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/lit/ - Literature

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9002549 No.9002549 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw I just realized that I spent all this fucking time reading and writing to try to impress my qt crush but that girls aren't impressed at all by literature and that she doesn't give a shit

what do?

>> No.9002552

Get some better motivations.

Realise that girls don't give a shit about anything, but they give a shit about how much you give a shit about it.

>> No.9002561

any suggestions? my motivations were basically all unconscious until now, like I could kinda tell but never fully acknowledged it.

>> No.9002563
File: 85 KB, 600x460, Camille Paglia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

develop a crush on a qt lit girl and avoid illiterate girls for a change, no?

>> No.9002567

They've gotta be genuine, man. Imagine your ideal life and start moving towards it. Be willing to update this ideal as you change throughout the journey.

Women are a big part of my ideal life, and one in particular. But as soon as I cum it's easy to see how much a mistake it would be to put someone else at the centre of my vision.

>> No.9002570

love aint up to us, mayne

>> No.9002572

>The ideal life is one that is still satisfying just after you've cum.
Fucking word.

>> No.9002582

You are reading and writing for the wrong reasons. Screwed from the very beginning.
Unless bait, of course.

>> No.9002585

>girls aren't impressed at all by literature and that she doesn't give a shit

Channel your fine writing skills to writing trash instead.

>> No.9002595

I agree with this. I recently developed feelings for a chad (femanon desu) and even his obvious stupidity didn't deter me.
Before you all go apeshit and declare that women prefer chads, let me tell you that they don't. This was a first, at least for me.

>> No.9002601

The lustful aches of your empty vagina and uterus is not love, femanon.

>> No.9002607

This made me cringe very hard. And don't presume what is and what is not love, anon.

>> No.9002613

I'm a femanon too, how does the stupidity not deter you? the moronic only talking about sports/getting drunk/ that one stacy he hooked up with/more sports/cars/etc etc is the main reason I've found it really difficult to get a bf. Most boys just ain't that interesting to me. Hell, most girls aren't either (in a friendship sense).

Anyway, OP, you shouldn't take up any hobby just to impress the opposite (or same, if that's what floats your boat) gender, you should do it for you. Focussing your whole life on finding a mate is pointless. You have to do things for yourself as well.

>> No.9002614

women prefer chads

>> No.9002621

Cringe away, sweetheart.

>> No.9002623

Yeah i know this, of course, but as I said in a previous post, I didn't even realize that this was the case. I didn't purposely think to myself, "hmmm I wonder what I can do to impress her." Instead I just kind of lived my life, and was eventually led down this path without me realizing.

>> No.9002624

Because the stupidity was not constant, and he was extremely polite and non-boorish for a guy of his type. I think calling him a chad was stretching it a bit, but I'm bitter so who gives a fuck.

>> No.9002632

Damn, that's gotta suck. I think I'm in serious danger of becoming bitter as well. I'm 18, never had a bf because I found them all a bit well, dumb, in high school. University is shaping up to be even worse, with lots of pretentious types and SJWs as well. Ah well, c'est la vie.

>> No.9002636

Hang in there, femanon.

>> No.9002640

don't let women rule your life. be your own man.

>> No.9002647

>becoming bitter at 18

When you grow a bit older, you'll meet more mature men, trust this older femanon. Nice lit guys mature only after they hit 25.

>> No.9002648

now that you're all here, we can settle this once and for all: does dick size matter?

>> No.9002650

Is that why college professors have young girlfriends?

>> No.9002652

So what do I do in the mean time? Other than the hobbies I already have that is.

>> No.9002653

Not to me, no.

>> No.9002654

no. We tend to priorize intimacy and feelings.

>> No.9002658

Find OP and fuck some sense into him.

>> No.9002659

I'm a virgin. (am >>9002632)
If I can't find a bf I respect enough intellectually and emotionally to lose my virginity to, why would I know anything about dicks at all?

>> No.9002661

Work on yourself. If you have luck, you may find a sensitive man with some potential now.

>> No.9002662

yeahhhhh, but you're just saying that, right

>> No.9002664
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please let me take your virginity

>mfw 22 yo piece of shit

>> No.9002667

There's a numer of reasons for that. Daddy issues and intellectual admiration are real, tho.

>> No.9002668

Umm, yes lol, these other girls are lying sorry anon

>> No.9002673

They can't tell you what they're unconscious of, anon.

