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/lit/ - Literature

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8993499 No.8993499[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Post what books/genres/authors youre interested in, if you do any writing, and what university you attend. Chat with other /lit/ anons about school and what not

I'll start I guess
>I write poetry and the occasional pastorl prose but my verse is pretty weak, hoping to write somethign worthy of submitting somewhere soon
>Southern gothic lit and just poetry in general

>> No.8993547


I write all kinds of stories. I like them to be imaginative without falling into some genre ghetto.

I don't do much fiction reading any more. I think I'm stuck in life, and I need to get a girlfriend and go through all that stuff so I can re-enter the community of man.

Cal is a bad environment for writers. People here aren't very creative (unless you count asian acapella as a creative act), and the whole campus feels like it's stuck in 2007.

>> No.8993733

Off topic but here I go: there was an anon in one these threads who talked about having studied fine arts as an undergraduate and finance as an postgraduate - are you still lurking?

>> No.8994048

UChicago here

>> No.8994054

People like this are why I hate yuppies.

>> No.8994085

I dropped out of college to go learn and see things it was nice

>> No.8994089

Yea man I'm always here, watsup?

>> No.8994103

You can never get a real education without going to college, you will forever be a stupid dumb ignorant non-educated moron. College educated intellectuals are inherently superior to stupid dumb highschool educated scum.

This is what people actually believe.

>> No.8994106

Did you know, before the internet, you physically had to go places?

I don't think anyone could blame me for dropping out of journalism school pre-nu media boom.

>> No.8994118
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Didn't want to make a separate thread for this question so I'll put it here

Where are places to get advice on getting into a masters program or grad school in general? Let's say I'm switching specialties in a major/poor gpa/no letters of rec and am considering taking courses after I get my Bachelors to strengthen my background, where should I go to ask around about if this is a good idea?

>> No.8994123


I write furry erotica

I'm not big into "books"

>> No.8994125

did anyone else want to die every single day of their post-secondary education?

>> No.8994131

What if I told you that you still have to go places and that the internet has just allowed people to create false idealizations of what things are like outside of their bubble?
>of course I know what the world is like I saw it on the internet
>well no I've never PHYSICALLY left my basement but wikipedia tells me everything psh

>> No.8994138

>where should I go to ask around about if this is a good idea?
University Board, you need to suck some dicks. I recommend getting a good pair of kneepads first.

>> No.8994146

i've been to 47 us states in the past four years lel

college is where you meet your fellow-sufferers, but they're around in quotidian life too

>> No.8994147

professors in the field, ask them who to talk to

department people, ask for the grad student coordinator

>> No.8994161


fellow berkeley student here

i'm talking to a couple guys and we're kind of interested in starting a literary journal based in mystic futurism; you interested?

>> No.8994185

I don't know what that is, but sure! contact me at bobicmon@gmail.com

>> No.8994192

what did I do?

>> No.8994201

>Montana State
>I really like finishing short stories, don't do it often though. I've only written four since I've been at achool
>sci-fi, post-modern philosophy, books about history, horror

>> No.8994277

please be cute girl

>> No.8994279

please be cute girl and go on date with me

>> No.8994280

Do you eat ass?

>> No.8994283

only if we are married

>> No.8994503

hey bobic

>> No.8994566
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I go to a small undergraduate-focused liberal arts school somewhere in Canada

I write poetry, edit a literary journal, and write news for the student paper

My research right now is primarily about medieval oral traditions and folklore in English, focusing on Anglo-Saxon Elegiac poetry

>tfw you will never be a medieval

>> No.8994577

lmao didn't mean to reply to that other anon

>> No.8994587
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Anyone else UCL?
Just got a conditional

>> No.8994901

I've got an offer as well lad but I'm probably going to kb it as I've got an offer from Cambridge

>> No.8995405

OP here. Yuppies avoid me because I look like a goth townie. I don't fit in socially at all.

>> No.8995430
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UT Austin

I don't really write other than my attempts at humourous stories / poems.

Really into Blood Meridian right now, but Im itching to read C&P. Is there a genre correlation between the two?

