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9010979 No.9010979 [Reply] [Original]

write what's on your mind

>> No.9011000

I keep tottering between wanting to do great acts of love and great acts of hate.

>> No.9011012

This picture makes me want to go live in a cave.

>> No.9011020

I only wish for love, eternal love

>> No.9011026

Why does this picture make me so sad?

>> No.9011028

why do i sound good on the microphone, but shitty on the recording? ://///

>> No.9011031
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Usually, the only interesting people I meet are the ones who habitually read or travel.

>> No.9011038

>all those people not taking pictures/recording just looking all "the fuck is this"

>> No.9011042

We're fucked, the dystopia win

>> No.9011045


>> No.9011063

I don't want to be a bad person, but I believe I'm inherently dispoposed to doing bad things. I wish for redemption. What can I do to help people?

>> No.9011069

I am in the exact same boat anon.

I don't have any answers either.

>> No.9011099
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OP is a faggot

>> No.9011105

Check your privilege, friend.

>> No.9011115

The fact that nature is as arbitrary as it is fills me with so much despair that I have trouble doing anything. I also think that any effort to write is a result of vanity; I only want to be perceived as someone who writes for a living.

>> No.9011119

I'm really happy to hear that anon. What'd you do?

>> No.9011125

I've never seen Volcano with Tommy Lee Jones... I didn't even know it existed.

>> No.9011132

We all sound shitty over microphone.

Don't worry about it too much.

>> No.9011137

No one is predisposed to be inherently bad. What is bad, or evil is simply the lack of good. You have a choice, to do good or to fall into sin.

You're not bad people, bad people wouldn't be here lamenting their supposed wrong doing. You're good people, go out and do good things. Focus on your own nature, apart of the divine. Focus on being good men, and doing the right thing. There is nothing more you can do.

God bless you Anons

>> No.9011139

personally, i've been at odds with a lot of conflicting emotions and decisions.
a lot of stuff has happened really quickly in my life to where it feels like i'm watching a movie I don't like on fast-forward, for like a really rushed movie where you can tell the CGI is off and the acting is terrible ( sorry, i'm trying my best to explain things ). i'm really losing a sense of self and it feels like I can switch personalities in a heartbeat and can't even get a grasp on myself or what/who I really am, making it really hard to cope with everything going on right now.
for the most part though, i'm lonely. I have plenty of friends but i'm really seeking an emotional/compassionate bond with someone.
at times it feels like i'm limiting myself. stopped eating a lot and stopped taking care of myself, almost as if I don't deserve to be normal or clean or happy. it feels like everything has lapsed over into a weird, pathetic apathy and I hate it. I just want to be stronger than this like everyone thinks I am.
what happens when the shoulder to cry on doesn't have a shoulder to cry on ? I feel like i'm gonna let it all out one day and lose everything so I keep it tucked inside.
it hurts, really. really really bad. but at the same time it doesn't ? I don't even know.
i'm still sailing down the river with nothing to stop myself from going down the waterfall.

>> No.9011148

Don't want to be perceived as anything. Simply do what you enjoy, and it seems that its writing. Wanting to be perceived as something will only cause confusion and falseness.

Nature is arbitrary, it's ordered. So massive is this order that it seems arbitrary. Everything fits in place, everything connects and reacts to everything. The pieces fit the puzzles. Do not despair Anon, have Faith. The world has meaning, and so do you.

Have Faith.

>> No.9011156

Lacrimal apparatus

>> No.9011160

Anon. Be straight in all you do. Have Faith. The wind may try to take you this way or that, stand firm.

You may feel lonely, you're not. Those are emotions, passing, constantly changing. What you feel is the passing of what you perceive.

Everything is out of our control, that's okay. Its out of our control, we cannot do anything.

I wish you the best Anon, understand that everything is outside our control except us. Do what is right. Good luck. We love you.