>> No.9002676

Well, I read all the time, watch art-y movies (kind of the film equivalent to literature), play some video games, but not obsessively, play several instruments, speak two languages and am learning Russian and do Karate and surfing. What else should I do to improve? (genuine question).

>> No.9002677

alright, that's what I thought, just confirming thanks m8s

>> No.9002678

Unless you're completely impotent you shouldn't worry. See this from other perspective: if you loved a girl, would you excessively mind that she has small tits? I'm aware dicks are important to the male, but they just over do it a bit sometimes, I think.

>> No.9002680
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>does dick size matter?
you tell me bro

>> No.9002683

Well for starters you could stop listing your interests as though they are a resume for being attractive.

>> No.9002685

Just dont be a selfcentered moron and you'll be fine. The same applies to girls btw

>> No.9002686
File: 235 KB, 940x937, enhanced-buzz-wide-25826-1399556108-11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sure it's not that bad, how big (or small) are we talking lad?

>> No.9002688

the thing is, small tits are a legit fetish for guys sometimes. they make you look cuter and, in a way, more fragile and feminine. big boobs make you sexy, but small tits can work well with a cute girl, as guys find cute girls often just as alluring as sexy ones but in a different way. however, having a small dick does nothing but make you less masculine

>> No.9002691


>> No.9002694

I was specifically asking that guy what I could do to work on myself on top of what I'm already doing.

>> No.9002696

see? dicks are more important to you males because it makes you feel better about yourselves. Please notice that if you meet a girl that happens to get interested in you, she wouldn't mind this. Overcome your insecurities already, brother.

>> No.9002701

Why are you asking some stranger what you should do with your life?

>> No.9002704
File: 97 KB, 319x482, 9d408d04ac8084f4292c84df23a04042.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the thing to keep in mind is that by the time a girl finally gets to see your junk, you've already done 95% of the work of getting her to think that you're attractive, funny and charming enough to let you go down on her.

She'd have to be a real bitch to just reject you at that point, The same way if a girl allowed herself to be vulnerable in front of you you'd be a cunt to refuse her if she had a weird labia or something.

The sex is workable, you'll just have to spend longer eating her out or whatever. Also, women rarely orgasm from penetrative sex alone so the small dick thing doesn't put you at a "massive" disadvantage.

>> No.9002712

I'm not. I'm getting some ideas for ways to fill my time seeing as I've given up on dating for the moment (I'm not unattractive, and do get asked out regularly, I just haven't found anyone) and I don't like partying and other common pursuits to my age.

>> No.9002713


>> No.9002724

Do you have to make so many arbitrary rules about your life? What's the point in saying "now I will stop dating" if you will just reverse that the moment you meet someone who seems like the ideal lit type you're fawning over in your head?

Why can't you just live your life and do what you want to do from moment to moment?

It's like you so desperately want to be able to say "this is my new thing! It's a big part of who I am!"

>> No.9002731

I'm just saying I'm not going to actively seek a partner. Not that it's a steadfast rule or anything.

Why are you attacking me over everything? I basically asked for hobby ideas.

>> No.9002733

haha btfo gotem

>> No.9002736

wear make up and put out more, you're an 18 year old girl, the world is literally you're oyster.

But no seriously, we don't know your situation so there isn't a massive amount we can help with.

I can offer some gross generalisations though.

>I'm 18, never had a bf because I found them all a bit well, dumb, in high school. University is shaping up to be even worse

From this I gather that your expectations exceed reality. There are two possibilities:
1. You're better looking and smarter than everyone around you.
2. You smartish but don't put a massive amount of effort into your appearance, and because of this guys (who are all shallow around your age, almost no exceptions) don't bother to get to know you and allow you to get to know them.

My guess, given that you're an 18 year old girl wasting her time talking to anonymous autists on 4chan, is it's more of the latter.
You aren't going to find a prince charming, maybe ever, few of us will.

This doesn't mean that you won't find happiness. try to think of people less as objects, accessories to stick onto your laundry list of hobbies:
>I read all the time, watch art-y movies (kind of the film equivalent to literature), play some video games, but not obsessively, play several instruments, speak two languages and am learning Russian and do Karate and surfing
Accept people for what they are; shit. and maybe you'll come to experience of grace in which you can truly show that you love them.

