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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 29 KB, 780x635, mattis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8981149 No.8981149 [Reply] [Original]

>During his service years, Mattis was considered to be an intellectual among the upper ranks, with a personal library that once contained thousands of books.[14] Robert H. Scales, a retired United States Army major general, described him as "... one of the most urbane and polished men I have known." Reinforcing this intellectual persona was the fact he carried his own personal copy of the Meditations of Marcus Aurelius throughout his deployments.[14]

damn... really makes you think

>> No.8981303

I would maybe admire this, and I do as an examplel of someone really embracing a way of life, but lets be srs, part of my existential crisis is that this sort of thing is so redundant.

Books don't make you smarter. They are a dying art form used mainly for social signalling.

Being a soldier is meaningless because of nukes. Obvioiusly mattis has huge influence but other than that being a soldier is just a lower form of an investment banking analyst / mckinsey / law school optionality cycle that is praised in our society.

>> No.8981375

>Being a soldier is meaningless because of nukes
Dafuq dis guy smokin XDDD

>> No.8981383

Having thousands of books and having read thousands of books are two different things. And how polished would one get by reading thousands of books on tanks, guns, fashion, ways of shouting, etc.

>> No.8981408

You're both dumb as all fuck

>> No.8981449

>books don't make you smarter

Start with the Greeks

>> No.8981450
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He's gonna make America gr8 again.

>> No.8981475

>Being a soldier is meaningless because of nukes.

I played all the MGS too, man what does that make me?

>> No.8981512

>being a soldier is meaningless because nukes.
ikr why the fuck do we keep nuking these middle eastern countries?

>> No.8981525

>Being a soldier is meaningless because of nukes
anon i want you to tell me how long you think it is since a nuke got fired.

>> No.8981528

Hahah! oh my sides!

>> No.8981532

I hear Boston

>> No.8981544

Is that James "Meatgazer" Mattis who spent his entire life as a bachelor in the military?

I wonder how many genitals he pleasured.

>> No.8981554

A lot, but indirectly. All marines think of him when they mastrubate. Probably while they are having sex too.

>> No.8981966

Nukes are obsolete and will literally never be used again*

*By civilized countries. Should a fuccked up country like North Korea get their hands on one, then maybe they'll be used but even then I still don't think so

>> No.8981996

I cant admire a pawn a brainwashed soldier monkey. Anyone who kills and isn't anti war is an immoral human being. Feminism and beta male-ing our men is the only way forward in society. America is well off enough to where it can handle getting fucked in the ass and taking it like a good little bitch, we can create peace with understanding and forcing people to be liberal seculars in islamic country by making them apart of us.

>> No.8982016
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>> No.8982026

100% repressed homo lol

>> No.8982055



>> No.8982094


Neither of you are really saying much of anything. You are passive-aggressive in your dislike for liberals? Cool. Personally I think extremists on both sides of the aisle are ruining the U.S. You are being polarized by your media of choice into thinking the other side is what's wrong with the country without actually attempting to discern reality from fantasy or educating yourself on history and policy. People coming together and sitting down to have a mature level-headed discussion about issues we all feel strongly about is the only way forward. Politicians and especially people who put party before country disgust me.

>> No.8982887



>> No.8982960

What's the story with this old retard?

>> No.8982969

the smartest person on this board desu

oh wait fuck I fucked up, what I meant to say was

>> No.8982982

Oh shut the fuck up. I hate people with your kind of disposition towards things.

>> No.8983004

he probably said trannies are gross or that guns can't possibly kill people only liberals and /pol/ is memeing him

I don't even google that sort of shit anymore, it's so repetitive that you can see their memes coming from a mile away.

>> No.8983044


ugh this, he's just another sexist racist old white man, probably also deeply in the closet lol

>> No.8983074

Yeah, you don't get that high up in the chain of command without taking it in the ass a few times.

>> No.8983080

"I have no problem taking it in the butt to advance my career as long as I never get fucked by a nigger"
-James "Mad Dog" Mattis

>> No.8983090

I didn't imply any of that, but now I'll imply the media is making this man look like a overeducated savior because not even his backers can keep the enthusiasm about Trump now that he proved to be yet another american president cucked by corporations (like literally everyone born outside of the US knew he was)

>> No.8983109

aurelius was a shitty writer,a shitty emperor (commodus and all that followed was his fault) and babby's first stoic.

fitting that a failing empire's top general is such an acolyte of the destroyer of the roman state.

