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/lit/ - Literature

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8978044 No.8978044 [Reply] [Original]

How do you feel about sex in literature?

>> No.8978064


>> No.8978065

For the most part, artless.

>> No.8978070

best when referred to, worst when described.

>> No.8978078

I like it
Bolaño does it pretty good desu, the first part of savage detectives gave me tons of boners

>> No.8978085

Fade-to-black still ends up being the most respectable.

Though someone like Heinlein does it right. Narration through sex breaks up the vulgarity.

>> No.8978087

It can be good if the author doesn't get too lewd.

>> No.8978095
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It's icky and gross and I hate it.

>> No.8978252

The act of sex in itself isn't very interesting in real life, only the motivations behind it. Which is why writers often come off so purple and histrionic when they try to attach significances to it in their fictions. Classic novelists weren't chafing under the restraints of a repressive era, they just had more important things to write about.

My favorite sex scene is in John O'Hara's Butterfield Eight. He does a Hemingway thing where, even though it happens within the course of the narration, not as a flashback, you have to read between the lines to find it; it's really neat.

>> No.8978268

I always loved colors as adjectives. They're so underused.

>> No.8978275

Go read some expressionist poetry

>> No.8978311

unneeded, look at manon lescaut, she literally cucks her boyfriend she loves multiple times and they even SET UP cucking scenarios to cheat rich guys out of money which end up going terribly wrong.

Then she gets sent to a french colony in america cause she's basically a prostitute. The whole book though is one of the most beautifully written in french history and sex, love, avarice, are some of the important underlying features of the book but nowhere is sex described once and it doesn't need to be.

sex is small time like other people mentioned, unless you're an erotic novelist it really is something that is nonessential to the book, even with prostitutes involved.

>> No.8978318

It's okay but it needs to be a pretty big book to fit us both

>> No.8978405

I don't mind reading about sex in literature. What really gets me is reading about characters falling madly in love, throwing away all their personal safety and risking everyting just to get some poon. It's something I just don't understand and I feel like I'm missing out sometimes. I've never seen a woman and thought "I'd do everything for her".

>> No.8978433

I'm the same way. I don't know what it is, but I love simple, sappy love stories: First Love by Turgenev, White Nights by Dostoyevsky, Goodbye Columbus by Philip Roth, Three Comrades by Erich Maria Remarque. I believe it was Chekhov (correct me if I'm wrong) who said that man and woman were the engine that drove a piece of fiction. It's a universal appeal: you don't necessarily have to have lived through it yourself to enjoy it. Great authors in particular are famous for being hapless around women in real life.

Never heard Manon Lescaut referenced as a piece of literature. I saw the opera once and was underwhelmed, is the book any good?

>> No.8978494
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In non-pornographic work, I hate it.
Makes me miserable and unhappy with my own sex life. Especially if it is feelsy sex, where the subjects engaged feel extreme happiness, derived from each others bodies (love?).
It's like being cucked by imaginary people and I hate it.

>> No.8978506

>being cucked by imaginay people

I like you anon

>> No.8978508

Books aren't comfortable, I prefer sex in bed.
Cheesy jokes aside it's great if done well, but I suppose that applies to most things.

>> No.8978569

Damn I love /lit sometimes.

Well said. Motivations are the bones of good writing.

>> No.8978584

/face plam

>> No.8978587

Agreed, but I don't even look or books where characters have healthy, romantic relationships. I can't identify with them and it makes me envious.

>> No.8978648
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>I've never seen a woman and thought "I'd do everything for her".

tfw experiencing this for the first time. She has a beautiful smile, bright red hair and a cute, high-pitched voice.
Just seeing her makes me so happy, I don't care if she notices me or not. Every time we talk she looks straight into my eyes and I'm complete smooth wax to her.
And it feels awful, awful to know that she's helplessly out of my league. I can't get anything done and nothing feels worthwhile while she exists near me and I'm alone.
I would truly do anything to make her care for me, it hurts in my throat and chest that I can't tell her how I feel in the right way. That my love is unconditional and that all I need in this world is her acceptance.

I know, >>>/r9k/ but I felt like this was on subject

>> No.8978663

The only facepalm is you not understanding how comedy works

>> No.8978669

>>I'm the same way. I don't know what it is, but I love simple, sappy love stories
I think you misunderstood me. I don't love sappy love stories. They confuse me. Take Anna Karenina or Madame Bovary as an example. You have two women who have a pretty comfortable life. Yet they throw it all away for sex. I just don't understand it. Same with many male characters in Russian novels. They just have this self-destructive tendency for "passion" which I just can't understand.