>> No.9002741

>Before you all go apeshit and declare that women prefer chads

Well they do, and it doesn't bother me for the same reason that it shouldn't bother women that prefer hot women.

But we rarely get what we want anyway.

>> No.9002743

that men prefer hot women*

>> No.9002744

>I basically asked for hobby ideas.
Grow a terrarium
Make field recordings
Blaze it 420
Roll for dubs

>> No.9002748

I'm taking an interest in you, don't know why. Welcome to conversations outside high school.

Can you not see how strange it is to come onto a /lit/ board and ask "what's a hobby I should try until I start actively seeking a man to date?"

I mean, ok, start rock climbing.

What are you looking for, really?

>> No.9002751

I'm not unattractive, and I like clothing and some makeup (not into the instagram type look, since it seems a bit much, but I can do eye makeup and lips and the like. I tend to go for a vintag-y look). I get asked out a lot. That's not the issue.

I'm only on 4chan for /lit/ and /his/ because I don't know anyone who reads or is as much of a history lover as I am.

There's no 100% accurate gauge for intelligence, but I got straight As throughout highschool and read all the time, so I'm not a moron.

>> No.9002752

this is the attitude of a loser desu. instead, you should strive for self perfection, and eventually the right man will come to you. there are some incredible people out there. just because a majority of them are not doesn't mean that we should settle for the mediocre many. if you really want the life experience, then you can date mediocre guys, I guess, you will lose nothing but a bit of time. But always keep yourself reaching higher. This settled complacent attitude is what leads to unhappy marriages and midlife existential crises. Expect a lot from people and yourself, and constantly strengthen yourself to combat disappointment and suffering, and life will reach ever upwards

>> No.9002759

I'm in a vulnerable feelsy place here because I do have a qt I have a long and strong bond with who likes to be all literary, go to museums, read poetry to each other, have bouts of great sex, I've turned her onto Pessoa, Miller, Kafka, Houellebecq, Beckett, Lispector, and she enjoys when I rave about Joyce constantly, and our banter is fun and lively and goddamn I love this girl, but she won't do relationships because of various mental problems. And I lie on the 10% side of her 90% preference for women. I just want to love her, guys.

>> No.9002761

I didn't come to /it/ to do that. I literally responded to someone telling me to 'work on myself' on a /lit/ board that is talking about dating and the like. The original response was to a femanon who mentioned not being put off by the moronic nature of your average Chad. It was in context.

It's not like I started a specific thread devoted to it. That would be weird.

>> No.9002762

>but she won't do relationships because of various mental problems

Run away

>> No.9002766

are you going to an elite college next year? college is full of retards, yes, but also the place where you will probably find your first examples of genius. As a top student in highschool who went to a top college, i can guarantee that the thought of being "too smart" for others (that is very easy to get at this stage of life) becomes very difficult to maintain in college when there are legit geniuses on campus.

>> No.9002769

I don't really live in a place with any elite colleges desu.

>> No.9002773

why not go out of state then? it's not like plane flights compare whatsoever to the cost of tuition or anything

>> No.9002779

I mean I live in a country that doesn't have any elite colleges. I'm not American.

I am thinking of doing post grad at Oxford or Cambridge since I have a dual citizenship with England.

>> No.9002780

This whole thing is weird, if you haven't already noticed.

OK, the area you need to work on is going to parties and being a charming socialite. It's the one thing obviously missing from your self improvement repertoire.

>> No.9002781

> I'm not a moron
None of us are, it doesn't mean our heads aren't pretty far up our arses. This is what it means to be a pseud, to use a word that gets thrown around here a lot.

>here are some incredible people out there. just because a majority of them are not doesn't mean that we should settle for the mediocre many.
We're all mediocre. It doesn't mean that we're undeserving of affection.
>This settled complacent attitude is what leads to unhappy marriages and midlife existential crises.
I thought it was the death of God.
>Expect a lot from people
Terrible advice
>this is the attitude of a loser desu
I know

>> No.9002790

But I just don't like getting drunk. Or high. I like going to concerts and seeing live music, if that counts.

>> No.9002792

>we're all mediocre
speak for yourself m8
>I thought it was the death of God
That's part of it, but also the feeling of being trapped with someone when there are better people and thus better lives elsewhere
>terrible advice
no u
>i know

>> No.9002794

Sometimes you gotta jump in the fire to get what you want.