>> No.8983289

Mattis, despite being a general, does not understand current warfare. He is literally like the retarded memes that WW1 created with lions lead by donkeys. His actions got a lot of marines killed that seriously did not have to die had they only done things the smart way.

I don't know what it is about the marines but it seems lime you could be Hawking, join the marines, and then become a retard automatically.

t. Chair Force

>> No.8983294

>military blockhead carries around a shitty self-help collection of inspirational quotes
What a stereotype. At least it's not Art of War

>> No.8983808

Prose and perspective of a college freshman. 10/10

>> No.8984257

Please, in all sincerity, kill yourself.

>> No.8984265
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This post is so cancer it has to be from a Leaf.

>> No.8984810

>Man is living the life of a decorated general in the world's most powerful military to date
>fond of philosophy and literature
>lmao what a poser
some nu-male level arts major or white collar cuck picking his butt in a cubicle pushing papers or code is passing judgement on a grown-ass man with real grown-ass responsibilities.

>> No.8985086

why the fuck did my mom cut the carrots with a regular knife when we have my katana in the house
stupid wh*re

>> No.8985089
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>> No.8985138

>the man reads books, he must be a schmooze
You faggots make me sick

>> No.8985150
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>> No.8985153

top tier b8, you wiley lad

>> No.8985155

I heard they are the cannon fodder, "young dumb and full of cum" a friend in the US army summed up it up to me in those words.

t. foreigner

>> No.8985156


>> No.8985173

HE'S FUCKING A WHITE MALE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.8985177


>Meditations by Marcus Aurelius

Meme book and a meme philosophy.


Daily reminder that Cynicism > Stoicism

Aurelius wrote his little book in a far-off land after having won much but lost more. Let that sink in. America's military is in the hands of a man who admires a loser.

Didn't Trump say "Winners aren't losers and that's a fact"?

>> No.8985183
File: 434 KB, 1015x1527, WAR.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Anyone who kills and isn't anti war is an immoral human being.

Literally the opposite is true.

>“War essential. It is vain rhapsodizing and sentimentality to continue to expect much (even more, to expect a very great deal) from mankind, once it has learned not to wage war. nietzsche-friedrichFor the time being, we know of no other means to imbue exhausted peoples, as strongly and surely as every great war does, with that raw energy of the battleground, that deep impersonal hatred, that murderous coldbloodedness with a good conscience, that communal, organized ardor in destroying the enemy, that proud indifference to great losses, to one’s own existence and to that of one’s friends, that muted, earthquakelike convulsion of the soul.”

>“Here one must think profoundly to the very basis and resist all sentimental weakness: life itself is essentially appropriation, injury, conquest of the strange and weak, suppression, severity, obtrusion of peculiar forms, incorporation and at the least, putting it mildest, exploitation.”

>“The beginnings of everything great on earth [are] soaked in blood thoroughly and for a long time.”

>“One must learn from war … one must learn to sacrifice many and to take one’s cause seriously enough not to spare men.”

>“I welcome all signs that a more virile, warlike age is about to begin, which will restore honor to courage above all. For this age shall prepare the way for one yet higher, and it shall gather the strength that this higher age will require one day—the age that will carry heroism into the search for knowledge and that will wage wars for the sake of ideas and their consequences.”

>> No.8985186
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>not learning from the mistakes of losers

>> No.8985188
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>Having anything to do with losers

Sorry, I only learn from winners. That's why I win.

>> No.8985197
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You do get some serious dubs, I'll give you that.

>> No.8985223
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>these desperate mental gymnastics

The man was an Emperor. That is about as "winning" as you can get, in a temporal sense.

You sound incredibly upset.

>> No.8985293


Get out of my sunlight, retard.

>> No.8985296

He quoted Trump.
He's either not serious or can't be taken seriously, both of which have the same net effect.

>> No.8985298
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>he makes hostile Diogenes quips

Sure thing, pseud.

>> No.8985302


Quoting Trump is perfectly legitimate with respect to a man who is serving Trump.

>> No.8985424

>tfw you want to kill all the leftycucks on /lit/ but you can't say so because the NSA will put you on a list.

>> No.8985448

>i can't stand the fact that people believe different things; i want to kill them for it

You are a mental midget.