Also pic related, this is my favorite book of 2017 so far.

>> No.8995448
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any phallic clams on here?

>> No.8995449

> UofKentucky
> Diverse. Really depends.
> speculative fiction, literary fiction, some poetry, and I'd like to try short stories soon

>> No.8995454

same!! people think i'm going to rob them when i walk past, but to fair i actually am a white trash townie who's a bit out of place here. my uni is somewhere around 70% women and what seems like 98% yuppie.

anyway i go to UNC and i'm working on it. 100% prose fiction, i don't feel very capable of good verse.
i also am mostly interested in southern gothic.

>> No.8995470

My kamp- Karl Ove/ Science Fiction/ Michel Houellebecq
UNAM/Mexico Pople say that my university is the best in mexico, but i think the UAM is much better.

i write science fiction short storys, and im about to write a novel.

>> No.8995483

A SUNY school. I won't say which. It isn't Cornell though. I'm finishing my MA there.

I write criticism in my spare time.

I mostly read theory. Jameson is my husbando. For actual literature I'm focusing on mid-late 20th century American. Pretty generic, I guess, but I'm convinced it is still understudied and even misunderstood. The usual categories of postmodernism just don't seem exhaustive, or even really useful for writers like Gaddis. I chalk this up to an excess of French theory at the time when people were making up their minds about the 60s, 70s, and 80s—but America has its own theorists, and they have not been utilized properly, I think.

>> No.8995488


Columbia***, jesus, but still wrong. i don't know what im talking about

>> No.8995932

Saint John's :^)

>> No.8996514


>> No.8997063

Nice anon. I feel like far too many people undervalue/don't appreciate Southern Gothic. Do you have a favorite writer/novel in the genre?

UNC Chapel Hill?

>> No.8997101

If not troll, I'm considering going granted I can't get into any more competitive schools. It seems nice enough

>> No.8997131

same here

>> No.8997137

Want to meet up?

>> No.8997154

i thought it would be fun, but i basically spent 4 years in my room in between occasional, pathetic attempts at making friends

>> No.8997157

Just study STEM and read literature as a hobby.

>> No.8997177

Why are ther so many songs about rainbows?

>> No.8997196

STEM is an absolute meme in my country. Like 15% of stem graduates go into a directly related field and they're just the ones from the top Uni(s). Most just end up going into teaching or being accountants

>> No.8997199

¿En qué semestre estás? También estoy en la UNAM pero estudio en la facultad de ingeniería. Tengo muchos amigos en la facultad de Filosofía y Letras. Actualmente estoy escribiendo algunas historias cortas, ¿de qué trata tu libro?

>> No.8997206

Where are you from?

>> No.8997215

STEM is not a meme anywhere, if you're good enough it's pretty easy to move to a different country. In any case, much easier than with a humanities education.

>> No.8997218

My job is reading. I read 8 hours a day. For FREE, I DO IT FOR FREE!

>> No.8997246

I already want to die enough, I couldn't bear to be here and have to devote myself to things that don't interest me and I'm not good at. :/

>> No.8997251

Where are you from?

>> No.8997356

I am not trolling. It's pretty difficult, the course load is heavy. Ancient Greek isn't easy and the maths can get weird. But it's fun. Fuck competitive schools. Degree mills are gay.

>> No.8997376

Why do people always act like STEM is just "do-able" and assume everyone likes doing it? If it's that easy everyone would be doing it and making good careers out of it - but the fact of the matter is, the only ones who are are from Oxbridge/MIT/Caltech/Harvard etc. The ones who are from mediocre universities just end up doing minimum wage research, or do something totally different.

The only stem fields worth getting into are Comp Sci, Medicine and Engineering. The rest are trash unless you're in a top 1% university.

>> No.8997410

>the whole world is UK and US
>only top universities count
>only stem fields worth getting
>medicine is STEM
>being wrong about absolutely everything
I don't know if you're 14 and talking out of your ass or just a sore humanities major, but you should really stop posting on topics you do not understand.

>> No.8997422

>Comp Sci

Literally meme degrees, they just teach you applied maths. Just get a maths degree you fucking wreck. Anything that's not maths or chemistry is a JOKE.