>> No.9002796

As an older woman on 4chan, what's your opinion on this shit hole. What brings you here anon, I'm asking out of genuine curiosity.

>> No.9002800

Who said anything about getting wasted? Part of being a charming socialite is not having a herd mentality (or just doing the opposite for the sake of it).

Learn to be charming in groups of people.

Come to think of it, learn how to get intoxicated, irrational, fun, while staying respectable.

>> No.9002802

4chan is 99% men. from which we can only surmise she likes the feeling of being surrounded and overwhelmed by men and thus metaphorically slapped and gangbanged by dicks constantly

>> No.9002805

I've tried to date normies girls and going out to see star wars or whatever and even when they keep up with my sense of humor it just feels monotonous, like treading water and putting on fronts, whereas this girl enables me to be the kind of person I try to be, and that's a rare thing.

Clarification: "doesn't do relationships" means she actively tries to retreat from most people and lets nobody into that space, not that she fucks around a lot or whatever.

>> No.9002806

Well, as someone who's been lurking in this thread and a woman, but not that anon, I think it's just that, a shithole. I find the misogyny, racism, homophobia and other extremes endlessly fascinating, and would love to write a book about it and it's antithesis, tumblr.

Also I like talking about books and no one I know in the real world reads anything other than best sellers.

>> No.9002809

The point is that it doesn't do YOU any good to be around people who are so mentally unstable they can't even be in a mature monogamous relationship with other people.

>> No.9002813

go for it mane. I personally have dated of the those types that you are speaking of, and would much rather have a life with this type than the mediocre life with mediocre women. The suffering will be greater, but so will every other emotion. It's about whether or not you can handle the intensity of life and whether or not you want it.

>> No.9002818

Have you ever gotten drunk anon, or where your parents the conservative type, who wouldn't let you go out to parties, out with your friends, which is why you now defensively hold the attitude that parties "aren't your thing". Trying to make up for what you perceived as irrationality from otherwise rational people, your parents, who you respect.

>> No.9002819


>> No.9002820

Would you ever go out with one of us

>> No.9002825

No, my parents were very chill. I have gotten drunk, tried weed etc. Weed makes me feel sick (I think it's genetic, my mother said it did the same to her and she never liked it) and I don't really like the feeling of being very drunk, although I like wine, champagne and some cocktails.

>> No.9002828

no, but i suck all your dongs, especially yours anon

>> No.9002829

It would depend on whether you hated me for being a woman or if you were a decent guy who happens to browse 4chan. I'm sure there are some of you I'd date, and there are many I wouldn't (anyone on /pol/, for example)

>> No.9002831

Are you australian love, I'll be your bf.

>> No.9002833 [DELETED] 

I'm not even 27 yet but I started to lurk here because I find it amusing. Anonimity allows a certain sense of honesty that I don't find on Goodreads. I must admit that I enjoy browsing both shitposting threads (because of the dank memes and giggles) and serious ones. Overall, I think we lit girls are somehow similar to lit guys... lonely and trying to get a better grasp of certain books or just want to feel intellectually validated.

>> No.9002834

Good guess. The whole lack of good unis gave it away eh?

>> No.9002837


>> No.9002838

I wouldn't hate you for being a woman, only for being a pleb. :^)

>> No.9002840

>implying women aren't all plebs

>> No.9002841

More like fuck it's hot and terrible internet (NBN sucks, thanks Malcolm).

>> No.9002843

>intensity of life
Not after they leave you for the next spontaneous love affair.

>> No.9002844


Ah, there you go. One of the many I wouldn't date.

>> No.9002845

That and at some point you mentioned you like surfing

2bh the uni's here aren't that bad. There's at least one good one per state, UWA, UQ, Monash, UNSW etc.
If you can afford to you can go to ANU.

I suppose it depends on what you're lookin to study

>> No.9002847

I am nearby.


>> No.9002851

>conservative parents
>hippie kid

>hippie parents
>conservative kid

Never fails.

>> No.9002852

That doesn't even apply to this case

>> No.9002853

I didn't say there's nothing decent.

I just mean there's no historical institutes like Europe has or the US has.

>tfw you will never go to an Ivy League school or Oxbridge in your own country
>tfw your country has very little literary or artistic tradition
>tfw most of the wildlife wants to kill you and you'll probably die of skin cancer

>> No.9002854

It never does until it does, anon.

