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/lit/ - Literature

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9009010 No.9009010 [Reply] [Original]

Any recommendations on good conservative literature? Not a /pol/ guy, nor a staunch right-wing guy, I only want a piece of the conservative ideology.


>> No.9009029

I'm sorry my friend, but being a reactionary/conservative/liberal means you're inherently a feels>reals person so you won't find any good theory or literature

it's why leftists (when I say leftists I mean communists, socialists, anarchists, syndicalists etc. and not jill stein, bernie sanders and hillary clinton) have mountains of theory and there's a million of leftist intellectuals. The right only has virtue-signalling pseudo-intellectuals like ann coulter.

>> No.9009036

Go with Ernst Jünger’s "On the Marble Cliffs"

>> No.9009055

nice ploggit img

>> No.9009074

Sam Huntington

>> No.9009075

Depends. If you mean like Conservative in the traditional sense then reading religious works, such as the Bible and Paradise Lost would be a good start.

As a person who browses /pol/ though, conservatism is changing to white identity politics in which case you should read The Culture of Critique and Nietzsche

>> No.9009077

>the right only has virtue-signalling pseudo-intellectuals
Are you serious?

>> No.9009091

Closing of the American Mind by Bloom

Conservative outlook on the influence of Nietzsche/Freud/Marx on US academia, basically

>> No.9009098

>conservicuck is a genre pleb
Who would have guessed.
The right can be divided in two lines: the feels supporters (these guys are pretty solid desu) and the virtue-signalling pseuds. So you have Dosto vs. Rand.

>> No.9009106

>Leftists have millions of people who are entirely dependent on government welfare and cronyism
I'm not really that's a wrong position to start a argument with.

>> No.9009136

t. idealogue

>> No.9009156

>There isn't any good reactionary theory or literature
>Repeated on the same board that spams "start with the Greeks"

>> No.9009168

>government welfare and cronyism
I can just tell you're a fucking ancap.

>> No.9009181

Complete Stories of Flannery O'Connor
Book of the New Sun by Gene Wolfe
Storm of Steel by Ernest Junger
The Brothers Karamazov by Fyodor Dostoevsky
Gulag Archipelago by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
End of the Affair by Graham Greene
Lord of the Rings by J. R. R. Tolkien
Silence by Shusaku Endo
Napoleon of Nottinghill by G. K. Chesterton
The Divine Comedy by Dante

There's not so much fiction, I think they fared better in philosophy and theology.

>> No.9009193

Then you would be wrong, also you literally can't say there isn't a cronyism and hiring discrimination problem in Academia, not even undergrads believe otherwise.

>> No.9009196
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>white identity politics

>> No.9009231

Pro-tip: the Ferrari driving hip young Californian lectors you see on TV aren't real, a lot of professors basically live in poverty.

>> No.9009330
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>> No.9009586

>There's not so much fiction
Clark Ashton Smith, Lovecraft, Zelazny, Jack Vance, Heinlein, Anderson, Card, Heinlein, Niven, McCaffrey etc.

You've also got plenty of crypto-fascists like Moorcock, Cook etc

Fiction being a leftist playground is a recent invention due to the reduced prestige of being a published author.

>> No.9009637


Leftist theory is all trying to apply Marx to a variety of social problems. It's the exact same as Catholic theology which has produced a mass of writings all attempting to apply Catholic doctrine to various problems and situations. There is a mountain of each sort of theory, but each would completely fall apart if you reject the central dogmatic works at the base of it.

>> No.9009694


Roy Campbell

>> No.9009899

Source on pic. Looks like Warhammer.

>> No.9009972


Battle of Grunwald, Polish and Lithuanian knights fought against the Teutonic Order

>> No.9010311

Teutons recruited giants? Wow, history is cool

>> No.9011158
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The Way of Men

>> No.9011462
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>> No.9011472

If you want OG "conservatism" in the Anglo American sense then read Burke.

>> No.9011480

>plenty of crypto-fascists like Moorcock

holy shit what?

>> No.9011484

Evola hasn't been mentioned yet, so I will. It's closer to the kind of conservatism I prefer rather than mainstream American Republican ideology. I'm trying to find more literature myself.

>> No.9011532

Pages From a German Destiny.
This Time the World by GLR

>> No.9012388

It isn't hard to come to that conclusion, he writes exclusively from the perspective of aristocratism, deflects his own fascism onto other authors, attempted to deconstruct multiple fantasy tropes and failed spectacularly and couldn't build a readership outside of the exact people he proclaimed to dislike.

>> No.9012392

somewhat related.

any recommendations on antifeminist literature?

>> No.9012396
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>> No.9012415

There isn't any better antifeminist literature than feminists, try Rothfuss i guess, massive SJW and feminist yet every women in the books is the main characters fuck puppet and has zero characterization.

>> No.9012420

I want a proper male role model like Hemingway.

>> No.9012425

>proper role model
Y-You ok Anon?

>> No.9012437
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who is your proper role model?

>> No.9012442

My dad, I'm a normal male.

>> No.9012461
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Tolkein, Wolfe, Elliot, C. S Lewis, Tolstoy, Chesterton, Scruton, Oakeshott, Kirk, Dawson, Cornwell are all safe bets. If you want something edgier go for some Wyndham Lewis, Lovecraft or Thomas Carlyle

>> No.9012551

Why did you post a picture of a notorious black author in this thread?

>> No.9012572

the right to duel is something conservative

>> No.9012815
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T. not a real man.

>> No.9012834

t. Pushkin was actually the first black conservative
feels somewhat comfy man.

>> No.9013264



> What Is Wrong with the World

> by G.K. Chesterton

>> No.9013300

>gender roles are cancer
>btw you have to do X thing if you want to be a real [GENDER]
Really makes u think

>> No.9013376

KJV BIBLE all the way through, paying special attention to the actions and descriptions of Jews in the New Testament

>> No.9013380

t. Ivan Karamazov

>> No.9013382
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>> No.9013494

Ride the tiger.

>> No.9013645
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fuck off schlomo

>> No.9013705


I guess we've all done some pretty fucked up stuff to get laid.

>> No.9013784
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>> No.9013811

Oh wow hes pretty damn good.

>> No.9013870
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reading this now
gonna read some Nietzsche next

>> No.9013888

Nah, friend. It's the end of ideology.

>> No.9014063

This isn't conservative, in fact its entirely apolitical.

>> No.9015222


The personal inner orientation that comes across in his narration isn't exactly unrelated to traditionalist thought though. Worth reading.

>> No.9015678

underrated post