>> No.8985752

Am Marine
Can confirm

>> No.8985756


>being a major general is just a lower form of being a management consultant

okay anon

>> No.8985777


>Meditations of Marcus Aurelius

Platitudes by an opium addict. Stoicism is trivial when you're high off of your tits on morphia. Further, some sources suggests that Aurelius was a literal cuck, and that Faustina slept around with everything from sailors to gladiators.

Now I don't hold any of that against Marcus, but it is sort of funny that he is revered by the "hurr-durr reel masculinity no degeneracy" segment.

>> No.8985778
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>inferring Mattis is a soilder

>> No.8985789


>“If you are distressed by anything external, the pain is not due to the thing itself, but to your estimate of it; and this you have the power to revoke at any moment.”
>*hits opium pipe*

>> No.8985906

I believe Hawking would have to join the Chair Force, not the Marines

>> No.8985984

>brainwashed soldier monkey
I'm a soldier and ouch.

>> No.8986028

Being a soldier is meaningless because of nukes.

God damn,this is some next level b8 .Good on you lad.Shid.

>> No.8986030

There is honeslty nothing more profound and life affirming than war

>> No.8986059
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>expecting neets to know anything about life.

>> No.8986063

Fuck that guy. Men have been fighting as soldiers for thousands of years. You're part of an ancient warrior-poet tradition so be happy about that. I plan on going into OCS after college.

>> No.8986065

Why are you willing to fight the wars of Saudi Arabia?

>> No.8986073


I'm not doing it for patriotism. I need a job. I like to work outdoors. I'm hypermasculine. I secretly want to die. Are those not good enough reasons?

>> No.8986081

Maybe. It's important, to be sure. But it doesn't advance humanity.

>> No.8986091

I have the utmost respect for soldiers and that post was b8t. Didn't realize there were soldiers on /lit/ that I could offend. I sincerely admire mad-dog greatly.

>> No.8986094

wow, war doesn't advance humanity? War took us to moon.

>> No.8986097

Don't worry about it, dude.

>> No.8986101
File: 88 KB, 1600x668, RT-trump-mattis-pence-jt-161120_12x5_1600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pence is 5' 9" so mattis has to be 5' 8" right

>> No.8986114

He read a short, entry-level philosophy book. Clearly this means he automatically deserves the job.

>> No.8986122
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>> No.8986805

>Books are a dying form of art
>STILL posts on /lit/ - Literature
Either you're an idiot or a master troll. No (You)s 4u.

>> No.8987093

lol @ all the peeple thinking being a soldier is anywhere near as big a deal now that you're not doing it to defend your nation

>> No.8987098

Pure high-school level MGTOW "philosophising".

>> No.8987211

not really. I think you are under the false impression that everyone who likes, is a part of, or doesn't mind the military is somehow brainwashed or overly romantic.

The fact of the matter is that soldiering is an ancient profession and not without it's merit. Many different people become soldiers for hundreds of various reasons. You sound like a faggot who let one of the goobers in JROTC bully you.

>> No.8987223

Sounds like a homo

>> No.8987267

No it didn't. That's like saying H2O invented chess. There's some jumps in between the cause and effect.

>> No.8987274

Trip to the Moon and space race was part of star wars you dumbfuck which was basically cold war extending to space

>> No.8987285

No, I just think you're the kind of person who tries to snatch some of some previous thinker's greatness and pretend it suits your own mediocre pseudness. Not unlike the faggot in the OP, actually.
Diplomatic dickwaving is not war, even if the two are extremely tied together.

>> No.8987292

Star wars was arms race and I classify that as part of war and not diplomatic dickwaving

do you not know what it was?

>> No.8987294

>star wars
Are you ok? And yes I know all that; regardless the cold war wasn't a war, and even so, it wasn't the only reason that the conditions for the moon landing were met

>> No.8987304

>Star wars was arms race and I classify that as part of war
Yeah they sure used the rockets to kill people.

The space race was diplomatic, and only diplomatic. To claim otherwise is to stomp all over the meaning of "war".
Star wars was a name given to the theoretically possible system of space-based missiles that the US did not construct.

>> No.8987305

>>star wars
>Are you ok?
>SDI was nicknamed largely in the mainstream media as "Star Wars", after the popular 1977 film by George Lucas. In

did you not know this?

>> No.8987310

armed conflict can only be ARMED CONFLICT if they are armed and what does arms race do?