>> No.9002855
File: 40 KB, 300x310, feels-guy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no lonely 27 yo gf to intellectually validate
>you will never light up a j and just make out for like 45 minutes

>> No.9002859

Not liking getting smashed and high every weekend does not equate to being conservative. It just means I want to be relatively healthy and not tarnish my mental faculties.

>> No.9002860

If that is at all an accurate representation of how you look then I can't blame them.

>> No.9002866


>> No.9002867

the fact that women these days are not sexually attracted to the respectable appearance of memes is the reason for the decline of the institution of marriage

>> No.9002868

Never trust a man who says memes.

>> No.9002869

Being on 4chan is definitely worse for your mental health than drinking a few pints and ripping a few cones anon

>> No.9002870

Alcohol abuse is not good for you. Also, I don't like feeling in danger and like you might be taken advantage of, which can happen when you're a girl and drunk.

>> No.9002872

Eh, like that other femanon said, it's fascinating, I don't agree with much of what's said, and I stay of /pol/ and /r9k/ and the like.

>> No.9002874
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>> No.9002875

And now we come back to your virginity and that dreamy real world /lit man who will compel you to give it to him him HIM!

>> No.9002877

Isn't it better to have some standards, even if they're a little unrealistic, than to have none and throw yourself at the next available dick? c'mon, cut the girl some slack.

>> No.9002878

>not getting drunk at home
>on your own

>> No.9002879

This thread really is a litany to why our generation sucks.

>> No.9002882

>Isn't it better to have some standards, even if they're a little unrealistic, than to have none and throw yourself at the next available dick?
It isn't

>> No.9002886

Why? I'm not her, but I thought you were all on the purity train, and thought all modern women are whores? Well here's one who isn't, and is struggling with it (she's 18, everyone struggles with things at that age) and you're jumping down her throat.

>> No.9002891

What about my comment did you interpret as an attack? It was just the truth.

>> No.9002895

The whole thread is about the OP, and now this girl, putting the opposite sex on a pedestal. We are responding to that theme. Nobody is forced into taking on board and opinions in this or any other thread.

Plus I would never posit those bullshit pol memes, people can fuck who they want.

>> No.9002898


Good taste. Alcohol and parties are both degenerate.

>> No.9002899

I'm not her. I just think you're criticising her a lot for having an idealised view of men. Everyone does that at 18, idealising the first one etc.
I'm just saying, there's nothing wrong with having standards.

>> No.9002900

Become >>>/fit/ and get some social skills

>> No.9002904

4chan is not the place to maintain idealised versions of anything.

>> No.9002905

>I thought you were all on the purity train, and thought all modern women are whores?
/pol/ memes aside, this site isn't as ideologically amorphous as you'd think.

The "all women are whores" thing is sadly ironic, and intentionally so I'd for most of the people that post shit like that, at least the more self aware posters.

Do you really think that people who spend half of their lives on a computer addicted to pornography and masturbational posting on an anonymous image board aren't aware of their own failure as human beings.

Few people here think that women are whores. They're mainly bored, and a little bit resentful, and playing the part.

>Well here's one who isn't, and is struggling with it
she asked us for advice and we're giving it

>and you're jumping down her throat.
Because anonymity lets us be cunty

>she's 18, everyone struggles with things at that age
terrible age 2bh

>> No.9002909

>muh spooks

>> No.9002911

4chan is full of men who idealise everything, particularly women.

>> No.9002913

>Everyone in the thread literally has some 19th century Romanticist idealism stuck in their head

Seriously grow the fuck up. Life is suffering. Only 0.0000001% of people get what they want out of it.

Deal with it.

>> No.9002914
File: 45 KB, 409x409, Smug Pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


But I'm pretty happy anon.

Take that.

>> No.9002915

I am her, and while I take some of the advice, I do think it'll be a while before I find a man I'm comfortable losing it too. I'm not some puritan who wants to save it till marriage, and I don't need 'the one' to be the only man ever. I think that's silly and unrealistic and probably going to lead to dissatisfaction. But I do want someone I can respect and 'click' with on more levels than physical attraction, and that's proving difficult at the moment.

>> No.9002916

And yet you're here. I'll err on the side of you not being honest.

>> No.9002917

Muh Muh Muh Muh Muh Muh Muhuhuhuhuhuh

Whatever. I know you know what's going on.