>> No.9011203

I just instantly bully every single person no matter what and I can't stop

First love of my life now won't talk to me because I called her a stupid cunt and told her everything her friends said about her behind her back in front of all her friends. Now I'm just an alcoholic recluse who reads alone for fun/fulfillment because everyone I know doesn't enjoy spending time with me anymore, even though I am actually actively trying to change.

What did you did anon

>> No.9011271

I had an experience like this once.

I was in control of my own life, but it was in a very weird sense. It felt like a kind of cosmic maintenance, to remain myself; and yet the person I was did not feel like a self at all. And it was really stressing me out. I felt overwhelmed with expectations that I couldn't satisfy, or even understand.

What helped me was realizing that I was still in control of my own life, and that what was expected of me was not only very simple, it was also very sane and reasonable. The things I had to do were really not difficult at all. And, realizing this, I enjoyed some of them. What was really bothering me became much less like a tragedy to be won or lost (and the loss would have been unbearable) and more like a kind of a game, where really it was impossible to fail. Even mistakes were okay, if I engaged with the process with sincerity. It was all much more harmless than I thought. It was my thoughts that were making things really intense and stressful.

Things may not really be as difficult as you think. You are in control of your life and your future. You always have been, but sometimes we can forget these things. Maybe, despite your apathy, you feel too much in control, this responsibility of holding yourself together. If that is the case, it's okay to step back.

Whatever is before you that you are required to do, you can do. It's never as difficult as it seems. Some of those other things can be let go of and returned to later.

That boat that you are on has a rudder. It is not hard to steer. You won't hit that waterfall. Why would you? The only way that could happen would be if you fell asleep completely. But that's not going to happen.

>> No.9011297

Fuck my fucking part-time job. I fucking hate it. I hate working retail and I hate that my hours are so irregular, and I hate interacting with customers. I also make more money in a few hours as a freelance writer than I do in two weeks' of schedule at this job. Fuck it, I'm only working it because my parents want me to.

>> No.9011308

The only vices left in my life are slight laziness, I swear a lot, I drink about once a week, and I look at pornography maybe once a week or so. I eat healthy and feel healthy and live an active life style. I enjoy reading and fishing and watching sports and anything outdoors. I barely use social media and try to keep my screen time to a minimum every day. I am studying finance and have a great GPA and a summer internship lined up. My family is loving and wealthy and big. I look about a 6 out of 10, maybe more maybe less depending on how I dress. I should be at least kinda happy.

But I have only three people who I would call friends, a few more acquaintances. I have nightmares every single night about past loves moving on while I can only watch. I have no love prospects. I think about killing myself often enough to worry me. I either feel fantastic and energetic, or completely distraught (mostly distraught) with no middle ground. Do I need adventure? Perhaps a new wild lover. But I just can't seem to find the motivation to do anything to change my ways but complain to myself on an anonymous image board.

>> No.9011316

That asian guy knows what's up

>> No.9011348

you aren't a special snowflake.

>> No.9011356

His sentiment to get away from civilization, even if not lasting, makes him a special snowflake?
Very thoughtful of you

>> No.9011374
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to live is to want and sometimes I feel like I was better off not wanting anything at all. However in the same vain I pity those that are contempt with mediocrity. I'm constantly unsatisfied and that's what separates me from the average man, for better or for worse.

>> No.9011391

pretty girls all around me. maybe some day i will get to date one.

>> No.9011425

Dang man. Only 3 friends and no girlfriend? That's definitely grounds for suicidal thoughts. I can't imagine how much you are suffering right now.

>> No.9011427

I'd rarther not say for legal purposes. I've stopped it, but I cannot change the past.

Anon I think you can make it. It sucks having to rebuild a social circle, but it's not impossible. What you did to your love was wrong, but not unforgivable. I don't think you can get back with her, but you know who you wronged. You've probably said it already, but I think you should apologise to her and tell her that you were in the wrong. Then try to move on as best you can manage.

>> No.9011435

Nothing wrong with the first part, if she is a stupid cunt. Chances are she was, you just made the mistake of telling a woman the truth. Never tell the woman the truth. They can't handle that shit.

