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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 14 KB, 220x298, Nietzsche187a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8995373 No.8995373 [Reply] [Original]

How can other philosophers even compete? This guy literally BTFO everyone before and after him.
I think everyone who doesnt get him are plebs with no abstract thinking who cant get past his aphoristic style of writing.

>> No.8995388
File: 63 KB, 900x750, Witty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can other philosophers even compete? This guy literally BTFO everyone before and after him.
I think everyone who doesnt get him are plebs with no abstract thinking who cant get past his aphoristic style of writing.

>> No.8995391

idk he's not really into regular philosophical stuff so when it comes to cosmology type ontological metaphysical blah blah stuff hegel or someone like that is gonna beat him
he's more into the wisdom type of literature of those old french fuckers or montaigne or that one spanish dude gracian or schopenhauer
when compared to them he's p good
also he has real interesting subject matter with christianity

hes p awesome

>> No.8995396

Nah, that guy is just autism

>> No.8995401
File: 200 KB, 1280x856, cokeaddict.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can other philosophers even compete? This guy literally BTFO everyone before and after him.
I think everyone who doesnt get him are plebs with no leftwing thinking who cant get past his lacanian style of writing.

>> No.8995406

>no abstract thinking who cant get past his aphoristic style of writing.
At least change this part so it makes sense.

>> No.8995421

>no abstract thinking who cant get past his autistic style of writing.

>> No.8995431

nice le meme

>> No.8995437
File: 43 KB, 768x384, gallery-1475607949-alex4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can other philosophers even compete? This guy literally BTFO everyone before and after him.
I think everyone who doesnt get him are plebs with no abstract thinking who cant get past his aphoristic style of writing.

>> No.8995438


>> No.8995450

What was his IQ?

>> No.8995566

A bazillion.

>> No.8995586
File: 29 KB, 460x276, IMG_1832.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can other philosophers even compete? This guy literally BTFO everyone before and after him.
I think everyone who doesnt get him are plebs with no abstract thinking who cant get past his Maman style of writing.

>> No.8995618


>> No.8995639

Didn't he have a very limited range of topics?

>> No.8995668

He overcame autism by the power of his superior intellect. Late Witty is above our mundane understanding of "autism", he became something more.

>> No.8995692

>what if Sisyphus, like, enjoyed being in hell? lmao
pure fucking hack

>> No.8995694

you know why neetche was so good, right? cause he had asperger's. same with wittgenstein. if you are not an aspie, please don't even think about doing any philosophy. or science. or art, even. thanks

>> No.8995702

Yeah, a mystic, just like Heidegger.

>> No.8995763

>what if anon, like, enjoyed making shitposts? lmao
pure fucking hack

>> No.8995774

>A mystic
>He hasn't read Husserl
top zoz

>> No.8995791

That's a funny way to spell Kongzi

>> No.8995824

no it's because he was a manlet

>> No.8995873
File: 29 KB, 600x337, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can other philosophers even compete? This guy literally BTFO everyone before and after him.
I think everyone who doesnt get him are plebs with no abstract thinking who cant get past his "style" of "writing"

>> No.8995909
File: 19 KB, 520x414, Christopher_Langan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can other philosophers even compete? This guy literally BTFO everyone before and after him.
I think everyone who doesnt get him are plebs with no abstract thinking who cant get past his "style" of "writing"

>> No.8995914


he is the greatest metaphysician of our times

>> No.8996036

is that guy legit?

>> No.8996115

this is why I hate philosophy

in order to even hope of becoming a real philosopher you have to read all the philosophy ever fucking written because if you don't the chance is way too high that the philosophy you've thought of has actually been thought of exactly by someone else hundreds of years ago