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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 398 KB, 971x1354, HouseOfLeavesPage134.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
898252 No.898252 [Reply] [Original]

So, what does /lit/ think of House of Leaves?

>> No.898256

i think that guy's typewriter fucked up

>> No.898258

Loved it. Made me wonder about the meaning, if any, of feelings, emotions, me.

>> No.898259

A waist of 20 bucks.

>> No.898262

Bitch doesn't know about me getting it for $5 on ebay.

>> No.898263

Stand on Zanzibar did this better without resorting to cheap formatting tricks. It's still a good book in its own right, but I kind of see it as trying to play itself as a 'too deep for you' finnegan's wake rather than some botched morality tale it appears to be.

>> No.898264

troll... do not correct the troll.

>> No.898267

I dl'ed it from the internet and it's all properly formatted too

>> No.898269

You know I wanted to. But I restrained myself. I will just weight and see how it goes.

>> No.898270

Loved it.

>> No.898291

I'm like halfway through and am loving it.

Trying to figure out if the love story is going to focus on Will and Karen or Johnny and the girl he can't remember but should remember (wondering if the whole theme of Sartre's play will work itself in there...

>> No.898330

I really loved it. I didn't really find it all that "deep," but it was a really nice story and I enjoyed it very much. Couldn't put it down.

>> No.898373

It's a good story. Read it when you're on the can.

>> No.898382

Where the hell can I find this in Australian stores?

>> No.898404

I was reading this page right before I got on /lit/

>> No.898408

I enjoyed it. Just so long as you realize that it isn't deep and just a bit convoluted, it sort of becomes a really funny commentary on how some things in the entertainment industry seems to now tend toward SO DEEEEEEEEP.

>> No.898412 [DELETED] 


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>> No.898419

I enjoyed it. Not as freaky as everyone made it seem.

I started skipping the foot notes, though. Seriously, fuck that character, thinking I care about how pathetic he is.

>> No.898422 [DELETED] 

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>> No.898545


I personally love the Johnny Truant side story. To each his own.

>> No.899404

Some of the conventions in the books worked, like the shrinking text, but some of it was completely ancillary, like the sidebars listing architectural styles and random names. Johnny Truant's story was incredibly annoying and bordering on pointless (What the fuck was with that scene where he cums on the girl's tits?). I didn't read the letters at the end of the book because as far as i'm concerned, the story ended with the end of the Navidson Record, which was much more interesting than all the other shit in the book. If Danielewski kept everything focused on that, then this would be my favorite book. Overall, there was a lot of substance to the book, but there was too much fat along with it.

>> No.899413

Haven't read it, but I looked at the image and I hate name-dropping.

>> No.899416 [DELETED] 

Gimmicky shit, arbitrarily multi-layered.

>> No.899455

Those texts at the sides contain encrypted keywords.
You should have taken the first letter from each name in those lists and place them in a row or something, it's been a few years ago since I read it.

>> No.899458

Didn't like this book at all. Struck me as gimmicky and ostentatious.

>> No.899459

>Go to library
>Borrow House of Leaves
>Get a highlighter
>Fuck further with readers by going over random segments of the text with the highlighter and returning the book to the library

>> No.899461
File: 8 KB, 251x206, 1278722068524.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.899521

You can get it online


>> No.899585

That's an interesting little gimmick, but what does that have to add to the story? The book has a story, which I am interested in, but then obscures it with gimmicks. It's like a solar-powered flashlight: neat, but in the end, pointless.

>> No.900168


There are codes listed throughout the book. It relates to the Johnny side story, which ultimately relates to Zampano which,in turn,relates to the Navidson record. It's all tied together.

There's a code in Pelafina's letter directed at Zampano. You just need to connect the dots.


It's the first letter of the last name of the authors.

>> No.900179

Crap for teens.

>> No.900510

Nowhere. Its been banned to protect your fragile little aussie mind from its bad words and violence.

>> No.901381


must've been banned pretty recently. bought it from borders not 3 months ago

>> No.901400

Good enough book.

Over-discussed on /lit/.

>> No.901405

It would have been better off had I crapped in it and left it at the store instead of buying it, taking it home, and having it crap in my brain.

>> No.901425

Good enough book.

Overdiscussed everywhere.