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File: 1.15 MB, 1909x2373, Elle-and-Dakota-Fanning-at-LAX-in-California-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8986735 No.8986735 [Reply] [Original]

I am dead inside. What should I read to change this?

Nietzsche, Camus, and Dostoyevsky have both failed to do the trick. I see poetry in their words, but they kindle nothing beyond aesthetic appreciation for their ideas, no fire, no change.

Pictured unrelated, but vaguely uplifting.

>> No.8986751

David Wallace, no joke

>> No.8986756
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Didn't he kill himself?

>> No.8986765

Listen to some animal collective and beach boys and drop some acid and you'll be born again into the world as a child

>> No.8986771

don't do this it will only make you more depressed

listen to something good on acid, like Black Foliage animation music

>> No.8986775

Clinically depressed man away from meds.
But the advice is legit.

>> No.8986780

aristotle, seneca, plato. Embrace virtues at all cost
>Black Foliage animation music
also this

>> No.8986821

start with the greeks

not even memeing

life for the greeks was dionysian life, where the gods were many and were real, like many ancient cultures that predated them. yet it was tempered by apollonian tendencies that enshrined it into history in a manner that renders their life intelligible to us. many mistake the finger for the moon and only focus on the apollonian and what is intelligible and plato/socrates/seneca which is a mistake.

>what should i read

is already a sign that you're on the wrong path, like many who devour "self-help" books to procrastinate actually "improving" themselves.

one does not learn, but is initiated.

>> No.8986822

Hate to break it to you, kiddo, but aesthetic appreciation is all that really matters—or at least, it is so much more important than all else that it dwarfs every other aspect of life—they drop out, as when one raises the variable of a polynomial to infinity: the one thing, the one value, alone remains. Orwell, in an essay on a pamphlet by Tolstoy that I have not read, said that the humanist spirit was (something along the lines of) that attitude that says human life is worth all the pain and ennui in the end, even though that pain and ennui should overcome the pleasure. The beautiful, having as it does a touch of pain in it, is all that one can hope for, and that is more than enough, and it is more than sufficient that you can see the poetry in those words. The poetic is the most real, anyways.

>> No.8986825

why do you want to change it?

>> No.8986865

the poetic isn't the most real, it's what inspires the poetry itself. it's the muse. the pain and anxiety disappears when one surrenders oneself to divine inspiration, rather than engaging in a sublimated form of masochism.

>> No.8986875

I'm bored, and the only I do feel is a bleary sense of loss.

>> No.8986878

Elle is bae

>> No.8986889

only thing*

>> No.8986903

but why do you want to change it?, do you loss something?. go with it and the sadness within.

>> No.8986929

is 50/50 tbqh
it can push you out of the spiral, but adjusting to real life is where it goes 10 times worse or actually makes you better
I've experienced both, lel

>> No.8986932

dont be retarded like DFW and DONT TOUCH SSRI

>> No.8986936

Elle will never be your gf, might as well end it all. Wanna do a suicide pact?

>> No.8986948

>you will never run your tongue over her dorky buck teeth and comment on them and make her all flustered and self-conscious while you say it's ok and it's cute while she pouts at the impression that she's unironically being teased

>> No.8986953


>> No.8986972
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>> No.8987006

Grow up

>> No.8987017

yo stop

>> No.8987024
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Become more emotionally mature

>> No.8987033

an emotional mature person can´t feel like shit?.
you fall for a meme.

>> No.8987035

>an emotional mature person can´t feel like shit?.
Of course. However, feeling like shit is one thing. Proclaiming to be dead inside while drooling over pictures of cute women on the internet is another.
>you fall for a meme
Your opinion goes in the trash.

>> No.8987048

you misguided an emotional mature person with being articulated enough to express your emotions in a mature way.

emotionally mature is a meme altough i know is a shit word and concept. social construct is not better. emotionally mature is an idol.

>> No.8987069

Fear and Trembling by the Kierk.

