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/lit/ - Literature

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9014380 No.9014380 [Reply] [Original]

>You are no longer a regular Gatsby... You now are truly, The Great Gatsby
How the fuck did this get published?

>> No.9014417

>...that entity was called the Neuromancer, the novel that inspired the Matrix trilogy
wtf Gibson

>> No.9014437

>Hi it's me, Jesus Christ, and this is the Bible

wtf God what is this pomo bullshit

>> No.9014464

>Moby's Dick (and the genitals of other electronic musicians)

People pay for this?

>> No.9014483

>You'd better get that cough checked out or The Sickness Unto Death could get you sent to the kirkegård
Literacy was a mistake

>> No.9014498

>But, like everything, there was a catch. Catch 22!


>> No.9014519
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>All's fair in War and Peace
wow.... so this is the best author.... in the Russian language....

>> No.9014553

>Segregation is as evil an act as to kill a mockingbird.
Was that permitted by English scholars back then? It already sounds dated and ungrammatical desu.

>> No.9014555

>I guess I truly was...The Old Man and the Sea.

I am appalled that this actually happened.

>> No.9014558

>and in the end, he truly was..... James Joyce's Ulysses

wow see why this made it into the meme trilogy, supre good shit

>> No.9014571

>I was so hungry, but all there was to eat was a naked lunch!

really? this is post-modern's best?...

>> No.9014578
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>In-A-Bhagavad-Gita, honey,
>don't you know that I love you?

nice """"""verses"""""", Pajeet

>> No.9014579

>He said goodbye to his missing limbs; it was A Farewell to Arms

>> No.9014580

oh fucking dammit
you bastard

>> No.9014593

>As he attempted to count them, he soon began to realize that there very well could be Infinite amounts of Jest.

Brilliant. David truly was a Foster of Wallaces.

>> No.9014598

>Baptizati nunc est verum hæc Thebais Stati

>> No.9014604
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Holy shit

>> No.9014625

>Those losers are so slow! I'm The First Man to the finish line!
I'm never reading another book by cah-moo again.

>> No.9014632

>I was Fausto IV. Now I am Fausto... V.
Jeez Pynchon

>> No.9014633

I spent several minutes on this sexameter; I better get some (You)s

>> No.9014635

>hey what time is it

>> No.9015274
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>Goodbye Alia, it looks like we really were...
>The Children of Dune


>> No.9015374

Wtf did Gatsby transform or what?

>> No.9015377

>And but so the jest never ended, it truly was infinite
No wonder this is such a meme

>> No.9015382

>he hasn't read the sequel

>> No.9015386


he was mecha

>> No.9015391

>That's how you make a deal!

What the fuck Mr. President

>> No.9015423

>But that's how it goes... in the HEART OF DARKNESS
Masterpiece my ass

>> No.9015439

>So this is it...this is the Infinite Jest.
Who published this?

>> No.9015468

>I have forgotten everything, even For Whom the Bell Tolls...
Are you fucking serious?

>> No.9015477

>It finally came then it was as gone as soon as it was it.

Thanks Stephen I'm spooked.

>> No.9015483


>> No.9015487

>Howdy nigger jim, I'm Huckleberry Finn want to go on some fuckin' adventures nigger?

Why did they force us to read this shit in school?

>> No.9015492
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>> No.9015747

>It was truly a Journey around my skull by Frigyes Karinthy

>> No.9015799

>Oh my god? Who could possibly have committed this horrific murder?
>I bet it was those ten little niggers we saw on the beach
Jesus Christ, really?

>> No.9015815

That's not actually far off from the real title drop:

"There was only one catch, and that was Catch-22"

>> No.9016011


actually I think the one I posted is really in the book too.

>> No.9016015


duuuuuuude >.<

>> No.9016096

>hi im dog oh shit wtf im dead now


>> No.9016109

>i guess it got so hot it was.......Fahrenheit 451


>> No.9016131
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>...and the horrid, gelatinous thing, which hinted of all things terrible and unfathomable, dissipated into the oily blackness of the cruel seas. The sirens called, that maddening and accursed Call of Cthulhu.

Jesus Christ, Lovecraft.

>> No.9016147

>At last, by raping my sister i have become The Catcher in the Rye

What can you expect from someone who drinks his own piss

>> No.9016936

>a fellow of Infinite Jest, of most excellent fancy

really DFW?

>> No.9016987

>And so I became...... The Stranger.

Camus you fucking HACK

>> No.9017080

>There are infinite numbers between 0 and 1. There's .1 and .12 and .112 and an infinite collection of others. Of course, there is a bigger infinite set of numbers between 0 and 2, or between 0 and a million. Some infinities are bigger than other infinities. A writer we used to like taught us that. There are days, many of them, when I resent the size of my unbounded set. I want more numbers than I'm likely to get, and God, I want more numbers for Augustus Waters than he got. But, Gus, my love, I cannot tell you how thankful I am for our Infinite Jest.