>> No.8987313

It wasn't an arms race you dummy. Arms race refers to the development and construction of—unsurprisingly—arms, not space rockets.

>> No.8987326

>The Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) was a proposed missile defense system intended to protect the United States from attack by ballistic strategic nuclear weapons (intercontinental ballistic missiles and submarine-launched ballistic missiles).
>SDI was nicknamed largely in the mainstream media as "Star Wars", after the popular 1977 film by George Lucas.
Both the arms race and a minor part of the space race.

>> No.8987327

Pretty sure they developed various missile guidance systems to space, rocket technologies (which are inherent to missiles) etc.

>> No.8987342

So it has absolutely nothing to do with how man reached the moon or what the moon landing was predicated on. Also star wars seems to have nothing to do with the moon landing. We've also established that the cold war wasn't a war. Where are you going with this?

>> No.8987348 [SPOILER] 
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it was a cold war

>> No.8987356

What if you do educate yourself on history and policy and come to the conclusion that the other side is what's wrong with the country? I consider myself well-versed in these issues and have come to the conclusion that globalists and leftists are breaking down the western world.

>People coming together and sitting down to have a mature level-headed discussion about issues we all feel strongly about is the only way forward.

You need to learn about something called the Overton window. The only shit we're even allowed to discuss in public is fucking taxes and abortion. Even illegal immigration was off the table until Trump. Say one thing about immigration or Islam and you get blacklisted.

>> No.8987362

Thank god for globalists.

Soon we can have one nation under one flag and we can head to the stars

>> No.8987368


kek I'm sure the billions of African niggers and Latin American gang members will love your idea of going to the stars, and not just rob you and ask for handouts.

>> No.8987405

You're right. First, we must achieve socialism.

>> No.8987487

So bring everyone down to the level of the African niggers? What a great idea. You do realize that in 50 years they will outnumber white people about 10 to 1, right? How do you think that socialist alliance will work? Now if you're talking about National Socialism then you might be on to something.

>> No.8987489

This board is for people who read books friend

>> No.8987518
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>I have no argument so I'm going to result to ad-hominem attacks on strangers

pic related is you

>> No.8987531

Why do people who "read books" overwhelmingly supporting socialism and one world governance?

It makes no sense. Maybe the books they read are all fiction.

>> No.8987532

My argument is that you think based on memes not books, you're just proving me right

>> No.8987537
File: 28 KB, 601x508, (you).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I-its not me, its the books that are wrong!

>> No.8987547

Is this b8? You don't even have an argument anymore. Your original argument was that a one world socialist government was a great idea to get to the stars. I just asked you a few questions about how retarded that is and now all you have left is ad-hominem.

>> No.8987551

>Your original argument

I'm a different anon, but go ahead and double down on the "everyone who disagrees with me is one person" meme

>> No.8987561

People who read books as in Twilight and Harry Potter for the seventh time support global socialism.

>> No.8987567

Cucks should grow up and read a science book, like Ride the Tiger.

>> No.8987569

Ok well you don't have an argument either. Saying "this board is for people who read books" is a useless comment.

>> No.8987576

Fiction is all same shit be it Pinecone or Rolwing

plebeian entertainment

>> No.8987597

Claiming your world view is built out of nothing but elementary school tier images and slogans reasoning is an argument

>> No.8987624

I didn't even use memes or slogans until you pointlessly butted in with your non-argument. Then I used a meme because that's all your "argument" deserved.

>> No.8987629
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>> No.8987638



>> No.8987649

I'm done with this b8.

>> No.8987659


Meme. Do you have anything to say that isn't from a pre-tested apersonal chain of answers? You're barely an entity

>> No.8987668

You are being polarized by your perception of the polarity between parties in the country.
"Mature level headed" is a descriptor for something that you never understood, never worked for, and never attained. You have no idea what it means.

you are retarded, you just chose the 3rd option and claimed to understand it because 1 and 2 aren't cool enough for you plans

>> No.8987684

Stop posting this image, what the hell.

>> No.8987739

how's 7th grade going so far buddy? did you enjoy your day off yesterday?

>> No.8987804

Sam is a fucking idiot lmao

>> No.8987851

He must be very smart. He even carries a rubik's cube on his chest.

>> No.8989251

That bait. Don't project your cuckery on my merica.

>> No.8989255

Not an argument.