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/lit/ - Literature

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9001039 No.9001039 [Reply] [Original]

Do you think writers have to be "authentic" persons--that is, honest and true to themselves?

>> No.9001051

What do you mean by being 'honest and true' to yourself?

>> No.9001054


Our culture is completely obsessed with everything and everyone being "authentic" and we despise the fake and pretentious. If this is a good thing or not, I'm not sure.

>> No.9001055

certainly. when one writes, his very character is poured into each sentence.

>> No.9001059


>> No.9001787

Only in order to lie better.

>> No.9001793

i don't think, i just feel

>> No.9001819

To the contrary, writers must be incorrigible liars. Touchstone, for all his faults and insecurities, is speaking mere truth when he says that the truest poetry is the most feigning. Even the most nominally 'confessional' of poets (and only a handful of actually good poets have been put under that heading) must invent some kind of image of themselves.

>> No.9001836


Both good answers. I think that, with the Western world veritably coming undone under the influence of Trump and Brexit, it is only fitting that a form of Decadentism, irrationalist, passionate, and self-consciously false, should be the artistic movement that will redeem the current cultural landscape. I think that /lit/ should be the first fomentation of this new (or rather revived) way of thinking. Who's with me?

>> No.9002147

So a kind of post-post-postmodernism, then? The New Insincerity?

>> No.9002149

No. they don't HAVE to be. nobody HAS to be to do anything.

>> No.9002257
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Close, but no cigar. If you're still thinking in oppositions, you have not yet achieved a hyperreal sense of self. You will only make artificiality into a new truth. What we must get to is the complete automation of the death-in-life, if we aim to stop the dialectal wheel. Once we do this, there will be no Secret and no Revelation, there will be no God to find or kill, no thing that can be had or lost, no authority that can be defied or served.

"Only when you are free from what every man and woman has thought and felt before you will you become an individual. Such an individual will not go around attempting to destroy everything that belongs to society. He is not in conflict with society at all. He would never tear down the temples and institutions or burn books that men have made with great care. He would not be a rebel. All the accumulated knowledge, experience, and suffering of mankind is inside of you. You must build a huge bonfire within you. Then you will become an individual. There is no other way. Society is built on a foundation of conflict, and *you are society*. Therefore you *must* always be in conflict with society. The real individual, one who is free of the accumulated tradition and knowledge of mankind, is necessarily a threat to that society. Society, of which you are a part, cannot be other than it is. So stop trying to save it or change it. You cannot even change your mother-in-law."

>> No.9002297
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Addendum: The term "achieve" is almost completely outmoded. Although "cultivate" is more fitting to current doxa, it still isn't good enough, because it still implies progress--though ironically less than the term which makes the development more immediate.

>> No.9002322
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Of course not, though a writer may benefit from creating a vivid persona.

>> No.9002328
File: 89 KB, 600x710, brodoyouevenliveauthentically.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What we must get to is the complete automation of the death-in-life, if we aim to stop the dialectal wheel.

Shut the fuck up.

>> No.9002353

This isn't a new feeling that you describe. It seems like you've caught a glimpse of something but are extrapolating too much from it and in a wrong direction. Trump and Brexit aren't causes, that's for sure. Go """read""" Nick Land or something.


>> No.9002460
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Make me, famtasy.

>> No.9002483

No, that sounds boring tbqh.

>> No.9002651

Pass the champagne.

>> No.9002709
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I don't know who's memeing what anymore. I don't care either.

>> No.9002745
File: 1.66 MB, 640x360, barron.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trump is post-ironic. His campaign was an in-joke that went over your head. We're going to build a wall and kick out the Mexicans, right? That's funny; what politician would say something like that? It's a joke. But we really want to build a wall and kick them out. Get it?

>> No.9002803

You have to be authentic by being inauthentic. Write something inauthentic, but do it because it's what you really want to express.