9018510

this or 11.22.63.
under the dome is basically garbage though. dont bother with it.

>> No.9018528

I've watched the TV series. Not impressed.

>> No.9018564

The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon

Always found this to be a very underrated King novel. It's relatively short too, so it's not a huge time waste if you don't enjoy it for some reason

>> No.9018571

>Where do I go from here?

The Running Man
Night Shift (short story collection, genuinely good stuff in there)

Those are all good fun. You can stop reading King after that.

>> No.9018619

The book was miles better than the TV series.

>> No.9018639


>>9018322 is correct. The problem was probably compounded by my reading the extended version but The Stand is a really bad meme and I thoroughly regret the time I spent trudging through it

>> No.9019422

The only reason I have fond memories of The Stand was because my mother read it to me when I was younger.

>> No.9020028

Your mother read you all that kinky sex stuff with Harold?

>> No.9021167

I enjoyed Dolores Claiborne and Gerald's Game.

>> No.9022157
File: 165 KB, 1399x2103, the-dead-zone-9781501144509_hr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From what I remember The Dead Zone was pretty gud.

>> No.9022168

The Green Mile is really good, if you want a series then Dark Tower is also great and if you really just can't get enough The Stand is very good but as stated by everybody fucking long

>> No.9022929

Coked up King is best King.

>> No.9022947

IT and The Long Walk are my favorites. Try these (the first being the most highly recommended).

>Salem's Lot
>The Stand - The closest you'll get to the feeling of reading IT, besides re-reading IT and watching the miniseries.
>Under the Dome (from what I've seen of the TV series, it is absolutely atrocious. This book is great, but something unfortunately holds it down. Still worth checking out though.
>Night Shift

>> No.9023342

Well I suppose you could classify this as a guilty pleasure but I found The Tommyknockers to be really entertaining, especially when the story goes full batshit crazy.

>> No.9024584

This plus Different Seasons

>> No.9025791

>Gerald's Game
Good choice.

>> No.9025855

If you haven't read the Talisman read that for sure.

Also read Blaze.

>> No.9025857

Dead Zone, 11/22/63, His short story collections are good, Hearts in Atlantis is not too bad

>> No.9026969

>the Talisman
I quite like the stories King writes with child protagonists (It, The Talisman)

>> No.9027175 [DELETED] 