>> No.8987085

>emotionally mature is a meme
It really isn't though. If your argument is that it's not possible to mature emotionally then look at the way you would deal with your emotions when you were a child. Compare that to the way you deal with your emotions nowadays. I am sure you would agree you have become more mature in the way you deal with your emotions.
>i know is a shit word and concept
Stop using it then.

>> No.8987104

being emotionally mature is not a better thing.
if you have to make the separation between a child and an adult to make me understandable what is "emotional matureness", talk more about the low trust you have in the concept.

>> No.8987119

>giving a clear and obvious example means you have low trust in a concept
Is this a joke?

>> No.8987122

reducing transcendent concepts to mere "emotion" is a sign of emotional immaturity

>> No.8987130

Surely these transcendent concepts you bring up are part of the way you deal with emotions i.e. part of your emotional maturity

>> No.8987166

by "emotional maturity" i believe you mean that one deals with emotions, but by transcending it it is the opposite. one refuses to be ruled by emotions when one becomes "mature". so "emotional maturity" would be an oxymoron, and your use of the concept is nonsensical.

you don't call someone who has transcended their compulsive stealing "kleptomanically mature"

>> No.8987171


lmao at these cucks

>> No.8987299
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Jordan Peterson's Maps of Meaning. It will change your life. Alternatively watch his youtube lectures


They're free, dude used to teach at Harvard, it's worth your time. It's basically one giant deontological reassurance that btfo of nihilism.

>> No.8987335

Interesting, I see your point.
>cuck detected

>> No.8987460

This shit is the reason most NEETs get depressed. Stop living in your fantasies. If you want to read something, read something dry and real. Suttree maybe

>> No.8987495

I want to floss her teeth.

>> No.8987599


black foliage but not animal collective or beach boys??

animal collective + beach boys (+mayb some mecury rev) = black foliage

>> No.8987606

IJ gets better after that scene with the school director or some shit?

>> No.8988428


>Jordan Memerson

>> No.8988486

Read Confederacy of Dunces.
It'll cheer you up.
No one in that book is happy until the end,
where nothing really happen.
Very similar to real life.
Perks of Being a Wallflower was another book that really picked me up when I was feeling depressed. You'll pick up something, maybe that you're just bound to be unhappy and have to happy with it.
Good luck.

>> No.8988718

Don't do drugs

>> No.8988722
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>Nietzsche, Camus, and Dostoyevsky have both failed

>> No.8988799

Let Us Now Praise Famous Men

>> No.8988819

Read the Communist Manifesto, and give your life greater purpose.

>> No.8988820

You have to find meaning for yourself. You can't expect someone else to give it to you.

All I can do to help.

>> No.8988851


>> No.8988896
File: 207 KB, 1062x751, confucius_meets_laotzu_by_lathander1987-d473a2u.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly? Go read Nick Land.

I'm semi-serious about this, tbqh. Maybe people need a stronger dose these days to appreciate things. Read Meltdown and think about viral alien capitalism propagating through you. There's no reason that couldn't be the case. What if all that stuff were true? That's liberating. In a horrible way. But definitely liberating.

The fact that you have an I at all which feels dead suggests that perhaps you haven't looked deeply enough at stuff. Having an I and an ego that thinks, feels pain, is capable of making legal decisions, articulating sentences, or painting a fucking picture of your cat to give to your mother for Mother's Day are actually all more valuable and interesting than feeling dead inside. Go get dissolved in schizoanalysis. Try to look at things the way that Nick Land did. Stand in that hellscape for a while. Normal life might not seem so bad afterwards.

Rediscovering humanity isn't a bad thing. It's just that we take it for granted. Life is pain and suffering, but it's other stuff too. If existentialism isn't working, try Landian schizoanalysis. It has no cures and is itself probably just another meme, but what the fuck.

The other, and far saner, option is pic related. More the guy on the right than the guy on the left.

>> No.8988922

>Nietzsche, Camus, and Dostoyevsky have both


only read the intro

>> No.8989016

Eventually something really shitty is going to happen to you and you will realize how nice these days were.

>> No.8989026

IJ makes that feeling worse.