>> No.9002921

You mean, I won't find someone who's cute and funny and compliments my personality and absolutely adores me even when I act like a massive wanker and at the end of the day will fuck me like the girls fuck the guys in porn?

>> No.9002924

No you won't. If you're a man you're literally one of the lucky ones if you even manage to have sex, let alone procreate or experience true love.

There's a reason true love only exists in movies and literature. Because it's fiction.

>> No.9002925


>> No.9002931
File: 48 KB, 495x410, FUG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What's that supposed to mean? I'm here because /lit/ is one of the rare places where you can learn and discuss (and meme) about literature that isn't filled with limp wristed SJWs (no worries I'm no /pol/ tard).

As for 4chan itself, I'm here because it's fun to browse this place.

But really anon, I am honest with you. I am an optimist, and I struggle to remember a time in my short life where I was sad or depressed for a significant amount of time. I have a very bright outlook on life in general, and my situation is slowly improving on top of that.

>> No.9002935


t. edge

I'm going to prove you wrong faggot.

>> No.9002937

How do you manage to be happy anon

>> No.9002940

Not edgy at all, I'm just resigned.

This thread evokes a kind of Disney version of reality that you would think people left off when they stopped going to junior high.

>> No.9002947

>But I do want someone I can respect and 'click' with on more levels than physical attraction, and that's proving difficult at the moment.
You're still only 18 and your life is only starting.

You'll probably find someone, probably more than one. Wait till your mid twenties to start feeling bitter about being alone.

Realise that it's normal to feel worried about it, we can't help how we feel.

>> No.9002950

That's because everyone is acting their least caustic for the benefit of the ladies in the thread.

>> No.9002957
File: 647 KB, 524x700, couple-reading-pierre-auguste-renoir-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come on. I know deep down you aspire to a qt lit bf/gf to discuss books with.

>> No.9002959

Not him, but I have bad experiences discussing any topic with women.

>> No.9002966

any topic? maybe you can't articulate proper speech, anon. Also, we tend to laugh in the face of the /pol/ type irl.

>> No.9002969

Yes, being adversarial against women in a discussion usually means you'll never get laid.

It's like you demand sycophancy to get wet between your legs.

>> No.9002976

i have the feeling that you study at unimelb, probably in arts, the sanctuary for sjw's. anyway, hope you find a lit qt. good people are rare, but they're out there.

>> No.9002978

Obviously I do. Because I'm lonely, and I'm scared of being lonely for the rest of my life. And because I have a brain inside my penis telling my to find someone, the one, that I love and have children with her.
>inb4 "well, you won't have any luck with that attitude"
I know I won't.

>> No.9002981

Being adversarial against women as a whole is plain dumb anon, even in a duscussion. Embrace the fact that not all women (or men) are alike. Good luck to you.

>> No.9002982

not if you're a chad bro

>> No.9002984

What do you think I mean by adversarial in this context exactly? Screaming cunt to someone's face? Because that's not what I'm talking about.

In many cases simply disagreeing with women have had them never talk to me again, which is fine actually, because it means they're not worth my time, but it kind of stings too, because I like women.

>> No.9002999

Ah, yes. But holding a grudge againt someone you had a bad discussion with is surely more related to some particular character than gender. Also, self-entitled people can't hold disagreeing very nicely, this is not news.

>> No.9003005

How old are you anon.

Being adversarial has nothing to do with screaming. In practical terms it has to do with how you present yourself, your body language and your starting the argument with the assumption of being right.

It has to do with your not expecting to receive anything of value from the other, and it's valid for men and women. Girls in particular though have to be treated more gently, because their sensitive that way.

It's a skill that comes with time.

>> No.9003021

This thread is painful.

>> No.9003025

>How old are you anon.


>> No.9003029

>149 / 10 / 18 / 1
y i k e s

>> No.9003034

We've all been here.

Just find another girl and find an internal motivational centre, not an external one.

>> No.9003035

Biology and philosophy double major (one for interest and one for career). So 3/4 right.

>> No.9003062

Find a girl with a drug addiction. They'll put up with anything as long as the money keeps flowing.
After some time, when you finally come to love each other you can make an attempt to changer her, at which point she'll be forever grateful to you for having saved her. :^)

>> No.9003066

neat. i couldn't stand the careerist narcissists in comm so i'm moving to music this year. come to filmsoc during semester and we can chat over awful pronto pizza

>> No.9003067

Think i'll pass.