If she asks you what you think, tell her what she wants to hear.
If she asks what you did, tell her what you think she would have wanted you to do.
If she asks why you do something, tell her it is for her.

>> No.9011627

what's on your mind

>> No.9011672

I am consumed by ideals which cannot be met by the real world.

>> No.9011685

I wish I was dead. I don't want to do anything. I don't want to exist. I wanna get through this but I don't know how. Time will move on but I can't. Time to hit the gym.

>> No.9011774

How old are you?

>> No.9011780


>> No.9011788

theres this real cutie (i think shes cute) who works at the used bookstore downtown. all throughout high school i went there with my mom, and the qt always recommended me books, commended me on my choices of books
stopped going for a while, i went in a few weeks ago without my maternal unit and she was real happy to see me, wanted to know what ive been up to etc
im 18 now, and shes 29
the last time i bought some books i was a dollar and 17 cents short, and i told her to just put one back but she paid for my book.
i really want to take her to lunch or somethig and i dont think it would be too creepy as it seems like she shows genuine interest in me, im just scared. one of the books was an italo cavino book, "cosmic comics". she said to let her how it is, shes only read one book from him. i think i should say something like "id love to talk about it over lunch sometime", something like that
should i do it, /lit? i dont really have a reason not to

>> No.9011790


I truly wish I had a '97 toyota corrolla.

>> No.9011822

do it d00d

>> No.9011834

I'm always anxious that my friends hate me. It's fucking irrational but I always think I'm a burden to them, I'm "that silly cunt we sometimes have a drink with". It happens especially when I really like them: when I don't really care about them, I think they really like me. The problem is that it makes me do weird thing, socially, and I think it kinda ruins my relationship with my friends.

>> No.9012054

What the fuck is going on in this picture.
>inb4 "pictures"

>> No.9012067

>He thrusts his fists against the post and still insists he sees the ghosts

>> No.9012075

It's a bunch of reporters during the Trump inauguration protests taking pictures of a trashcan that protesters knocked over and lit a fire inside of.

>> No.9012095

Fake news, huh.

>> No.9012106

because you never hear your voice how other hear it unless it is disconnected to you and comes from an outside source. that's because you usually hear your own voice not by soundwaves but by vibrations of your skull bones. that plus most recordings alter the sound atleast slightly if not completely change it.

>> No.9012112

Fake outrage

>> No.9012119

Kill all niggers

>> No.9012157
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>tfw you swing between trying to fix your social life/education etc and simply giving in and becoming a lazy leech.
I'm in work mode now but it changes by the week it seems.
Sometimes I simply can't or won't look to the future, I go for the immediate pleasures(drugs + video games/tv/youtube) and of course when I regain my motiviation I just get pissed at how much time I wasted doing nothing but going full ''pleasure'' mode.
But when in that mode I resent the world for denying me this way of life (for the long term) the thought of work repels me and I get easily annoyed by other people, I want to be left alone.
The thing is you can't swing between these two modes of thoughts, you're going to have to pick either one of them and the choice seems clear yet I turn a blind eye when wasting my time indulging in every vice I know.
It's not just the drugs, I was like this since a small kid, which means to turn this around will take a great amount of work, I hope I choose to work hard or else the result will be me becoming a hermit, closed from other people and filled with a sense of guilt.

>> No.9012165



>> No.9012330

idk what i am doing. time seems abstracted, removed. im terrified of intimacy and im torn between facing my fear and just severing my ties with all ive ever known, fleeing to some distant land, and just, live till i die.
sometimes i think that'd be for the best; other times i can tell my reflection is lying

>> No.9012336

i feel you, that shit sucks. and neither extreme brings satisfaction, its like you cant do anything right

>> No.9012360
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Begin disciplined has really improved my quality of life. Over my winter break I would barely eat, play Runescape for multiple hours a day, and go to bed really late. Since I've gone back to school, I've gotten a part time job at a small chinese place near my house, doing a 5x5 routine and eating 3k calories a day, sleeping plenty and getting up early, finishing all of my homework promptly, and engaging with my philosophy classes and the professors. All of this has given me time to actually read during the day instead of thinking that I would and then playing runescape for 6 hours. I'm reading Brief History of greece and its great. Mythology next. Jerking off in the morning has also helped me focus during the day.