>> No.8989055

well that'll sure cheer him up

>> No.8989306

Hermann Hesse

>> No.8989830

>t. tranny tranneryson

>> No.8989872

You probably didn't get them. Name every book you read and describe what you've learned in at least 3 sentences each

>> No.8989960

>those shoulders

She looks like a trap

>> No.8990172

he is so fucking shit
worst tier

>> No.8990256
File: 31 KB, 307x475, boethius consolation of philosophy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read The Consolation of Philosophy by Boethius

Changed my life.

>> No.8990361

Infinite Jest. It unironically changed my life the way you are describing. Also don't do drugs. Ever.

>> No.8990374

what's wrong with weed and psychedelics?

>> No.8990377

>tfw did drugs

never been the same

>> No.8990381

The gospel of Matthew

>> No.8990386


Emil Cioran

>> No.8990399
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Start watching Gianna Michaels porn. Yes she is fat and busted, but she makes the world seem better. Also listen to happy music. Someone beofre me mentioned beach boys. Lower your standards. Try more. Do things are are "below" your intellect.

>> No.8990404

her tits are saggy and her face is atrocious

>> No.8990413

Go to church, faggot

>> No.8990415


Jerk off to her exclusively for a month and come back.

>> No.8990418

I've done it but I regret it every time.

>> No.8990437
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you are eternal , and your tiered go to sleep.

>> No.8990443

Because it fucks you up even more if you're already fucked up.

t. ex drug user

>> No.8990605

weird, psychedelics are reported to have pretty powerful anti-depressant effects, either post-trip for a few days or when micro-dosing.

>> No.8990633


That is living, my dude.

>> No.8991218
File: 227 KB, 1252x1252, Wicket W Warrick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1/Read the Dao De Jing
2/Compare all available translations

>> No.8991228

Heideigger, Wittgenstein, Joyce and Pynchon. Thats your to do list.

>> No.8991449


Tracing my intellectual and 'spiritual' development desu.

>> No.8991455


Meant for >>8991228

>> No.8991748

Came to post this.

>> No.8992994
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>> No.8993151

you sound like a pretentious prick who doesn't even read properly. You should probably just kill yourself- then you can be dead on the outside too

>> No.8993159

Nothing for it but to order a pack of oestrogen and cut off your dick, OP.

>> No.8993166


Good man. Poetry and prose in tandem to describe Goodness? Awesome choice.

>> No.8993318

go for a run and get into a fight.

>> No.8994489

They're also reported to have terrible effects like activating schizophrenia and panicking for 12 hours. It can go either direction but the best I've ever personally see drugs do is that they numb or distract from the pain temporarily, not a long term solution

>> No.8994520

>implying LSD is in any way addictive or dangerous

I've done it several times and it changed my life (not that my life was bad or anything to begin with).

Opens up your mind and lets you scrutinise your self (sic).

Some people might not like what they see, though.

>> No.8994574

animal collective feels pretty different from olivia tremor control. maybe just their early stuff is sorta similar but whatever, this is a lit board! good taste though


>> No.8995731
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>tfw waiting for life to get bad enough that I finally have the motivation to improve
is there no way to cut out the middleman?

the listlessness I currently occupy is full of anxiousness and nothing more

>> No.8996248

what drugs?

>> No.8996468



its all you need t.b.h.

>> No.8996490

what is this foliage crap? why is it so fucking chaotic? is this necessary?

>> No.8996525

I don't think a book is what you need, OP. If you're dead inside you need to change how you're living, not what you're reading. If someone said "read the Bible" I'd say "go to mass," if someone said "read about X" I'd say "go do X." Man isn't meant to live exclusively in his head.

Best wishes to ya!

>> No.8996540

I injected 50cc of dank maymays.

DON'T do MEMES kids, they will RUIN your LIFE!

>> No.8996544

If you're dead inside you should read a comedy like Don Quixote or Candide or something.

>> No.8996564
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>> No.8996880

Tips from someone in the same situation.

1 don't do drugs. If you smoke weed it can mess with dopamine receptors. Look it up if you don't take my word on it. Also the first week after stopping is filled with feels and awesome dreams.

