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File: 3.43 MB, 3460x2180, thoughts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9003584 No.9003584 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.9003590

I love it but it triggered me a bit because I wanted to know who wasn't a pseudointellectual
You should add Nassim Taleb for funs

>> No.9003597

A good bait for newfags desu.

>> No.9003598

I don't know why Sam Hyde is on there, he's just a comedian. I doubt anyone actually gets their ideology from him.

Bill Nye is 100% deserved, as is that Star Trek queer. Gavin McInnes has some pretty good views on some things, but he's super degenerate.

>> No.9003599

Missing Thomas Aquinas

>> No.9003603

>shitting on bill nye

the guy has done nothing but try to inspire interest in science in plebs and kids for his whole career. I wouldnt listen to him on public policy, but he has done great good in this world.

>> No.9003608
File: 683 KB, 960x720, 1444677319430.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9003610


>> No.9003611

After he did his little bit about being a "scientist", He went on to promote all kinds of political agendas under the guise of being that scientist, and millennials take his word for gospel because their fat black middle school science teacher showed them his videos instead of teaching, so they have some sort of spiritual connection with the engineer.

>> No.9003614

He doesn't count

>> No.9003615

Who is that chick below Anita Sarcasmian?

>> No.9003618

Syrian Partisan Girl on YouTube.

>> No.9003621

I like it, it's good bait. It has the selection of people so that everyone will try to claim that it isn't true for some of them

>> No.9003625

Bill Nye the Bachelors Degree in Engineering Guy

>> No.9003627

Zizek doesn't belong on that list.

>> No.9003629

Of course he doesn't, sweetie

>> No.9003634

>Zizek doesn't belong on that list.
>Zizek is part of my ideology, it conflicts with my ideology to see him ousted as a pseudointellectual therefore he doesn't belong on this list

>> No.9003637

>interest in science in plebs
Science is (nowadays, at least) for plebs, that is, those who need to work for a living.

>> No.9003643
File: 377 KB, 750x1057, 24c1930b2fd7f6c0e6367ce926fc8f99.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>putting based Hitchens alongside the likes of Alex Jones, Jon Strewart, Chomsky, Bill Nye, etc...
Kill yourself

>> No.9003653

I don't know which Hitchens you are referencing.

Seeing as they are both shit, I'll just ignore your post!

>> No.9003659

One wonders who the guy who made that picture actually admires himself, but probably no one since he's almost certainly a pathetic loser.

>> No.9003660

There is only one Hitchens work speaking of. Further proof of your abject ignorance.

>> No.9003664
File: 2.22 MB, 2000x1382, For_You.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here I fixed it for you

>> No.9003665

Why would you admire someone?

Only betas admire others.

>> No.9003667

I think we need to put you up there too. Got a pic?

>> No.9003671
File: 100 KB, 600x699, polbthu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Only betas admire others.

>> No.9003673

Oh fuck you

>> No.9003684

How is this related to my post?

>> No.9003685

>Chomsky, Zizek, and Lawrence Krauss considered on the same level as John Green, John Oliver, Alex Jones, and Joe Rogan.

No matter what you think of them, by any definition the first three are prominent and universally-recognize intellectuals, while the other three are not in any way. And just because someone isn't an intellectual doesn't mean they should be ignored (e.g. George Carlin).

So overall, I don't see anything in this image that I agree with.

>> No.9003686

Not an argument.

>> No.9003689

Using the word beta unironically means you're almost certainly a /pol9k/tard.

>> No.9003695

You do realize language isn't confined to a board on an imageboard, correct?

Do you have autism?

>> No.9003696

>being triggered by an obvious bait list

>> No.9003699

>>Chomsky, Zizek, and Lawrence Krauss
Kek, how is someone still using psychoanalysis not a pseudointellectual? You just like the man so you forgive him for what he is but if you looked in your heart you know it to be true: he is one of the biggest contemporary pseudointellectuals.

I like the man too, but after reading his books and listening to his readings, while I can nod in agreement at times, I could only conclude that he is a charlatan, a very likeable one, but still a charlatan.

>> No.9003703

>Not an argument.
Neither is your reply an argument and neither gave that anon any argument that Zizek shouldn't be on this list.

>> No.9003704
File: 1.59 MB, 1528x5000, 1484729446929.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reminded me of this

>> No.9003706

Are you an white alpha male fascist reactionary?