I no longer feel physically ill all day from lack of food and constant computer use, and I am overall very satisfied at the moment.

>> No.9012369

Also, I quit video games completely. After playing runescape for like 7 hours straight and failing some boss again (jad) something inside of me snapped and I canceled my membership and haven't thought about it since. RS and other video games just feel like a complete waste of time. I might still play every once and a while for entertainment, like going to see a movie, but it won't be multiple hours daily to achieve some goal.

>> No.9012391

Just stay away from MMOs, man. Those are such massive time sinks it's unreal. The whole point is to keep you playing for longer and longer so they can wring more money out of you. Most normal games at least end.

>> No.9012418

Thats what I'm thinking. I can enjoy shit like Morrowind and not fall too deep in but I can't with MMOs. This was really the first time I got super deep in one and it lasted a few months. If I find some new game with an interesting story I will give it a shot, but Runescape is too tedious and pointless.

>> No.9012441


>> No.9012443
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I made this

>> No.9012455

I think I'm going insane but if I was aware that I'm losing my mind that would mean I'm still sane, right?

>> No.9012458

Nice man. I've been following a similar path. Stopped smoking, started a better diet and sleep 6 hours a night. Unfortunately, I can't seem to find a job, but a volunteer gig has kept me occupied. Coupled with some meditation and reading from more diverse lit I feel more at ease with the present and future. Cut down playing vidya, usually about 45mins on Overwatch after I get back from school and I'm good.

>> No.9012480

i predict that with another week of nofap i'll have developed the ability to manipulate matter with sheer mindpower

>> No.9012619
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>> No.9012636

laugh it up. i was laughing too, a few years ago. but maybe someday you'll give it a try. i'll be waiting on the other side.

>> No.9012645

I laughed

>> No.9012664

ive spent the last few weeks on-and-off wishing i was dead because i have no talent or creativity and i feel like i'll never get any better. it's all i care about at all too, there's nothing else. seeing other people get attention for their work when mine is politely ignored makes me so angry. i hate it a lot and i feel completely without hope. nothing can comfort me. nothing can make it alright, because i refuse to let it. i refuse to forget about it, shrug my shoulders, move on and give up. this just reads like the petulant whining it is. i don't see any point to existing. i don't feel like i can matter as a person if i can't create worthwhile things

>> No.9012672

Please text me back

>> No.9012713

Shit this resonated. At least you haven't given up
Keep going anon, I'll do it if you do

>> No.9012720


>> No.9013232

I'm an emasculated faggot and I deserve to die.

>> No.9013239

I wanna get out of my house and do SOMETHING but there are severe weather warnings in my area

>> No.9013539

How long have you waited for a person?

>> No.9013540

When will my struggle end?

>> No.9013551

Never, the person I needed came at the right time.

>> No.9013554

that person is engaged

>> No.9013562

I'm gonna try be focussed for 12 hours straight, even if it kills me

>> No.9013566

Then come to a decision and see if it's true

>> No.9013568


Violence needs to be done so that something may truly change. These pussies with their peaceful protests do nothing. We, the proletariat, outnumber any bourgeoisie or their agents that would stand against us. We could not be stopped.

>> No.9013576

She said she like me, but she can't now. I only like her. I tried to do something with 2 other girls, but I dumped them.

>> No.9013582
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Keep your head down, polish your mask. Make sure the smile is accentuated on the mask. Tie the strings tight. Feed into your primal desires, function according to your programming. When you hear the tune of music filling your ears, grab a partner with a mask of your liking, feed into the vanity and commence to step to the tune of the music in a blissful waltz that will soothingly carry you all the way to your deathbed. Enjoy the spinning and gratify yourself the reward of having done something truly you wanted. This is your freedom, you're a unique individual, all of your thoughts and emotions are surely more real and original than those who came before you. This is what living is all about, all of this was bestowed upon you, just for you, all for your enjoyment. Have a blast, friend.