>> No.8978677

>I can't identify with them and it makes me envious

Or is it so that you precisely identified with them but the emerging envy was too much for you to bear, so you constructed a wall in your mind and seeked other pleasures.
Yet, when you find yourself reading romantic material you still feel the envy.

>> No.8978678

You love an image of her you've built in your head, which will forever bar you from ever having her. In reality, you dehumanize her by removing her right to be flawed and human

>> No.8978690

That's okay, anon, most great books are about doomed love anyway.

>> No.8978694

Well said.

>> No.8978702
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>> No.8978723
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>"Gary, so stinky."

>> No.8978744

>They just have this self-destructive tendency for "passion" which I just can't understand.

Why would anyone want to climb mount everest?

serious question

>> No.8978898

thanks for another reminder why I stay in my house and don't talk to people.

>> No.8978913

i like how her name changes throughout.

>> No.8978931

You made me feel for a second, but I don't think I'm dehumanizing her. Just because she seems to be above everyone else doesn't mean that she isn't a flawed human being. I know she is a rather shallow person and so on, but it doesn't matter to me.
I know that I don't know her very well, but one thing for me is for sure: my idea of her is less than she really is. She has the right to be anything, I'm a hopeless romantic

>> No.8978961

I usually fade to black and end a scene with the heavy implication of it about to happen, I only put one sex scene in my story because of the way it happened I felt like dedicating a paragraph to it.

I got compliments on how it was decent erotica but I am still paranoid that it will be way too obvious I have never been in a relationship or had sex in my life.

Write what you know.....

>> No.8978964

honestly? reee

>> No.8978965

Usually serves no real purpose and is pretty uncomfortable to read. Sometimes its necessary though

>> No.8978971

>is pretty uncomfortable to read.

really? i get this from movie sex scenes but usually not the ones in books. it's watching sex scenes in movies with other people, that is uncomfortable. But even mediocre sex scenes in books are sometimes decent fap material. In the case of that one Halo book it was the only reason I didn't hate reading it.

>> No.8979200

did you upvote him too?

>> No.8979235


>> No.8979508

>Classic novelists weren't chafing under the restraints of a repressive era
Yes there were.

>the act of sex isn't interesting
Yes it is. Why is it classy to describe the aesthetics of a beautiful sunset, but not classy to describe the beautiful aesthetics of a peni in vagoogoo?

>> No.8979890

That has to be the worse euphemism for vagina I've ever seen.

>> No.8979898

I tend to skip it

>> No.8979916

I'm reading gravity's rainbow and I have to stop and masturbate once every 10 pages.

I'm all about efficiency though, so I've been using my cum as my bookmark. If I can't open the page, I know I've read it before.

Working pretty well so far.

>> No.8980081

Sounds like a good candidate for any "leave a book and take a book" shelves while travelling.

>> No.8980835
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Like this

>> No.8981746

>the beautiful aesthetics of a peni in vagoogoo?
Because there's absolutely nothing beautiful or aesthetic about it.

Fun, yes. Pretty, no.

(btw, I can only assume you're using baby language because you're a virgin and/or horribly repressed.)

>> No.8981789


too many paper cuts

>> No.8981843
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i dont know why i appreciate this so much, and yet, i do

>> No.8981892
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>being cucked by imaginary people


>> No.8981897

That is a good fucking line.

>> No.8981901
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It gives me solid boners.

>> No.8981904
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>If I can't open the page, I know I've read it before.
>I've been using my cum as my bookmark.

>> No.8982039

Anon, I...

>> No.8982050
File: 227 KB, 1252x1252, Wicket W Warrick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i can never resist reading porn reviews, explicit fanfictions, cheesy fetishist short stories and such
i like it awkward, campy and over the top

>> No.8982081

>It's like being cucked by imaginary people
This is actually my problem with fictitious sex scenes too

>> No.8982666
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If they can measure up to this, it's good.

>> No.8982711

>there is nothing aesthetic about sex

>> No.8982870

What book is that from

>> No.8982900

Yeah, it can be confusing though. Shakespeare uses green to mean jealous, game of thrones overuses green to mean inexperienced or young. Lovecraft uses it to mean whatever makes you the most s-s-scared.