2 don't masturbate. read up on this as well. There is a lot to it that really messes with your ability to enjoy life.

3 don't think in the past so much. When you are happy you are in the moment. There are endless things to consider and worry about. Only so much that is helpful until it gets in your way. Try meditation, but don't fall for new age bullshit.

4 drink lots of water and eat as healthily as you can. Serotonin is 80% about telling you how hungry you are. This is phrased awfully and is excessively simplified, but I'm tired and the point is pretty much the same. If you don't eat right, you will be pissed off by it more consistently than almost anything else. Same with sleep.

5 if you really want to feel better read feeling good by that one cognitive behavioral therapist that's name starts with a "B". Your thoughts influence your emotions, so if your a pessimistic neurotic sad sap who thinks in black and white, you will feel awful.

>> No.8997033

You can't read your way out of suffering. Everyone is trying to describe things that are perhaps indescribable using a fundamentally flawed medium. Everything that is conveyed to you is just an abstraction, symbol, and a reflection of experience. The less mental proliferations you indulge in the better. When you do chose to take up symbols and abstractions make sure they are symbols and abstractions that point to experience.

Basically go meditate, and stop worrying so much faggot.

>> No.8997061
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best post full of simple wisdom

sadness is natural, nature cannot be wholly conquered

laugh and you will feel better, for whatever time is afforded you to feel better

>> No.8997200

fernando pessoa

>> No.8998050

I don't know why you think reading is the answer. In fact, it's probably the worst thing you can do.

You know what happens to depressed people who try to read? They either get more depressed, or they develop an unsubstantiated ego and warp their depression into some megalomania trip, sometimes becoming one of the many shit pseud writers out there today, or just going on to be a worthless faggot elsewhere.

The answer to your depression is life itself. You have to start living differently. Reading is idleness, it's practically anti-life.

>> No.8998219
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>You know what happens to depressed people who try to read? They either get more depressed, or they develop an unsubstantiated ego and warp their depression into some megalomania trip, sometimes becoming one of the many shit pseud writers out there today, or just going on to be a worthless faggot elsewhere.
The ubermensche among us know a third option, ascension.

>> No.8998260

So, the second one.

>> No.8999413
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>> No.9000010
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>to be understood is to prostitute oneself
The Book of Disquiet is beautiful, but it sort of revels in misery and dysfunction. I'd hardly describe it as conducive to change, more of an outlet of experience, cathartic at best but never transformative.

>> No.9000102

How old is she in this picture?

>> No.9001426

13 years old. She'd own a farm and have 2 children in Ethiopia.

>> No.9002229
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>A man who fears suffering is already suffering from what he fears.
>Nothing fixes a thing so intensely in the memory as the wish to forget it.
>It is a monstrous thing that I will say, but I will say it all the same: I find in many things more restraint and order in my morals than in my opinions, and my lust less depraved than my reason.
>Of all our infirmities, the most savage is to despise our being.
>I know well what I am fleeing from but not what I am in search of.
I am sold.

>> No.9002324

A book's not going to do it, you need to do all the normie stuff, friends, girls travel

>> No.9002332

Read all the classics. All of them. You won't have time to think about yourself.

>> No.9002346

You're not dead inside if you want to change it

>> No.9002386

When I'm feeling like OP I find reading/concentrating exceptionally difficult.

>> No.9002415

going with it fucking hurts.

>> No.9002484

I never finished reading The Pale King, but there were sections here and there that renewed my interest in reading lit. Although his writing didn't completely appeal to me there were some other shorter things he wrote like his essay about Dostoyevsky that were outstanding.

>> No.9003846


>> No.9005320

Post more Elle.

>> No.9005357

get laid

will make you feel better

no joke, no bully

>> No.9005387

The bible

>> No.9005649

This. Holy shit, this. Spend 30 minutes and at least listen to his video on how millennials should change the world. Totally worth the time. Fuck the shills, doubters, nihilists, and puppets.

>> No.9005653

Yukio Mishima
Herrmann Hesse
you've tried these too?