>> No.9013610

t. dostoyeski

>> No.9013614
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It's the only way to be

>> No.9014334

I have to try really hard to not to masturbate so I can cum for my girlfriend it's already hard enough to cum because of medication I'm on but we keep fucking without me getting off and so I feel the need to masturbate but it makes a bad situation worse

>> No.9014391

I want to become a hero. Where should I volunteer?

>> No.9014398

With the military though I think you're misguided in your desire

>> No.9014400

I hope the growth isn't cancer...

>> No.9014443

Why do I keep coming to 4chan when I should be out there instead.

>> No.9014454

the true horror is when you realize that 4chan isn't a place that you go but a thing that you do with your time

>> No.9014704

Some day I will read The Brothers Karamazov, until then my book will joke haunt me with guilt for being a pleb.

>> No.9014820

I felt as though I was drilling through a lake of crushed ice with a screwdriver, displacing all of my problems and responsibilities, only to have them fall back down on top of my hand until eventually it was buried, and then my arm, and then my whole body. Slowly but surely, I am going to drown.

>> No.9014840

>Go outside
>Browse 4chan on the phone
>Talk to no one

>> No.9014911

I really hate seeing this threads dying.

>> No.9014931

I wish I could hug the problems out of people.
Why isn't life easy as my favourite games and chink cartoons?

>> No.9014935

Will have fully converted into the Catholic church by Easter.

>> No.9014950

i caved, friends, but it was for your benefit. i am not yet responsible enough to wield that sort of power.

>> No.9014953

Metaphysics...... Should I let myself go mad studying metaphysics, or gastronomy? I don't fucking KNOW!?/1?!?!??1/ 2

>> No.9014957

I feel so hopeful and full of energy but I have no place to put it.

>> No.9014959

put it in ur benis :DDDDD

>> No.9014989

do people see me as an outsider as much as i see myself as one?

>> No.9015013

By stepping the first step into paradise if you are having the right faith.

>> No.9015020
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sex with cute asian girls

>> No.9015043


Monday. The day after an illicit weekend.... What am I suuposed to do this night?
No way to justify taking up any more of his time. His time, or his thoughts.
I do not deserve them.
But I also do not trust anyone else to appreciate them as much as I do! Oh, what a mind!
And conversation that etches itself into your heart. My god. Am I crazy? He must feel something too! And if he does, shame on me!
For I am spoken for. And trluy this connection was just a lovely surprise - a complete coinsidence.
Innocent infatuation and chemistry building late, late in Saturday until Saturday turned into a lazy Sunday....
Now dreaded Monday help me get my shit togther.
Help me not message him.

>> No.9015063
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Aww you are falling in love, just do it.

>> No.9015578
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>tfw your mom likes your short story

>> No.9015759

Don't ever be afraid that you're not doing what you want to do; the fact of the matter is that right now you are doing exactly what you want to do. The problem is not that present conditions are stopping you from doing what you want, barring the limits of physical possibility. The problem is rather that you do not know yourself. You think that you want to take a vacation to, say, Greece. But that is expensive: you will have to work hard and cut out the little things that make your life pleasurable for a long time, in order to save the money. Then you will find yourself in a country where you do cannot speak the language or even read the signs, and you will have to plan an itinerary around your travelling companions. It will last maybe a week and there is no guarantee that you will enjoy yourself: you'd be gambling with your own utility. No, the reason you haven't implemented a plan to travel is not because it is too difficult, it is because you do not want to do all that such a venture would really entail, but you just haven't realized that about yourself yet. If you think you want something:
1. Determine what precisely you want
2. Assess: is is physically possible?
3. Form a plan of discrete steps to your objective
4. Consider all factors: what is the cost of success and what is the risk of failure?
5. Reassess: is this really what you want, or a fantasy?
6. Implement your plan or rest content with newfound self-knowledge

>> No.9015778

I lack an aura of presence, in real life and in the internet

This post is nothing, sage'd and hidden.