>> No.8997427

doing anything but inferring all possible human knowledge from a set of 3 axioms given to you on the first day of university is a fucking meme desu

>> No.8997432
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>Engineering is a meme degree

>> No.8997437

Congratulations from a Cantab. What are you in for?

>> No.8997440

Maths and chemistry are just applied philosophy.

Philosophy should be the only thing taught at universities.

>> No.8997462

>Colby College
>I'd like to start writing
>I read whatever, but greatly enjoy the writing styles of DFW, Pynchon and Franzen

>> No.8997475

Freshman at University of Kansas, studying English/linguistics.

I write poetry, short stories, and novels when I think I have something worth writing. Just heard back from an agent on my novel. Sent her the full manuscript today.

Currently reading Ulysses.

>> No.8997488
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>choose creative writing paper for this year coz it looks fun
>get email saying I need to get approved from supervisor
>email english faculty about it
>says I can only take the paper if I'm doing an Writing Studies Major or have it as a supporting subject

FUCK YOU I'm not doing a meme degree just for one crummy paper

>> No.8997493

This isn't true at all. Got two mates 1 went to Russell group 1 went to one outside of Russell group. I went to an ex poly then a top 3 for PG. all earning pretty decent wages. All stem.

>> No.8997623


Northwestern representing

Pretty well read but not too interested in literature at this point in my life

Hmu Chicago friends

>> No.8997639

Not quite what this thread's about, but can any English majors tell me how the major differs from gen ed literature or intro composition classes, if at all? I'm reexamining my STEMtard bullshit but my required ENGL courses didn't inspire confidence (composition was a grad student chucking around logos/ethos/pathos/multimodal composition, "Literature in a 20th/21st Century Context" was taught by a lecturer who started day 1 by talking about zombie apocalypse fiction).

>> No.8997664
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Live from PCL. Reading some Peter Wessel Zappfe rite nau. let's meet someday

>> No.8997694

Is this bogposting

>> No.8997734

>not ratboygenius posting

>> No.8997771

Same. No interest in engineering whatsoever, but the math and science are enjoyable although my grades so far in physics classes have been Cs; reading keeps me sane and detached from dejection, leaving me unconcern for my future which seems so puny compared with these big guys of authors.

>> No.8997854

Oh thanks, I'm visiting the Annapolis campus soon and will probably make my decision once I see it. I wish I could've taken Greek instead of Latin in high school when I could've though.

>> No.8997871

Yes, Chapel Hill!
Faulkner is my favorite. Easy answer but true.

>> No.8997872
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who /UNAM/ here?

>> No.8997879


Amigos, hay que reunirnos alv
soy el cabrón de acá >>8997872, solo que no leí el thread antes de comentar, dispensen

>> No.8997880

I don't see why not.
Didn't see this before >>8997871

>> No.8997940

>People here aren't very creative
>Cal is a bad environment for writers

You were creative enough to come up with this bait

>> No.8997979

1. "Cal" is the nickname of University of California Berkeley
2. Hollywood is most certainly a bad environment for writers, or is that not what you're getting at?

>> No.8998011
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Help me /lit/, I'm having an interview with a Brown alumni at my local Starbucks this Sunday, and I'm nervous as fuck. Disregarding grades or tests scores since I know they don't see them (though if they did then it certainly wouldn't harm my case), I often clam up around other people, especially when forced to talk about myself.
Any tips on how to act or what to say? I get the "be honest and sincere" jig is in many cases the best way of going about interactions like these (my good friend got into a school requiring a GPA 1.2 greater than what he had just by nailing his interview and essay), but I'm not sure my personality will resonate with my interviewer much. I looked her up and she's an SAT math tutor, while my focus is more on literature and the arts. Am I screwed, or is there a general formula for what to say or look out for in interviews? And to anyone who's familiar with Brown, any pointers or things I should know about the school besides whatever I could find online?

>> No.8998016

*whatever I can find online

>> No.8998025

just bee yourself :)

>> No.8998033

feels good man