David Wallace has always been trash

>> No.9017092

>I wanted so badly to lie down next to her on the couch, to wrap my arms around her and sleep. Not fuck, like in those movies. Not even have sex. Just sleep together in the most innocent sense of the phrase. But I lacked the courage and she had a boyfriend and I was gawky and she was gorgeous and I was hopelessly boring and she was endlessly fascinating. So I walked back to my room and collapsed on the bottom bunk, thinking that if people were rain, I was drizzle and she was Gravity's Rainbow.

really Pynchon?

>> No.9017132

>The thing Alaska did next scared and shocked and surprised me in a way nothing had ever ever scared or shocked or surprised me until that moment, a moment which lasted no longer than one sharp intake of breath but one I have no doubt will last my entire life. She said 'I love you'. Not 'You're cool' or 'I had a really fun time' or 'Do you always kiss like that?' I love you. As in 'I, Alaska Young, love you, Miles Halter'. As in 'I Alaska Young have not only noticed that you Miles Halter exist but I positively adore the fact that you do'. I exhaled. Alaska did too and for the first time I realized she was as scared as I was of admitting the way she felt. I stepped forward and held her hips. 'Are you sure?' I asked. 'I think so!' she replied, smiling. I must have pushed her backwards because just then her body nudged the lightswitch and the room became as dark as my life was without Alaska in it. Laughing, she slipped out of my grasp and disappeared somewhere inside the room. I reached out like a blind man searching for the object that might grant him sight. Truly, I was Looking for Alaska
And it's actually a real quote.

>> No.9017150

>But that's enough, I shall write no more Notes From Underground by Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoyevsky (1864)
Fucking Russians

>> No.9017216
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>gubmint get out reeeeeeeee
>this is the constitution of burgers

>> No.9017544

>And now I have become communism, the destroyer of white civilisations
really, Cultural Marx?

>> No.9017613

No way, I don't believe it. Show proof.

>> No.9017666

I don't think you get it

>> No.9018557

It's good enough to be real.

>> No.9018562

Sorry *bad enough

>> No.9018567



>Twas truly a joke of huge proportions, my lad -- a jest not just big, but infinite --- an infinite jest


>> No.9018580

uuuh ive read the book and thats not a real quote....

>> No.9018657


>> No.9018671

I'm crying

>> No.9018672

>We pass through grass behush the bush to. Whish! A gull. Gulls. Far calls. Coming, far! End here. Us then. Finn, again! Take.
You call this a masterpiece?

>> No.9018677

>if people were rain, I was drizzle and she was a hurricane
Is it bad if i think that this is a great line?

>> No.9019038

"And then he truly knew, he knew he was......In Search of Lost Time."
4000 pages for this?!

>> No.9019066

>what'll it be?
>I guess I'll have a the Master and Margarita, by Mikhail Bulgakov

This should have been left burnt

>> No.9019098

>"Ey Buck you read Homer's Odyssey?"
>"Yeah senpai Ulysses is a cool dude aye."

>> No.9019123

I sincerely believe that The Confessions is the worst chapter in any of Pinecone's work.

>> No.9019151 [DELETED] 

>Alonso Quijano was gone, and he would never be back. He now was truly, Don Quijote

>> No.9019173

>Alonso Quijano was gone, and he would never be back. He now was truly, Don Quijote

Best book ever wrote everyone

>> No.9019183

>My name is Grendel.
This is all we could achieve with 1000 years of progress?

>> No.9019217

>Now, after working tirelessy for years on end on this ironfield, you, David, are ready to begin your work on the copperfield.

>> No.9019230

>You are so dumb, you are like an The Idiot

>> No.9019242

>Well, kids, the lesson here is simple, I guess. Despite how enticing it may seem, you should never, ever go shoplifting at American Apparel. ;)

>> No.9019255
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haha. nice.

isn't this John Green? oh fuck /lit/ what have you done to me

>> No.9019271

>"Penelope! It was never supposed to be Odysseyou..."
>"It was always... Odysseus..."

Fuck you Homer you fucking cunt

>> No.9019290

>Alas, poor Yorick! I knew him, Horatio, a fellow of Infinite Jest, of most excellent fancy.

how people have the nerve to claim that this is the Bard's greatest play is beyond me

>> No.9019323

>"And this," Socrates announced, "Is what I conclude to be Plato's Republic."
>"You speak rightly." some faggot agreed.

fucking hack

>> No.9020183

I...don't get it.

>> No.9020200

essential garbage psyche rock coming through

>> No.9020210

>in-A-Mahabharata, baby
>Don'tcha know that I'll always be true?

>> No.9020217

>Oedipa settled back, to await the crying of lot 49.

Stopped reading right there.

>> No.9020293

>And in that bitter, yet beautiful moment, I knew this was a new world I now dwell in...a Brave New World.

Huxley was a hack

>> No.9020328

>Nachiketa: Oh Yama, God of Death, how may I realize the Self in my life and find the secret to immortality?

>Yama: You must use a tool to realize the self. You will find it up-in-a-shed.

...did i read the wrong edition or something?

