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9003045 No.9003045 [Reply] [Original]

I'm falling in love I think but I can't shake my insecurities.
I'm a khv and she isn't.
she's had 3 abusive boyfriends and she was young. (13,14,15,16)

I can't stop thinking of her fucking a 20year old scumbag. Any literature for this feel? It's the first girl who likes me for who I am and she is such a good person and I don't deserve her at all. But no stoic teachings or muh nihilism can stop this.

I can't stop thinking about her kissing other guys and sucking their cocks.

What did the great philosophers say? Non of those Greek faggots cause they were just degenerates.

>> No.9003047

you know there's two Hes right

>> No.9003055

>I can't stop thinking about her kissing other guys and sucking their cocks.
You should just remember that women are their own people, who exist outside of your life and their past doesn't invalidate their feelings for you.
Are you in a relationship with her or not?

>> No.9003058

kek I remember reading your pastebin, anon.

iktf, I'm also jealous af;_;

>> No.9003072

not yet. I want her to find another guy so I can stop feeling like this. I cant stop thinking of her being enjoyed/deflowered/used by another man.

Has no one (male) wrote about this feel? we've been sending love hearts to each other. But I can't. fuck sake I'm fucked. I can't even get a gf so I don't even trust her. Like there's so many better guys out there why does she have to inconvenience me with these feelings? And nothing contemporary.

>> No.9003077

has she explicitly said that she sucked them?
because outside of porn oral sex has been majorly untrendy for years

>> No.9003078

The Sorrows of Young Werther
but seriously, your obsessing over this virginal ideal is kind of creepy and being so self-defeatist isn't helping anything. Is there a reason you can't tell her you like her?

>> No.9003080 [DELETED] 


“Shaken to the depths of your soul, you know that day and night someone is waiting for you, thinking of you, longing and sighing for you - a woman, a stranger. She wants, she demands, she desires you with every fiber of her being, with her body, with her blood. She wants your hands, your hair, your lips, your night and your day, your emotions, your senses, and all your thought and dreams. She wants to share everything with you, to take everything from you, and to draw it in with her breath. Henceforth, day and night, whether you are awake or asleep, there is somewhere in the world a being who is feverish and wakeful and who waits for you, and you are the centre of her waking and her dreaming. It is in vain that you try not to think of her, of her who thinks always of you, in vain that you seek to escape, for you no longer dwell in yourself, but in her. Of a sudden a stranger bears your image within her as though she were a moving mirror - no, not a mirror, for that merely drinks in your image when you offer yourself willingly to it, whereas she, the woman, this stranger who loves you, she has absorbed you into her very blood.” ― Stefan Zweig, Beware of Pity


>> No.9003085

I have told her many times. She lives in another country so that's another reason that I'm afraid. It's just easier to judge her when I've never seen or met her. I guess I'm not in love if I can't get over this. Didn't king George marry a divorced woman? How'd he do it?

>> No.9003107

>She lives in another country so that's another reason that I'm afraid
It's not gonna work.

>Didn't king George marry a divorced woman? How'd he do it?
He married her, then he put his dick in her vagina and the marriage was consummated.

>> No.9003114

>Didn't king George marry a divorced woman? How'd he do it?
probably by not expecting her to live her life saving her virginity for some theoretical man she might never meet.
God you're obnoxious.

>> No.9003115



>> No.9003123


>> No.9003157

>she's had 3 abusive boyfriends
Just know she'll describe you as an abusive boyfriend as well when it is over.

>> No.9003191

I don't think so... first, OP is a fuckin' tool, and second, there are people who gravitate from abusive relationship to abusive relationship. Her dad was probably abusive.

>> No.9003241

Don't be a cuck.
She's just a random roastie.

>> No.9003274

how am I a tool?

>> No.9003290

Just don't fall into the trap of idolising her. She's a human with her own faults and you're a human with his own needs. You clearly think she's better than you but that is an incredibly unhealthy attitude in a relationship. Power in a relationship should always be in balance, and neither party should think of themself as subservient to the other, because that is a route that always leads to abuse in some form.

