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File: 94 KB, 1024x952, feelintelligent1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9015169 No.9015169 [Reply] [Original]

Are you smart?

>> No.9015171
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i no smart

>> No.9015177

>tfw too smart to exist

>> No.9015180

it's "that think when"

>> No.9015189


I don't think so. Fuck.

On a job application for "skills" I put some and then added "intelligent, nihilistic, and has a wicked sense of humour."

I'm a fucking retard.

>> No.9015190
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I'm dumb enough that I notice myself having trouble understanding complex ideas, but I'm not dumb enough that I just think everything beyond my immediate understanding is nonsense or gibberish.

The greatest trap I've found is the allure of having complex ideas explained to me by other people in more relateable terms, because of the ease with which such explanations can influence one's worldview in subtle ways. A Marxist ideologue and an Italian Fascist would explain even simple pop-culture ideas differently, and those explanations could color your perception of the world. With complex ideas, this becomes even stronger. The same two people explaining Aristotle could color not only the work itself, but your very conception of what rationality actually is, and what rational thought entails.

People of mediocre intelligence are more dangerous than both stupid and highly intelligent people for precisely this reason. Stupid people are too dumb to have a worldview, and intelligent people are few in number, but there is an unending supply of mediocre individuals who can be easily radicalized and galvanized in a belief system that they just barely understand, and then spread to other mediocre people.

And there's nothing we can do about it. This has to be the mechanism by which civilizations are destroyed. It fills me with a deep and abiding dread that I lack the faculties to fully distinguish that which is indoctrination and that which is self-realized truth.

>> No.9015233

Thank you for that

>> No.9015243
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idk you sound pretty smart 2 me

>> No.9015284


this is why we have the really intelligent people critiquing and guiding the masses through Machiavellian power plays. but we truly capable and virtuous men act in politically virtuous manners. we philosophers.

if you have an uneducated population being radicalized by an emotionally appealing (simplification) ideology its the responsibility of the intelligentsia to protect the masses from the lies of dark hidden powers (radical feminists). you do so by appealing to their soul and showing them a path of self understanding that is divorced from political ideology. the path to wisdom is one only you can walk.

this mediocre society, this is a reference to a nietzsche aphorism in tgs, its effeminate nature is the unironic mother of genius. it forces men of capability to reject their culture and seek wisdom and truth that transcends our cultural/political/allofit degeneracy. there are some of us who find the external world to be a desert, and so cultivate an internal oasis that upon reaching critical mass bring rain to the dry external world.

you free your mind by reading the ancients. avoid scholarship and interpretive opinion until youve read the work and digested it. most of what is perceived as intelligence is knowledge, and most of what is perceived as knowledge is information from a book or lecture which itself is from a book etc etc etc. you need to develop your own voice, and you do this by reading the unironic philosophers and writing your own unincentivized, unchained analyses (essays w/o caring what people think of what you write).

>> No.9015296