>> No.9015786

I want to be a legitimate intellectual, but it isn't possible to become one through autodidacticism.

>> No.9015828

keep making excuses faggot

>> No.9015834

I'm not going to stop trying, but it just feels so futile sometimes.

>> No.9015839

That's literally the only way to ever truly attain any knowledge whatsoever though

Given that you have basic education and your parents weren't truck drivers or whatever

>> No.9015849

Philosophy is so fucking pure

>> No.9015854

in what sense?

>> No.9015858
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I have always been paranoid that people think I'm a disgusting creep, mentally ill shitstain worth nothing.
I always try to reassure myself that people don't care enought to think about me, they have their own things to worry about.
Now I got confirmation that I had been right all along.
I feel broken and I want to die now more than ever.

>> No.9015864

You are literally me

>> No.9015871

what if god was an alien entity with superpowers that was hiding somewhere in the universe waiting for us to find him?

>> No.9015918

>Given that you have basic education and your parents weren't truck drivers or whatever
My parents' occupations were only slightly above truck driver, and my education was rather poor.

>> No.9015935

Then you just have more work to do and need get over the mindset that you are "too good" to do anything basic

As long as you are actually willing to do the work and read supplementals you are set imho

>> No.9016042

I’m about to commence my honours year of study and, to be honest, I'm scared. I'm not exactly sure what I'm scared of though. Failure, I suppose, or the idea of not being able to handle the workload, which will lead to failure. Since finishing my undergraduate studies last year I've become increasingly recluse, and find that interacting with people feels awkward. I just feel as though I'm not suited for the world, or any particular job, that I'm slightly out of place. I'm not claiming to be a genius or a messiah, I'm definitely not, I just feel awkward with life, I suppose. I’d really just like to do well at my studies, find a job and fit in. But, I don't know, part of me just wants to drop out, but what would I do then? Ah, I'm just being dramatic.

>> No.9016069
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I'm still in a state of euphoria because Trump actually became President. Its still so surreal. Every time I see footage of him its just fucking WOW, how did our timeline allow this?

>> No.9016080


Oh yeah?
That's called life you dolt. You don't control squat! All you can do is be the best person you can. Don't be a prick. But don't be a door mat either. And get off the computer for a while and go outside.

>> No.9016086

ravioli ravioli give me the formuloli

>> No.9016088

No. He was referring to the people in that picture. He wants to get away from those people. When in reality, instead of running away from them, we should make them run away from us (no violence of course)

>> No.9016099

My father is a truck driver

>> No.9016127

omg rupi is here with us

>> No.9016161

Meditation seems to be really making me better person, but in a weird way. I'm not necesserally more emotional stable than before. I still get angry over petty things, but, at the same time, I'm aware that I'm angry, and I'm also aware that if I stop doing or thinking whatever is making me angry, it'll go away. And it does. But this awareness also is making me become less attached to my emotional states. I'm not angry in the same way as before; the same goes for sadness and joy. It is like now I'm acting. This also extends to other people. Everytime I see a person angry or sad, I think they're acting; like it is some sort of aria in an opera. They act in the way they do to express whatever they have inside always looking for some sort of catharsis.

I guess this is what "Know thyself" is in the its beggining stages.

>> No.9016224

I'm 24 years old and it's the first I'm growing a beard.

>> No.9016632

I feel there is so much beauty at this world and I'm missing it...I think this feel is caused by my lack of free time and the fact that I've never experienced love.It's strange but i believe that (maybe only at first) having a partner would increase all the weird and positive emotions that I feel in certain cases such as walking in a park during spring. Maybe I have a romantic vision of world but anyway in these times I feel like this

>> No.9016636

My bf and I are going to have a make it or break it talk tonight and I'm already in tears, already smoked half a pack of cigs....why doesn't life ever get easier

>> No.9016646

Hey at least it's not a divorce with kids.

