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/lit/ - Literature

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8985986 No.8985986 [Reply] [Original]

Hello Anons!

It is time to vote on a new book for a group read through. There have been about 14 books nominated.

This is the preliminary stage of voting. The best four books from this round will advance to the next, and final, round.

The poll will only be open for the next 24 hours, so act quickly!


>> No.8986024


>> No.8986143

did you guys already finish war and peace?

>> No.8986155

Will there be time to buy the book after we decided which to do?

>> No.8986167
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I voted for Melancholy of Resistance because it's probably the greatest modern masterpiece since Gravity's Rainbow (with the exception of his other book, Satantango). However, it's not very long, and not extremely difficult to follow, so I don't know how much it lends itself to a group reading.

The Road is an excellent book but is at a high school reading level. The themes expressed are obviously very complex and adult, but a group reading is extremely unnecessary. It's like a group reading of a Hemingway novel.

I have read most of the books /lit/ has been doing lately (War & Peace, Iliad, etc.) but I really like it when you guys knock out the 1200 page epics. I wouldn't mind joining in for one of those, if you decide on one (please not Underworld, DFW, or Don Delillo).

>> No.8986197

mother fucker, moby-dick is not even an option

>> No.8986201

The fuck is Conan?

>> No.8986202

I'm not in the group but I think they finish in a few days

Yes, of course. We will have to decide when we start the book

Sorry about that anon, as consolation I will include it in the next round of voting.

>> No.8986209

Let's all vote for Don Quijote plox

>> No.8986213

Conan the Barbarian

>> No.8986214

I believe it's referring to the Robert E Howard stories.

>> No.8986215

I voted for Don Quixote because it is one of those long classics everyone means to read at some point. That is why I joined the Count of Monte Cristo read through.

>> No.8986340

You can vote for 4 books in case you missed that bit of info.

>> No.8986403

Tristram has two r's, and why is the Bible not on here? This is just a shitty meme list.

>> No.8986414

Excuse nobody asked for the bible to be on there when this list was asked for.

>> No.8986436


Don Quixote is definitely a good candidate.

Part of the Canon: Check
Fucking yuge: Check

>> No.8986495

Oh. Can we add it?

>> No.8986511

>Fucking yuge
The word is "swolle" and yes, it really is. There's so many novella-length side-stories and dialogues that I'm afraid some people might fall on the wayside. Part II gets meta as fuck though.

>> No.8986516

You can write in a vote right here. If enough people second The Bible it could appear on round 2.

I'd say the top 1-3 write ins should make it to round 2 even if they don't reach as many votes as the ballot options.

>> No.8986534

>I'd say the top 1-3 write ins should make it to round 2 even if they don't reach as many votes as the ballot options.

So we should have had Micky Mouse, Luke Skywalker, and Robert Anton Wilson on the presidential ballot because they all got some write in votes in the primaries?

>> No.8986536

>No option for Gravity's Rainbow.

A read-through would give me the motivation to attempt it.

>> No.8986542
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>The word is "swolle"

No, it's "yuge."

>There's so many novella-length side-stories and dialogues that I'm afraid some people might fall on the wayside.

That's exactly what we need. Weeds out the plebs from the men.

>> No.8986543

I second GR.

>> No.8986622

Remember guys you can vote for more than one book in the strawpoll

>> No.8987942

How many are planning to actually participate though?

>> No.8987957

My guess is 5-7 people, judging from the most recent groups.

>> No.8987980
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But we're at 160+ votes. People wouldn't vote if they didn't plan to participate, right?

>> No.8988035

>People wouldn't vote if they didn't plan to participate, right?


>> No.8988045

>How many are planning to actually participate though?

It depends on the work selected.

>> No.8988098
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Greetings friends! OP here.

Sorry about the spelling error anon, I was in a rush to put together the poll. I'm also sorry if you think this is a "shitty meme list", but the books on the poll were nominated by others. If your reading preferences and goals do not coincide with those of the reading group, then you don't have to participate.