>> No.9003068

you guys should totally meet up and make out

>> No.9003182

haha unlikely. i'm old enough to accept that life isn't a murakami novel.

>> No.9003199

>life isn't a murakami novel
It can be

>> No.9003205
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>> No.9003245
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>> No.9003262

Nice Literature related conversations going on ITT.

The literature board of a Mongolian Basket Weaving forum is surely the best place to ask for advice relating to your romantic life.

>> No.9003326
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>> No.9003331

>what do?

>> No.9003352

If this is bait it's actually really well constructed, despite being based on a stale meme.

>> No.9003386

if your goal is to get laid either get a job that will improve your social skills like sales or lift.
reading/writing to impress girls is like going vegetarian to lose weight you fat fuck.

>> No.9003391

I'm fat and have a small dick, but I manage to get laid regularly by being smart, not autistic, and over 6 feet tall

>> No.9003516

>> I'm not a moron
>None of us are
speak for yourself m8

>> No.9003676

It's not b8 though, most women actually think like this.
crazy right!

>> No.9003681
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>> No.9003769
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I don't even know where female 5-8/10 rabble get their huge egos. It's like they live in a bubble. How does a "college 7/10" not die of envy and low self esteem when confronted with pic? Why do they never learn her place until they hit the wall and even then won't exactly beg to suck off some omega and take his load on their saggy faces?

If you say it comes down to male attention, I really don't understand why women would operate this way. If a bunch of 5/10 women shower me with attention I don't feel entitled to an 8 and being treated like a prince? Wtf is this dynamic. Why are females so shit?

>> No.9003779
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Don't waste your time with someone who offers you nothing but heartache. If you aren't moving forward towards a relationship with this girl, look elsewhere.

>> No.9003821 [DELETED] 

You sound like I used to be.
Some anon has already mentioned it, but I'll repeat for your benefit: your expectations are a bit much. It is very hard to meet someone who's 100% perfect for you, while refusing to open yourself up to new experiences.

>> No.9003838

Not the anon you asked.
I am on 4chan because most people I know in the real world don't read at all, and also because I am painfully shy and self-conscious, and I would have to be either slightly drunk or good friends with someone to tell them how I really feel about books and such like. This also comes from feeling that nobody really cares about what I have to say, which is why I am very quiet in the real world.
Nobody cares on 4chan either, but here I am anonymous, and if I get bullied or worse I can just go away without feeling (too) embarrassed.

>> No.9003856

You sound really bitter, anon. Who turned you down?

t. compassionate "rabble"

>> No.9003878

>tfw I finally had the perfect gf at age 22
>got along perfectly and had similar interests
>the time came for sex
>I had spent so long on this site, doing nofap, and reading virtuous shit like Plato, the Bible, and Aristotle that I had come to not even want sex
>couldn't even stay hard
>she broke up with me after it happened 3 times

Fuck man. There's no worse feeling in the world than knowing you're literally incapable of pleasing a woman. I got memed hard by Philosophy fags.

>> No.9003889

There are unironic drugs that can help you with that anon

>> No.9003904

I care sweetheart

>> No.9003964

>unironic drugs
sounds plebeian

>> No.9004087

>I had spent so long on this site, doing nofap, and reading virtuous shit like Plato, the Bible, and Aristotle that I had come to not even want sex
I'm Jelly.

>> No.9004141

t.masturbation shill

>> No.9005385

True /lit/s don't care about women


>> No.9005689

Find one who does.

>> No.9005903

>they give a shit about how much you give a shit about it.

this is grade A advice. you can't do things like that just to get laid man. you have to enjoy it of itself

>> No.9005905

astonishing post

>> No.9006191
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Idk, I'm just happy naturally. Not cheery or joyful, but content, just happy existing you know.

Just ate some salmon and I'm about to start a new book. All I'd need is a qt lit gf and life would be perfect.

>> No.9006205


>> No.9006247
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>> No.9006316
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only correct answer

>> No.9006502

i was just going to say something to a similar effect.

this thread's tone aggravates me.

>> No.9006723

Not if it entails castrating myself

>> No.9007184

Obviously she didn't like you too much. Saved yourself future heartbreak because you sound a little delusional