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/lit/ - Literature

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9007592 No.9007592[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Have you read his works /lit/? have you found the light that is traditionalism?

>> No.9007595

Easily one of the best authors and thinkers of the 20th century.

>> No.9007723
File: 65 KB, 1099x581, Kek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the light that is traditionalism

>> No.9007734

>Have you read his works /lit/? have you found the light that is traditionalism?

Evola is dogshit + a dada degenerate. So overrated.


>>the light that is traditionalism

as an "anti-postmodernist" I agree, Evolas traditionalism is dogshit.

>> No.9007735 [DELETED] 
File: 20 KB, 359x395, 1484140459734.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you read Evola and Eliade side-by-side and Truth speaks directly to you and orders you to rescue it from the Kali Yuga

>> No.9007741
File: 18 KB, 252x223, faggots574.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also, he doesnt give any sane answeres to the problem of postmoders other that simpleton and escapistic ride the tiger and shoot drugs.

>Truth speaks directly to you and orders you to rescue it from the Kali Yuga

you read him wrongly if you came to that conclussion, you cant "rescue it from KY". Evola is as shit as Dugin.

>> No.9007751
File: 316 KB, 927x515, 1484100049731.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Evola isn't half as bad a /lit/ likes to pretend, despite constantly disparaging fascism he still gets accused of being a fascist.

>> No.9007755

>being a fascist is automatically a bad thing
fuck off bigot

>> No.9007762

but fascism is fake and gay actually. Its literally MUH STATE with a mix of ultrareactionary ideas.

t. considered by many to be on the far right


>> No.9007766

I wasn't implying that, but a lot of people go into Evola expecting full blown fascism that would make Pinochet blush.

>> No.9007767

>despite constantly disparaging fascism he still gets accused of being a fascist.

Yeah, but his supposed disparaging of fascism was just an opposition to how it became in practice and not it's intellectual core.

Sort of like the typical Communist who defends himself against arguments that point to the Soviet Union.

>> No.9007782
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>> No.9007787
File: 286 KB, 1500x1941, fascism-viewed-from-the-right-evola-julius.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This book exists
Every ideology will seem stupid simplified, not really an argument
>le bait maymay
Refrain from posting

>> No.9007792



>being able to be defined
I could go on

>> No.9007804
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>> No.9007808
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>> No.9007820
File: 465 KB, 1826x1200, dugin_euroasia_flag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not really an argument

how about this then>>9007741
>also, he doesnt give any sane answeres to the problem of postmoders other that simpleton and escapistic ride the tiger and shoot drugs.

Evola = European Dugin.

...and we all know who Dugin is, dont we?

>> No.9007821

>Being able to be defined

>Being able to be defined

>Being able to be defined
>Being able to be defined
I could go on

>> No.9007825

Exactly, which means that the the pic is shit

>> No.9007831

Exactly, which means your post is shit

>> No.9007835

As is yours

>> No.9007837

Pinochet wasn't fascist you fucking pleb antifa poof

>> No.9007845
File: 161 KB, 581x800, 1483036619119.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Excellent works.

>> No.9007846

As is yours

>> No.9007851


>> No.9008201

>...and we all know who Dugin is, dont we?
The most powerful philosopher in the world? meanwhile Chomsky can barely find respectable newspapers willing to interview him.

>> No.9008212

>The most powerful philosopher in the world?


I shiggy

>> No.9008279

shit desu

>> No.9008414

He started it

>> No.9008529
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>> No.9008556

Didn't read any of his stuff, but as he's a hardcore traditionalist, how comes he opposes the catholic church and christianity in general?

Catholicism is the biggest source of tradition in Italy I can think of.

>> No.9008565

For multiple reasons, mostly due to the fact it kowtowed to modernity but also because it wasn't European in origin.

>> No.9008685

Because humanism

>> No.9008713

I like it.

>> No.9008734
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>people read Evola before understanding the German Idealists, Nietzsche, and Husserlian phenomenology

>> No.9008751

this was me desu. Currently in the process of rectifying that before I re-read.