>> No.9003292

Why does the smoke look like Africa

Is this even real life

>> No.9003309
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>bothering with non-virgins

>> No.9003359


Just because she's had other guys doesn't mean that she's trash, but it definitely detracts from her overall worth, especially if her old boyfriends were shitty people.

>> No.9003373

>but it definitely detracts from her overall worth

my man, you know you've fucked up when have these kind of thoughts.

a healthy person in his early 20's generally has had a few sexual partners. if you're the virgin one, you're the one with lower overall worth.

That's because you have no experience and are probably going to be clingy and don't know how to behave in a relationship. Obviously no one wants that, no matter the gender.

I suggest you could either go to /r9k/ if you want to continue like this, or fucking man up and improve your life. Your choice.

>> No.9003411

>But no stoic teachings can stop this

Reread them you faggot, stoicisim will free you from any feeling

>> No.9003445

>"man up" and take some roastie whore

no thanks

>if you're the virgin one, you're the one with lower overall worth.

yeah, but im a guy, so its different

>> No.9003456


A healthy MAN in HIS early 20's generally has had a few sexual partners. I have. A man's sexual worth is, in part, determined by how many women are attracted to him. A woman's sexual worth is, in part, determined by how selective she is with her intimate partners.

>> No.9003474

>Thinking that stoic virtue is attained by reading about it

>> No.9003486

But that means, mathematically, healthy men are overwhelmingly either fucking spinsters or "roasties."

>> No.9003487

Jesus, dude, you haven't even met her and she has this effect on you?

She'll destroy you, my man

>> No.9003493

You need to get your shit together before you even think about relationships.

>> No.9003494

>man up" and take some roastie whore
>Implying Girls who have had sex are whores by default


>> No.9003497


Yes, of course. In classical societies, prostitution was acceptable. Men spent early years romancing valuable females, building wealth for their future family, and, in the meantime, satisfying sexual urges on low-value women.

>> No.9003502

Heul mehr ^_^

>> No.9003505

yes that's how normal people lived they didn't shagg whoever would settled for them in their tiny village, and 'building wealth' was always on their mind, not mere day to day survival

>> No.9003508

i feel you bro. if she ain't a virgin she ain't worth it

>> No.9003513

Then what the fuck is wrong with going for your "roasties?"

>> No.9003515

haha you deserve everything coming for you.

>> No.9003517

>It's the first girl who likes me for who I am
There's a good probability you're being duped. Don't get depressed when this doesn't pan out anon

>> No.9003519

lol no healthy person in early 20s has had a few partners. that's such bullshit. most virgins in their 20s are the only sane people i know desu, even tho they might seem weird at first.

>> No.9003520

I think you mean outside the US. I can only think of one girl that I've had sex with that didn't suck me off first and she said it was only because she had a bad experience where this guy made her choke on his dick until she puked

>> No.9003521


Civilization is cyclical. We are currently in the high end of our civilization, in which the common man has loads of disposable income. You make the assumption that most of humanity has scraped by in any given time period for the past 10,000 years.


Nothing. This is me:>>9003497

Not this:>>9003445

Just don't put the pussy on the pedestal, and never marry a hoe unless you're a low value man.

>> No.9003522

>not having a qt virgin gf
bitter, my friend

>> No.9003525

>no healthy person in early 20s has had a few partners
What? Do you live Saudi Arabia? Qatar?

>> No.9003530

I've had a few and I'm far from healthy. Every thot I've been with, had a few and they were far from healthy. Hedonistic neo-Chads are far from healthy. Mentally healthy of course.

>> No.9003531


*the back end of the high part of our civilization

>> No.9003533

You have a virgin girlfriend? That's so cool

I suppose you can't take her virginity without her becoming a whore?

>> No.9003540

I can, but I'm obligated to stay with her forever then, so she doesn't become a whore.

>> No.9003541

Sometimes it works out.

My girlfriend has had sex with 4 dudes (including me) and a female. She's 20. Its all kinds of red flags at first, but she's really sane and compassionate. She's got her problems, but she genuinely loves me and I've seen her text her friends saying how I was better at sex than anyone else, so it doesn't matter who she fucked if I'm better at that point. She doesn't miss or have anything that she's not getting, so its not like she'll go back to a dude for something she doesn't want. (the con of having a girl whos fucked other dudes)

But yeah, if she's a virgin she's way more valuable.

