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/lit/ - Literature

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9014201 No.9014201 [Reply] [Original]

Quick /lit/ help me answer this question: If you could witness any historical event, which would you choose?

This is a life or death situation.

>> No.9014215
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the polish betraying the french in haiti

>> No.9015099

Homer reciting the Iliad

>> No.9015101


>> No.9015398

Ratifying of the Constitution
Battle of Troy
Assassination of Caesar

god i know nothing of history

>> No.9015410

The first plane hitting the tower. To feel the gears of history revolve like that must have been excruciating.

>> No.9015413

After the French were defeated, didn't the Haitian revolutionaries order every Frenchman left on the island be put to death?

>> No.9015419
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Pulse nightclub

>> No.9015435
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"Et tu Brute?" or the murder of Caligula

>> No.9015438

I want to watch Rasputin's murder to see at what he point he actual died.

>> No.9015448

Event as in within a period of a few hours or event as in a period of days to weeks to years?

>> No.9015558

The hiroshima explosion from a safe distance

>> No.9016495

The Helen/Cassandra/Andromache threeway.

>> No.9016552

Building of Stonehenge
Exodus from Egypt
Crucifixion of Jesus
Sacking of Rome
Vikings landing at Lindisfarne
Storming Versailles as a drunken enraged peasant would be hella fun.
Would also want to be present when Columbus convinced the Spaniards to fund him.
I don't know. Why are you asking, OP?

>> No.9017743

>inb4 "it didn't happen lel"
Death of Mark Twain
Teddy Roosevelt Getting Shot
Appomattox Courthouse

>> No.9017828

Personally, the whole reign of Caligula, just to see if it was as fucked up as everyone said it was.

>> No.9017856

Myself when I was cutting my hair without a mirror last night

>> No.9017859

I'd have loved to have been present when they displayed Cicero's severed head and hands at the Roman Forum.

>> No.9018876
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Permian extinction. no contest.

>> No.9019882

i haven't been truly happy since my dinosaur period as a child

>> No.9021053

In Live From Golgotha, Gore Vidal imagines a modern television news crew covering the crucifixion.

>> No.9021065

Resurrection of Jesus

>> No.9021318

Moot creating 4chan