>> No.9016650

Kys, fag

>> No.9016655


>> No.9016662

I know but it still hurts, he was my rock for quite a while. It's all so uncertain now, will we make concessions with this talk? Will everything be alright? If we break up (again) will I even want him as a friend? It feels like my hearts in my stomach

>> No.9016673
File: 227 KB, 1252x1252, Wicket W Warrick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i got banned from /lit/ because i'm an ewok

>> No.9016677

where are you? want to send him a video of you getting facefucked by a big dick?

>> No.9016782

Says the tripfag

>> No.9016929

literally me

>> No.9017101

Don't imply that both of you are deciding to stay or not together. He is just taking the lead not you. Anyway, I'm sorry but you will be fine. if he doesn't want you anymore well you can't do anything about it, it is not your fault. You will find someone else.

>> No.9017260
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Actually, I wholly and fully advocate the use of violence against these people.

It would be fun, admirable, heroic, and thoroughly against the prevailing spirit of limp-dicked give-up-and-die pacifism that pervades our diseased culture.

>> No.9017331

I don't really want to smoke pot, it get me anxious. But I feel like if I don't do it I would never be able to deal with that anxiety. I need to deal with it, understand it and come stronger from that process so I can become the person I want to become. Otherwise I will remain trapped in this hell for the rest of my life.
I really want to be a girl. As soon as I get a job I will get the hormones, and will put all my money in clothes, hair removal and everything I need to look like one. Feeling this incomplete has become too much of a burden to continue like this.

>> No.9017647


The Tavern. Her local watering hole. She scrolled through the archived holy text, her near-illicit weekend of conversation with a stranger.
And she was embarrassed; and a bit ashamed; so she dropped her phone into the bag on the floor, and she avoided it for two entire pints.
Avoiding the phone was easy. In fact, she seldom carries it to begin with, but not ruminating? That was tougher.
Likely, and thankfully, the big mess was all in her head. But best case scenerio? She still looks like a dumb ass.
So impatiently, but in confidence, she enjoyed her pints and talked about her dog to the strangers at the bar (she always steals the show in bars. Kinda nice - removes a lot of the pressure; especially today, when so... sensitive.) and a few hours later, when driving home, and she was feeling a bit better - she reailsed that no matter how dumb she sounded. How needy and despereate or manipulative or psycho - r whatever - who the fuck knows what he thought? - the poin was, at least she was honest. So there. As usual, her strengths are also her weakness, for with her, everything seems to be extreme. So god damned hot.

>> No.9017708

Fan of Tin-Tin?

>> No.9018529
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>> No.9019901

It will be historic.

>> No.9019932

I really want to just become another person. Who I am right now leaves me unfulfilled and a little ashamed. I want to be more serious, focused and well-spoken, but the person I am right now in real life is goofy and a little awkward. I also feel like the person that I want to become is too fake, which I believe is hindering me greatly, but at the same time it feels like its what I ought to be.

>> No.9019986

Have you considered the possibility that you are slowly and wilfully brainwashing yourself?

>> No.9020228
File: 2.82 MB, 414x382, IMG_1871.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hate to break it to you, you faggot. But you will never be able to become a woman, for you were born a man: XY chromosomes are ingrained in your DNA. Do you really think you taking a couple of pills will change that? You're better off just killing yourself, desu, you fucking abomination.

>> No.9020389

I'm balding at 20 and it fucking sucks.

>> No.9020446

wiener skin smooth and sensetive. blanket covers me like a warm cloud. the excrement pushes inside. i feel thirst, but yet i can not drink.

>> No.9020466

We decided to stick together and see what happens...lit how does one add passion back to a relationship?

>that feel when using /lit/ as /adv/

>> No.9020557

you can't man...

>> No.9020621
File: 986 KB, 155x155, 1484693502423.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>passion to the relationship