>> No.9003542
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>> No.9003543

>3 abusive boyfriends and she was young
Red flag. Forget her, man. More fish in the sea. Read something funny, or just a regular classic. You don't need self indulgent literature to fix teenage angst mate.

>> No.9003547

Life is hard, man

>> No.9003551

Oral sex is more trendy than ever among teens in northern Europe.

>> No.9003554

Just fuck her. Jesus Christ...

>> No.9003579

Yay, someone responded! I felt so proud about that shitpost but it seemed like it would end up ignored.
>in northern Europe
Do you have statistics or do you travel around a lot or is this a weird refugee reference or are you just countershitposting?

>> No.9003639

fuck other girls lmao

>> No.9003683

>A man's sexual worth
is determined by his experience and sex making skills

>A woman's sexual worth
is determined by her experience and sex making skills

I really hope you guys are baiting, otherwise this is pretty sad.

>yeah, but im a guy, so its different
Case 1
Jesus Christ. Do you really have no self-awareness?

>most virgins in their 20s are the only sane people i know desu
Case 2

I really don't get why you are romanticizing virgin girls so much. Have you ever been with a virgin girl? It's not an enjoyable experience, and most men will tell you the same. They don't know what to do in bed, it's really uncomfortable and cringy, it takes incredibly a lot of time to do anything, and most likely you won't get satisfied.

>> No.9003692


How many children can a woman bring into this world in a 9 month period? How many children can the average woman bring into the world over the course of her life?

>> No.9003709

You are cucked

>> No.9003733

Most thots are shit at sex too.

>> No.9003747

>believing a woman's stories about "abuse"

>> No.9003810

not going to make it

>insulting women

what does that have to do with anything? young people have protected sex.

>> No.9003818
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white knight nu-male detected

>> No.9003822

not going to make it

>> No.9003829


Do you believe in evolution?

>> No.9003836

What's your point?

>> No.9003840
File: 160 KB, 576x822, IMG_0668.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>never insult m'lady ever again

>> No.9003841


Do you not think that humans are driven by biological influences which were selected for through evolution?

>> No.9003842

I'm uncomfortable with idea of Pepe speaking

>> No.9003845

Keep in mind, I'm not the poster you asked the question to, but yes, I do.
Now make your point

>> No.9003851

>p-please don't disturb my safe space

you start to resemble another vocal minority from the internet which you hate so much.

>> No.9003852


Polygamous tendencies are desirable in male primates, and monogamous tendencies are desirable in female primates because of the particulars of our different means of reproduction.

>> No.9003853

I'm afraid there isn't much literature can help you: primarily you would just need to mentally mature. I could recommend you a book like Ulysses, in which a "cuck" is the great hero of the modern world, or some tract like Russell's Marriage and Morality, or a very good book in which the protagonist is a sexually active woman, but I'm afraid any of these would be lost on you. I certainly think that literature can improve people's lives (though ultimately I think that we exist for the sake of literature and not the other way around), but it cannot absolutely break down deep-set psychological roadblocks. Only "real" (though perhaps literature is the most real) experience outside of the study can do that.

>> No.9003854

>misusing the safe space meme
>wow triggered much
Don't drop your fedora on the way out

>> No.9003857

t. roastie mad that her value is low and blames others on not wanting a slut

>> No.9003867

Agreed, but that acknowledgement doesn't really change anything. The fact of the matter is that both men and women typically have many different sexual partners. This often does nothing to deter males from sexy time with a woman, biological influence or no. So your post doesn't really say anything about the world as it is

An appeal to nature is not always useful, because humans can subvert instinct

>> No.9003869


these are arguments on a literature board, ladies and gentlemen. You do realize your replies mean 0, right?

>> No.9003874


You have to be 18 years or older etc.

And actually, OP, if someone hasn't mentioned it already, perhaps you'd benefit by really closely reading Othello, which is certainly the best depiction in the language of what an excess of jealousy can bring. If any piece of writing can help you, it is that one.

>> No.9003876

That said, I have never studied this topic in depth, so I'm not really qualified to come to a hard conclusion.
Have you?