No, then you're obviously a beta m8 :^) Enjoy being on the bottom rung.

>> No.9003711

What are you talking about?

We were talking about admiring others. That is a politically neutral discussion which you have suddenly made political.

Do you have autism?

>> No.9003714

Why does the frog stay in hell when he can just walk out the door? Really makes you think...

>> No.9003716

There's literally nothing wrong with admiring other people that are respectable, and thinking that there is, is the real autism here.

>> No.9003719
File: 153 KB, 717x880, IMG_0624.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>le pol boogeyman

>> No.9003723


Take Nick Land off that chart this very instant, you fucking faggot!

>> No.9003724

I regard no other man in this world as greater than myself.

I look upon all those in the list above and only think of conquering over them, not admiring.

It is simply by will and being to overcome all men on this planet.

Forgive me, but admire me in the process ;).

>> No.9003731


>> No.9003732

>defending this shit tier "philospher"

>> No.9003734


Admiration is for women.

>> No.9003735



>> No.9003757

I don't like Zizek, and obviously you don't either, but he has two doctorates, spends his life discussing ideas and conduction research, and he has advanced the paradigm of academic discussion in a number of fields. Perhaps he is a poor intellectual, but he is an intellectual in any sense of the word.

>> No.9003758

>>defending this shit tier "philospher"
I hope you feel the same for Zizek otherwise you might just think he is shit tier because he doesn't confirm to your beliefs

I personally think both are shit tier, though even shit tier philosophers get stuff right or are even at moments interesting themselves

>> No.9003766

I think of this list much as I thought of the first list (>>9003685)

>> No.9003776
File: 87 KB, 940x627, 6561272-3x2-940x627.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The point is that they're both bait and that we shouldn't waste our lives getting triggered by charts some 4chan autist made to rile us up

>> No.9003780
File: 48 KB, 400x363, 1444605760045.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9003783


Could we make a list of who all of these people are so that we can avoid them? I know about half of them, so please complete my list.

Row 1: Alex Jones, (don't remember the faggot's name), Bill Nye, ???, ???, Chomsky, don't remember, ???, ???
Row 2: h3h3, ???, ???, Milo, Stefan Molyneux, Black Science Guy, some faggot from infowars, right?, ???, some feminist cunt?
Row3: ???, ???, Dawkins, ???, thunderf00t, Lauren Southern perhaps? , that guy who put a banana up his ass, ???, ???, Anita Sarkesian
Row 4: Peter Thiel (?), ???, don't remember, Sargon of Akkad (obviously), young turks (obviously), ???, ???, fat gamer SJW guy ???, ???, antisemitic jewish priest guy what's his name?, ???
Row 5: ???, Zizek, Ann Coulter, ???, forgot his name, John Green, ???, ????, ???, ???
Row 6: Harold Bloom, ???, some comedian?, ???, ???, ???, ???, Nick Land, Lindybeige
Row 7: ????, ???, Maddox, ???, Richard Spencer, ????

>> No.9003784

Only psueds care whether other people are psueds.

>> No.9003808

Row 1: Alex Jones, Bill Maher, Bill Nye, Bill O’Reilly, William F. Buckley, Noam Chomsky, Christopher Hitchens, ???, Gavin McInnis
Row 2:???, Joe Rogan, Lawrence Krauss, Milo Yiannopoulos, Stefan Molyneux, Neil DeGrasse Tyson, ???, ???, Laci Green
Row 3: ???, ???, Richard Dawkins, ???, thunderf00t, Lauren Southern perhaps? , AmazingAtheist, ???, ???, Anita Sarkesian
Row 4: Dave Rubin, ???, Sam Harris, Sargon of Akkad, The Young Turks, ???, ???, ???, ???, ???, ???
Row 5: ???, Slavov Zizek, Ann Coulter, ???, Michio Kaku, John Green, ???, John Oliver, Reza Aslan, ???
Row 6: Harold Bloom, ???, George Carlin, Jon Stewart, ???, ???, ???, Nick Land, Lindybeige
Row 7: ????, Jordan Peterson, Maddox, Pat Buchanan, Richard Spencer, ????