>> No.9021082


>> No.9021153

>First of all, let me get this straight: This is a JOURNAL, not a diary. I know what it says on the cover, but when Mom went out to buy this thing I SPECIFICALLY told her to get one that didn't say 'diary' on it. But here we are, so this will be... the Diary of Anne Frank


>> No.9021236


>> No.9021244

>First of all, let me get this straight: This is a JOURNAL, not a diary. I know what it says on the cover, but when my wife went out to shoplift this thing I SPECIFICALLY told her to get one that didn't say 'diary' on it. But here we are, so this will be... the Diary of Anne Frank

>> No.9022292


>> No.9022308

>iron butterfly

come home, /mu/man

>> No.9022324


>But then there was the Crime. And punishment.

Dostoevsky was trash.

Jesus Christ

>> No.9022335


>At last, I have become Don Quixote

Are you fucking serious?

>> No.9022338

>With your permission, I'd like to make him an offer he can't refuse, Don Quixote


>> No.9022348

porque? I just got there.

>> No.9022361

>I, Don, am supremely quixotic. I guess you could call me... Don Quixote.
what the...

>> No.9022364

>On 27 July, we were relieved by a company of the 164th. We were utterly exhausted. The commander of the relieving company was badly wounded on the way out; a few days later, my bunker was hit, and his successor buried. We all sighed with relief when we finally turned our backs on Puisieux and the Storm of Steel

The fuck you doing, Ernst?

>> No.9022366
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>these are my brief interviews with hideous men

>> No.9023360

>And now ... Yours is A Song of Ice and Fire

Why do normies love that shit again ?

>> No.9023367

this reads like rock and/or roll

>> No.9023405

To kill a mockingbird bird you first need to acquire a license from the state in which you plan to hunt, along with the relevant equipment required to kill the animal humanely.

>Oh for fu-
>Slams book shut and throws it in the air
>Pull out katana and slice book in two before it lands

>> No.9023430

>Maybe they couldn't see it, yet he truly was Bait, by Anonymous.

throwing feces at my screen

>> No.9023438

>. . . because races condemned to one hundred years of solitude did not have a second opportunity on earth.
Why did you trick me into reading this hackery?

>> No.9024764
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>Youve all been taught history before... But now let me tell you what really happened... I am about to tell you, The Secret History

>> No.9024923

>I took an almost fatal amount of spice, it transformed me into a true Dune Messiah

>> No.9024955

>He may have had a good life; alas, he was a total stoner.

>> No.9024984
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>"Yeah. Yeah. Yeah" was all he had to his name. A stillborn legacy barely out of the womb. A dwindling fame that culminated in one monumentally stilted phrase, his last known utterance that reached unforgiving ears: "Happy Easter, Xbox." single handedly marked The Fall of The House of Usher.


>> No.9026085
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>> No.9026096
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>*Therese pushes Camille off the boat*
>"Guess I'm really, heh, Raquin' up these kills"
Bravo Zola

>> No.9026110

>The more you shoot the Arabs... the Stranger it gets.
so this is the power....
of existentialism

>> No.9026128

>John patted Bilbo on the head, but he knew it would give no comfort. In a field littered with the corpses of little folk, Bilbo had become The Hobbit, by J. R. R. Tolkien.

people like this rubbish?

>> No.9026150


>> No.9026152

>Hey! Will you please be quiet, please?

>> No.9026161

>Alas, I fear we are all put of Ham
>Let us starve, then!
Overrated trash t b h.

>> No.9026226

>Say, kid. Did I ever tell you The Tale of Genji?

>> No.9026233

I don't remember reading that line in The Hobbit.

>> No.9026235

>it is called a Prince Albert, truly the Lord of the Rings.

Britain's finest sicko.

>> No.9026281

>and so Geralt closed another quest, he would afterall, always be remembered as The Witcher III Enhanced Edition for the Playstation 4, The Novelization

>> No.9027411

>Watched the corpses of the dead Indians sprawled over The Blood Meridian or the Evening Redness in the West

you said this shit was good, /lit/

>> No.9027494

>You did it, by God you did it Wu Kong! At last, your Journey to the West is complete!

>> No.9027542

>you know, the fact that I, a wrestling champion is about to kill himself sure goes to show that things fall apart
Fuck off achebe

>> No.9027611 [DELETED] 

>Lolita, light of my

>> No.9027627


>> No.9028045

>Finally I had done it. I had graduated from the prestigious Middlesex University, England.

Well bra-vo, Eugenides.

>> No.9028058 [DELETED] 

"It's him, the boy who lived! The great Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone™

>> No.9028059

Middlesex is one of the worst unis in England desu

>> No.9028064

>"It's him, the boy who lived! The great Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone™"

>> No.9028094

>O brave new world, that has such people in it!
can't believe Huxley actually contrived such a weird phrase, the madman

>> No.9028095

>Yo, Rick, hat's up with your hamlet?
>dunno man my cousin Toby didn't build it as sturdy as I wanted it
>toby or not toby, I wouldn't pay a dime for it

The Bard was a hack

>> No.9028105

What the fuck

>> No.9028114

>old Bog Himself turning and turning in his rookers.... a Clockwork Orange™