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[ERROR] No.898416 [Reply] [Original]

...I love the movie, but this book completely rapes the movie, it's seriously that good, this book makes me so excited i just want to shoot somebody so they know how good it is

>> No.898421
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>> No.898438
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it's actually painful how much WIN!!! i feel when i think about how awesome it was,it's from the fuckin' 1950's and it's damn better than some shit we're seeing modern day....

>> No.898441

Neil Patrick Harris is the only actor in Star Ship Troopers who realizes it's a satire.

>> No.898451

Movie was godawful, they threw in the parody for and forgot to make it funny. Not to mention it completely assturned the entire point and theme of the book, which was that kicking alien ass and the military are awesome.

There's a reason why this is on the army's reading list.

Then again just about every heinlein book is about some guy raping the shit out of the unknown and conquering some spicy bitch until she becomes his lovedoll.

Fuck you puppetmaster.

>> No.898461

I think the director of the movie admitted to never having finished the book.

>> No.898466


"and conquering some spicy bitch until she becomes his lovedoll."

i actually liked how Starship Troopers didn't add a female character who's only purpose was to show "Jonnie's still getting some ass", because then, y'know, like everything else in the world they'd have to pretend like she's an important character

>> No.898473

He openly admitted to throwing it out because it made him sad.

>> No.898474


uh yeah he just sorta skimmed through it, just like Peter Jackson and Lord of The Rings, movie < book, completely different stories all together

>> No.898490


woah, wait, what? that doesn't even make sense, how can somebody be sad if they're reading the starship troopers book? not only that, how can you not want to work your way to the end? (which was infinitely superior to the movie ending)

>> No.898495

http://www.avclub.com/articles/starship-troopers,41966/ is an excellent examination of the film as a work that actually has a clue what it's doing.

>> No.898506

WWW.anoLOLtaLK.Se RePlacE_LOl WiTh n
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>> No.898511

This book was horrible. The worst summer reading book I have ever had out of every single book that was ever assigned for summer reading. Ever.

>> No.898534


have fun reading your master chief books then

spoiler, he needs a weapon.

>> No.898559


What the hell are master chief books?

>> No.898561

Every Heinlein book I read has a token female who is strong but gets conquered by an even stronger male lead.
There was even that one where that old rich guy got put in his secretaries body and conquered her sexuality too. Beyond good and evil I think it was?
Anyways the subplot in the film with the star crossed lovers was the stupidest thing I have ever seen, and the fake propaganda that I suppose was attempting to criticize 50's patriotism for some reason was completely out of place.

It's the very definition of pretentious.
The entire book is about conquering alien shit with bros. How could you hate that?

>> No.898566


was a joke, about a character with utterly no story, and nothing interesting happening to him.

>> No.898574

Yeah Heinlein's not known for his great female protagonists. He also likes to get preachy at times. Still one of the greats though.

>> No.898582


you sir, are great by the way, but i was just saying i didn't remember Rico saying " make me a samwich, clean my house, get on your knees bitch" to a girl in the book, unless it happened so fast that they didn't even have to write it

>> No.898597

If they made a movie based on the book (one that didn't suck)

well damn that just went from impossible to even more impossible, the world would never allow something that good to happen.

>> No.898623

>decide to read book
>woah cool start
>pretty cool boot campan
>meh I can take one or two pro military speeches
>finally some action
>officer training huh
>speeches everywhere
>damn he actually went down the hole to help!
>gets hit with a rock
>the end

>> No.898633

Aww fuck. When I finished my last novel I couldn't decide whether to read Starship Troopers next or Veniss Underground. In the end I went with Veniss, and the goddamn second-person perspective is annoying as hell.

>> No.898641

I can't remember for the fucking fuck fuckity of me but I don't think Starship Troopers was as big on the women conquering so much as the alien conquering.

More like:
Unknown fucks with you.
Ban together with fellow loyal, brave, and well trained men who are intelligent and ambitious.
Go fuck the unknown.

4am already?
That upset me too, mostly because I was expecting shit to get torn up

>> No.898643

The Moon is a Harsh Mistress is better and the same book so go read that.

>> No.898650


lol, why would you put it like that? i viewed it as more story, talking about the reasons why people volunteer to fight, your place in the system, how the world became the way it was.....pretty much every speech served a purpose, and it was interesting to me, just saying

>> No.898678

Mistress is my favorite Heinlein book, highly recommended.

>> No.898700

all bravado no bullets
fuck you, its the fucking only fucking good fucking fuck fucking fuck READ IT FUCKER

>> No.898723


WWw.ANOlolTAlK.Se_rePLaCe_LoL wiTH_n
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>> No.898740


there was a decent amount of action throughout, in the beginning they went into alot more detail so you could see how their advanced their shit is, but later on they generally go over how it goes down, still a bunch of shit happening, just goes over it faster, i don't think it was as bad as "Yeah we fought some bugs in a battle, done, ok back on the ship, 30 page long military hoobajooba"

>> No.899182

Boo to heinlein.