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8992241 No.8992241 [Reply] [Original]

What's books embody your childhood and do you have extream nostalgia and love for? One of mine is the Ranger Apprentice series

>> No.8992255

>What's books embody your childhood and do you have extream nostalgia and love for?

None. While I read books as a child, I am not nostalgic for them because honestly they were not that good. I have since moved on to adult literature which has given more than enough to think about without regressing to childish works.

The only kids books I ever think back to are ones like Ferdinand the Bull or Farewell to Shady Glade which had beautiful pictures.

>> No.8992297

Those shifty vampire books by Darren Shan or some shit.

Also geronimo stilton but those were based

>> No.8992305

Snicket, actually. Glad to see him making a comeback.

>> No.8992312

Red wall series.

>> No.8992460

Autism isn't the right word to describe this person...Um, I meant thing.

This is not even something to be meme'd. You are beyond meme'able right now. Fuck. You're fetid.

You are wrongness on a whole other level. Tragedy and Schadenfreude altogether into a horrendous impossible feeling of revulsion, just at what you said. I feel sick knowing that something out in this vast cosmos had the gall to even post that.

Please fuck off and never post again.

>> No.8992496

Never really read fiction as a kid. I really liked those Eye witness books.

>> No.8993344

came to post. would buy a new red wall book every summer when we took a trip out of province to visit my grandparents.

>> No.8993419

t h i s

Doubt I read anywhere close to all of them, however.

>> No.8993955
File: 14 KB, 194x259, goosebumps.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the first one I red was taking place in a fake summer camp ; at one point they faked the death of a kid and I was terrorized.
Also there was the "My teacher is an alien" serie, and some books from Daniel Pennac but I doubt you will know them

>> No.8993975

I read the shit out of Poe as a kid. Sounds pretentious I know, but he was the first author to get me into romantic, visually evocative prose. Fall of the House of Usher remains one of my fav. short stories to this day.

>> No.8994031

is that the one where in the end the parents are like "you're going to a strange place called earth."

>> No.8994041


>> No.8994094

All my friends read Rangers Apprentice in early primary school, and as much as I tried to like it, even at that young age it felt too simple and childish. Felt left out t b h

>> No.8994101

In 5th/6th grades, I was really into Sherlock Holmes and this book about history's worst dictators, then the zombie survival guide hit.

>> No.8994105
File: 89 KB, 380x505, d96261d909e0bedad2f616b7f0c7acb2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Immortals series by Tamora Pierce
That and Pern books, particular the Harpers of Pern series.

>> No.8994108

ASOIAF is a pretty good YA novel series, I enjoyed it when the first books started coming out. But in hindsight it's kind of shitty.

>> No.8994109
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I go by 'Todd' among family and friends, in honor of the series' character.

>> No.8994114

>a fake summer camp ; at one point they faked the death of a kid and I was terrorized.
Like they were "filming a tv show" or some shit? The nightmare street series, I think.

My favorite was the one where the main character didn't have a bellybutton because he was an alien and there were these little tribble with teeth aliens that were hiding in people's stomachs and making them eat dirt.

>> No.8994122

Some of my first books were the encyclopedia brown books. Made me want to be a detective and influenced my career choice. I also read Louis Sachar and for some reason projected sexual tension into the wayside school books.

I also really enjoyed ASOUE. He had fun with words and gave me confidence that I shouldn't stop reading just because I got bullied for it.

>> No.8994128

>Like they were "filming a tv show" or some shit?
no actually a kid is sent to what he believes is a summer camp, but finally it's some kind of a test to see if he's strong enough to go on an exploration mission with his parents
/sorry bad english desu

>> No.8994177

I think that's a different one, maybe. The MC in the one I'm talking about is a girl.
She kills a girl on accident and everyone hates her, but then it turns out it was all a show?

>> No.8994260

Hmm, the book I'm talking about is from the Goosebumps series