>> No.9003816


>> No.9003820

>good work

>> No.9003823
File: 11 KB, 480x360, Accelerating hair loss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Accelerationism intensifies

>> No.9003827

>JOHN Green
>JOHN Oliver
>JOE Rogan

>> No.9003828

lmao, you will never aspire to anything, I can tell that by the fact that you're posting on 4chan

>> No.9003830 [DELETED] 

t. redditor nu-males

>> No.9003839

That picture has several scientists. Exactly how is a scientist a pseudo intellectual?

>> No.9003843


>> No.9003870

They can participate in pseudo-intellectualism, for example, Lawrence Krauss taking a shit on philosophy.

>> No.9003894


Bill Nye, Richard Dawkins, Milo Yanapoloololo, Ben Shapiro, Christopher Hitchens, Michio Kaku, Sargon of Akkad.

All of them someone participate in pseudo-intellectualism? Can you give some concrete examples?

Disagreeing with you is not the same as being a pseudo intellectual.

>> No.9003910

Nye, Milo, and Akkad are NOT scientists. Dawkins and Hitchens regularly talk shit about things outside of their knowledge or fields. The rest Idk too much about.

>> No.9003913

Just ask yourself how rigorous their thought is.

>> No.9003926

>Nye, Milo, and Akkad are NOT scientists.

Then it's a good thing I didn't say they were.

> Dawkins and Hitchens regularly talk shit about things outside of their knowledge or fields

Dawkins pretty much just sticks to evolution. I haven't seen him talking about anything he is not qualified to talk about.

Hitchens is a journalist. That kind of covers a lot of subjects, in a way.

Not that it matters. If you talk about something outside of your field of research, that doesn't make you a pseudo intellectual.

Is there anything is particular they said that rustled your jimmies?


Ok. Pretty rigorous, I guess?

>> No.9003934

>Ok. Pretty rigorous, I guess?


inb4 he retracted his statements

>> No.9003950

Agree except for Christopher Hitchens (I don't think he even wanted to be called an "intellectual", and he actually talked some interesting things apart from his fedora shit), Chomsky & Zizek are let's say actually "philosophers" and Yuri Bezmenov only tried to show how the Soviet Union destroyed America. Nothing bad about that.

>> No.9003955

Ben Shapiro is like the jewest guy ever

>> No.9003965


While I didn't exactly like his "drop a hammer on your foot and see what happens" analogy, nothing in that video made me think of him as a pseudo intellectual.

Science is better than philosophy. Deal with it.

>> No.9003967

I think it covers enough people to qualify as a troll post.

>> No.9003970

Hitchens is fine, the rest can fuck off.

>> No.9003976
File: 26 KB, 338x338, get a grip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Science is better than philosophy. Deal with it.
>Creating an opposition where there is none

Philosophy is the crown of science.

Only recently has science been getting uppity and started wanting to be the crown of philosophy.

>> No.9003977



Row 1: Alex Jones, Bill Maher, Bill Nye, Bill O’Reilly, William F. Buckley, Noam Chomsky, Christopher Hitchens, Anthony Fantano, Gavin McInnis.
Row 2: h3h3, Joe Rogan, Lawrence Krauss, Milo Yiannopoulos, Stefan Molyneux, Neil DeGrasse Tyson, Paul Joseph Watson, ???, Laci Green.
Row 3: Gore Vidal, ???, Richard Dawkins, Ben Shapiro, thunderf00t, Lauren Southern, AmazingAtheist, ???, Peter Hitchens, Anita Sarkesian.
Row 4: Dave Rubin, Sam Hyde, Sam Harris, Sargon of Akkad, The Young Turks, ???, ???, ???, ???, ???, ???
Row 5: ???, Slavov Zizek, Ann Coulter, ???, Michio Kaku, John Green, Yuri Bezmenov, John Oliver, Reza Aslan, Owen Jones.
Row 6: Harold Bloom, ???, George Carlin, Jon Stewart, ???, Mehdi Hasan, ???, Nick Land, Lindybeige.
Row 7: ???, Jordan Peterson, George Ouzounian, Pat Buchanan, Richard Spencer, ????.

>> No.9003988


You should stick to your guns. Forsake all modern conveniences, go live in a cave and grow a beard, while you contemplate existance.

Stop relying on the inferior trade.

>> No.9003998
File: 94 KB, 1144x888, tfw to smart for lit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


There he goes again.

>> No.9004086

Do you project often?