>> No.9003877

primates also throw feces at each other, why would you compare them with humans?

Actually you know what, knowing /r9k/ maybe you aren't that different from a primate after all.

>> No.9003879


My point is that high value males who have the ability to select from a large group of women prefer virginal women because of instinct. Women can do whatever they want. But the ones who don't out of self control are more valuable.

>> No.9003882

You talk like a redditor. Seriously, you're literally so cucked that you posted, and I quote
>>insulting women

>> No.9003887

>high value males who have the ability to select from a large group of women prefer virginal women because of instinct
And where do you gather this information from - how have you come to this conclusion?
Have you simply thought yourself into it, or is it based in fact?

>> No.9003888


I'm not from /r9k/. Good strawman, though. I like the way it actually attacks the meat of the argument in a meaningful way.

>> No.9003890

>yes, you need to be helped, read this book that will teach you that sluts are people too

>> No.9003898

I agree with you, anon, but surely you can do better than the tired cuck meme. It litters the boards like trash, and you propagate it. I'm convinced that the majority of people that use these terms have come on 4chan recently, and that does not sit well with my sekret club mentality

>> No.9003900

still talking like a redditor

>> No.9003901
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t. cuck from reddit

>> No.9003902


I have thought myself into it. Because there is no data one way or another that supports either side of this argument. You have also thought yourself into your argument.

But the fact remains that among men who have taken the virginity of women, it is held as a symbol of status. This would seem to support my argument.

>> No.9003903

But that's because you did use insults in your arguments. Because of that reason, it completely nullifies them. You need to get outside once in a while. If you did, you would see that most people aren't that frustrated or sad that they need to constantly insult people.

another good argument

it doesn't matter what I said, since you started with a bad analogy in the first place anyway. comparing humans with primates, really?

>> No.9003905

>don't insult m'lady ever again

>> No.9003906

not going to make it

>> No.9003908


I'm not comparing humans and primates. Humans are primates. For as long as I've been posting ITT, only one or two posts have had an actual argument.

>> No.9003911

>You have also thought yourself into your argument.
I don't really have a concrete argument. I'm just going with the conversation to gather some intel, you see
The only thing I have stated is that humans can subvert is biological programming - such as with suicide, which you would think would be trumped by survival instinct. Do you agree?

>> No.9003916


And if you had an IQ above room temperature, you might have realized that I had said that I was somewhat skeptical of that exact notion. And certainly, mei amice, sluts are rather more human than you are.

>> No.9003918

You're both Newt Gingrichs, It appears. You should lurk more

>> No.9003919


Yes, of course I agree that instinct can be subverted. My argument was based on healthy individuals who follow instinct rather than the unhealthy ones.

>> No.9003924

I don't know, man. I think that instinct in men to procreate is stronger than the need to to it with a virgin. If I am right, that would mean that people who seek only virgins are the unhealthy ones.

Alas, this is only speculation

>> No.9003933


The need to procreate is the strongest instinct we have. But knowing that a child is yours is also very important. It's not conducive to your bloodline to give up resources to children that aren't yours. Historically, the only way to know that the kid was yours is if your SO was a virgin. Therefore, virgins are more desirable. That's not to say that skanks can't find mates (low value males), but the less SOs a female has, the more certain you can be that you are the father of her child.

>> No.9003945

>My argument was based on healthy individuals who follow instinct rather than the unhealthy ones.
>The need to procreate is the strongest instinct we have.
Then I repeat - Does the need to procreate not override the need to do it with a virgin? By your own admittance, it's our strongest instinct. That would mean disregarding it for the sake of waiting for a virgin, is unhealthy

>> No.9003951

So you believe that this following sentence that you previously wrote, applies to humans?

>Polygamous tendencies are desirable in male primates, and monogamous tendencies are desirable in female primates because of the particulars of our different means of reproduction.

Let's try a simple exercise. Think about your parents. Imagine yourself saying this sentence in front of them. Think about your grandparents. Imagine yourself talking with them about this subject and your views about women. Think about your 'normie' friends, if you have some. Imagine yourself explaining them your perspective on this topic. Try to imagine the reactions that you will receive. How do you feel?