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8990779 No.8990779 [Reply] [Original]

>Grigory taught him to read and write, and when he was twelve years old, began teaching him the Scriptures. But this teaching came to nothing. At the second or third lesson the boy suddenly grinned.

>"What's that for?" asked Grigory, looking at him threateningly from under his spectacles.

>"Oh, nothing. God created light on the first day, and the sun, moon, and stars on the fourth day. Where did the light come from on the first day?"

Wow. How can anyone still be a Christfag after reading this? Dostoevsky was trying to red pill Christfags, but they still think he's one of them. LMAO. BTFO.

>> No.8990791

The light came from God.

>> No.8990798
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>> No.8990907

>3 And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.
>4 And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness.
>5 And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day.

Clearly the light was not from God. Smerdyakov truly ended Christianity at that moment.

>> No.8990926

>Dostoevsky was trying to red pill Christfags

No he was trying to show the autism of using science to discredit poetry laden with allegory deserves to be mocked.

>> No.8990956

Tbh, poetry laden with allegory isn't the sort of thing that needs discrediting.

You can discard it offhand no problemo.

>> No.8990973

Then you can't discredit Genesis

Good, we're on the same page

>> No.8990985

Actually, shortly after the Big Bang, long before the creation of stars, almost all of the energy in the universe was in photons, which are traveling light particles. Literally let there be light.

Christians: 1
Atheists: 0

>> No.8991000

No... read the first lines of Genesis. Everything was happening on Earth. God created light there, and seperated the light from the darkness, etcetera. All of this on Earth.

>> No.8991016

>almost all of the energy in the universe was in photons


>> No.8991024

>poetry laden with allegory

You mean like the Incarnation and the Resurrection?

>> No.8991051


If the resurrection were ever disproven, Christianity would be dead.

If poetry were proven to not be science, Christianity would not be hurt at all.

>> No.8991058


>> No.8991064

Not an argument.

>> No.8991084


It really is pretty interesting to read about even if you're not a STEMfag. I had this great book about the first three minutes of the universe or something like that, might have to go find it.

>> No.8991087

>If the resurrection were ever disproven
One would have to prove it first

>> No.8991133

>One would have to prove it first


>> No.8991139

>If the resurrection were ever disproven, Christianity would be dead.
>If poetry were proven to not be science, Christianity would not be hurt at all.

What if the Incarnation and the Resurrection aren't literal/historical/scientific claims but are poetic devices in an allegorical narrative meant to claim that mankind is not tied to the rituals of Temple priests in order to attain closeness to God but that by simply being all creation is entwined in the being of God (in creation, all things are incarnated; in death, all things are resurrected)?

>> No.8991293

That would be heresy

>> No.8992091

>God created light on the first day, and the sun, moon, and stars on the fourth day. Where did the light come from on the first day?"

The stars are a large source/reason for "light energy propagation" as they are a fuckingshitton of matter chaotically crashing into one another, but for such activity to produce "light energy propagation" God first had to create the EM field. You little twerp, now turn around for a "spanking"