>> No.9004091

Add Kimmel, Fallon and that retarded british """"""comedian""""""

>> No.9004104

They don't count. They're just talk show hosts, not trying to be intellectual or gain money through pseudo nonsense.

>> No.9004112

Russel brand was participating in these tv-brexit.debates though
That makes him a pseudo-intellectual

>> No.9004120

you're right about brand, i'm not op but i'll add him

>> No.9004129
File: 82 KB, 960x720, 1481332516354.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>coen brothers
yeah big lebowsky is the same as No country for old men.

>> No.9004152

I wasn't talking about Brand but's you're right. What's the name of that british anti Trump talk show idiot with an annoying voice? I think he wears glasses.

>> No.9004181

john oliver, but he's already on there

>> No.9004218

Really don't know why Sargon of Akkad is still taken seriously. Dude has been proven to be a lying sack of shit on at least one occasion. And it wasn't like, "oops, I goofed". The guy either legit tried to mislead his audience or he's so utterly lazy and retarded that he couldn't even bother reading the entire wikipedia article on the issue. I forget what it was exactly, some study about rape statistics on college campuses I believe.

Then he got demolished by some feminist in a debate. Look, youtube people are just that. Regular joes who start up a youtube channel to voice their opinion, nothing wrong with that. But people should NOT be taking their word as gospel.

>> No.9004222

>Chomskek, Zikek and le discernible talent jew
>on the same level as youtube stars and TV ""scientists""

>> No.9004236

Am I supposed to know all or most of these people?

Why isn't there a list of not-pseudo intellectuals to go with it?

>> No.9004247
File: 130 KB, 737x1006, Portrait of Edward Grimston.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hasn't Sargon of Akkad been dead for like four thousand years?

>> No.9004248

Anthony Fantano, on the grounds that he reviews music and doesn't really claim expertise on anything else besides shitty meme videos.
Ben Shapiro, on the grounds that he has published several books of independent and original merit. Trading on Jewish ingroup preference to expose deliberate efforts in Hollywood to propagate political agendas isn't something that many people, by definition, can do, and even fewer are willing to rise above the tribalism to do it.
Yuri Bezmenov, on the grounds that his lectures and writings cover a very narrow scope that he is tremendously qualified to speak on (KGB agitprop and subversion efforts during the Cold war years). The fact that his work is used in poor taste and out of context by idiots isn't a reflection on the works themselves.

All the rest are pseuds d e s u

>> No.9004260
File: 24 KB, 365x290, 1459637190936.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>tfw no go playing qt asian gf

Women that play games like Chess or Go tend to pretty literate too.

Feels bad man

>> No.9004272

my nerdy go waifu


>> No.9004296

Lawrence Krauss only knows shit about physics. Whenever he opens his mouth to talk about anything else he out of his depth, which doesn't seem to stop him because that is basically all he ever does.

>> No.9004389

Take Chomsky THE FUCK out of that image already.

>> No.9005001

Why is Harold Bloom on there?
I take it you heard him shit on DFW (who's not on the list) and got butthurt

>> No.9005035

>Please remove my x individual with whom I agree and admire

This is why the image was created. For brainlets like yourselves.

>> No.9005084

between AmazingAtheist and Peter Hitchens is Steven Crowder
under Anita Sarkesian is Syrian Partisan Girl
5th in row 6 is Piero Scaruffi

>> No.9005114

>calling based HVK talentless
he's no Bruno Walter, sure, but talentless?

>> No.9005439


>> No.9005489
File: 41 KB, 314x499, 510LHREZPxL._SX312_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he doesn't understand the value of rhetoric sounds like you got some reading to do pleb

>> No.9005507

Did you just replace Putin with Gore Vidal? I don't think either is a good fit for the pic.

>> No.9005511

I like Jon Stewart and John Oliver a lot more than I like Buckley or Peter Hitchens, but I still recognize that the first two are not real intellectuals and the latter two are. It's a matter of taxonomy rather than admiration. Besides, I don't think that anyone should be ignored just because they aren't an intellectual, so I don't care if anyone is removed because I think the image is wrong.

>> No.9005681
File: 1.74 MB, 3462x2258, 4chan hilarity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9005685
File: 20 KB, 306x306, really.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>I like Jon Stewart and John Oliver


>> No.9005686
File: 1.74 MB, 3462x2258, 4chan hilarity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And again, added Glenn Gould

>> No.9005704

What's wrong with Bernstein and Gould?

