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9016503 No.9016503[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why should I study philosophy, if it's not going to have any significant effect on my life? A study of sciences has explicit benefits even if it's not a career choice, yet philosophy seems utterly meaningless.

>> No.9016508

Sounds like you're a lost cause utilitarian anyways, might as well just study science.

>> No.9016518

>lost cause utilitarian
>a person who doesn't want to dedicate his life to pointless mental masturbation and linguistic acrobatics

>> No.9016519

>I love spending my time meaninglessly!

>> No.9016523

I would pay money to let her shit in my mouth

>> No.9016527

>A study of sciences has explicit benefits
Like? Unless you devout most of your living time on it, it will be quite pointless I M O as you can't really do anything complex. As for philosophy its about learning to think unlike in science where you follow dogmas but is still insanely difficult.

>> No.9016530

you're too stupid to study philosophy anyway. This also means you're too stupid to study science. You'll make a great accountant one day.

>> No.9016540

>philosophy its about learning to think unlike in science where you follow dogmas
>being a cliche edgy liberal arts retard

>> No.9016544

Not OP, but I am an accountant and while your statement rustled my jimmies it is quite true

>> No.9016550

>science where you follow dogmas
Challenging dogmas is literally what scientists do as a job

>> No.9016556

you guys are the new sophist
>lets do what market needs
just stop it

take drugs for your own interest sake!
live your fucking life!
make it something worthwile to you and worthwile to write, and not something like
>John was a nice guy, enjoyed his guy in average ways, ended uni, liked to read a little, 3 children, died 85.
Touch the rock bottom!
get to the top!
lose everything you had!

just don't be a fucking utalitarian tool, as it will either make your life worth shit, or you will realize it and get depressed.

>> No.9016563


If you studied philosophy and it ended up having no significant effect on your life then I'd be pretty surprised.

>> No.9016565
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>just b urself :^)

>> No.9016566

you know that statement is meaningless meme.

>stupid frogposter

>> No.9016568

Perhaps instead of making snarky remarks you could tell us about the amazing, transformative ways in which philosophy impacted yours?

>> No.9016574

Yeah why bother refuting me? I'm in favor of science but people forget philosophy and end up stuck up in their path.
It should be but it isn't for now, where peer review is unreliable and people take it for granted. And then if you count sciences being hold down by corporations...

>> No.9016582

Would be nice if this partisan undergrad bullshit that we've seen hundreds of times could get auto-deleted.

>> No.9016585

It taught me how to think

>> No.9016591

>A study of sciences has explicit benefits even if it's not a career choice
how so

>> No.9016595

Of course you shouldn't, you already know things in advance.

>> No.9016597


Perhaps you could stop being a lazy ass nigga and do it for yourself.

>> No.9016602

Really made me ponder

>> No.9016606

You can lord your autism over the trivial mistakes of others. This may seem like a downside, but remember, they already have the autism. The most they'll ever get out of social interaction is the satisfaction of being condescending.

>> No.9016616

Should I list to you all the obvious benefits of hard knowledge for your conduct in real life, like it's not obvious? You apply physics, biology, chemisty, math all the time in everyday existence

>> No.9016626

Wow, you never replied to me anymore but continue to spout this bullshit? You clearly have no idea about what philosophy is considering your weak example as if it will have ANY difference at all in your life where with philosophy it can be tremendous.

>> No.9016647

I would argue you use philosophy more than science in everyday life.
Devices made with the knowledge gained by science are all around, but most people don't know or care how they work as long as they do. However, people are constantly concerned with what is right/moral/ethical.

>> No.9016653

>implying doing something that tangibly affects real world for a living somehow prevents you from experiencing life to its fullest
Oh the things people have to tell themselves to justify willfully wasting time on absolutely pointless garbage.

>> No.9016656


>> No.9016680

Well, you really seem to be an utilitarian. So go read John Stuart Mill, Jeremy Bentham to at least know the philosophical grounds of your position.

Another interesting read is Moral Tribes by Joshua Greene. It extends utilitarianism to a level where it works like a metamorality.

Utilitarism is the philosophy of robots, but at least is better than Scientism, which is the philosophy of the atheists coming from protestant families. (a.k.a. fedoras).

>> No.9016909
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someone wrote this unironically

>> No.9017110

I think philosophy changed the world more than religion. We don't know about kant, but the phrase 'walk a mile in another's shoes' is in every culture. We don't know about nietzche, but the american businessman is a perfect example of that philosophy.
We may not know the exact influence of each philosopher, but they cause us to reconsider our culture. I think that is valuable on it's own, because culture is just a pile of popular lies in the first place. Might as well make them good ones.
I think all philosophy will accede to science because it's going to get harder to argue that your position works when a computer tells you you're dumb. No one likes to argue with computers because theirs no psychological reward for winning, so everyone has to shut up and follow the number crunchers lead.

>> No.9017119

<<A study of sciences has explicit benefits even if it's not a career choice
name just one

>> No.9017162

Your dad can fix the car because he studied mechanical engineering instead of some faggot liberal shit

>> No.9017168

You can't fix a new car nowadays, it's all electronics, you have to take it to a certified service shop.

>> No.9017180

>You can't fix a new car nowadays, it's all electronics, you have to take it to a shop where a high-school dropout with 3 months of training will fix it.

>> No.9017190

>hur dur I don't make ethical or aesthetic decisions in my daily life i promise

Kill yourself.

>> No.9017196 [DELETED] 

my dad's dead

>> No.9017201

Maybe it'll teach you, how to use commas.

>> No.9017205

>aesthetic decisions
>tfw you decorate your bathroom like a proper übermensch

>> No.9017210

So is God though.

>> No.9017212

If you actually feel like that about philosophy then you shouldn't study it. Is clearly not something you do to get money out of it.
Perhaps you could study something that would give you "explicit benefits" and read philosophy in your spare time.

>> No.9017215

Im sorry

>> No.9017221
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