>> No.8983160

Like Hitchcock felt about violence: It should happen off-screen (Rear Window), or in shadow (Psycho). The main thing is, like horrible violence, we all have our fantasies and our experiences. Explaining sex in lurid detail takes away the boost that fantasy gives, and is always in danger of seeming unreal. So, the implication is good -- sometimes the vivid implication (Rubyfruit Jungle). But too much begins to be off-putting, I think, in that the reader is made more of a voyeur than a particiapnt.

>> No.8983241
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>Luke, did I ever tell you about the Anal Cannon? The Anal Cannon is loaded when a funnel is placed into an asshole, and the 2nd whore pukes into it. After the ass is filled with puke, a cock then fucks it until the pressure is all built up. After the Asshole has been fucked hard enough, the cock is pulled out and the Anal cannon explodes! To top it all off, ass to mouth occurs, with both ladies licking off the fresh mix of vomit and ass for the ultimate anal dessert! They were good friends.

>> No.8983251

>Why is it classy to describe the aesthetics of a beautiful sunset,

It isn't, thats kitsch

>> No.8983253

Why the fuck are you forcing these star wars memes on this board? Last night it was the Ewok, now Ben?

>> No.8983449

slow night on /his/

>> No.8983465


>> No.8983481

I really liked the niece/nephew sex scene in 100 Years of Solitude. I really liked all the sex scenes in that book, they felt so raw and charged yet fleeting. And I liked how they all kind of came at the end of the book. Fulfilling

>> No.8984848
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It depends on the author, but even if they can't write a sex scene for shit it can effectively drive a point.

This guy though, I think he saw it as a meme and wrote a few books to let everyone know.

>> No.8984915

My diary bae.

>> No.8984931

>At night when I look at Boris' goatee lying on the pillow I get hysterical. O Tania, where now is that warm cunt of yours, those fat, heavy garters, those soft, bulging thighs? There is a bone in my prick six inches long. I will ream out every wrinkle in your cunt, Tania, big with seed. I will send you home to your Sylvester with an ache in your belly and your womb turned inside out. Your Sylvester! Yes, he knows how to build a fire, but I know how to inflame a cunt. I shoot hot bolts into you, Tania, I make your ovaries incandescent. Your Sylvester is a little jealous now? He feels something, does he? He feels the remnants of my big prick. I have set the shores a little wider. I have ironed out the wrinkles. After me you can take on stallions, bulls, rams, drakes, St. Bernards. You can stuff toads, bats, lizards up your rectum. You can shit arpeggios if you like, or string a zither across your navel. I am fucking you, Tania, so that you'll stay fucked. And if you are afraid of being fucked publicly I will fuck you privately. I will tear off a few hairs from your cunt and paste them on Boris' chin. I will bite into your clitoris and spit out two franc pieces...

It's good.

>> No.8985774

Is this Tropic of Capricorn? Because I junked that novel at around page 50. Just a self-conscious shock-fest, calculated to gain notoriety.

>> No.8985845
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no no no NO NO NO NO NO!!!

>> No.8985849

post excerpts

>> No.8985856

>"You know, in some states you need a license to carry this heavy weaponry." I said, grabbing my crotch.
>"Oh yeah? Well why don't you put your penis where my vagina is?" She said.
>I grab my rock hard dick and slam it into her Dr Scholl's gel insert soft pussy. She moans like Casper the Friendly Ghost as her wet
cunt squeezes like a respectable handshake on my cock.
>"I'm gonna shoot my goo!" I tell her, ready to blow my load.
>"Do it! Pour your enriched uranium into my nuclear reactor!" She shouted like an NFL referee, minge quivering like tectonic plates on my dingaling.

>> No.8986005

I hate it when you can absolutely tell the author wrote it one handed.

GRRM and Frank Herbert's sex scenes are totally like this, you can tell because the quality of the prose declines, as if the blood was rushing out of their brains and into their dicks.

>> No.8986042

Sex scenes are very awkward I find.

>> No.8986067

>being cucked by imaginary people

this man is a hero

>> No.8986314
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can you make a star wars version plz?
for research purpose

>> No.8986581
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No need, anon. I'll just give you a summary.

It's a novel about a woman who married her own son after he went back in time (as an adult) and fucked her during the year he was seven years old.

>> No.8986762

I feel pretty gay if a man has written it, to find oneself being turned on by the written thoughts of another cockowner just makes me feel awkward. That and it's always a little bit cringey reading an introverts fantasies.