>> No.9005727 [SPOILER] 
File: 157 KB, 1024x751, 1485044331981.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this list is great because it's got such variety that it can trigger everyone while simultaneously attracting them based on the people they agree on.

That being said
>C. Bale
>David Lynch
> only talentless part of the time
>pic related
>Elliot Smith
etc. etc. etc.

>> No.9005731

>Fantano and Carlin on the list

>> No.9005746

>stopped at Jacques Derrida

>> No.9005774


>> No.9005810
File: 4 KB, 96x96, avant meme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why did you add school-shooter-hyde? There's already the CUM Hyde

>> No.9005818

I bet you read a translation.

>> No.9005819

what the fuck?

>> No.9005823

>this list is great because it's got such variety that it can trigger everyone while simultaneously attracting them based on the people they agree on.
That's because it was made by multiple people.I actually added half of those faces
He was one of them. As a rule I only added artists that I liked.

>> No.9005844

Bill Nye singlehandedly created the fucking stupid STEMfag culture that ruled the internet for years. He can go fuck himself.

Honestly, if I wanted to learn shitty, pop science from some faggot without a graduate degree, I would have gone to public school.

>> No.9005900

There's no more an iq requirement on being an intellectual than a penis length req for a porn actor.

Sure, to be a porn star it's unlikely you'll make it with 4 inches of banana, but it's not exclusionary.

>> No.9006231
File: 2.54 MB, 3460x3012, 4chan hilarity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Final, definitive version.

>> No.9006243

10/10 but I would also put Trump, Norm MacDonald and Karl Marx in as well

>> No.9006251

Oh shit fuck this guy so much I am cringing hard

>> No.9006252

Fantano is just a music reviewer wtf

>> No.9006273

>Final, definitive version.
I don't see OP's thread on there.

>> No.9006280

Yuri and Zizek shouldn't really be on there.

>> No.9006283

>OP is a real person

>> No.9006290

/pol/ actually believes everyone thinks they are the boogie man

>> No.9006665

there are some very loose connections between some of these too loose for it to be considered seriously.

>> No.9006675

>too loose for it to be considered seriously
just like ur mum

>> No.9006691


though if you're being sincere, some dip uses his name as a youtube account. I've heard him described as "a more cleaned up Amazing Atheist"

>> No.9006732

I'm gay for Gavin McInnes, he resonates with me on a spiritual level, hes just a bit too much "Alex Jones" for most people

>> No.9006739

Don't know amazing atheist.

Is the channel related to history?

>> No.9006740

bill nye is a total dick in person. I wouldn't doubt for half a second he did all those science shows just for the money

>> No.9006744

basically a moderate who wants strict gun control. Sees the best of both sides in politics and is pretty impartial as long as guns aren't involved, but has a very "I'm above it all" attitude

>> No.9006747

I do enjoy Stephan Molineux for his in depth statistical analysis videos

>> No.9006769


>> No.9006775

>this list is great because it's got such variety that it can trigger everyone
it's beautiful isn't it

>> No.9006784

why is dear Lindy in there? he's just a nice guy.

>> No.9006818

what the fuck did i just listen to

>> No.9006977

Politicians don't count.

>> No.9006980

Go away, including people you dislike is not how this works.

>> No.9007071

>no pinker
>no paglia

Looks like I win this time.

>> No.9007145

Your second sentence refutes your first. You're a braindead chimp. No wonder you don't like the image.

>> No.9007174

>I only recognize 15 of these people

>> No.9007201

Thunderfoot is not a pseud. Neither is Lindy.

>> No.9007391

youre turning a reasonable pic into a weak bait pic

>> No.9007499
File: 461 KB, 870x722, (You).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Compile an image with virtually everyone in it
>say they're dumb
>Guaranteed replies

>> No.9007513
File: 627 KB, 1597x1600, bait of excellent quality.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit

>> No.9007519

Most of these people aren't even fit for the title 'pseudo intellectual'

>> No.9007858

Turning a hilarious pic into an even funnier one, actually

>> No.9007871

why the fuck is Jason Segel on this at all?

>> No.9007923

The wrong Hitchens died. Their father should have killed himself so we wouldn't have to listen to the drivel of these two imbeciles.

