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9002608 No.9002608 [Reply] [Original]

What happens after we die, /lit/?

Is it true that this one consciousness that we've obtained through sheer chance will decompose and eventually, after billions upon billions of years, reform and we'll live the same life over and over, without any previous memory?

>> No.9002631

I don't know anon, i have never died before

>> No.9002634

Please end this shitty thread now, no one fucking respond, just stop. i will be the last post in this thread

>> No.9002635

>asks philosophical question
>"lol shitty thread"

>> No.9002656

Philosophy belong to /his/, please fuck off

>> No.9002710

a radical shift in your state of consciousness occurs

but I have no idea what that's like or what it entails

I'd wager the Tibetans and the Egyptians knew something real about it

>> No.9002793

shut up you window licking fart guzzler

>> No.9002808

wacky insults with too many adjectives have gone through ten meta-stages of being passe, and far into cringe now

even in 1998 when it was still OK to call someone a _____-____ing ______ ______, you had to include a swear so it wasn't fucking gay

the mind automatically searches for a swear so that it isn't gay shit, gay shit wher you're afraid to swear so you are saying a bunch of wacky adjectives and maybe a soft wear like "fart" to cover up how scared you are

that's why it's fun to include only one carefully chosen swear, because when searching through the too many terms, you start to get worried that this guy is a pussy who doesn't swear, and then it's a pleasant reassuring surprise that he had a good solid FAGGOT in there

"window licking fart guzzler" is like my friend stuart in 2001 insulting me and it made me feel bad for him him because he was a fucking pussy

if this is stuart i wouldn't be surprised

>> No.9002810

All the processes in your brain that make you you decompose. All of those cells will cease to live and so will you.

Just as before being alive, you will go back to an eternity of nothingness,absolute and complete nothingness

>> No.9002816

I don't know what happens.

I'm going to assume eternal oblivion for now, but I'd be pleasantly surprised if that wasn't the case.

>> No.9002821


Trying too hard

>> No.9002824

>Just as before being alive, you will go back to an eternity of nothingness,absolute and complete nothingness
Does this sound comfy to anyone else?

>> No.9002842

Once one understands he is God,then its clear that conciousness rather then matter, is what the universe is made of, and the observer reincarnates or finishes his role in this plain of reality

>> No.9002865

God does not forget his followers, and he is there for those who believe. He comes in and scoops up those who have fallen asleep.

Believe in Christ, and fear not.

>> No.9002880
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the drum machine has spoken

>> No.9002897


Define 'followers'

>> No.9002906

Do you really believe?

Do you really?


In all honesty? In the most secret part of your mind and heart?

>> No.9003049

Will you be "pleasantly surprised" when you burn in hell for eternity then?

>> No.9003065

Nobody does.

>> No.9003073


>> No.9003098

As a being that possesses consciousness, you know that there can only be a single consciousness. So why is it that everybody just so casually disregards this axiomatic truth? It's not because it doesn't make sense, because it CAN be easily worked into a consistent model of reality.

>> No.9003120

But how do you KNOoOOoOoOoooW?

>> No.9003225

It does desu
Life being cyclical sounds pretty terrible

>> No.9003370

Hahaha have you ever been here before?

>> No.9003371


>> No.9003372
File: 38 KB, 447x417, 1482154473095.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any volunteers who want to find out send me your name and address

>> No.9003756
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>> No.9003759

All the cells in your brain are replaced every few years or so. The "you" that existed when you were a child is already dead, and the "you" that exists now will be dead in a few more years.

>> No.9003995

S-shutup anon, you want me to freakin kil- ..k-... kiss you or something??!! >.<

>> No.9004019

when you die you can choose to reincarnate on earth or any other inhabited planet.

You can also go to paradise if you want to but that requires a certain preparation before you die.

>> No.9004088

Hopefully the ride ends

>> No.9004123


>> No.9005422

What happens after you stop being a faggot?

>> No.9005581

Did i mention im super intellectual and analyze everything i encounter to the fullest extent?
t. (You)