I would certainly be open to the idea of adding more books to vote for. I only proposed the idea of nominating books in /comc/ and /wprg/, so I understand that other anons who didn't participate in those read throughs did not get much of a chance to nominate any books.

Since GR and The Bible are the only books that have been suggested in this thread so far, I will add them to the next and final round of voting. However, if enough books are suggested, I will consider adding an additional round of voting.

>> No.8988194

29 votes for Don Qui-fucking-xote?

Is there an entire high school Spanish class voting? Jesus Christo.

>> No.8988208

Shit I'm already a third of the way through Don Quixote

>> No.8988225

Honestly the poll should have only been posted in each of the current group threads.

Now the poll will be bombarded by idiots that have no intention of reading anything.

>> No.8988227

On the other hand making it a poll might encourage more people to try a reading group, since they get a choice of what is read

>> No.8988262

In all honesty, most people are going to drop out of the reading group after the first few days

>> No.8988269



>> No.8988355

These are the preliminaries you impudent strumpet

>> No.8988701

1 and 2 seem pretty much confirmed but 3 and 4 are wide open.

Please kick Infinite Memest out

>> No.8988813

Honestly I hope that Infinite Jest isn't included in the final poll

>> No.8988992

>239 votes

Gonna be a huge reading group this time, right guys?

>> No.8989028
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There needs to be a non neet reading group. I'm working full time and going to school full time yet try to make time for reading but no way for example I'd be able to read War and Peace at the pace in the /lit/ group. Right now I'm reading City of God but participate in a weekly twitter seminar discussion led by a Professor.

>> No.8989044

Sorry for shitting on your list, I was not aware it was a group effort.

I suggest the Bible because it would be easier for people to jump into discussion than if we did a book with a more discernible plot line. We could be selective about which parts we read as well.

>> No.8989095

What happens if there is a tie for fourth?

>> No.8989106

Blood Meridian or Stoner please.

>> No.8989110

You could read stoner before the voting is finished

>> No.8989120
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>tfw Amerika btfo

Would be down for Crime and Punishment though.

>> No.8989136

when will the next thread be

>> No.8989322

>275 votes

All you faggots better join the group.

>> No.8989324

I'm already 1/3 through Don Quixote so anything but that.

>> No.8989329

I'm looking forward to this, might want to avoid some of the shorter books on this list though

>> No.8989362

I hope crime and punishment wins since I checked it out randomly today wanting to read my first Dostoevsky

>> No.8989376

7 more people joined the reading group since you posted. This is going to be the biggest reading group on /lit/ ever.

>> No.8989404

75% of these options are shit. Read through a should be meme door stoppers like Gravity's Rainbow or The current W&P read through. Anyone can read Stoner, Blood Meridian ect by themselves.

>> No.8989407

Anyone can read GR or W&P by themselves too. The point is to discuss them as you read them with other people, not because they are oh so long and scary. That may be part of it, but only on a superficial level.

A reading club of "brief" or "middle-length" novels could work precisely because of their length: you finish them in a week or two and then go to the next.

>> No.8989409

w-what theres a reading group? Like something outside of this board??

>> No.8989509

There's a short story reading group >>8989335

It's not doing so well.

>> No.8989532

>tfw i've already read all of the books except for shitty ones like Conan and Underworld

Well have fun anyway, and hope that this group won't die like all of the other on /lit/.

>> No.8989553
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>there are people on lit right now that haven't read Hamlet

>> No.8989561

The difference between Hamlet and Manlet is 2 letters. Coincidence?

>> No.8989625

Yeah. This is really weird. Hamlet is short enough that anyone with an annotated version should be able to finish it in under five hours.

>> No.8989952
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>only book out of the top 4 that I haven't read recently is Infinite Just

Looks like I'll be sitting this one out

>> No.8990036
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>> No.8990122

It's been 24 hours so is the voting done now?

>> No.8990379

Yes lad, head on over to the next thread to cast a vote