>> No.9007926

no, your picture is bad, go back to >>>/r/eddit

>> No.9007938
File: 476 KB, 490x265, cometopapa.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zizek is too much of a clown to be taken seriously. He has some funny anecdotes and ticks, which seem to outweigh the occasional good point

>> No.9008108

Are there any contemporary non-pseuds?

>> No.9008125

There's no such thing as a contemporary genius.

Geniuses are recognised after the fact.

>> No.9008162

actually the image is a trap within a trap. it attract all the absolute morons like them to dispute it but the REAL quarry is the total idiots like you who seek to explain to them.

>> No.9008186
File: 459 KB, 500x579, 1420966697439.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9008199

>"I think therefore I am." What if you don't think about it?
Fucking lmao at least read what you're criticizing holy shit

>> No.9008273

Are there any refutations of icycalm's philosophy beyond calling it edgy?

>> No.9008302

>Glenn Branca
I agree with a bunch of these but you went too far.

>> No.9008330

Neither of those follow classical rules of balance and beauty. They revel in the brutality of industrial civilisation (early).

>> No.9008603

>citation needed: the image

>> No.9008627
File: 850 KB, 1371x725, 1459547919195.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honest question why is h3h3 on this list? He makes silly YouTube videos for little kids...

Would be like adding PewDiePie to the picture.

>> No.9009324

What public university doesn't have teachers with a graduate degree? All of my teachers have at least a masters and half have a phd from Berkeley and I go to a cc

>> No.9009550


>> No.9009758

Name one (1) bad thing about Ben Shapiro.

>> No.9009760

I stopped watching h3h3 around the time he started to get more domineering, and also started going for weaker "cringe" videos. The one video where he makes fun of the "cringey" actor kid (gamer-gear I think?) was really low-hanging fruit for Ethan to attack. I completely unsubscribed when he used his stupid FUPA mark to protect his videos from people who would otherwise want them taken down. Attacking embarrassing things people do and calling it trademark is pseudo-intellectual in all aspects.

>> No.9009983


He only debated people on evolution and climate change which is fine.

>> No.9010830

Ok so someone correct me if I'm wrong but is pseudointellectual supposed to mean "someone skilled at turning their opinion into entertainment and have a dedicated audience who widely identifies with or adopts their ideas."

I assume that the reason I'm supposed to ignore them is because their ideas have an emotional resonance that should betrays in a thinking man a sort of suspicion of their validity, that real facts don't elicit an emotional response so emotionally driven leaders of thought are to be avoided?

But why is this all intrinsically bad? What are the alternatives? Am I supposed to only look up to STEM figures? Am I not supposed to look up to figures at all? Am I supposed to favor more and more obscure thinkers until I'm removed from relating to the population at large? Doesnt that make me a less effective person in the end for vain reasons? Doesn't that sacrifice practical purpose to feed my personal ego in my taste? Could you not make the argument that's somehow worse than thinking about pseudointellectual thinkers?

Could you make the argument that dismissing them entirely instead of examining them critically for the value hidden beneath their emotional appeal is the real patricians path?

Not trying to strawman just can't think of what I'm supposed to get from this

>> No.9011230

Name me one GOOD thing about him

He is just another whining pundit that thinks he is a victim of a world hellbent in making him gay

>> No.9011303

I would bet he was referring to secondary education.

>> No.9011335
File: 41 KB, 930x794, really br0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9011337

What has Fantano done that would make anyone think hes an intellectual or pseudo-intellectual? I know he has a second channel where he posts meme shit but other than that I've never seen him talk seriously on anything but music, other than that video he did on depression.

>> No.9011358

It's his stuff about music that makes him a pseud.

>> No.9011362


>> No.9011392

I'd say you reacted the way you're supposed to

>> No.9011543

here you go son

>> No.9011569

>I've never seen him talk seriously on anything but music
I've seen him go into politics a bit in regards to political music, but he seems like a pretty run-of-the-mill leftist that's tired of the neoliberalism that's taken over the modern left.

>> No.9011579

>I doubt anyone actually gets their ideology from him.
I have some bad news for you anon.

>> No.9012609

Why the fuck is my favourite music youtuber on this list?

>> No.9013837

>David Icke
>Ben Stiller

Detail this image.

>> No.9013864

Yeah, but where's the fun in that?

>> No.9013877

I 100% agree with this cha...
Fucking kys.