>> No.9008770

what evola book do I start with if I don't wanna read the gay mustache tickler first?

>> No.9008777

Ride the Tiger and Revolt Against the Modern World.

>> No.9008784
File: 292 KB, 494x494, ebola-chan-loves-you.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh dadaism
>muh "spiritual" racism
>muh co-opting of Guénon
>muh drugs
>muh 1337 SS guard
>muh life as an idle rich
>muh chacra
>muh inspiration to terrorists
>muh abolishment of industry
>muh hand-made wheel chair

>> No.9008811

>muh hand-made wheel chair

>> No.9008823 [DELETED] 

Fuck off back to /pol/!
kys shill

>> No.9008833

Are their any pictures of this hand-made wheelchair? What was special about it?

>> No.9008834

>le /pol/ boogyman

>> No.9008873

Read Path of the Cinnabar. It shows his development and structure of his views.

>> No.9008927

It was aristocratic.

>> No.9008936

>le political ideology which requires Esoteric ideas in order to function



Friendly reminder that Evola had to use these methods in order to justify his shit tier understanding of Economics.

Friendly reminder that regular people don't care about this esoteric nonsense and just want to live their lives finding the best school for their kids.

>ever functioning


>> No.9008990

You don't consider Dugin a philosopher?

>> No.9009111

The ironic thing about post modernists, is that in their realization that categories are mostly irrelevant and definitions are highly relative, they still believe in "progress". They see democracy and equality as progress, not seeing the blatant contradiction in their beliefs. If the world is truly as chaotic meaningless as post modernists believe, then what are we progressing towards?

>> No.9009173

>what are we progressing towards?

A future free of bigoted racists like yourself.

>> No.9009185

>not adressing the central argument of the post
>assuming Im a racist with absolutely no knowledge of my beliefs

>> No.9009229

He opposes Christianity because he is a synchretist. He specifically opposes Catholicism because of the status of religion being separated from the state. He complains about the ridiculousness of a king not being equal in religious status to a bishop (historically, the pope). He also dislikes the modernization of the liturgy.

Evola has interesting positions, but his writing is so dense and dry compared to other philosophers and a fair amount of it is just autism. Read his works on government and his critiques of modernity, the rest is trash.

>> No.9009255

>implying traditionalism doesn't result in the best education
>implying Jesuit and Hebrew schools aren't the only worthwhile ones in the United States

>> No.9009304

Try mass-producing them to more than a few thousand elites who have already been bred for them.

Protip, you literally cannot.

>> No.9009365
File: 224 KB, 800x822, dugin1412617374802.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You don't consider Dugin a philosopher?

not much, he only has a system of thought if you look it from a perspective of chaos logic, 4th pol theory is extremly mishy mashy.

here it is touched on some dugins concepts and chaos logic

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a9SM2dm93VY&t=113s [Embed]

Dugin seems to try to blend every single anti-americna thought and pretends to make a system out of it. He is a geopolitical strategist not a philo in my book.

>> No.9009408
File: 9 KB, 271x288, evola1415998497951.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>muh dadaism
>>muh "spiritual" racism
>>muh co-opting of Guénon
>>muh drugs
>>muh 1337 SS guard
>>muh life as an idle rich
>>muh chacra
>>muh inspiration to terrorists
>>muh abolishment of industry
>>muh hand-made wheel chair

Evola always striked me a contrarian poser. A degenerate himself he was le opossed to modernism and himself did the shit tier of dada - apparently to oposse le burgouise as some tumbl leftist.

he was a member of the failing decadent aristocracy of Europe so it doesnt surprise him. Fuck that brand of traditionalism!

>> No.9009420

All of these esoteric thinkers are Charlatans.

Pretty sure he used to engage in orgies.

>> No.9009489
File: 93 KB, 960x537, having fun is degenerate real men watch paint dry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty much this...

>> No.9009561

... so you're a modernist.

>> No.9009678

but the guy in the pic is right
The aryan part is whatever, everyone can find happiness and fulfillness in a slow, uncontracted life

>> No.9010618

someone please change aryan men with ubermensch